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Model B-3777-200ER Starliner
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Scott W. Bell / Starship Dynamics
The Boeing B-3777 luxury starliner is a cooperative venture between Boeing Aerospace of Earth and Shi'Kahr Engineering of Vulcan. While her main hull is designed and built at Boeing's orbital facility above Earth, the coleopteric warp drive and engineering section are designed and built on Vulcan. At approximately 444 meters (1,457 ft.), the B-3777 is nearly twice the length of an average Federation cruiser-class starship. Its size makes the B-3777 an incredibly flexible multipurpose spaceframe - it has been adapted for private yachts, and long-haul cargo ships. The B-3777-250C is a mainstay on the primary routes of both UPS and Federation Express. The Federation Council has even contracted with Boeing and Shi'Kahr to adapt the design to serve as the Federation President's personal craft, Starfleet One.
About these schematics: This high-quality packet consists of five external views plus detailed cross-section on six 11"x17" sheets.
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