* Not applicable to BBC BASIC (Z80)
No Error No Error 1 Out of range 2 * 3 * 4 Mistake 5 Missing , 6 Type mismatch 7 No FN 8 * 9 Missing " 10 Bad DIM 11 DIM space 12 Not LOCAL 13 No PROC 14 Array 15 Subscript 16 Syntax error 17 Escape 18 Division by zero 19 String too long 20 Too big 21 -ve root 22 Log range 23 Accuracy lost 24 Exp range 25 * 26 No such variable 27 Missing ) 28 Bad HEX 29 No such FN/PROC 30 Bad call 31 Arguments 32 No FOR 33 Can't match FOR 34 FOR variable 35 * 36 No TO 37 * 38 No GOSUB 39 ON syntax 40 ON range 41 No such line 42 Out of DATA 43 No REPEAT 44 * 45 Missing #
No Error No Error 190 Directory full 192 Too many open files 196 File exists 198 Disk full 200 Close error 204 Bad name 214 File not found 222 Channel 253 Bad string 254 Bad command 255 CP/M error
Strictly speaking 'Bad program' does not have an error code. It leaves ERR and ERL unchanged.
No room RENUMBER space Silly LINE space Sorry Bad program Failed at nnn
Accuracy lost |
23 |
Arguments |
31 |
Array |
14 |
Bad call |
30 |
Bad command |
254 |
Bad DIM |
10 |
DIM table(20,-10)
Bad HEX |
28 |
&OF instead of &0F
Bad name |
204 |
Bad string |
253 |
Can't match FOR |
33 |
Channel |
222 |
Close error |
200 |
DIM space |
11 |
DIM A% -2
Directory full |
190 |
Disk full |
198 |
Division by zero |
18 |
200 IF divisor=0 THEN PROC_error ELSE...
Escape |
17 |
Exp range |
24 |
The following example:
would renumber as:100 REM Demonstration renumber fail program 110 GOTO 250 120 END
and generate the error message 'Failed at 20'.10 REM Demonstration renumber fail program 20 GOTO 250 30 END
File exists |
196 |
File not found |
214 |
FOR variable |
34 |
20 FOR name$=1 TO 20 20 FOR 10=1 TO 20
Log range |
22 |
Missing , |
5 |
20 PRINT TAB(10 5)
Missing " |
9 |
10 name$="Douglas
Missing ) |
27 |
10 PRINT SQR(num
Missing # |
45 |
Mistake |
4 |
-ve root |
21 |
90 num=-20 100 root=SQR(num)
38 |
No FN |
7 |
No FOR |
32 |
13 |
43 |
No such FN/PROC |
29 |
No such line |
41 |
No such variable |
26 |
10 count=0 20 name$=""
No TO |
36 |
12 |
ON range |
40 |
10 num=4 20 ON num GOTO 100,200,300 10 num=4 20 ON num GOTO 100,200,300 ELSE 1000
ON syntax |
39 |
20 ON x TIME=0
Out of DATA |
42 |
Out of range |
1 |
String too long |
19 |
Subscript |
15 |
10 DIM test(10) 20 test(-4)=20 30 test(30)=10
Syntax error |
16 |
Too big |
20 |
Too many open files |
192 |
Type mismatch |
6 |