QL Keywords

The Keyword Reference Guide lists all SuperBASIC keywords in
alphabetical order: A brief explanation of the keywords function is
given followed by loose definition of the syntax and examples of
usage. An explanation of the syntax definition is given in the
Concept Reference Guide under the entry syntax.

Each keyword entry indicates to which, if any, group of operations it
relates, i.e. DRAW is a graphics operation and further information can
be obtained from the graphics section of the Concept Reference Guide.

Sometimes it is necessary to deal with more than one keyword at a
time, i.e. IF, ELSE, THEN, END, IF, these are all listed under IF.
An index is provided which attempts to cover all possible ways you
might describe a SuperBASIC keyword. For example the clear screen
command, CLS, is also listed under clear screen and screen clear.


ABS  maths functions
ABS returns the absolute value of the parameter. It will return the
value of the parameter if the parameter is positive and will return
zero minus the value of the parameter if the parameter is negative.

syntax.        ABS(numeric_expression)

example: i. PRINT ABS(0.5)
        ii. PRINT ABS(a-b)

ACOT, ATAN    maths functions
ACOS and ASIN will compute the arc cosine and the arc sine
respectively. ACOT will calculate the arc cotangent and ATAN will
calculate the arc tangent. There is no effective
limit to the size of the parameter.

syntax:  angle:= nunieric_expression {in radians}

ACOS (angle)
ACOT (angle)
ASIN (angle)
ATAN (angle)

example:  i. PRINT ATAN(angle)
         ii. PRINT ASIN(1)
        iii. PRINT ACOT(3.6574)
         iv. PRINT ATAN(a-b)  

ADATE   clock
ADATE allows the clock to be adjusted.

syntax:       seconds:= numeric_expression

ADATE seconds

 i.  ADATE 3600 {will advance the clock 1 hour}
ii.  ADATE -60  {will move the clock back 1 minute}

ARC_R graphics
ARC will draw an are of a circle between two specified points in the
window attached to the default or specified channel. The end points of
the arc are specified using the graphics co-ordinate system.

Multiple arcs can be drawn with a single ARC command.

The end points of the are can be specified in absolute coordinates
(relative to the graphics origin or in relative coordinates (relative
to the graphics cursor). If the first point is omitted then the are is
drawn from the graphics cursor to the specified point through the
specified angle.

ARC will always draw with absolute coordinates, while ARC_R will
always draw relative to the graphics cursor.

syntax: x:= numeric_expression
        y:= numeric_expression
    angle:= numeric_expression (in radians)
    point:= x,y

  parameter_2:= | TO point, angle           (1)
                | ,point TO point,angle     (2)
  parameter_1:= | point TO point,angle      (1)
                | TO point,angle            (2)

ARC [channel,] parameter_1 *[parameter_2]*
ARC_R [channel,] parameter_1 *[parameter_2]*

where  (1) will draw from the specified point to the next specified
point turning through the specified angle

        (2) will draw from the the last point plotted to the specified
point turning through the specified angle

example:  i. ARC 15,10 TO 40,40,PI/2
   {draw an are from 15,10 to 40,40 turning through PI/2 radians}
         ii. ARC TO 50,50,PI/2
   {draw an are from the last point plotted to 50,50 turning through
PI/2 radians}
        iii. ARC_R 10,10 TO 55,45,0.5
{draw an are, starting 10,10 from the last point plotted to 55,45
from the start of the are, turning through 0.5 radians}

AT   windows
AT allows the print position to be modified on an imaginary row/column
grid based on the current character size. AT uses a modified form of
the pixel coordinate system where (row O, column O) is in the top left
hand corner of the window. AT affects the print position in the window
attached to the specified or default channel.

syntax: line:= numeric_expression
      column:= numeric_expression

AT [channel,] line , column

example:    AT 10,20 : PRINT "This is at line 10 column 20"

AUTO allows line numbers to be generated automatically when entering
programs directly into the computer. AUTO will generate the next
number in sequence and will then enter the SuperBASIC line editor
while the line is typed in. If the line already exists then a copy of
the line is presented along with the line number. Pressing ENTER at
any point in the line will check the syntax of the whole line and will
enter it into the program.

AUTO is terminated by pressing   CTRL-SPACE

syntax:   first_line:= line_number
                 gap:= numeric_expression

AUTO [first_line] [,gap]

  i. AUTO       {start at line 100 with intervals of 10}
 ii. AUTO 10,5  {start at line 10 with intervals of 5}
iii. AUTO ,7    {start at line 100 with intervals of 7}

BAUD  communications
BAUD sets the baud rate for communication via both serial channels.
The speed of the channels cannot be set independently.

syntax:       rate:= numeric_expression

BAUD rate

The value of the numeric expression must be one of the supported baud
rates on the QL:

   19200 (transmit only)

If the selected baud rate is not supported, then an error will be

Example:  i. BAUD 9600
         ii. BAUD  print_speed

BEEP  sound
BEEP activates the inbuilt sound functions on the QL. BEEP can accept
a variable number of parameters to give various levels of control over
the sound produced. The minimum specification requires only a duration
and pitch to be specified. BEEP used with no parameters will kill any
sound being generated.

syntax:   duration:= numeric_expression {range -32768..32767}
             pitch:= numeric_expression {range 0..255}
            grad_x:= numeric_expression {range -32768..32767}
            grad_y:= numeric_expression {range -8..7}
              wrap:= numeric_expression {range 0..15}
             fuzzy:= numeric_expression {range 0..15}
            random:= numeric_expressian {range 0..15}

BEEP [ duration, pitch
     [,pitch_2, grad_x, grad_y
     [, wrap
     [, fuzzy
     [, random ]]]]]

duration -  specifies the duration of the sound in units of 72
microseconds. A duration of zero will run the sound until
terminated by another BEEP command.

pitch -  specifies the pitch of the sound.A pitch of 1 is high and
255 is low.

Pitch_2 -  specifies an second pitch level between which the sound
will 'bounce'

grad_x -  defines the time interval between pitch steps.

grad_y -  defines the size of each step, grad_x and grad_y control the
rate at which the pitch bounces between levels.

wrap -   will force the sound to wrap around the specified number
of times. If wrap is equal to 15 the sound will wrap around forever:

fuzzy -  defines the amount of fuzziness to be added to the sound.

random -  defines the amount of randomness to be added to the sound.

BEEPING  sound
BEEPING is a function which will return zero (false) if the QL is
currently not beeping and a value of one (true) if it is beeping.

syntax:        BEEPING

example:  100 DEFine PROCedure be quiet
          110   BEEP
          120 END DEFine
          130 IF BEEPING THEN be quiet

BLOCK windows
BLOCK will fill a block of the specified size and shape, at the
specified position relative to the origin of the window attached to
the specified, or default channel. BLOCK uses the pixel coordinate

syntax:       width:= numeric_expression
             height:= numeric_expression
                  x:= numeric_expression
                  y:= numeric_expression

BLOCK [channel,] width, height, x, y, colour

  i. BLOCK 10,10,5,5,7 {10x10 pixel white block at 5,5}

ii. 100 REMark "bar chart"
    110 CSIZE 3,1
    120 PRINT "bar chart"
    130 LET bottom =100 : size = 20 : left =  10
    140 FOR bar =1 to 10
    150   LET colour = RND(O TO 255)
    160   LET height = RND(2 TO 20)
    170   BLOCK size, height, Left+bar*size, bottom-height,0
    180   BLOCK size-2, height-2, left+bar*size+l,  
    190 END FOR bar

BORDER windows
BORDER will add a border to the window attached to the specified
channel, or default channel.

