R.T.Russell Home Page

LB Booster

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Benefits
    1. Performance
    2. Bugs fixed
    3. New features
  3. Installation
  4. Compatibility
  5. Liberty BASIC 4.5.0
  6. Directives
    1. 'include
    2. %mode
    3. %options
    4. ! BBC code
  7. Operation
    1. Command line options
    2. The title bar
    3. The menu bar
    4. The toolbar
    5. The status bar
    6. The File menu
      1. New
      2. Load
      3. Save
      4. Save As
      5. Insert
      6. Compare
      7. Page Setup
      8. Print
      9. Recent files
      10. Exit
    7. The Edit menu
      1. Undo
      2. Redo
      3. Cut
      4. Copy
      5. Paste
      6. Delete
      7. Select All
      8. Find
      9. Find Next
      10. Find Previous
      11. Replace
      12. Go To
    8. The Run menu
      1. Run Program
      2. Debug Program
      3. Profile Program
      4. Make Executable
      5. Make *.LBB file
      6. Kill BASIC Programs
    9. The Options menu
      1. Show LBB Pane
      2. Emulate Slicing
      3. Unicode Support
      4. Syntax Coloring
      5. Auto Indenting
      6. Set Font
      7. Set Printer Font
      8. Set Colors
    10. The Help menu
      1. Help Topics
      2. Email
      3. Website
      4. Discussion group
      5. Message board
      6. Wiki
      7. About LB Booster
    11. The Editing Pane
      1. Keyboard commands
      2. Mouse commands
      3. Drag and Drop
      4. Context Menu
      5. Scroll bars
  8. Language summary
    1. Statements
      1. BEEP
      2. BMPBUTTON #window[.ext], bmpfile$, handler, anchor, posx, posy
      3. BMPSAVE "bitmap", bmpfile$
      4. BUTTON #window[.ext], "text", handler, anchor, xpos, ypos [, width, height]
      5. CALL subname [parameter {, parameter}]
      6. CALLBACK addressvar, funcname(type {, type}), returntype
      7. CALLDLL #dllhandle, "FunctionName" {, param AS type}, returnvar AS type
      8. CASE ELSE | expression {,expression}
      9. CATCH
      10. CHECKBOX #window[.ext], "Caption", sethandler, resethandler, xpos, ypos, width, height
      11. CLASS classname [INHERITS parentclass]
      12. CLOSE #handle
      13. CLS
      14. COLORDIALOG color$, chosen$
      15. COMBOBOX #window[.ext], array$(), handler, xpos, ypos, width, height
      16. CONFIRM question$; replyvar$
      17. CURSOR cursortype
      18. DATA [constant {, constant}]
      19. DIM array(size{,size}) {, array(size{,size})}
      20. DISCARD object
      21. DO [WHILE | UNTIL condition]
      22. DUMP
      23. ELSE
      24. END
      27. FIELD #file, length AS var {, length AS var}
      28. FILEDIALOG "Title", template$, returnvar$
      29. FILES path$, [filter$,] array$()
      30. FONTDIALOG fontspec$, returnvar$
      31. FOR loopvar = start TO finish [STEP increment]
      32. FUNCTION name([[BYREF] parameter {, [BYREF] parameter}])
      33. GET #file, recordnumber
      34. GETTRIM #file, recordnumber
      35. GOSUB destination
      36. GLOBAL variable {, variable}
      37. GOTO destination
      38. GRAPHICBOX #window.ext, xpos, ypos, width, height
      39. GROUPBOX #window[.ext], "label", xpos, ypos, width, height
      40. IF condition THEN
      41. INPUT ["prompt";] returnvar {, returnvar}
      42. INPUT #handle, returnvar {, returnvar}
      43. INPUTCSV [delim$,] #file, returnvar$ {, returnvar$}
      44. KILL filespec$
      45. LET variable = expression
