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Latest Updates to Cygnus-X1.Net: A Tribute to Star Trek
January 11th, 2021
Screencaps and detailed episode guide for Discovery's third season are now online. You can access both via this
August 23rd, 2020
The new episode guide for Season 7 of TNG is now
ONLINE. Additionally, work on the collection of Star Trek feature film screen captures has begun. The index for this collection is available
August 18th, 2020
High Definition screecaps from the seventh and final season of
The Next Generation are now online
HERE (Nearly 6,500 screencaps in all!). The new episode guide for Season 7 of TNG will be online soon.
July 14th, 2020
Created the episode pages for the upcoming animated series
Star Trek: Lower Decks. Also included around 80 screencaps from the Season 1 trailer. Expect extensive updates to these pages leading up to and during the premiere of this new Star Trek series.
June 23rd, 2020
High Definition screecaps from the sixth season of
The Next Generation are now online
HERE (Over 6,200 screencaps in all!). The new episode guide for Season 6 of TNG will be online soon. Work on Season 7 as well as preliminary work on all seven seasons of Deep Space Nine is already underway.
March 10th, 2020
High Definition screecaps from the fifth season of
The Next Generation are now online
HERE (Over 6,200 screencaps in all!). Additionally, the new episode guide for Season 5 of TNG is also now available
HERE. Work on Season 6 will begin shortly.
January 21st, 2020
Pages for the upcoming
Star Trek: Picard have been created, including the
Episode List and
Screencap Index. Pages for each individual episode will be uploaded as the series progresses. At this time, episode details and screencaps for the untitled Episode 1 are also available.
December 30th, 2019
The final update of 2019 contains numerous new items, including High Definition screecaps from the fourth season of
The Next Generation (Online
HERE.)as well as a new episode guide for Season 4 of TNG, available
HERE. Work on Season 5 will commence shortly. I've also uploaded several new updates to the
Blueprints section of the site. Check out the
Blueprints Update page for all of the details.
An episode guide section for the upcoming
Star Trek: Picard has been created
HERE. Complete episode details, screencaps, cast information, and more will be uploaded each week during
Star Trek: Picard's inaugural season.
Happy New Year, all, and as always, enjoy-
November 27th, 2019
High Definition screecaps from the third season of
The Next Generation are now online
HERE (Over 5,700 screencaps in all!). Additionally, the new episode guide for Season 3 of TNG is also now available
HERE. Work on Season 4 is now underway, as well as many more updates to the Blueprints section of the site.
November 15th, 2019
High Definition screecaps from the second season of
The Next Generation are now online
HERE (Nearly 4,500 screencaps in all!). Additionally, the new episode guide for Season 2 of TNG is also now available
HERE. Work on Season 3 is now underway, as well as many more updates to the Blueprints section of the site.
October 28th, 2019
High Definition screecaps from the first season of
The Next Generation are now online
HERE (Nearly 4,800 screencaps in all!). Additionally, the new episode guide for Season 1 of TNG is also now available
HERE. Work on Season 2 is now underway, as well as additional updates to the Blueprints section of the site.
September 9th, 2019
After spending the last couple of months uploading numerous updates to the
Blueprints section of the site, I'm now returning to working on updating the Screencaps section of the site. Up first is Season 1 of
The Next Generation, which can be viewed
July 21st, 2019
Two new episode pages have been created. The first is for the Second Season of
Short Treks, which includes the episode titles for each of Season Two's six episodes. Also, given the new information on the next animated series, I've also created an episode guide for the first season of
Star Trek: Lower Decks which includes images and information on all of the major characters. 10 episodes have been announced for the first season of Lower Decks, however episode titles are yet to be released. Expect more information on Lower Decks once the series airs later in 2020.
July 12th, 2019
The New Episode Summary and Screencaps for both seasons of
The Animated Series has been completed. Links for each new page are below:
Star Trek: The Animated Series - Season One Episode Guide
Star Trek: The Animated Series - Season One Screencap Index
Star Trek: The Animated Series - Season Two Episode Guide
Star Trek: The Animated Series - Season Two Screencap Index
Working on The Next Generation is next, along with more Blueprint updates coming very soon...
July 1st, 2019
Working on the Screencaps Section and the New Episode Summary for the first season of The Animated Series has now begun. You can access the index for the new Episode Summary via this LINK while the Screencaps for the Animated Series is accessible via this LINK.
June 25th, 2019
Screencaps and the New Episode Summary for the third and final season of The Original Series have now been uploaded. Overall, there are over 4,100 high-definition screencaps from Season Three which include all of the remastered special effects. In the new Episode Summary section, individual pages for each episode are now available with synopses, expanded cast details, a sampling of the screencaps, and more.
You can access the index for the new Episode Summary via this LINK.
Screencap work on The Animated Series will begin shortly, but first I have numerous new updates for the Blueprints section of the site, so make sure to head over to the main Blueprints Page to check them all out.
June 1st, 2019
Screencaps and the New Episode Summary for the second season of The Original Series have now been uploaded. Overall, there are over 4,508 high-definition screencaps from Season Two which include all of the remastered special effects. In the new Episode Summary section, individual pages for each episode are now available with synopses, expanded cast details, a sampling of the screencaps, and more.
You can access the index for the new Episode Summary via this LINK while the Second Season Screencap Index is available HERE.
On to Season Three and the glory of Spock's Brain, And the Children Shall Lead and, of course, The Way To Eden! :)
May 3rd, 2019
Both Screencaps and the New Episode Summary for the first season of The Original Series have now been uploaded. Overall, there are over 4,850 high-definition screencaps from Season One which include all of the remastered special effects. In the new Episode Summary section, individual pages for each episode are now available with synopses, expanded cast details, a sampling of the screencaps, and more.
You can access the Index for the new Episode Summary via this LINK while the First Season Screencap Index is available HERE.
On to Season Two!
April 24th, 2019
Screencaps for The Original Series are now being uploaded. You can check them out HERE. Much, much more to come!
April 9th, 2019
High-definition screencaps for every episode of Star Trek: Discovery, more than 2,600 in all, are now online. These screencaps were carefully selected from each episode, highlighting the story and key scenes. Once Discovery ends its second season, I will begin to back-fill screencaps beginning with TOS, and then moving forward chronologically through every series and episode. The main Star Trek Screencap index page can be accessed HERE. More to come!
March 24th, 2019
The Episodes & Movies section of the site is currently under going a significant update, starting with the Star Trek: Discovery section. The change? High-Defintion screen captures from every episode. And not just a couple random images but dozens upon dozen of screen captures from every episode. I'm currently back-filling all of Season 1 with hundreds of images, while keeping up with Season 2 each week. Eventually, once both seasons of Discovery have been updated, I will be going back to the beginning - with TOS - and creating all-new pages for every episode where complete details (cast, summary, etc.) will be housed alongside the the collection of screen captures. And then, we'll move on to every series and movie.