For all subsequent operations except BORDER the window size is reducedto allow space for the BORDER. If another BORDER command is used then
the full size of the original window is restored prior to the border
being added; thus multiple BORDER commands have the effect of changing
the size and colour of a single border. Multiple borders are not
created unless specific action is taken.

If BORDER is used without specifying a colour then a transparent
border of the specified width is created.

syntax:       width:= numeric_expression

BORDER [channel,] size [, colour]

example: i. BORDER 10,0,7  {black and white stipple border}
        ii. 100 REMark Lurid Borders
            110 FOR thickness = 50 to 2 STEP -2
            120   BORDER thickness, RND(0 TO 255)
            130 END FOR thickness
            140 BORDER 50

CALL   Qdos
Machine code can be accessed directly from SuperBASIC by using the
CALL command. CALL can accept up to 13 long word parameters which will
be placed into the 68008 data and address registers (D1 to D7, AO to
A5) in sequence.

No data is returned from CALL.

syntax:  address:= numeric_expression
            data:= numeric_expression

CALL address, *[data]* {13 data parameters maximum}

example:  i. CALL 262144,0,0,0
         ii. CALL 262500,12,3,4,1212,6

Warning: Address register A6 should not be used in routines called
using this command. To return to SuperBASIC use the instructions:
     MOVEQ   #O,  DO

CHR$ is a function which will return the character whose value is
specified as a parameter: CHR$ is the inverse of CODE.

syntax:        CHR$(numeric_expressen)

example: i. PRINT CHRS(27)    {print ASCII escape character}
        ii. PRINT CHR$(65)    {print A}

CIRCLE_R   graphics
CIRCLE will draw a circle (or an ellipse at a specified angle) on the
screen at a specified position and size. The circle will be drawn in
the window attached to the specified or default channel.

CIRCLE uses the graphics coordinate system and can use absolute
coordinates (i.e. relative to the graphics origin), and relative
coordinates (i.e. relative to the graphics cursor). For relative
coordinates use CIRCLE_R.

Multiple circles or ellipses can be plotted with a single call to
CIRCLE. Each set of parameters must be separated from each other with
a semi colon (;)

The word ELLIPSE can be substituted for CIRCLE if required.

syntax:      x:= numeric_expression
             y:= numeric_expession
        radius:= numeric_expression
  eccentricity:= numeric_expression
         angle:= numeric_expression  {range 2 to PI}

    parameters:= | x, y,                          (1)
                 | radius, eccentricity, angle    (2)

where (1) will draw a circle
      (2) will draw an ellipse of specified eccentricity and angle

CIRCLE [channel,] parameters*[; parameters]*

x -   horizontal offset from the graphics origin or graphics cursor
y -   vertical offset from the graphics origin or graphics cursor
radius -   radius of the circle eccentricity   the ratio between the
major and minor axes of an ellipse.
Angle -   the orientation of the major axis of the ellipse relative to
the screen vertical. The angle must be specified in radians.

example:  i. CIRCLE 50,50,20  {a circle at 50,50 radius 20}
         ii. CIRCLE 50,50,20,0.5,0  {an ellipse at 50,50 major axis 20
eccentricity 0.5 and aligned with the vertical axis}

CLEAR will clear out the SuperBASIC variable area for the current
program and will release the space for Qdos.

syntax:       CLEAR

example:      CLEAR

Comment: CLEAR can be used to restore to a known state the SuperBASIC
system. For example, if a program is broken into (or stops due to an
error) while it is in a procedure then SuperBASIC is still in the
procedure even after the program has stopped. CLEAR will reset the

CLOSE  devices
CLOSE will close the specified channel. Any window associated with the
channel will be deactivated.

syntax:       channel:= numeric_expression

   CLOSE channel

example:    i.  CLOSE #4
           ii.  CLOSE #input, channel

CLS  windows
Will clear the window attached to the specified or default channel to
current PAPER colour, excluding the border if one has been specified.
CLS will accept an optional parameter which specifies if only a part
of the window must be cleared.

syntax:        part:= numeric_expression

   CLS [channel,] [part]

where: part = O - whole screen (default if no parameter)
       part = 1 - top excluding the cursor line
       part = 2 - bottom excluding the cursor line
       part = 3 - whole of the cursor line
       part = 4 - right end of cursor line including the cursor

example:  i. CLS        {the whole window}
         ii. CLS 3      {clear the cursor line}
        iii. CLS #2,2   {clear the bottom of the window on channel 2}

CODE is a function which returns the internal code used to represent
the specified character. If a string is specified then CODE will
return the internal representation of the first character of the

CODE is the inverse of CHR$.

syntax:    CODE (string_expression)

example:  i.   PRINT CODE("A")             {prints 65}
         ii.   PRINT CODE ("SuperBASIC")   {prints 83}

RETRY     error handling
CONTINUE allows a program which has been halted to be continued. RETRY
allows a program statement which has reported an error to be

syntax:       CONTINUE

example:      CONTINUE

warning A program can only continue if:
   1. No new lines have been added to the program
   2. No new variables have been added to the program
   3. No lines have been changed
The value of variables may be set or changed.

COPY_N    devices
COPY will copy a file from an input device to an output device until
an end of file marker is detected. COPY_N will not copy the header (if
it exists) associated with a file and will allow Microdrive files to
be correctly copied to another type of device.

Headers are associated with directory-type devices and should be
removed using COPY_N when copying to non-directory devices, e.g. mdvl
is a directory device; serl is a non-directory device.

syntax:    COPY device TO device
           COPY_N device TO device

It must be possible to input from the source device and it must be
possible to output to the destination device.

  i. COPY mdvl_data_file TO con_  {copy to default window}
 ii. COPY neti_3 TO mdvl_data     {copy data from network station to
iii. COPY_N mdvl_test_data TO ser1_ {copy mdvl_test_data to serial
                                port 1 removing header information}

COS  math functions
COS will compute the cosine of the specified argument.

syntax: angle:= numeric_expression    {range -10000..10000 in radians}

   COS (angle)

example:  i.  PRINT COS(theta)
         ii.  PRINT C0S(3.141592654/2)

COT will compute the cotangent of the specified argument.

syntax: angle:= numeric_expression {range -30000..30000 in radians}

COT (angle)

example:     i.  PRINT COT(3)
            ii.  PRINT C0T(3.141592654/2)

CSIZE   window
Sets a new character size for the window attached to the specified or
default channel. The standard size is 0,0 in 512 mode and 2,0 in 256

Width defines the horizontal size of the character space. Height
defines the vertical size of the character space. The character size
is adjusted to fill the space available.

Figure A Character Square
width              size              height              size·
6 pixels
8 pixels
12 pixels
16 pixels
10 pixels
20 pixels

syntax:   width:= numeric_expression   {range 0..3}
         height:= numeric_expression   {range 0..11}

   CSIZE [channel,]- width, height

example:  i. CSIZE 3,0
         ii. CSIZE 3,1

CURSOR   windows
CURSOR allows the screen cursor to be positioned anywhere in the
window attached to the specified or default channel.

CURSOR uses the pixel coordinate system relative to the window origin
and defines the position for the top left hand corner of the cursor.
The size of the cursor is dependent on the character size in use.
If  CURSOR  is used  with  four  parameters then  the  first  pair  is
interpreted  as  graphics coordinates (using the graphics coordinate
system) and the second pair as the position of the cursor (in the
pixel coordinate system) relative to the first point.

This allows diagrams to be annotated relatively easily.

syntax:   x:= numeric_expression
          y:= numeric_expression

CURSOR [channel,] x, y [,x, y]

example:  i. CURSOR 0,0
         ii. CURSOR 20,30
        iii. CURSOR 50,50,10,10

READ, DATA and RESTORE allow embedded data, contained in a SuperBASIC
program, to be assigned to variables at run time.

