Drives A: to P: are accepted in file specifications. Filenames in star commands may optionally be enclosed in quotes; unmatched quotes will cause a 'Bad string' error. The standard CP/M-80 'wild-cards' may be used when an ambiguous file specifier is acceptable.[drive:]filename.extension
drive: The single letter name (A to P) of the drive where the file will be found. The colon is mandatory. If the drive name is omitted, the currently logged-on drive is assumed. filename The name of the file. The length of the name must not exceed 8 characters. extension The optional extension of the file. If an extension is used it must be separated from the filename by a full-stop. If the extension is omitted, .BBC is assumed.
? Allow any single character in this position. If this is used as the last character in the name, a null character will be accepted. * Allow any character (including a null) from the position of the '*' to the end of the name or extension.
{} | The enclosed items may be repeated 0 or more times. |
[] | The items enclosed are optional, they may occur zero or one time. |
num | A numeric constant. |
str | A string constant. |
<num> | A numeric variable. |
<str> | A string variable. |
afsp | An ambiguous file specifier. |
ufsp | An unambiguous file specifier. |
d: | A disk drive name. |
dir | A directory name. |
|A gives ^A. |a gives lower-case A. |? gives Del. |" gives the quote marks ". || gives the escape character |. |! sets bit 7 of the following character.