Obviously a change of this magnitude will take time to complete, but it'll be worth it in the end. And, of course, numerous updates to the Blueprints section of the site are continuing on almost a weekly basis.
February 26th, 2019
Despite not recently listing updates to this page, there have been plenty of updates and changes to the site. I've continued to post detailed episode summaries from the second season of Discovery which now include dozens of HD screen captures, detailed episode summaries, episode posters, and more. See all of the Season 2 information HERE.
I've also secured dozens of new blueprints and technical manuals which will make their way on to the site throughout the next few months. Keep an eye on changes by accessing the Blueprints Updates page.
I'm also still working, when time permits, to bring the Book dB up to date. More to come...
September 29th, 2018
Created pages for the upcoming Star Trek Short Treks series. You can access them via this LINK.
February 6th, 2018
The new site layout has now been rolled out to all of the Blueprint Pages.
Now with that task behind me, I'll be spending time (after Discovery heads into hiatus) adding some new blueprints to the site, and continuing to update the Books database as well.
November 28th, 2017
The new site layout has now been rolled out to all of the Star Trek Book Pages. Work has also begun on converting all of the Blueprint Pages as well.
If you haven't done so yet, please check out all of the episode pages for Star Trek: Discovery which include complete information on all of the episodes to date, as well as fantastic episode posters.
September 14th, 2017
With the impending launch of the new series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY, I've begun to incorporate (yet another) new layout to the website. This streamlined layout will be far more responsive and mobile-friendly. At this time, the changes have been incorporated to all of the Episode Pages. Conversion of the Book and Blueprints pages will begin shortly.
Additionally, I've created the initial Episode List page for Star Trek: Discovery, which can be accessed HERE. Individual episode pages will be created each week as the series progresses through its first season...and beyond.
Enjoy the new look, everyone. Live long...
September 1st, 2016
"A whole new approach..." With Star Trek celebrating its 50th anniversary, and this site going along for the ride for the past twelve of those 50 years, I decided - at long last - to refresh the look and feel of the site. Gone is the outdated and inconsistent LCARS approach (though I will remember it fondly). I've now incorporated a more streamline - and page-consistent - layout to the site.
Since the Star Trek side of Cygnus-X1.Net is made up of over 500 individual pages, the site design will be rolled out in phases. The entire Episodes database has been completed, while the primary book and blueprints index sections are online as well. I hope to have the remaining pages completed within the next month or so. But the layout isn't the only change to the site.
We'll obviously have a section for the new series, Star Trek: Discovery, where episode listings, synopsis, reviews, and user comments will be made available. I also plan to begin updates on the Book database as well. And, of course, updates to the Blueprints section will continue as much as possible.
I hope you enjoy the new looks. Live long...
April 2nd, 2015
Uploaded a new set of blueprints of the Miranda Class Vessel. These 18 prints are presented in ultra-high-resolution (10,000 pixels wide) and have been in development over the past two years. Click HERE to view them.
February 5th, 2013
With the majority of the blueprints now completed (I do have a few here and there that I will add) I've added a section for the upcoming movie Star Trek Into Darkness in the Episodes Guide section of the site. More to come!
December 9th, 2011
Numerous blueprint updates will be hitting the site over the course of December and into January of next year. A few are already online. Check out the latest blueprint updates HERE. Enjoy-
March 18th, 2011
Just a quick note to point out that Cygnus-X1.Net is now fully connected and integrated with both Facebook and Twitter. Most pages throughout the site, along with many news and update items, will have both Facebook 'Like/Recommend' buttons along with a Twitter 'Tweet' button. In addition, you can now follow along with all site news, updates and more via the official Cygnus-X1.Net Facebook Group and Twitter Feed. Thanks for everyone's support in extending the reach of Cygnus-X1.Net beyond the confines of the home url :)
June 12th, 2010
Hello again, everyone. Yes, I'm back. Actually, I never left but I did decide at the beginning of the year to take a modest sabbatical from the Star Trek section of the site.
But while I haven't been posting updates, I've been working in the background to prepare a record number of updates -- and hopefully not just to the Blueprints section of the site. That's right - it's time for changes to the Book database as well!
In any case, I wanted to reach out and let you all know that your patience is about to be rewarded...Updates are just around the corner...
January 11th, 2010
Happy New Years, Everyone! Unfortunately these past few months have been somewhat difficult as I've been recovering from a major computer crash where a lot of the new work on the site was lost, hence the lack of updates over the past couple of months. But I'm almost back to 100% which means new updates will be arriving soon. Thanks for your patience and patronage to the site. Enjoy 2010!
May 8th, 2009
As today is the official release of feature film "Star Trek" (XI), I've added a synopsis and comment section of the movie in the Episodes/Movies section of the site. I hope you take the time to add your own comment about the film. I'll be adding my own review of the film once I digest it a little more.
In other news, I'd like to thank all of you who voted for this site in the Annual Starbase Adran Omega Award poll. It was with your help that Cygnus-X1.Net took home the 2009 Omega Award! So thank you for all who voted for the nice. It means a lot to me, especially considering the caliber of sites who were also in the running.
Finally, and also in connection with the release of "Star Trek" today, I plan on posting updates to the Blueprints section of the site weekly for the next 2 months (if not more). The first update will go up later this weekend and will contain the first schematics of the new Enterprise - so stay tuned.
Enjoy the movie, everyone...
February 22nd, 2009
Greetings, everyone. It's been a while since I posted an update to this "updates" section of the site, even though I've been making some small changes over the months. However today's update to the Star Trek Blueprints section of the site is worthy of mention here. I've just completed modifying and uploading the first set of Interactive Enterprise Deck Plans. These plans, which are based upon the research and published works of Franz Joseph and designed by Lawrence Miller gives you an interactive, deck-by-deck guide of the original U.S.S. Enterprise.
In other news, the site won another award last September and is in the running for the Starbase Adran Omega Award for 2009 (see: LINK).
Finally, in connection with the upcoming Star Trek movie, I'll be making additional enhancements to the site leading up to the movie's premiere. I hope you enjoy the updates.
June 1st, 2008
Today marks the 4th anniversary of the Cygnus-X1.Net site. It's somewhat hard to believe at how quickly these past four years have gone by and how much the site has evolved over that period. It went from a small site which housed some pictures of my family and a mini-personal blog and grew into an enormous resource for Star Trek and Rush fans alike. So, here we are: 4 years, 1.5 million visitors and 7 million page views later and still going strong.
As many of you know, this past year was among the most difficult for the site as well. It suffered not one, but two massive attacks back in April which infected each and every page of the site with MalWare. Subsequently, many visitors to the site during that period were also attacked with the MalWare infection. I spent days restoring the site and plugging the hole which caused the security breach in the first place. During that time, I seriously considered shutting down the site permanently. The attack was that discouraging to me.
But through the kindness and encouragement of many visitors and fellow webmasters, I stayed the course, got the site up and running and now I'm happy that we're entering our 5th year of service. There's still some fall-out from the attack, most notably the lack of family pictures on the site. But I am working that issue and hope to have it resolved shortly.