DATA is used to mark and define the data, READ accesses the data and
assigns it to variables and RESTORE allows specific data to be

DATA allows data to be defined within a program. The data can be read
by a READ statement and the data assigned to variables. A DATA
statement is ignored by SuperBASIC when it is encountered during
normal processing.

syntax:    DATA *[expression,]*

READ  reads data contained in DATA statements and assigns it to a list
of variables. Initially the data pointer is set to the first DATA
statement in the program and is incremented after each READ.
Re-running the program will not reset the data pointer and so in
general a program should contain an explicit RESTORE.

An error is reported if a READ is attempted for which there is no

syntax:    READ *[identifier,l*

RESTORE   restores the data pointer, i.e. the position from which
subsequent READs will read their data. If RESTORE is followed by a
line number then the data pointer is set to that line. If no parameter
is specified then the data pointer is reset to the start of the

syntax:    RESTORE [line_number]

  i. 100 REMark Data statement example
     110 DIM weekdays$(7,4)
     120 RESTORE
     130 FOR count= 1 TO 7 :
          READ weekdays$(count)
     140 PRINT weekday$
     150 DATA "MON","TUE","WED","THUR","FRI"
     160 DATA "SAT"."SUN"

ii. 100  DIM month$(l2,9)
    110 RESTORE
    120 REMark Data statement example
    130 FOR count=l TO 12 :
        READ month$(count)
    140 PRINT month$
    150 DATA "January", "February", "March"
    160 DATA "April","May","June"
    170 DATA "July","August","September"
    180 DATA "October","November","December"

Warning:  An implicit RESTORE is not performed before running a
program. This allows a single program to run with different sets of
data. Either include a RESTORE in the program or perform an explicit
RESTORE or CLEAR before running the program.

DATE   clock
DATE$ is a function which will return the date and time contained in
the QLls clock. The format of the string returned by DATE$ is:

"yyyy mmm dd hh:mm:ss"

where   yyyy  is the year 1984, 1985, etc
         mmm  is the month Jan, Feb etc
          dd  is the day 01 to 28, 29, 30, 31
          hh  is the hour 00 to 23
          mm  are the minutes 00 to 59
          ss  are the seconds 00 to 59

DATE will return the date as a floating point number which can be used
to store dates and times in a compact form.

If DATE$ is used with a numeric parameter then the parameter will be
interpreted as a date in floating point form and will be converted to
a date string.

syntax:  DATE$                      {get the time from the clock)
         DATE$ (numeric_expression) {get time from supplied parameter}

example: i. PRINT DATE$           {output the date and time}
        ii. PRINT DATE$(234567)   {convert 234567 to a date}

DAY$   clock
DAY$ is a function which will return the current day of the week. If a
parameter is specified then DAY$ will interpret the parameter as a
date and will return the corresponding day of the week.

syntax:  DAY$                       {get day from clock}
         DAY$ (numeric_expression)  {get day from supplied parameter}

example:  i. PRINT DAY$          {output the day}
         ii. PRINT DAY$(234567)  {output the day represented by 234567

END DEFine    functions and procedures
DEFine FuNction defines a SuperBASIC function. The sequence of
statements between the DEFine function and the END DEFine constitute
the function. The function definition may also include a list of
formal parameters which will supply data for the function. Both
the formal and actual parameters must be enclosed in brackets. If the
function requires no parameters then there is no need to specify an
empty set of brackets.

Formal parameters take their type and characteristics from the
corresponding actual parameters. The type of data returned by the
function is indicated by the type appended to the function identifier.
The type of the data returned in the RETURN statement must match.

An answer is returned from a function by appending an expression to a
RETurn statement. The type of the returned data is the same as type of
this expression.

A function is activated by including its name in a SuperBASIC

Function calls in SuperBASIC can be recursive; that is, a function may
call itself directly or indirectly via a sequence of other calls.

Syntax:  formal_parameters= (expression *[, expression]*)
         actual_parameters:= (expression *[, expression]*)

type:= |$

   DEF FuNction identifier type {forma_parameters}
      [LOCal identifier x[, identifier]*]
      RETurn expression
   END DEFine

RETurn can be at any position within the procedure body. LOCal
statements must preceed the first executable statement in the

  10 DEFine FuNction mean(a, b, c)
  20   LOCaL answer
  30   LET answer = (a + b + c)/3
  40   RETurn answer
  50 END DEFine
  60 PRINT mean(1,2,3)

Comment:  To improve legibility of programs the name of the function
can be appended to the END DEFine statement. However, the name will
not be checked by SuperBASIC.

END DEFine    functions and procedures
DEFine PROCedure defines a SuperBASIC procedure. The sequence of
statements between the DEFine PROCedure statement and the END DEFine
statement constitutes the procedure. The procedure definition may also
include a list of formal parameters which will supply data for the
procedure. The formal parameters must be enclosed in brackets for the
procedure definition, but the brackets are not necessary when the
procedure is called. If the procedure requires no parameters then
there is no need to include an empty set of brackets in the procedure

Formal parameters take their type and characteristics from the
corresponding actual parameters.

Variables may be defined to be LOCal to a procedure. Local variables
have no effect on similarly named variables outside the procedure. If
required, local arrays should be dimensioned within the LOCal

The procedure is called by entering its name as the first item in a
SuperBASIC statement together with a list of actual parameters.
Procedure calls in SuperBASIC are recursive that is, a procedure may
call itself directly or indirectly via a sequence of other calls.

It is possible to regard a procedure definition as a command
definition in SuperBASIC; many of the system commands are themselves
defined as procedures.

syntax:  formal_parameter:= (expression *[, expression]*)
        actual_parameters:= expression *[, expression]*

   DEFine PROCedure identifier {forma_parameters}
      [LOCal identifier *[, identifier]*]
   END DEFine

RETURN can appear at any position within the procedure body. If
present the LOCal statement must be before the first executable
statement in the procedure. The END DEFine statement will act as an
automatic return.

 i.  100 DEFine PROCedure start_screen
     110   WINDOW 100,100,10,10
     120   PAPER 7 : INK O : CLS
     130   BORDER 4,255
     140   PRINT "Hello Everybody"
     150 END DEFine
     160 start_screen

ii.  100  DEFine  PROCedure  slow_scroll(scroll_limit)
     110   LOCal count
     120   FOR count =1 TO scroll
     130      SCROLL 2
     140   END FOR count
     150 END DEFine
     160 slow_scroll 20

Comment:  To improve legibility of programs the name of the procedure
can be appended to the END DEFine statement. However, the name will
not be checked by SuperBASIC.

DEG  math functions
DEG is a function which will convert an angle expressed in radians to
an angle expressed in degrees.

syntax:    DEG(numeric_expression)

example:   PRINT DEG(PI/Z)    {will print 90}

DELETE   micrdrives
DELETE will remove a file from the directory of the cartridge in the
specified Microdrive.

syntax:        DELETE device
The device specification must be a Microdrive device

example:  i. DELETE mdvl_old_data
         ii. DELETE mdv1_letter_file

DIM   arrays
Defines an array to SuperBASIC. String, integer and floating point
arrays can be defined. String arrays handle fixed length strings and
the final index is taken to be the string length.

Array indices run from 0 up to the maximum index specified in the DIM
statement; thus DIM will generate an array with one more element in
each dimension than is actually specified.