      46. LINE INPUT ...
      47. LISTBOX #window.ext, array$(), handler, xpos, ypos, width, height
      48. LOADBMP "bitmap", bmpfile$ | handle
      49. LOCATE column, row
      50. LOOP [WHILE | UNTIL condition]
      51. LPRINT [[TAB(n);] expression {, | ; [TAB(n);] expression} [, | ;]]
      52. MAINWIN columns [rows]
      53. MAPHANDLE #oldhandle, #newhandle | newhandle$
      54. MENU #handle, "title", "text", handler {, "text", handler}
      55. NAME oldspec$ AS newspec$
      56. NEW object[(dim [,dim])] AS class [parm {, parm}]
      57. NEXT [loopvar]
      58. NOMAINWIN
      59. NOTICE string$ | number
      60. ONCOMERROR [handler]
      61. ON ERROR GOTO destination | 0
      62. OPEN device$ FOR type AS #handle [LEN=reclen]
      63. OUT port, data
      65. PLAYMIDI midifile$, length
      66. PLAYWAVE wavfile$ [, mode ]
      67. POPUPMENU "text", handler {, "text", handler}
      68. PRINT [[TAB(n);] expression {, | ; [TAB(n);] expression} [, | ;]]
      69. PRINT #handle, expression [;]
      71. PrinterFont$ = "Font_Name points style"
      72. PrinterName$ = "New printer name"
      73. PRIVATE
      74. PROMPT "prompt string"; replyvar$
      75. PUT #file, recordnumber
      76. RADIOBUTTON #handle.ext, "label", sethandler, resethandler, xpos, ypos, width, height
      77. RANDOMIZE [seed]
      78. READ variable {, variable}
      79. READJOYSTICK 1 | 2
      80. REDIM array(size{,size}) [, array(size{,size})]
      81. REM remark
      82. RESTORE [destination]
      83. RESUME
      84. RETURN
      85. RUN command$ [, state]
      86. SCAN
      87. SEEK #handle, position
      88. SELECT CASE [testexpression]
      89. SORT array(), start, end [, column]
      90. STATICTEXT #handle[.ext], "title", xpos, ypos, width, height
      91. STOP
      92. STOPMIDI
      93. STRUCT name[(size{,size})], member AS type {, member AS type}
      94. STYLEBITS #handle[.ext], addbits, removebits, addextendedbits, removeextendedbits
      95. SUB name [[BYREF] parameter {, [BYREF] parameter}]
      96. TEXTBOX #handle.ext, xpos, ypos, width, height
      97. TEXTEDITOR #handle.ext, xpos, ypos, width, height
      98. THROW errnumber [, errstring$]
      99. TIMER milliseconds, handler | 0
      100. TITLEBAR title$
      101. TRACE 0 | 1 | 2
      102. TRY
      103. UNLOADBMP "bitmap"
      104. UNTIL
      105. WAIT
      106. WEND
      107. WHILE condition
    2. Functions
      1. ABS(numeric)
      2. ACS(numeric)
      3. ASC(string$)
      4. ASN(numeric)
      5. ATN(numeric)
      6. CHR$(numeric)
      7. COS(numeric)
      8. DATE$([format$ | dayno])
      9. DECHEX$(numeric)
      10. EOF(#handle)
      11. EVAL(string$)
      12. EVAL$(string$)
      13. EXP(numeric)
      14. HBMP("bitmap")
      15. HEXDEC(hex$)
      16. HWND(#handle[.ext])
      17. INP(numeric)
      18. INPUT$(count)
      19. INPUT$(#handle, count)
      20. INPUTTO$(#handle, char$))
      21. INSTR(searchin$,searchfor$[,startat])
      22. INT(numeric)
      23. LEFT$(string$,count)
      24. LEN(string$ | structname.struct)
      25. LOC(#handle)
      26. LOF(#handle)
      27. LOG(numeric)
      28. LOWER$(string$)
      29. MAX(numeric,numeric)
      30. MID$(left$,start[,count])
      31. MIDIPOS()
      32. MIN(numeric,numeric)
      33. MKDIR(path$)
      34. NOT(numeric)
      35. RIGHT$(string$,count)
      36. RMDIR(path$)
      37. RND([n])
      38. SIN(numeric)