In the mean time, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support over the past 4 years. I'm glad you've all found something worthwhile in this little corner of the internet. Thank you all and on to Year #5
April 21st, 2008
Greetings everyone. I wanted to take a moment out to inform you of a situation which arose last week. On or about April 13th, this site was viciously attacked with MalWare. Every HTML and PHP page on Cygnus-X1.Net was infected. After the infection occurred, many visitors to the site were also infected with this MalWare. Shortly thereafter, Google blacklisted Cygnus-X1.Net which effectively cut off over half of the visitors to the site. Over the next day, I feverishly worked to restore the site, cleaning every page and file of the infection - no small task I assure you. I then spent time identifying how this attack occurred in the first place to insure it wouldn't happen again. As it turns out, a security flaw in my installation of Coppermine Photo Gallery allowed the attackers to perform this act. I updated my copy of Coppermine to the latest version available and, shortly thereafter, the site was attacked again, albeit not as successfully as the first time. That attack was also permitted by continued security flaws in Coppermine which has now led me to remove that script altogether.
I want to apologize to any visitors who were impacted by this attack. It pained me to think that some of you may have contracted a virus or trojan as a direct result of browsing my site. Because of that, I seriously considered throwing in the towel and taking down the site permanently. I would rather throw away 4 years of work then provide an outlet for infecting other computers. Fortunately, with the assistance of my service provider, the help of Geek Squad, and the support of many visitors, most notably David Bradley, I've decided to keep Cygnus-X1.Net going. The site is absolutely clean of any viruses, trojans and/or MalWares and I will no longer install any scripts that may allow for such an attack in the future.
Again, my sincerest apologies to all of you who were impacted by this unfortunate event. Look for updates, news and other additions to the site to resume immediately.
Thanks for your support, everyone.
February 15th, 2008
Thanks to many of you who have been emailing me and wondering when the site will get its next round of updates :) Glad to know that there are those out there who enjoy this site. So, I do have to apologize for the sparse activity on the site over the past couple of months. With the holidays and life in general taking up most of my free time, it's been difficult to find the time to get some "site" work done.
Rest assured that I'm still collecting Star Trek books and will have a massive update made to that section of the site soon. I'm also preparing to join the Star Trek XI Movie webmasters association so as to offer up some great content on the upcoming Star Trek XI movie. Finally, I have plenty of more blueprint updates coming as well...assuming my scanner is up to the task. Again, thanks for everyone's patience - and look for updates in the very near future.
June 1st, 2007
My apologies for the lack of updates to the Books and Episode section of the site. Most of my time, as many of you know, has been spent on updating the Blueprints section of the site, which has its own dedicated "Update" page. I do have many new books and new information to add to both the Books and Episodes sections, and I'll get to them in short order.
In other news, today, June 1st, marks the 3rd anniversary of Cygnus-X1.Net. In three years, the site has received over 860,000 visitors and 4 million page views. My sincere thanks to all of you for making the site a success over the years.
December 10th, 2006
Hard to believe how time flies. In a blink of an eye, the summer and fall of 2006 shot by. Most of my 'site' attention over the past few months has been dedicated to the Rush section of Cygnus-X1 as I went through a complete overhaul of that section. Now that it is complete, I can turn my attention back to the Star Trek side of the equation. Work has begun on the scanning of many new blueprints, and nearly two dozen new books are in the process of being added to the main database. I'll probably wait until after the holidays before posting the books since I tend to receive a plethora of Amazon gift certificates during the holidays which, of course, translates into Star Trek books :) But some additons to the blueprints site will take place in the very near future.
Actually, some changes to the Gilso Schematics has just been made. The illustrator of the DY-100 Series (Botany Bay) prints, Kevin Willcocks, recently contacted me about his drawings. He indicated that there were some updates to several sheets that he wanted to share. So thanks to Kevin for providing the updates which appear exclusively on this site.
Until the next update, Happy Holidays, all.
July 31st, 2006
Just a quick update this time around. A few new blueprints have been scanned and uploaded which are "outside" the norm so to speak. The Vulcan Harp Construction Plans and the Deep Space Nine Concept Drawings and Blueprints aren't exactly Starship drawings, but they do fall under the broader spectrum of 'Star Trek Blueprints'. More scans will be coming in the next few weeks with a special appearance for the first time anywhere of the Constellation-Class blueprints (i.e. the Stargazer)
I've also added a new section to the books database which lists all all new and future Star Trek books that are being published. Links to Amazon are available for each title which will provide you with additional information on the titles as well as ordering and pre-ordering instructions. Remember, clicking through to Amazon from anywhere on Cygnus-X1.Net helps to support our operations.
That's it now. As always, thanks for stopping by.
July 14th, 2006
As the hot summer months descend upon us, I thought it a prime time to settle in on another update. First things first: In the Books section, you'll now notice a new categorization method which will hopefully make it easier for you to find the title and/or type of book that you're looking for. I'm also slowly working on adding in the Publisher information for every book - but this will take some time. I've added another 15 titles to the database, bringing the total number of books online to 1,389. See the list of new books below.
In the Episodes Database, full user-comments capabilities have been added so please do make use of them.
The Blueprints section of the site is about to see some new scans shortly, and some adjustments to existing scans. Some of you may have noticed the changes on the official Star Trek Blueprints, The Star Trek: The Motion Picture Blueprints and The Star Trek: The Next Generation Blueprints pages. At the request of Paramount and CBS Studios (the owners of Star Trek), I was asked to remove the links to the high-resolution scans. But I'm hoping to re-introduce altered scans in the future that satisfy both Paramount and you, the user.
That's all for now. Enjoy the summer...
New Books Added Since Last Update
Title: Warpath -- Author(s): David Mack
Title: Last Full Measure -- Author(s): Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels
Title: Summon the Thunder -- Author(s): Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
Title: The Literary Galaxy of Star Trek: An Analysis of References and Themes in the Television Series and Films -- Author(s): James F. Broderick
Title: Charting the Undiscovered Country: The Making of Trek VI -- Author(s): Mark Altman, Ron Magid, and Edward Gross
Title: Star Trek: The Key Collection: Volume 5 -- Author(s): Mark Thompson, publishing editor
Title: Star Trek Journal -- Author(s): uncredited
Title: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Script -- Author(s): Nicholas Meyer, Denny Martin Flinn & Leonard Nimoy
Title: Paladin Class Scout/Destroyer Blueprints -- Author(s): Temporal Graphics
Title: Deep Space Nine Concept Drawings & Blueprints -- Author(s): Rick Sternbach
Title: MacPherson Class Heavy Transport General Plans & Specifications -- Author(s): Patrick Lichty
Title: Perimeter Action Ships: Markings & Insignia: Akyazi - Arbiter - Akula -- Author(s): Todd Guenther
Title: Avenger Class Heavy Frigate General Plans -- Author(s): Michael C. Rupprecht
Title: Regula 1 Space Laboratory -- Author(s): Lawrence Miller
Title: Starbase 79 Blueprints -- Author(s): Lawrence Miller
June 1st, 2006
Today, June 1st 2006, marks the second anniversary of the Cygnus-X1.Net site. In that time, the site has received over 325,000 visitors, displayed over 1.7 millions pages of data and has transferred well over a terrabyte of data. Here's to all the Star Trek fans out there who have helped to make this site a success.