When an array is specified it is initialised to zero for a numeric
array and zero length strings for a string array.

syntax:   index:= numeric_expression
          array:= indentifier(index *[, index]*)

   DIM array x[, array] *

example:  i. DIM string_array$(10,10,50)
         ii. DIM matrix(100,100)

DIMN   arrays
DIMN is a function which will return the maximum size of a specified
dimension of a specified array. If a dimension is not specified then
the first dimension is assumed. If the specified dimension does not
exist or the identifier is not an array then zero is returned.

syntax:     array:=  identifier
            index:= numeric_expression {1 for dimension 1, etc.}

   DIMN(array [, dimension])

example: consider the array defined by:  DIM a(2,3,4)
   i. PRINT DIMN(A,1)    {will print 2}
  ii. PRINT DIMN(A,Z)    {will print 3}
 iii. PRINT DIMN(A,3)    {will print 4}
  iv. PRINT DIMN(A)      {will print 2}
   v. PRINT DIMN(A,4)    {will print 0}

DIR   microdrives
DIR will obtain and display in the window attached to the specified or
default channel  Microdrives the directory of the cartridge in the
specified Microdrive.

syntax:       DIR device

The device specification must be a valid Microdrive device

The directory format output by DIR is as follows:

       free_sectors:= the number of free sectors
  available_sectors:= the maximum number of sectors on this cartridge
          file_name:= a SuperBASIC file name

  screen format:   Volume name
                   free_sectors | available_sectors sectors

example:  i.  DIR mdv1_
         ii.  DIR "mdv2_ "
        iii.  DIR "mdv" & microdrive_number$ & "_"

     screen format: BASIC
          183 / 221 sectors

DIV   operator
DIV is an operator which will perform an integer divide.

syntax:  numeric_expression DIV numeric_expression

example:  i. PRINT 5 DIV 2      {will output 2}
         ii. PRINT -5 DIV 2     {will output -3}

DLINE will delete a single line or a range of lines from a SuperBASIC

syntax:   range:= | line_number TO line_number   (1)
                  | line_number TO               (2)
                  | TO line_number               (3)
                  | line_number                  (4)

   DLINE range*[,range]*

where  (1) will delete a range of lines
       (2) will delete from the specified line to the end
       (3) will delete from the start to the specified line
       (4) will delete the specified line

example: i. DLINE 10 TO 70, 80, 200 TO 400
{will delete lines 10 to 70 inclusive, line 80 and lines 200 to 400
        ii.  DLINE                  {will delete nothing}

The EDIT command enters the SuperBASIC line editor.

The EDIT command is closely related to the AUTO command, the only
difference being in their defaults. EDIT defaults to a line increment
of zero and thus will edit a single line unless a second parameter is
specified to define a line increment.

If the specified line already exists then the line is displayed and
editing can be started. If the line does not exist then the line
number is displayed and the line can be entered.

The cursor can be manipulated within the edit line using the standard
QL keystrokes.

   cursor right
   cursor left
   cursor up  -  same as ENTER but automatically gives previous
existing line to edit next
   cursor down -  same as ENTER but automatically gives next existing
line to edit next
   CTRL -> delete character right
   CTRL <-  delete character left

When the line is correct pressing ENTER will enter the line into the

If an increment was specified then the next line in the sequence will
be edited otherwise edit will terminate.

syntax:        increment:= numeric_expression

   EDIT line_number [,increment]

example:  i. EDIT 10             {edit line 10 only}
         ii. EDIT 20,10          {edit lines 20, 30 etc.}

EOF   devices
EOF is a function which will determine if an end of file condition has
been reached on a specified channel. If EOF is used without a channel
specification then EOF will determine if the end of a program's
embedded data statements has been reached.

syntax:    EOF [(channel)]

example:   i.  IF EOF(#6) THEN STOP
          ii.  IF EOF THEN PRINT "Out of data"

EXEC_W   Qdos
EXEC and EXEC_W will load a sequence of programs and execute them in

EXEC will return to the command processor after all processes have
started execution, EXEC_W will wait until all the processes have
terminated before returning.

syntax:    program: =device   {used to specify a Microdrive file
                               containing the program}

   EXEC program

example:  i. EXEC mdv1_communcations
         ii. EXEC_W mdv1_printer_process

repetition EXIT will continue processing after the END of the named
FOR or REPeat structure.

syntax:   EXIT identifier

example: i. 100 REM start Looping
            110   LET count = O
            120 REPeat Loop
            130  LET count = count +1
            140  PRINT count
            150  IF count = 20 THEN EXIT Loop
            160 END REPeat loop
{the loop will be exited when count becomes equal to 20}

        ii. 100 FOR n =1 TO 1000
            110   REM program statements
            120   REM program statements
            130   IF RND >.5 THEN EXIT n
            140 END FOR n
{the loop will be exited when a random number greater than 0.5 is

maths functions
EXP will return the value of e raised to the power of the specified

syntax:     EXP (numeric_expression) {range -500..500}

example:  i.  PRINT EXP(3)
         ii.  PRINT EXP(3.141592654)

FILL   graphics
FILL will turn graphics fill on or off. FILL will fill any
non-re-entrant shape drawn with the graphics or turtle graphics
procedures as the shape is being drawn. Re-entrant shapes must be
split into smaller non-re-entrant shapes.

When you have finished filling, FILL 0 should be called.

syntax:   switch:= numeric_expression   {range 0..1}

   FILL [channel,] switch

example: i. FILL 1:LINE 10,10 TO 50,50 TO 30,90 TO 10,10:FILL 0
{will draw a filled triangle}
        ii.  FILL 1:CIRCLE 50,50,20:FILL 0
{will draw a filled circle}

FILL$   string arrays
FILL$ is a function which will return a string of a specified length
filled with a repetition of one or two characters.

syntax:   FILL$ (string_expression, numeric_expression)

The string expression supplied to FILL$ must be either one or two
characters long.

example:  i. PRINT FILL$("a",5)               {will print aaaaa}
         ii. PRINT FILL$("oO",7)              {will print oOoOoOo}
        iii. LET a$ = a$ & FILL$(" ",10)

FLASH   windows
FLASH turns the flash state on and off. FLASH is only effective in low
resolution mode. FLASH will be effective in the window attached to the
specified or default channel.

syntax:   switch:= numeric_expression   {range 0..1}

   FLASH [channel,] switch

where: switch = 0 will turn the flash off
       switch = 1 will turn the flash on
example:   100 PRINT "A ";
           110 FLASH 1
           120 PRINT "flashing ";
           130 FLASH 0
           140 PRINT "word"

Warning:  Writing over part of a flashing character can produce
spurious results and should be avoided.

END FOR  repetition
The FOR statement allows a group of SuperBASIC statements to be
repeated a controlled number of times. The FOR statement can be used
in both a long and a short form. NEXT and END FOR can be used together
within the same FOR loop to provide a loop epilogue, ie. a group of
SuperBASIC statements which will not be executed if a loop is exited
via an EXIT statement but which will be executed if the FOR loop
terminated normally.

define: for_item:= | numeric_expression
                   | numeric_exp TO numeric_exp
                   | numeric_exp TO numeric_exp STEP numeric_exp

for_list. =   for_item *[, for_item] *

SHORT:  The FOR statement is followed on the same logical line by a
sequence of SuperBASIC statements. The sequence of statements is then
repeatedly executed under the control of the FOR statement. When the
FOR statement is exhausted, processing continues on the next line. The
FOR statement does not require its terminating NEXT or END FOR. Single
line FOR loops must not be nested.

syntax: FOR variable = for_list : statement x[: statement]*

example: i. FOR i = 1, 2, 3, 4 TO 7 STEP 2 : PRINT i
        ii. FOR element = first TO last : LET buffer (element ) = 0

LONG:  The FOR statement is the last statement on the line. Subsequent
lines contain a series of SuperBASIC statements terminated by an END
FOR statement. The statements enclosed between the FOR statement and
the END FOR are processed under the control of the FOR statement.

syntax:   FOR variable = for_list
          END FOR variable

   100 INPUT "data please"  x
   110 LET factorial = 1
   120 FOR value = x TO 1 STEP -1
   130  LET factorial = factorial * value
   140   PRINT x !!!! factorial
   150   IF factorial>lE20 THEN
   160     PRINT "Very Large number"
   170     EXIT value
   180   END IF
   190 END FOR value

Warning:  A floating point variable must be used to control a FOR

FORMAT   microdrives
FORMAT will format and make ready for use the cartridge contained in
the specified Microdrive.

syntax:     FORMAT [channel,] device

Device specifies the Microdrive to be used for formatting and the
identifier part of the specification is used as the medium or volume
name for that cartridge. FORMAT will write the number of good sectors
and the total number of sectors available on the cartridge on the
default or on the specified channel.