      39. SPACE$(n)
      40. SQR(numeric)
      41. STR$(numeric)
      42. TAN(numeric)
      43. TIME$([format$])
      44. TRIM$(string$)
      45. UPPER$(string$)
      46. USING(template$, numeric)
      47. VAL(string$)
      48. WINSTRING(pointer)
      49. WORD$(string$, number [, delim$])
    3. Operators
      1. numeric AND numeric
      2. numeric MOD numeric
      3. numeric OR numeric
      4. numeric XOR numeric
    4. Graphics commands
      1. BACKCOLOR color
      2. BOX xpos ypos
      3. BOXFILLED xpos ypos
      4. CIRCLE radius
      5. CIRCLEFILLED radius
      6. CLS
      7. COLOR color
      8. DISCARD
      9. DOWN
      10. DRAWBMP bitmap x y
      11. ELLIPSE width height
      12. ELLIPSEFILLED width height
      13. FILL color
      14. FLUSH [segment]
      15. FONT typeface [width] height {style}
      16. GETBMP bitmap xpos ypos width height
      17. GO distance
      18. GOTO xpos ypos
      19. HOME
      20. HORIZSCROLLBAR on | off [min max]
      21. LINE x1 y1 x2 y2
      22. NORTH
      23. PIE width height start sweep
      24. PIEFILLED width height start sweep
      25. PLACE xpos ypos
      26. POSXY xvar yvar
      27. PRINT [size [nodump]]
      28. REDRAW [segment]
      29. RULE code
      30. SET xpos ypos
      31. SIZE thickness
      32. STRINGWIDTH? string$ retvar
      33. TURN degrees
      34. UP
      35. VERTSCROLLBAR on | off [min max]
      36. WHEN event handler
      37. \text string
    5. Text commands
      1. !BACKCOLOR color
      2. !CLS
      3. !CONTENTS string$ | #filehandle
      4. !CONTENTS? string$
      5. !COPY
      6. !CUT
      7. !FIND string$
      8. !FINDBACK string$
      9. !FONT typeface [width] height {style}
      10. !FORECOLOR color
      11. !INSERT string$
      12. !LINE n string$
      13. !LINES retvar
      14. !MODIFIED? answer$
      15. !ORIGIN column row
      16. !ORIGIN? colvar rowvar
      17. !PASTE
      18. !RESETFIND
      19. !SELECT column row
      20. !SELECTALL
      21. !SELECTION? string$
    6. Other GUI commands
      2. BITMAP bitmap
      3. DISABLE
      4. ENABLE
      5. HIDE
      6. LOCATE xpos ypos [width height]
      7. REFRESH
      8. RELOAD
      9. RESET
      10. RESIZEHANDLER handler
      11. SELECT string
      12. SELECTINDEX index
      13. SELECTION? string$
      14. SELECTIONINDEX? retvar
      15. SET
      16. SETFOCUS
      17. SHOW
      18. SINGLECLICKSELECT [handler]
      19. TRAPCLOSE handler
      20. VALUE? retvar$
    7. Sprite commands
      1. ADDSPRITE sprite bitmap { bitmap}
      2. BACKGROUND bitmap
      3. BACKGROUNDXY x y
      4. CENTERSPRITE sprite
      5. CYCLESPRITE sprite dir [once]
      7. REMOVESPRITE sprite
      8. SPRITECOLLIDES sprite list$
      9. SPRITEIMAGE sprite bitmap
      10. SPRITEMOVEXY sprite xshift yshift
      11. SPRITEOFFSET sprite xoff yoff
      12. SPRITEORIENT sprite orientation
      13. SPRITEROUND sprite
      14. SPRITESCALE sprite scale
      15. SPRITETOBACK sprite
      16. SPRITETOFRONT sprite
      17. SPRITETRAVELXY sprite x y speed handler
      18. SPRITEVISIBLE sprite on | off
      19. SPRITEXY sprite xpos ypos
      20. SPRITEXY? sprite retx rety
    8. Reserved names
  9. Object Oriented Programming
  10. Structured Exception Handling
  11. Debugging
  12. Troubleshooting
  13. How It Works
  14. Formal Stuff



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© Richard Russell