In other news, within the next week, a few more books will be added to the list including some of the recent releases from Pocket Books. Additionally, a number of new blueprint scans will be added shortly. I'm also working on adding the comments section to the Episode Database. I hope to have that online by the end of the month.
That's all for now. As always, thanks for stopping by.
April 15th, 2006
For those of us in the U.S.A., today is tax day. So what better way to celebrate it than getting out another update to the site. Actually, those of you who follow the exploits of this site, particularly the blueprints section, have seen a flurry of activity over the past couple of weeks. With over 650 blueprint sheets online (with more to come), it may be the largest single-source of Star Trek Blueprints and Schematics anywhere on the net.
And since I constantly (and appreciately) receive emails from many of you requesting that I scan certain sets "next", I've set up a poll in the Message Forums where you can vote on which of the remaining blueprint sets gets scanned in next. I'll let the poll continually run until the remaining blueprint sets are all scanned in for your viewing pleasure.
And don't forget, interactive comments are available on every book and every blueprint set, so please feel free to post your comments and/or thoughts as much as you wish.
The Books section of the dB has been updated with 14 more entries, bringing the total up to 1,374. The new additions are listed below which include some very interesting technical manuals.
That's all for now. As always, thanks for stopping by.
New Books Added Since Last Update
Title: String Theory: Evolution -- Author(s): Heather Jarman
Title: Missing in Action -- Author(s): Peter David
Title: Strange New Worlds 8 -- Author(s): Dean Wesley Smith, editor
Title: The Best of Dockyard Review: Volume Two: 2350-2390 -- Author(s): Chris Wallace
Title: Ships of the Star Fleet: Volume Four: Star Fleet Operating Forces -- Author(s): Chris Wallace
Title: Ships of the Star Fleet: Volume One: Cruiser -- Author(s): Chris Wallace
Title: Ships of the Star Fleet: Volume Three: Scouts and Escorts -- Author(s): Chris Wallace
Title: Ships of the Star Fleet: Volume Two: Patrol Combatants -- Author(s): Chris Wallace
Title: The Star Trek Enterprise Command Book -- Author(s): Hal Schuster
Title: The Star Trek Fan's Handbook -- Author(s): James Van Hise
Title: Book of Shuttlecraft Galileo Plans -- Author(s): L. Allen Everhart, Jr.
Title: Kobayashi Maru - Neutronic Fuel Carrier -- Author(s): Roger Sorensen
Title: Nebula Class Starship USS Nebula NCC-61795 Blueprints -- Author(s): Monte R. Johnjulio
Title: Enterprise: Issue 1 -- Author(s): Unknown
February 26th, 2006
Greetings again, everyone. There's been some exciting changes to the site over the past couple of weeks. In an attempt to add value to the data listed, I've decided to install an interactive comments section for every book, episode and blueprint that appears on the site. Now you, the user, can add in your own comments on every individual item that appears. At this point, all the books and scanned blueprints have comments installed. I'll be working on adding comments to each individual episode as well. It's my hope that, with this new feature, the site will become more interactive between users and additional content that I may not cover on any particular item can now be updated with your information. You don't need an account to enter in comments, and there's no limit to the number of comments you can post, so please take advantage of the system and add whatever relevant comments you see fit.
I've also add 4 more books/blueprints to the site since the last update, and I've added a few more scanned blueprints to the Blueprints section of the site.
That's it for now. Again, please take advantage of the interactive comments system. Thanks.
New Books Added Since Last Update
Title: Rosetta -- Author(s): Dave Stern
Title: Federation and Empires -- Author(s): John Peel
Title: U.S.S. Durance Class Cargo/Tug Blueprints -- Author(s): Todd Guenther
Title: Galaxy Class Blueprints -- Author(s): P. Lublin
January 29th, 2006
As promised, the site has now been updated with the latest books that I've obtained for my collection. In all, 48 new books and blueprints have been added to the database, bringing the grand total of books online to 1,356. A list of the new additions can be found below. On the blueprint front, well over 100 new blueprint sheets have recently been added, with another 100+ currently in the works. Check out the full list of blueprints in my collection, most of which will eventually be added to the blueprints database section, by clicking HERE.
In other news, the February edition of Esquire Magazine gave an acknowledgement to myself and the site for assisting their research department. Click on the magazine cover to read the acknowledgement.
Finally, the site has won a couple of recent awards, most notable from the now-defunct TrekPulse site. You can check out all of the awards won by this site by clicking HERE. That's all for now. As always, thanks for stopping by.
New Books Added Since Last Update
Title: Vulcan's Soul Book I: Exodus -- Author(s): Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz
Title: String Theory: Fusion -- Author(s): Kirsten Beyer
Title: The Red King -- Author(s): Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin
Title: Orion's Hounds -- Author(s): Christopher L. Bennett
Title: The Ultimate Trek Trivia Challenge for The Next Generation -- Author(s): James Hatfield and George "Doc" Burt
Title: The New Trek Program Guide -- Author(s): Paul Cornell, Martin Day, and Keith Topping
Title: The Trekker's Guide to Voyager: Complete, Unauthorized, and Uncensored -- Author(s): Hal Schuster
Title: The Trekker's Guide to Deep Space Nine: Complete, Unauthorized, and Uncensored -- Author(s): Hal Schuster
Title: The Trekker's Guide to The Next Generation: Complete, Unauthorized, and Uncensored -- Author(s): Hal Schuster
Title: Enterprise Incidents: The Technical Book of Science Fiction Films -- Author(s): John L. Flynn
Title: The Best of Dockyard Review: Volume One: 2290-2350 -- Author(s): Chris Wallace
Title: Artificial Life Possibilities : A Star Trek Perspective -- Author(s): Penny Baille-de Byl
Title: A Trekker's Guide to Collectibles with Price Guide (unauthorized) -- Author(s): Jeffrey B. Snyder
Title: Star Trek Fans and Costume Art -- Author(s): Heather R. Joseph-Witham
Title: To Boldly Go... The Star Trek Fan's Travel Guide -- Author(s): Jennifer Geoghan
Title: A Tribute to Walter Koenig: A Reference -- Author(s): Ruby Moon-Houldson
Title: The Making of Yesterday's Enterprise -- Author(s): Eric A. Stillwell
Title: Distant Shores -- Author(s): Marco Palmieri, editor.