It is helpful to format a new cartridge several times before use. This
conditions the surface of the tape and gives greater capacity.

example: i.  FORMAT mdv1_data_cartridge
        ii.  FORMAT mdv2_wp_letters

FORMAT can be used to reinitialise a used cartridge. However all data
contained on that cartridge will be lost.

For compatibility with other BASICs, SuperBASIC supports the GOSUB
statement. GOSUB transfers processing to the specified line number; a
RETurn statement will transfer processing back to the statement
following GOSUB.

The line number specification can be an expression.

syntax:    GOSUB line_number

example: i.  GOSUB 100
        ii.  GOSUB 4*select_variable

Comment:  The control structures available in SuperBASIC make the
GOSUB statement redundant.   

For compatibility with other BASICs, SuperBASIC supports the GOTO
statement. GOTO will unconditionally transfer processing to the
statement number specified. The statement number specification can be
an expression.

syntax:    GOTO line_number

example:    i.  GOTO program start
           ii.  GOTO 9999

comment:  The control structures available in SuperBASIC make the GOTO
statement redundant.

The IF statement allows conditions to be tested and the outcome of
that test to control subsequent program flow.

The IF statement can be used in both a long and a short form:

SHORT:   The THEN keyword is followed on the same logical line by a
sequence of SuperBASIC keyword. This sequence of SuperBASIC statements
may contain an ELSE keyword. If the expression in the IF statement is
true (evaluates to be non-zero), then the statements between the THEN
and the ELSE keywords are processed. If the condition is false
(evaluates to be zero) then the statements between the ELSE and the
end of the line are processed.

If the sequence of SuperBASIC statements does not contain an ELSE
keyword and if the expression in the IF statement is true, then the
statements between the THEN keyword and the end of the line are
processed. If the expression is false then processing continues
at the next line.

syntax:   statements:= statement *[: statement]*

   IF expression THEN statements [:ELSE statements]

example: i. IF a=32 THEN PRINT "Limit" : ELSE PRINT "OK"
        ii. IF test >maximum THEN LET maximum = test
       iii. IF "1"+1=2 THEN PRINT "coercion OK"

LONG 1:  The THEN keyword is the last entry on the logical line. A
sequence of SuperBASIC statements is written following the IF
statements. The sequence is terminated by the END IF statement. The
sequence of SuperBASIC statements is executed if the expression
contained in the IF statement evaluates to be non zero. The ELSE
keyword and second sequence of SuperBASIC statements are optional.

LONG 2:  The THEN keyword is the last entry on the logical line. A
sequence of SuperBASIC statements follows on subsequent lines,
terminated by the ELSE keyword. IF the expression contained in the IF
statement evaluates to be non zero then this first sequence of
SuperBASIC statements is processed. After the ELSE keyword a second
sequence of SuperBASIC statements is entered, terminated by the END IF
keyword. If the expression evaluated by the IF statement is zero then
this second sequence of SuperBASIC statements is processed.

syntax:   IF expression THEN
          END IF

example:  100 LET Limit =10
          110 INPUT "Type in a number" ! number
          120 IF number > limit THEN
          130   PRINT "Range error"
          140 ELSE
          150   PRINT "Inside Limit"
          160 END IF

In all three forms of the IF statement the THEN is optional. In the
short form it must comment be replaced by a colon to distinguish the
end of the IF and the start of the next statement. In the long form it
can be removed completely.

IF statements may be nested as deeply as the user requires (subject to
available memory).  However, confusion may arise as to which ELSE, END
IF etc matches which IF. SuperBASIC will match nested ELSE statements
etc to the closest IF statement, for

     100 IF a = b THEN
     110   IF c = d THEN
     120     PRINT "error"
     130  ELSE
     140     PRINT "no error"
     150  END IF
     160 ELSE
     170  PRINT "not checked"
     180 END IF

The ELSE at line 130 is matched to the second IF. The ELSE at line 160
is matched with the first IF (at line 100).

INK   windows
This sets the current ink colour, i.e. the colour in which the output
is written. INK will windows be effective for the window attached to
the specified or default channel.

syntax:   INK [channel,] colour

example:   i.  INK 5
          ii.  INK 6,2
         iii.  INK #2,255

INKEY$ is a function which returns a single character input from
either the specified or default channel.

An optional timeout can be specified which can wait for a specified
time before returning, can return immediately or can wait forever. If
no parameter is specified then INKEY$ will return immediately.

syntax:   INKEY$ [|(channel)
                  |(channel, time)

where:  time = 1..32767    {wait for specified number of frames}
        time = -1          {wait forever}
        time = 0           {return immediately}

  i. PRINT INKEY$       {input from the default channel}
 ii. PRINT INKEY$(#4)   {input from channel 4}
iii. PRINT INKEY$(50)   {wait for 50 frames then return anyway}
 iv. PRINT INKEY$(0)    {return immediatly (poll the keyboard)}
  v. PRINT  INKEY$(#3,100)  {wait for 100 frames for an input from
channel 3 then return anyway}

INPUT allows data to be entered into a SuperBASIC program directly
from the QL keyboard by the user. SuperBASIC halts the program until
the specified amount of data has been input; the program will then
continue. Each item of data must be terminated by the ENTER key.

INPUT will input data from either the specified or the default

If input is required from a particular console channel the cursor for
the window connected to that channel will appear and start to flash.

syntax:   separator:= |!
                      |;                      | TO

   prompt:= [channel,] expression separator

   INPUT [prompt] [channel] variable *[,variable]*

  i.  INPUT ("Last guess "& guess & "New guess?") ! guess
  ii.  INPUT "What is your guess?"; guess
  iii.  100 INPUT "array size?" ! Limit
        110 DIM array(limit-1)
        120 FOR element = 0 to Limit-1
        130   INPUT ("data for element" & element) array(element)
        140 END FOR element
        150 PRINT array

INSTR   operator
INSTR is an operator which will determine if a given substring is
contained within a specified string. If the string is found then the
substring's position is returned. If the string is not found then
INSTR returns zero.

Zero can be interpreted as false, i.e. the substring was not contained
in the given string. A non zero value, the substrings position, can be
intepreted as true, i.e. the substring was contained in the specified

syntax:     string_expression INSTR string expression

example: i. PRINT "a" INSTR "cat"              {will  print 2}
        ii. PRINT "CAT" INSTR "concatenate"    {will print 4}
       iii. PRINT "x" INSTR "eggs"             {will print 0}

INT   maths functions
INT will return the integer part of the specified floating point

syntax:    INT (numeric_expression)

example:  i. PRINT INT(X)
         ii.  PRINT INT(3.141592654/2)

KEYROW is a function which looks at the instantaneous state of a row
of keys (the table below shows how the keys are mapped onto a matrix
of 8 rows by 8 columns). KEYROW takes one parameter, which must be an
integer in the range 0 to 7: this number selects which row is to be
looked at. The value returned by KEYROW is an integer between 0 and
255 which gives a binary representation indicating which keys have
been depressed in the selected row.

