The latest versions of Audition
use a new session format (sesx) which is based on xml. While Audition CC, CS6, CS5.5 and CS5 can import OMF and Final Cut Pro sessions they don't import any of the old binary ses format session files from previous versions, they will only import xml session files saved from AA3.
So this is why we created Ses2Sesx. From Cool Edit 2000, CEP 1.1 right through to Audition 3.0 Ses2Sesx will convert these legacy sessions to the latest Adobe Audition CS5 & 5.5, CS6 and CC session (sesx) format.
The ses format has changed significantly over the years and developing this application has taken us months of intense effort. This handy utility will convert an Audition or Cool Edit Pro binary session file (ses) to an Audition CS5, CS5.5, CS6 or CC session file (sesx). We can understand full well why Adobe chose to concentrate on core features rather than backward compatability. We have a great fondness for Audition and we are dedicated to the idea of all DAWs being able to communicate with each other - guess what the A stands for in AATranslator.
We have created this conversion utility because we believe that it will be extremely useful to other Adobe Audition users. We are offering this application as 'donationware', so bear in mind that it has taken us hundreds of hours to write and test so if you find it useful, please do show your appreciation for our efforts by making a generous donation.
Session |
Ruler (Time /FPS / Bars-n-Beats, etc) Tempo, BPM, Ticks, Session Offset, Markers/Cues, Master Stereo Volume |
Tracks |
Volume, Pan, Mute, Solo |
Clips / Regions |
All clips/regions placed on named tracks at correct positions, Volume, Mute, Lock in Time, Envelope Volume, Envelope Pan |
In addition from AA1.5
Session |
Video, Buses |
Tracks |
EQ |
Clips / Regions |
Colour, stretch, loop |
In addition from AA2
Tracks |
Aux sends, Polarity invert, Height, internal Fx supported by Audition CS |
Clips / Regions |
Fades, X-fades (v3) |
Timeline Automation |
Volume, Pan, Mute, FX parameters, Insert FX (Power On/Off, Wet/Dry Mix) |
Internal FX |
Internal FX from CEP 2.1, AA1.5 & AA2.0 which are supported by Audition CS |
External FX |
Numerous external FX are converted and many that are not will appear in the session rather than display as 'missing' |
We will be expanding our VST coverage if the demand warrants it.
Supported internal Fx include Amplify, Hard Limiting, Multiband Compressor, Tube Modelled Compressor, Analog Delay, Delay, Echo, Graphic Equalizer, Parametric EQ, Chorus, Flanger, Adaptive Noise Reduction, Automatic Click Removal, Automatic Phase Correction, Convolution Reverb, Full Reverb, Reverb, Studio Reverb, Guitar Suite, Dynamics Processing, Mastering & Channel Mixer
With version 1.4 we now cover related CS6 changes like clip stretching, clip grouping, metronome, etc as well as many more supported vsts.
Ses2sesx is a PC program but is known to run very well under emulators like Wine for Mac & Linux users (winetricks)
Mac users can contact us for detailed installation instructions
Purchase Ses2Sesx from Adobe Exchange
Version (24/09/2019)
Ses2Sesx Update Log