Title: Star Trekker -- Author(s): Atelier Lana
Title: Star Trek Jokes and Various Humor of the Federation -- Author(s): Jennifer Geoghan
Title: Star Trek: The Key Collection: Volume 4 -- Author(s): Mark Thompson, publishing editor
Title: The Star Trek Files: Time Travel -- Author(s): Ed Gross
Title: The Star Trek Movie Files: The Voyage Home -- Author(s): Edward Gross
Title: Star Trek: Year Three -- Author(s): John Peel
Title: Star Trek: Year Two -- Author(s): John Peel
Title: Special Effects of Star Trek -- Author(s): James Van Hise
Title: The Star Trek Files 18: Wrath of Khan -- Author(s): John Peel
Title: Federation Travel Guide -- Author(s): Michael Jan Friedman
Title: Official Blueprints - Cargo/Tug Class Starships -- Author(s): Todd Guenther
Title: Booklet of General Plans U.S.S. Caracal CC-750 -- Author(s): Todd Guenther
Title: General Plans - Heavy Destroyer Class - U.S.S. Destroyat NCC-1100 -- Author(s): Michael Morrissette
Title: General Plans - S.S. Aurora Class Space Cruisers -- Author(s): Todd Guenther
Title: General Plans - U.S.S. Avenger Class -- Author(s): John Nielsen
Title: Klingon D-7 Class Battlecruiser 15MM Deck Plans -- Author(s): Unknown.
Title: U.S.S. Enterprise 15MM Deck Plans -- Author(s): Unknown.
Title: Klingon Scout Vessel -- Author(s): Lawrence Miller
Title: Specifications of the Hornet Class Starship -- Author(s): Larry Miller
Title: CargoShuttle General Plans -- Author(s): Dana E. Lubich
Title: Space Cruiser "Aurora" Tholian Space Vessel -- Author(s): David Winfrey
Title: Miranda Class Cruiser General Plans -- Author(s): Michael C. Rupprecht
Title: Ships of the Delta Triangle - Volume I - U.S.S. Skagerrak -- Author(s): Mark A. Wilson
Title: Ships of the Delta Triangle - Volume II - U.S.S. Aliquippa -- Author(s): Mark A. Wilson
Title: Klingon Defense Force Vessels - Nin'Toq Class Tactical Assault Ships -- Author(s): Mark A. Wilson
Title: General Plans and Specifications of the U.S.S. Hornet NCC-9700 -- Author(s): Lawrence Miller
Title: Federation Starship U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 -- Author(s): Monte R. Johnjulio
Title: Sovereign Class Federation Starship -- Author(s): Monte R. Johnjulio
Title: Starfleet Vessel Enterprise NX-01 -- Author(s): Monte R. Johnjulio
Title: Joshua Class Starship General Plans -- Author(s): Unknown
January 12th, 2006
Happy New Year Everyone! Apologies for the lack of updates to the site over the past couple of months. But that's about to change. I'm putting the finishing touches on adding over 30 new books to the Books Database and I'm about to make a major update to the Blueprints Database section of the site.
The new books should be online within the next week and new blueprints fill follow shortly after that. Finally, when time permits, I'll be revisiting the episode guide and entering in some additional reviews on various episodes from all the series.
Thanks for your patience - and for visiting.
September 10th, 2005
The latest update to the site, which has been on-going for the past month, is fairly sizeable. First off, I've added some 52 more "books" to the main database, bringing the grand total online to a whopping 1,308. However the vast majority of these new additions are blueprints, so I do use the term "books" somewhat loosely.
And speaking of Blueprints, the new Blueprints Database section has been a tremendous success. Visitors the world over have been viewing them and leaving me very flattering emails. It's nice to know the work I put into this site is appreciated. Look for many more blueprints to hit that section in the coming weeks and months.
As promised earlier this year, links to purchase nearly every book listed are now available for Amazon.Com (which is the preferred method as any purchases made via those links supports this site), Abebooks.Com and Bookfinder.Com. So if you find a book you like on this site, chances are you'll be able to make a copy your very own.
In other news, episode details on Enterprise's fourth season have been significantly expanded and I plan beginning the reviewing process of the first three seasons in the near future.
In other news, this site recently received two more awards of recognition from Adge's UK LCARS site and the extremely prestigious Award of Excellence from TrekPulse. Check out the awards section of this site for more information on both of these awards.
Finally, please visit the message forums and considering joining and posting. We're trying to get a nice community going. Plus, the next big Star Trek Book giveaway will be offered up to members first - all the more reason to join and post.
That's about it this time around. A list of the 52 new additions is below. Enjoy all.
New Books Added Since Last Update
Title: Articles of the Federation -- Author(s): Keith R.A. DeCandido
Title: String Theory: Cohesion -- Author(s): Jeffrey Lang
Title: Tales From The Captain's Table -- Author(s): Keith R.A. DeCandido, editor
Title: Harbinger -- Author(s): David Mack
Title: Masks -- Author(s): John Vornholt
Title: Q-In-Law -- Author(s): Peter David
Title: Spartacus -- Author(s): T. L. Mancour
Title: War Drums -- Author(s): John Vornholt
Title: Star Trek Log 6 -- Author(s): Alan Dean Foster
Title: Star Trek Log 8 -- Author(s): Alan Dean Foster
Title: Intrepid Class Starship Blueprints and Technical Guide -- Author(s): No Author Listed
Title: The World of Star Trek -- Author(s): David Gerrold
Title: Nova Trek -- Author(s): Helena Seabright
Title: Star Trek Reader's Reference to the Novels: 1984-1985 -- Author(s): Alva Underwood
Title: Star Trek: The Key Collection: Volume 3 -- Author(s): Mark Thompson, publishing editor
Title: Star Trek Log Five -- Author(s): Alan Dean Foster
Title: Star Trek Log Eight -- Author(s): Alan Dean Foster
Title: Star Trek Log Nine -- Author(s): Alan Dean Foster
Title: Star Trek Log Ten -- Author(s): Alan Dean Foster
Title: Star Trek Puzzle Book "Crosswords & Otherwords" -- Author(s): Jane McRae Nauman
Title: Book of Klingon Plans: D7 Class Battle Cruiser -- Author(s): Michael McMaster
Title: Space Station K-7 Blueprints - Revised -- Author(s): Kenneth Altman and Geoffrey Mandel
Title: Robot Cargo Ship Blueprints -- Author(s): Roger Gilbertson
Title: U.S.S. Enterprise Bridge Blueprints - Revised -- Author(s): Michael McMaster
Title: U.S.S. Federation Class Dreadnought Blueprints -- Author(s): Allie C. Peed III
Title: Galileo Shuttlecraft Plans -- Author(s): L. Allen Everhart, Jr.
Title: Gorn Defense Battlecruiser - General Plans -- Author(s): Allie C. Ped III
Title: USS Saladin Class Destroyer/Scout Blueprints -- Author(s): L. Allen Everhart, Jr.