Since KEYROW is used as an alternative to the normal keyboard input
mechanism using INKEY$ or INPUT, any character in the keyboard
type-ahead buffer are cleared by KEYROW: thus key depressions which
have been made before a call to KEYROW will not be read by a
subsequent INKEY$ or INPUT.

Note that multiple key depressions can cause surprising results. In
particular, if three keys at the corner of a rectangle in the matrix
are depressed simultaneously, it will appear as if the key at the
fourth corner has also been depressed. The three special keys CTRL,
SHIFT and ALT are an exception to this rule, and do not interact with
other keys in this way.

syntax:     row:= numeric_expression (range 0..7)

   KEYROW (row)

example: 100 REMark run this program and press a few keys
         110 REPeat loop
         120   CURSOR 0,0
         130   FOR row = 0 to 7
         140     PRINT row  !!! KEYROW(row) ;" "
         150   END FOR row
         160 END REPeat Loop

ROW    1    2    4    8    16    32   64   128
7 ISHIFT( CTRL I ALT I  X  I  V         I  N
8121610 EIOITIU
ZI .IC  B  f  M
ENTER I  t    up    ESC I      I      ISPACE  down
F4   I   F1       5       F2      F3      F5      4       7

LBYTES  devices  microdrives
LBYTES will load a data file into memory at the specified start

syntax:    start_address:= numeric_expression

   LBYTES device ,startaddress

   i.  LBYTES mdvl_screen, 131072   {load a screen image}
  ii. LBYTES mdvl_program, start_address  {load a program at a
specified address}

LEN   string arrays
LEN is a function which will return the length of the specified string

syntax:   LEN(string_expression)

example: i. PRINT LEN( "LEN will find the ength of this string")
        ii. PRINT LEN(output_string$)

LET starts a SuperBASIC assignment statement. The use of the LET
keyword is optional. The assignment may be used for both string and
numeric assignments. SuperBASIC will automatically convert unsuitable
data types to a suitable form wherever possible.

syntax:  [LET] variable = expression

example:  i. LET a = 1 + 2
         ii. LET a$ = "12345"
        iii. LET a$ = 6789
         iv. b$ = test_data

LINE allows a straight line to be drawn between two points in the
window attached to the default or specified channel. The ends of the
line are specified using the graphics coordinate system.

Multiple lines can be drawn with a single LINE command.

The normal specification requires specifying the two end points for a
line. These end points can be specified either in absolute coordinates
(relative to the graphics origin) or in relative coordinates (relative
to the graphics cursor). If the first point is omitted then a line is
drawn from the graphics cursor to the specified point. If the second
point is omitted then the graphics cursor is moved but no line is

LINE will always draw with absolute coordinates, i.e. relative to the
graphics origin, while LINE_R will always draw relative to the
graphics cursor.

syntax:       x:= numeric_expression
              y:= numeric_expression
          point:= x,y

    parameter_2:= | TO point                   (1)
                  | ,point XO point            (2)

    parameter_1:= | TO point, angle            (1)
                  | TO point                   (2)
                  | point                      (3)

LINE [channel,] parameter_1 *[, parameter_2]*
LINE_R [channel,] parameter_1 *[,parameter_2]*

  (1) will draw from the specified point to the next specified point
  (2) will draw from the the last point plotted to the specified point
  (3) will move to the specified point - no line will be drawn

   i.  LINE 0,0 TO 0, 50 TO 50,0 TO 50,0 TO 0,0  {a square}
  ii.  LINE TO 0.75, 0.5                         {a line}
 iii.  LINE 25,25                    {move the graphics cursor}

LIST allows a SuperBASIC line or group of lines to be listed on a
specific or default channel.  LIST is terminated by CTRL-SPACE

syntax:  line:= | line_number TO line_number     (1)
                | line_number TO                 (2)
                | TO line_number                 (3)
                | line_number                    (4)
                |                                (5)

   LIST [channel,] line*[,line]*

where (1) will list from the specified line to the specified line
      (2) will list from the specified line to the end
      (3) will list from the start to the specified line
      (4) will list the specified line
      (5) will list the whole program

example:  i. LIST             {list all lines}
         ii. LIST 10 TO 300   {list lines 10 to 300}
        iii. LIST 12,20,50    {list lines 12,20 and 50 only}

If LIST output is directed to a channel opened as a printer channel
then LIST will provide hard copy.

LOAD   devices microdrives
LOAD will load a SuperBASIC program from any QL device. LOAD
automatically performs a NEW before loading another program, and so
any previously loaded program will be cleared by LOAD.

If a line input during a load has incorrect SuperBASIC syntax, the
word MISTAKE is inserted between the line number and the body of the
line. Upon execution, a line of this sort will generate an error

syntax:      LOAD device

example: i. LOAD "mdvl_test_program"
        ii. LOAD  mdvl_guess
       iii. LOAD  neti_3
        iv. LOAD serl_e

LOG10   maths functions
LN will return the natural logarithm of the specified argument. LOG10
will return the common logarithm. There is no upper limit on the
parameter other than the maximum number the computer can store.

syntax:   LOG10 (numenic_expression) {range greater than zero}
          LN (numeric_expression)    {range greater than zero}

example:  i. PRINT LOG10(20)
         ii. PRINT LN(3.141592654)

LOCal  functions and procedures
LOCal allows identifiers to be defined to be LOCal to a function or
procedure. Local identifiers only exist within the function or
procedure in which they are defined, or in procedures and functions
called from the function or procedure in which they are defined.
They are lost when the function or procedure terminates. Local
identifiers are independent of similarly named identifiers outside the
defining function or procedure. Arrays can be defined to be local by
dimensioning them within the LOCal statement.

The LOCal statement must precede the first executable statement in the
function or procedure in which it is used.

syntax:   LOCal identifier *[, identifier]*

example:  i. LOCal a,b,c(10,10)
         ii. LOCal temp_data

comment:  Defining variables to be LOCal allows variable names to be
used within functions and procedures without corrupting meaningful
variables of the same name outside the function or procedure.

LRUN   devices microdrives
LRUN will load and run a SuperBASIC program from a specified device.
LRUN will perform NEW before loading another program and so any
previously stored SuperBASIC program will be cleared by LRUN.

If a line input during a loading has incorrect SuperBASIC syntax, the
word MISTAKE is inserted between the line number and the body of the
line. Upon execution, a line of this sort will generate an error.

syntax:    LRUN device

example:  i. LRUN mdv2_TEST
         ii. LRUN mdv1_game

MERGE   devices microdrives
MERGE will load a file from the specified device and interpret it as a
SuperBASIC program. If the new file contains a line number which
doesn't appear in the program already in the QL then the line will be
added. If the new file contains a replacement line for one that
already exists then the line will be replaced. All other old program
lines are left undisturbed.

If a line input during a MERGE has incorrect SuperBASIC syntax, the
word MISTAKE is inserted between the line number and the body of the
line. Upon execution, a line of this sort will generate an error.

syntax:    MERGE device

example:  i. MERGE mdv1_overlay_program
         ii. MERGE mdv1_new_data

MOD  operators
MOD is an operator which gives the modulus, or remainder; when one
integer is divided by another.

syntax:   numeric_expression MOD numeric_expression

example:  i. PRINT 5 MOD 2       {will print 1}
         ii. PRINT 5 MOD 3       {will print 2}

MODE  screen  
MODE sets the resolution of the screen and the number of solid colours
which it can display. MODE will clear all windows currently on the
screen, but will preserve their position and shape. Changing to low
resolution mode (8 colour) will set the minimum character size to 2,0.

syntax:   MODE numeric_expression

where: 8 or 256 will select low resolution mode
       4 or 512 will select high resolution mode

example:  i. MODE 256
         ii. MODE  4

MOVE   turtle graphics
MOVE will move the graphics turtle in the window attached to the
default or specified channel a specified distance in the current
direction. The direction can be specified using the TURN and TURNTO
commands. The graphics scale factor is used in determining how far the
turtle actually moves. Specifying a negative distance will move the
turtle backwards.

