
To include real BIOS, place "bios.min" on the emulator's directory.
When no "bios.min" is present, emulator will use Pokemon-Mini FreeBIOS.

Supported multicarts

Type 0 - Disabled (Commercial, Prototype)
Read only

Type 1 - Normal 512KB Flash (AM29LV040B)
Read, Erase, Write, Banking and Manufacturer ID

Type 2 - Lupin's 512KB Flash (AM29LV040B)
Read, Erase, Write, Banking and Manufacturer ID


Debugger, SDL & Win32 Platforms

Default Keys:

Pokémon-Mini PC Keys
D-PAD Left Arrow Left
D-PAD Right Arrow Right
D-PAD Up Arrow Up
D-PAD Down Arrow Down
Key A Keyboard X
Key B Keyboard Z
Key C Keyboard S or C
Power Button Keyboard E
Shock Detector Keyboard A
UI Menu Keyboard Esc

F9 will capture the screen and save as "snap_(sequence number).bmp"

F10 can toggle between Fullscreen and Windowed.

F11 will disable/enable speed throttle

TAB can be hold to temporary disable speed throttle

NDS - Nintendo DS

Default Keys:

Pokémon-Mini NDS Keys
D-PAD Left D-PAD Left
D-PAD Right D-PAD Right
D-PAD Down D-PAD Down
Key A Key A
Key B Key B
Key C Shoulder R
Power Button Start
Shock Detector Shoulder L
UI Menu Select

PSP - PlayStation Portable

Default Keys:

Pokémon-Mini PSP Keys
D-PAD Left D-PAD Left
D-PAD Right D-PAD Right
D-PAD Down D-PAD Down
Key A Circle
Key B Cross
Key C Shoulder R
Power Button Start
Shock Detector Shoulder L
UI Menu Select

WIZ - GP2x Wiz

Default Keys:

Pokémon-Mini Wiz Keys
D-PAD Left D-PAD Left
D-PAD Right D-PAD Right
D-PAD Down D-PAD Down
Key A Key B
Key B Key X
Key C Shoulder R
Power Button Select
Shock Detector Shoulder L
UI Menu Menu

DC - Dreamcast

Default Keys:

Pokémon-Mini DC Keys
D-PAD Left D-PAD Left or Joystick
D-PAD Right D-PAD Right or Joystick
D-PAD Up D-PAD Up or Joystick
D-PAD Down D-PAD Down or Joystick
Key A Key B
Key B Key A
Key C Shoulder R
Power Button Start
Shock Detector Shoulder L
UI Menu Key X

Dingux - Dingoo in Linux

Default Keys:

Pokémon-Mini Dingoo Keys
D-PAD Left D-PAD Left
D-PAD Right D-PAD Right
D-PAD Down D-PAD Down
Key A Key A
Key B Key B
Key C Shoulder R
Power Button Start
Shock Detector Shoulder L
UI Menu Select