Title: Book of S.S. Kobayashi Maru Plans -- Author(s): David Nielsen
Title: Klingon Destroyer K'T'orr Class -- Author(s): Marc E. Shamma'a
Title: Space Laboratory Regula 1 -- Author(s): Lawrence Miller
Title: Specifications of the Merchantman - Federation Class J Type 3 -- Author(s): L. Allen Everhart, Jr.
Title: U.S.S. Renner Class - Booklet of General Plans -- Author(s): Rafael Gonzalez
Title: Book of U.S.S. Ianar Plans - Fast Frigate -- Author(s): Rafael Gonzalez
Title: USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Centurian Series Battlecruiser -- Author(s): No Illustrator Listed
Title: Class F Shuttlecraft -- Author(s): David Winfrey
Title: Robot Cargo Ship Blueprints -- Author(s): David Winfrey
Title: Bridge Blueprints - U.S.S. Enterprise -- Author(s): Lawrence Miller
Title: Starbase 79 Blueprints -- Author(s): Lawrence Miller
Title: Star Fleet Tactical Database: Series 1 -- Author(s): Lawrence Miller
Title: Star Fleet Tactical Database: Series 2 -- Author(s): Lawrence Miller
Title: Dollond Class MK-VIC Heavy Transport - General Plans & Specifications -- Author(s): Patrick Lichty
Title: Starfleet Vessel Ambassador Class Starship - U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C -- Author(s): Monte R. Johnjulio
Title: Starfleet Vessel U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B -- Author(s): Monte R. Johnjulio
Title: Klingon Bird of Prey Blueprint Set -- Author(s): Lawrence Miller
Title: Starship U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Phase-II Refit Program -- Author(s): Monte R. Johnjulio
Title: Drone Spy Ship -- Author(s): Marc E. Shamma'a
Title: Glenn Class Fleet Survey Vessel U.S.S. Grissom -- Author(s): No Illustrator Listed
Title: U.S.S. Enterprise Equipment Packet Blueprints -- Author(s): MW
Title: U.S.S. Enterprise Heavy Cruiser Evolution Blueprints -- Author(s): No Illustrator Listed
Title: USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Blueprints -- Author(s): No Illustrator Listed
Title: Vulcan Harp Construction Plans -- Author(s): Perry Wright
August 11th, 2005
Significant work is currently underway on the all-new Star Trek LCARS Blueprints Database. I'm busy scanning, editing, and building pages for as many blueprints as I can get my hands on. Don't expect small, blurry pictures here. Only large, high-resolution images will do!
I've also added another dozen or so books to my collection, so look for those to make there way on to the database soon.
July 12th, 2005
As some of you know, June 2005 marked the 1-year anniversary of the site. The month-long celebration of that event, which was highlighted by numerous give-aways was a great success. Over 300 copies of the MS-Access LCARS Database were downloaded - free of charge, and I gave away over 60 FREE Star Trek Books to a number of you. So thanks for sharing in the humble 1-year anniversary of this site.
And to keep the spirit going, I'm allowing people to continue to download the MS-Access LCARS Database free of charge throughout July as well, so if you haven't downloaded your copy yet, there's no time like the present.
Also, look for another large give-away of Star Trek books towards the end of the summer. To make things a little more interesting, any and all registered members of the message forums will get first crack at the books. So if you missed out on the titles you were looking for, increase your odds next time by registering and participating in the message forums.
So, on to 'new' things this month. I haven't added any new books to the database this time out, though I have about 20 new additions to my collection. Instead, I've been focusing my time on adding ISBN #s and links to Amazon for nearly every book. Clicking on the Amazon link also helps to support this site, so if you plan on buying a Trek book, I'd appreciate it if you would consider clicking through to Amazon from this site. I'll also be adding links to Abebooks.Com and Ebay in the near future. As Amazon doesn't carry every book, I want to give you a chance to purchase a book from alternate sources...
Hope you enjoy the enhancements. Look for more soon.
As always, thanks for stopping by.
June 5th, 2005
There's reason to celebrate this month as the Star Trek LCARS Book & Episode Database ( @ Cygnus-X1.Net ) enters its second year of operation. To help ring in the birthday of the site, there will be a number of give-aways through out the month. First, and foremost, I'm giving away the MS-Access Star Trek LCARS Database program which I've been selling here and on Ebay for over 2 years now. Over 100 copies of this software has been sold world-wide. I know - nothing staggering - but now I'd like to give it away to one and all during this month. For more information on the database, and where you can download your own copy, click HERE.
As some of you may know, I've been giving away many of my Star Trek books over the past year. Over my nearly 30 years of collecting Star Trek book, one does tend to obtain multiple copies of the same item. Hence my offering them up on a first come, first serve basis to the general populace. Look for my biggest give-away towards the end of June. As before, the annoucement will first be made on this site's message forum (see the link at the top of this page) in the 'Star Trek Books' forum, so be sure to check back often for your chance at more free books.
Now, on to other news. I've added another 17 books to my collection and the site, which brings the total number of Star Trek books online to 1,256. A list of the new additions, which includes the extremely illusive Empire, Aliens and Conquest - a book that I've been searching years for, is listed below. Also, if you haven't seen it yet, there's a new Flash introduction to the site which can be viewed by clicking HERE.
That's about it this time around. Thanks to everyone for helping to make Year 1 of the Star Trek LCARS Book & Episode Database a success.
New Books Added Since Last Update
Title: Engines of Destiny -- Author(s): Gene DeWeese
Title: Hollow Men -- Author(s): Una McCormack
Title: Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Volume II: Trill / Bajor -- Author(s): Andy Mangels & Michael A. Martin and J. Noah Kym
Title: Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Volume III: The Dominion / Ferenginar -- Author(s): David R. George III and Keith R.A. DeCandido
Title: Spirit Walk: Enemy Of My Enemy -- Author(s): Christie Golden
Title: After the Fall -- Author(s): Peter David
Title: Breakdowns -- Author(s): Scott Ciencin, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Kevin Dilmore, Heather Jarman and Dayton Ward
Title: Seeds of Rage -- Author(s): Kevin Ryan
Title: Enemy Territory -- Author(s): Keith R.A. DeCandido
Title: Taking Wing -- Author(s): Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels
Title: Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology 1980-2188 -- Author(s): Stan and Fred Goldstein. Illustrated by Rick Sternbach
Title: Empire, Aliens and Conquest -- Author(s): Jay Goulding
Title: Creating the Next Generation: The Conception and Creation of a Phenomenon -- Author(s): Edward Gross and Mark A. Altman
Title: The Deep Space Log Book -- Author(s): Mark A. Altman and Edward Gross
Title: A Tribute to Spock: A Reference Guide -- Author(s): Ruby Moon-Houldson
Title: A Tribute to James Doohan: "Scotty": A Reference -- Author(s): Ruby Moon-Houldson
Title: Where No Man Has Gone Before (Hard Cover) -- Author(s): John Peel
March 13th, 2005
Time certainly does fly, doesn't it. I blink and nearly two months go by since my last update. This time around, there's a lot to talk about. First and foremost, another 28 books have been added to the database, bringing the total number of books online to 1,239! The newly added books are listed below. In addition to the new books, yet another new book category has been added; this time to reflect the series of "Star Trek Giant Poster Books" which came out in the late 1970s. I've managed to collect all of the released books, including the final edition which focused on Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
In other news, I've been focusing my attention of writing reviews of the fourth season of Enterprise. After the season and, unfortunately, the series comes to an end this spring, I'll be turning my attention to reviewing the remaining series, beginning with The Animated Seried, following by TNG, DS9, VOY and the first three season of Enterprise.