The turtle is moved in the window attached to the specified or default

syntax:   distance:= numeric_expression

   MOVE [channel,] distance

example: i. MOVE #2,20
          {move the turtle in channel 2 20 units forwards}
        ii. MOVE  -50
          {move the turtle in the default channel 50 units backwards}

MRUN  devices microdrives
MRUN will interpret a file as a SuperBASIC program and merge it with
the currently loaded program.

If used as direct command MRUN will run the new program from the
start. If used as a program statement MRUN will continue processing on
the line following MRUN. If a line input during a merge has incorrect
SuperBASIC syntax, the word MISTAKE is inserted between the line
number and the body of the line. Upon execution, a line of this sort
will generate an error.

syntax:    MRUN device

example:  i. MRUN mdv1_chain_program
         ii. MRUN mdv1_new_data

NET   network
NET allows the network station number to be set. If a station number
is not explicitly set then the QL assumes station number 1.

syntax:   station:= numeric_expression (range 1..127}

   NET station

example:  i. NET 63
         ii. NET  1

Confusion may arise if more than one station on the network has the
same station number:

NEW will clear out the old program, variables and channels other than
0,1 and 2.

syntax:     NEW

example:    NEW

NEXT   repetition
NEXT is used to terminate, or create a loop epilogue in, REPeat and
FOR loops.

syntax:    NEXT identifier

The identifier must match that of the loop which the NEXT is to

  i.   10 REMark this loop must repeat forever
       11 REPeat infinite loop
       12 PRINT "sti LI looping"
       13 NEXT infinite loop

ii.    10 REMark this loop will repeat 20 times
       11 LET limit = 20
       12 FOR index=1 TO Limit
       13   PRINT index
       14 NEXT index

iii.   10 REMark this Loop will tell you when a 30 is found
       11 REPeat Loop
       12   LET number = RND(1 TO 100)
       13   IF number = 30 THEN NEXT Loop
       14   PRINT number; " is 30"
       15 EXIT LOOP
       16 END REPeat loop

If NEXT is used inside a REPeat - END REPeat construct it will force
processing to continue at the statement following the matching REPeat

The NEXT statement can be used to repeat the FOR loop with the control
variable set at its next value. If the FOR loop is exhausted then
processing will continue at the statement following the NEXT;
otherwise processing will continue at the statement after the FOR.

To provide compatibility with other BASICs, SuperBASIC supports the ON
GOTO and ON GOSUB statements. These statements allow a variable to
select from a list of possible line numbers a line to process in a
GOTO or GOSUB statement. If too few line numbers are specified in the
list then an error is generated.

syntax:   ON variable GOTO expression *[, expression]*
          ON variable GOSUB expression *[, expression]*

example: i. ON x GOTO 10, 20, 30, 40
        ii. ON select_variable GOSUB 1000,2000,3000,4000

comment:  SELect can be used to replace these two BASIC commands.

OPEN_NEW  devices  Microdrives
OPEN allows the user to link a logical channel to a physical QL device
for I/O purposes. If the channel is to a Microdrive then the
Microdrive file can be an existing file or a new file. In which case
OPEN_IN will open an already existing Microdrive file for input and
OPEN_NEW will create a new Microdrive file for output.

syntax:    channel:= # numeric_expressicn

   OPEN channel, device

example:  i. OPEN #5, f_name$
         ii. OPEN_IN #9,"mdv1_filename"   {open file mdvl_file__name}
        iii. OPEN_NEW #7,mdv1_datafile    {open file mdvl_datafile}
         iv. OPEN #6,con_10x20a20x2032
{Open channel 6 to the console device creating a window size 10x20
pixels at position 20,20 with a 32 byte keyboard type ahead buffer.}
          v. OPEN #8,mdv1_read_write_file.

OVER   windows
OVER selects the type of over printing required in the window attached
to the specified or default channel. The selected type remains in
effect until the next use of OVER.

syntax:  switch:= numeric_expression [range -1..i]

   OVER [channel,] switch

where switch = 0 - print ink on strip
      switch = 1 - print in ink on transparent stnp
      switch = -1 - XORs the data on the screen

example:  i. OVER 1                 {set "overprinting")
         ii. 10 REMark Shadow Writing
             11 PAPER 7 : INK O : OVER 1 : CLS
             12 CSIZE 3,1
             13 FOR i = 0 TO 10
             14   CURSOR i,i
             15   IF i=10 THEN INK 2
             16  PRINT "Shadow"
             17 END FOR i

PAN   windows
PAN the entire current window the specified number of pixels to the
left or the right. PAPER is scrolled in to fill the clear area.

An optional second parameter can be specified which will allow only
part of the screen to be panned.

syntax:  distance:= numeric_expression
             part:= numeric_expression

   PAN [channel,] distance [, part]

where  part = 0 - whole screen (or no parameter)
       part = 3 - whole of the cursor line
       part = 4 - right end of cursor line including the cursor

If the expression evaluates to a positive value then the contents of
the screen will be shifted to the right.


   i. PAN #2,50  {pan left 50 pixels}
  ii. PAN  -100  {pan right 100 pixels}
 iii. PAN  50.3  {pan the whole of the current cursor line 50 pixels
to the right}

If stipples are being used or the screen is in low resolution mode
then, to maintain the stipple pattern, the screen must be panned in
multiples of two pixels.

PAPER   windows
PAPER sets a new paper colour tie. the colour which will be used byCLS, PAN, SCROLL, etc). The selected paper colour remains in effect
until the next use of PAPER. PAPER will also set the STRIP colour

PAPER will change the paper colour in the window attached to the
specified or default channel.

syntax:  PAPER [channel,] colour

example: i. PAPER #3,7     {White paper on channel 3}
        ii. PAPER 7,2      {White and red stipple}
       iii. PAPER   255    {Black and white stipple}
        iv. 10 REMark Show colours and stipples
            11 FOR colour = 0 TO 7
            12   FOR contrast = 0 TO 7
            13     FOR stipple = 0 TO 3
            14       PAPER colour, contrast, stipple
            15        SCROLL 6
            16     END FOR stipple
            17   END FOR cent rest
            18 END FOR colour

PAUSE will cause a program to wait a specified period of time delays
are specified in units of 20ms in the UK only, otherwise 16.67ms. If
no delay is specified then the program will pause indefinitely.
Keyboard input will terminate the PAUSE and restart program execution.

syntax:    delay:= numeric_expression
   PAUSE [delay]

example:  i. PAUSE 50           {wait 1 second}
         ii. PAUSE 500          {wait 10 seconds}

PEEK is a function which returns the contents of the specified memory
location. PEEK has three forms which will access a byte (8 bits), a
word (16 bits), or a long word (32 bits).

syntax:    address:= numeric_expression

   PEEK(address)      {byte access}
   PEEK_W(address)    {word access}
   PEEK_L(address)    {long word access}

example: i. PRINT PEEK(12245)  {byte contents of location 12245}
        ii. PRINT PEEK_W(12)   {word contents of locations 12 and 13}
       iii. PRINT PEEK_L(1000) {long word contents of location 1000}

Warning:  For word and long word access the specified address must be
an even address.