In case you didn't notice my announcement on the message forums, I'll be starting a "Star Trek Book of the Week" column where I'll take a book from my collection (non-novel for the most part) and do an in-depth synopsis/review of the title. My intent is to cover books that, for the most part, are not very well known and/or discussed very often. For that reason, I'll be keeping away from novels as there are many other sites that discuss them in great detail. I hope you like the column. Look for it to launch in very short order.
Finally, as the site approaches its 1-year birthday on June 1st, I plan on offering the biggest Star Trek book give-away yet. Stay tuned for more information.
That's all for now. See you soon-
New Books Added Since Last Update
Title: Starfleet Academy: Atlantis Station -- Author(s): V.E. Mitchell
Title: U.S.S. Enterprise Officer's Manual - Revised -- Author(s): Lawrence Miller (and Shane Johnson)
Title: Narratives from the Final Frontier: A Postcolonial Reading of the Original Star Trek Series -- Author(s): Volker Gentejohann
Title: The Longest Trek: My Tour of the Galaxy -- Author(s): Grace Lee Whitney with Jim Denney
Title: From Sawdust to Stardust: The Biography of DeForest Kelley, Star Trek's Dr. McCoy -- Author(s): Terry Lee Rioux
Title: Quark's Guide to Bartending -- Author(s): Jennifer Geoghan
Title: Star Fleet Medical Reference -- Author(s): Eileen Palestine, editor
Title: Deep Space Crew Book -- Author(s): James Van Hise
Title: Deep Space Nine: A Celebration -- Author(s): James Van Hise, editor
Title: Where No Man Has Gone Before Part Two -- Author(s): John Peel
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Star Trek: The Motion Picture -- Author(s): Chris Rowley, George Mason & Russ Pollock
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage One -- Author(s): Doug Drexler and Allan Asherman, editors
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Two -- Author(s): Doug Drexler, Allan Asherman & Mitch Green, editors
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Three -- Author(s): Ron Barlow, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Four -- Author(s): Ron Barlow, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Five -- Author(s): Ron Barlow, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Six -- Author(s): Ron Barlow, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Seven -- Author(s): Ron Barlow, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Eight -- Author(s): Ron Barlow, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Nine -- Author(s): Ron Barlow, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Ten -- Author(s): Ron Barlow, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Eleven -- Author(s): Ron Barlow, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Twelve -- Author(s): Ron Barlow, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Thirteen -- Author(s): Ron Barlow, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Fourteen -- Author(s): Allan Asherman, Andrew Bartmess and Geoffrey Mandel
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Fifteen -- Author(s): Chris Rowley, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Sixteen -- Author(s): Chris Rowley, editor
Title: Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Seventeen -- Author(s): Chris Rowley, editor
January 22nd, 2005
Well, it's been nearly two months since my last official update to the site. Apologies for not getting an update online sooner, but the holidays were as busy as I expected. So, let's get to it, shall we?
First, I've added an additional 59 books to the database (see the list of new books below). In addition to the new books, I've added four new categories of books - all related to the late 1990's series of "Young Adult Novels" based on TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY. Many thanks to Jim McCain who helped me identify the novels and supplied me with valuable information regarding them.
Next, the Episode Database has been steadily updated with reviews of the latest Enterprise episodes. Reviews have typically been posted roughly one hour after the latest episode least, I've been able to maintain that schedule thus far. And I'm happy to say that the famed 'TrekToday' news site is now listing this site and its reviews as part of the weekly news feed about the latest Enterprise episode. I've also begun working on reviewing the first season of TNG, so look for that to be online shortly.
In other news, the Message Forums have been completely overhauled. I humbly ask that you check them out, register and post a message or two. I certainly don't expect my message forums to become a substitute for other superb Trek forums out there, just another source of information that can only be made possible by you - the user.
Finally, we've been awarded the coveted MJ'S STAR TREK PORTAL LCARS DATABASE INTEGRITY AWARD. Check out all the awards the site has won by clicking here.
That's all for now. Thanks, as always, for visiting.
New Books Added Since Last Update
Title: Captain's Blood -- Author(s):William Shatner with Judith & Garfied Reeves-Stevens
Title: Ex Machina -- Author(s):Christopher L. Bennett
Title: To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh -- Author(s):Greg Cox
Title: Duty, Honor, Redemption -- Author(s):Vonda McIntyre
Title: Sand and Stars -- Author(s):Diane Duane and A.C. Crispin
Title: The Hand of Kahless -- Author(s):John M. Ford and Michael Jan Friedman
Title: Starfleet Academy: Crisis on Vulcan -- Author(s):Brad and Barbara Strickland
Title: Starfleet Academy: Aftershock -- Author(s):John Vornholt
Title: Starfleet Academy: Cadet Kirk -- Author(s):Diane Carey
Title: Starfleet Academy: Worf's First Adventure -- Author(s):Peter David
Title: Starfleet Academy: Line of Fire -- Author(s):Peter David
Title: Starfleet Academy: Survival -- Author(s):Peter David
Title: Starfleet Academy: Capture the Flag -- Author(s):John Vornholt
Title: Starfleet Academy: Mystery of the Missing Crew -- Author(s):Michael Jan Friedman
Title: Starfleet Academy: Secret of the Lizard People -- Author(s):Michael Jan Friedman
Title: Starfleet Academy: Starfall -- Author(s):Brad and Barbara Strickland
Title: Starfleet Academy: Nova Command -- Author(s):Brad and Barbara Strickland
Title: Starfleet Academy: Loyalties -- Author(s):Patricia Barnes-Svarney
Title: Starfleet Academy: Crossfire -- Author(s):John Vornholt
Title: Starfleet Academy: Breakaway -- Author(s):Bobbi JG Weiss and David Cody Weiss
Title: Starfleet Academy: The Haunted Starship -- Author(s):Brad and Kathi Ferguson
Title: Starfleet Academy: Deceptions -- Author(s):Bobbi JG Weiss and David Cody Weiss
Title: The Star Ghost -- Author(s):Brad Strickland
Title: Stowaways -- Author(s):Brad Strickland
Title: Prisoners of Peace -- Author(s):John Peel
Title: The Pet -- Author(s):Mel Gilden and Ted Pedersen
Title: Arcade -- Author(s):Diana G. Gallagher
Title: Field Trip -- Author(s):John Peel
Title: Gypsy World -- Author(s):Ted Pedersen
Title: Highest Score -- Author(s):Kem Antilles
Title: Cardassian Imps -- Author(s):Mel Gilden
Title: Space Camp -- Author(s):Ted Pedersen
Title: Day of Honor: Honor Bound -- Author(s):Diana G. Gallagher
Title: Trapped in Time -- Author(s):Ted Pedersen
Title: Starfleet Academy: Lifeline -- Author(s):Bobbi JG Weiss and David Cody Weiss
Title: Starfleet Academy: The Chance Factor -- Author(s):Diana G. Gallagher and Martin R. Burke
Title: Starfleet Academy: Quarantine -- Author(s):Patricia Barnes-Svarney
Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation Role Playing Game: Core Game Book -- Author(s):Edward Bolme, James Cambias, Andrew Greenberg, Harry Heckel, Kenneth Hite, Ross A. Isaacs, Robin D. Laws, Steve Long, Christian Moore, Tim O'Brien, Chris Pramas, John Snead and Greg Stolze
Title: The Complete Next Generation Trek I.Q. Book -- Author(s):Alan Rochussen
Title: Star Trek Crosswords Book 4 -- Author(s):John M. Samson, editor
Title: Multicultural Communication and Popular Culture: Racial and Ethnic Images in Star Trek -- Author(s):Marquita L. Byrd
Title: Race in Space: The Representation of Ethnicity in Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation -- Author(s):Micheal C. Pounds
Title: A Look at the Stars -- Author(s):Malachy Duffy
Title: Warped Factors: A Neurotic's Guide to the Universe -- Author(s):Walter Koenig
Title: The Encyclopedia Shatnerica -- Author(s):Robert E. Schnakenberg
Title: Get A Life! -- Author(s):William Shatner with Chris Kreski
Title: The Encyclopedia of Star Trek -- Author(s):John Peel
Title: Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Unauthorized Story -- Author(s):James Van Hise
Title: Trek: The Encyclopedia -- Author(s):Hal Schuster and Wendy Rathbone
Title: Trek: The Next Generation Third Edition -- Author(s):James Van Hise
Title: Star Trek Annual 1986 -- Author(s):No Author Listed
Title: Star Trek: The Key Collection: Volume 2 -- Author(s):Mark Thompson, publishing editor
Title: Where No Man Has Gone Before -- Author(s):John Peel
Title: The Star Trek Files: The Motion Picture -- Author(s):John Peel
Title: Star Trek: The Comics Volume One -- Author(s):Edward Gross
Title: Star Trek: Year One -- Author(s):John Peel
Title: Guide to: The Next Generation -- Author(s):John Peel
Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation: Journey's End -- Author(s):No Author Listed
Title: Great Science Fiction Film Stories -- Author(s):Vonda N. McIntyre
November 29th, 2004
Welcome to the all-new Star Trek LCARS Book and Episode Database. Yes, finally after 6 months of planning, researching and coding, the extensive episode database is finally up and running. Please check it out and let me know what you think. It will certainly be a continuing work in progress as I back fill each episode with my own reviews of each. But moving forward, I plan on reviewing each new episode of Enterprise within a day or two of the initial airing of the episode.
On to other news: I've added another 35 books to the Book Database section of the site, bringing the total number of books online to 1,152. And with the holiday season fast approaching and Amazon gift certificates heading my way, expect to see many more books added in the weeks and months to come. A complete list of the newly added books is provided below.
The 1st Annual Design-A-Banner Contest is over. It's a shame that only 3 unique people joined the $100 contest, but hopefully next year we'll see a better turn out. Despite only 3 people participating, we actually had over a dozen banners submitted. Check them all out and see who the winners are by clicking HERE.
Finally, you'll no doubt notice that the overall format of the site as been spruced up a bit, due in part to the banner contest "winner". I hope you enjoy the improved look and feel.
As always, enjoy your stay and drop me a line to let me know what you think.
New Books Added Since Last Update
Title: Unity -- Author(s):S. D. Perry
Title: Spirit Walk: Old Wounds -- Author(s):Christie Golden
Title: Wildfire -- Author(s):Keith R.A. DeCandido, David Mack, J. Steven York and Christina F. York
Title: GURPS Prime Directive -- Author(s):Gary Plana, compiler
Title: GURPS Klingons -- Author(s):Stephen V. Cole
Title: Star Trek Puzzle Manual -- Author(s):James Razzi
Title: The Unofficial SFX Episode Guide to Deep Space Nine -- Author(s):No author listed
Title: StarFleet Assembly Manual 2 -- Author(s):Paul M. Newitt
Title: KFX-1: Khitomer Class Experimental Starship -- Author(s):Michael Alexander
Title: KFX-2: Garrett Class Experimental Starship -- Author(s):Michael Alexander
Title: NX-1701-A: The Enterprise That Never Was? -- Author(s):Michael Alexander
Title: Quasar Class Experimental Starship Program -- Author(s):Michael Alexander
Title: U.S.S. Cheyenne Operations Manual -- Author(s):Don W. Shanks
Title: Cetus Project Technical Guide -- Author(s):James T. Wappel
Title: Galactic Engineers Concordance Logbook: Final Issue -- Author(s):Roy J. Firestone
Title: The Man Between the Ears: Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy -- Author(s):James Van Hise
Title: The Man Who Created Star Trek: Gene Roddenberry -- Author(s):James Van Hise
Title: Inside the Mind of Gene Roddenberry: The Creator of Star Trek -- Author(s):Yvonne Fern
Title: Inside Trek: My Secret Life With Star Trek Creator Gene Roddenberry -- Author(s):Susan Sackett
Title: Spock 61 -- Author(s):Wendy Purcell, editor
Title: Medical Journal 6 -- Author(s):Anne Richardson, editor
Title: Star Trek: The Lost Years -- Author(s):Edward Gross
Title: Trek 25th Anniversary Celebration -- Author(s):James Van Hise
Title: The Special Effects of Trek -- Author(s):James Van Hise
Title: Trek vs. The Next Generation -- Author(s):James Van Hise
Title: Let's Trek: The Budget Guide to the Federation 1995 -- Author(s):James Van Hise
Title: Starfleet Academy Student Handbook -- Author(s):W. Paul Hollingsworth
Title: The Trek Celebrations Two -- Author(s):James Van Hise
Title: Trek: The Unauthorized Story of the Movies -- Author(s):James Van Hise and Hal Schuster
Title: Trek: The Making of the Movies -- Author(s):James Van Hise
Title: The Next Generation File -- Author(s):John Peel
Title: Star Trek: The Motion Picture Read-Along Adventure Book -- Author(s):Ted Kryczko, producer
Title: The Best of Enterprise Incidents: The Magazine for Star Trek Fans -- Author(s):James Van Hise, editor
Title: Klingons for Dummies -- Author(s):No Author Listed
Title: TV Guide 35th-Anniversary Tribute (to) Star Trek -- Author(s):Steve Sonsky, executive editor