PENDOWN   turtle graphics
Operates the 'pen' in turtle graphics. If the pen is up then nothing
will be drawn. If the pen is down then lines will be drawn as the
turtle moves across the screen.

The line will be drawn in the window attached to the specified or
default channel. The line will be drawn in the current ink colour for
the channel to which the output is directed.

syntax:    PENUP [channel]
           PENDOWN [channel]

example: i. PENUP       {will raise the pen in the default channel}
        ii. PENDOWN #2  {will lower the pen in the window attached to
channel 2}

PI   maths function
PI is a function which returns the value of x.

syntax:       PI

example:      PRINT PI

POINT_R  graphics
POINT plots a point at the specified position in the window attached
to the specified or default channel. The point is plotted using the
graphics coordinates system relative to the graphics origin. If
POINT_R is used then all points are specified relative to the
graphics cursor and are plotted relative to each other. Multiple
points can be plotted with a single call to POINT.

syntax:       x:=numeric_expression
     parameters:= x,y

   POINT [channel,] parameters* [,parameters]*

example: i. POINT 256,128       {plot a point at (256,128)}
        ii. POINT x,x*x         {plot a point at (x,x*x)}
       iii. 10 REPeat example
            20  INK RND(255)
            30  POINT RND(100),RND(100)
            40 END REPeat example

POKE allows a memory location to be changed. For word and long word
accesses the specified address must be an even address.

POKE has three forms which will access a byte (8 bits), a word (16
bits), a long word (32 bits).

syntax:   address:= numeric_expression
             data:= numeric_expression

   POKE   address, data    {byte access}
   POKE_W address, data    {word access}
   POKE_L address, data    {long word access}

example:  i. POKE 12235,0          {set byte at 12235 to O}
         ii. POKE_L 131072,12345   {set long word at 131072 to 12345}

Warning:  Poking data into areas of memory used by Qdos can cause the
system to crash and data to be lost. Poking into such areas is not

PRINT  devices microdrives
Allows output to be sent to the specified or default channel. The
normal use of PRINT is to send data to the QL screen.

Syntax:  separator:= | !
                     |  ,
                     | \
                     | ; 
                     |  TO numeric_expression

              item:= | expression
                     | channel
                     | separator

   PRINT *[item]*

Multiple print separators are allowed. At least one separator must
separate channel specifications and expressions.

Example:  i. PRINT  "Hello  World"
{will output Hello World on the default output device (channel 1)}
         ii. PRINT #5,"data",1,2,3,4
{will output the supplied data to channel 5 (which must have been
previously opened)}
        iii. PRINT TO 20; "This is in column 20"

! - Normal action is to insert a space between items output on the
screen. If the item will not fit on the current line a line feed will
be generated. If the current print position is at the start of a line
then a space will not be output.  ! affects the next item to be
printed and therefore must be placed in front of the print item being
printed.  Also a ; or a ! must be placed at the end of a print list if
the spacing is to be continued over a series of PRINT statements.

, - Normal separator, SuperBASIC will tabulate output every 8 columns.

\   -   Will force a new line.

;  - Will leave the print position immediately after the last item to
be printed. Output will be printed in one continuous stream.

TO   -  Will perform a tabbing operation. TO followed by a
numeric_expression will advance the print position to the column
specified by the numeric_expression. If the requested column is
meaningless or the current print position is beyond the specified
position then no action will be taken.

RAD   maths functions
RAD is a function which will convert an angle specified in degrees to
an angle specified in radians.

syntax:   RAD (numeric_expressio

example:  PRINT RAD(180)   {will print 3.141593}

RANDOMISE   maths functions
RANDOMISE allows the random number generator to be reseeded. If a
parameter is specified the parameter is taken to be the new seed. If
no parameter is specified then the generator is reseeded from internal

syntax:     RANDOMISE [numeric_expression]

example:  i.  RANDOMISE           {set seed to internal data}
         ii.  RANDOMISE  3.2235   {set seed to 3.2235}

RECOL   windows
RECOL will recolour individual pixels in the window attached to the
specified or default channel according to some preset pattern. Each
parameter is assumed to specify, in order, the colour in which each
pixel is recoloured, i.e. the first parameter specifies the colour
with which to recolour all black pixels, the second parameter blue
pixels, etc.
The colour specification must be a solid colour, i.e. it must be in
the range O to 7.

syntax:  c0:= new colour for black
         c1:= new colour for blue
         c2:= new colour for red
         c3:= new colour for magenta
         c4:= new colour for green
         c5:= new colour for cyan
         c6:= new colour for yellow
         c7:= new colour for white

   RECOL [channel ,] c0, cl, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7

    RECOL 2,3,4,5,6,7,1,0  {recolour blue to magenta, red to green,
magenta to cyan etc.}

REMark allows explanatory text to be inserted into a program. The
remainder of the line is ignored by SuperBASIC.

syntax:    REMark text

example:   REMark This is a comment in a program

REMark is used to add comments to a program to aid clarity.

RENUM allows a group or a series of groups of SuperBASIC line numbers
to be changed. If no parameters are specified then RENUM will renumber
the entire program. The new listing will begin at line 100 and proceed
in steps of 10.

If a start line is specified then line numbers prior to the start line
will  be unchanged. If an end line is specified then line numbers
following the end line will be unchanged.

If a start number and stop are specified then the lines to be
renumbered will be numbered from the start number and proceed in steps
of the specified size.

If a GOTO or GOSUB statement contains an expression starting with a
number then this number is treated as a line number and is renumbered.

syntax:  startline:= numeric_expression  {start renumber}
          end_line:= numeric_expression  {stop renumber}
      start_number:= numeric_expression  {base line number}              step:= numeric_expression  {step}

   RENUM [start_line [TO end_line];] [startnumber] [,step]

example: i. RENUM      {renumber whole program from 100 by 10}
        ii. RENUM 100 TO 200  {renumber from 100 to 200 by 10}

Comment:  No attempt must be made to use RENUM to renumber program
lines out of sequence, ie to move lines about the program. RENUM
should not be used in a program.

END REPeat  repetition
REPeat allows general repeat loops to be constructed. REPeat should be
used with EXIT for maximum effect. REPeat can be used in both long and
short forms:

SHORT:  The REPEAT keyword and loop identifer are followed on the same
logical line by a colon and a sequence of SuperBASIC statements. EXIT
will resume normal processing at the next logical line.

syntax:      REPeat identifier : statements

example:     REPeat wait : IF INKEY$ = "" THEN EXIT wait

LONG:  The REPEAT keyword and the loop identifier are the only
statements on the logical line. Subsequent lines contain a series of
SuperBASIC statements terminated by an END REPeat statement.

The statements between the REPeat and the END REPeat are repeatedly
processed by SuperBASIC.

syntax:     REPeat identifier
            END REPeat identifier

   10 LET number = RND(1 TO 50)
   11 REPeat guess
   12   INPUT "What is your guess?", guess
   13   IF guess = number THEN
   14     PRINT "You have guessed correctly"
   15     EXIT guess
   16  ELSE
   17     PRINT "You have guessed incorrectly"
   18  END IF
   19 END REPeat guess

Comment:  Normally at least one statement in a REPeat loop will be an
EXIT statement.

RESPR   Qdos
RESPR is a function which will reserve some of the resident procedure
space. (For example to expand the SuperBASIC procedure list.)

syntax:  space:= numeric_expression
   RESPR (space)

PRINT RESPR(1024)  {will print the base address of a 1024 byte block}

RETurn   functions and procedures
RETurn is used to force a function or procedure to terminate and
resume processing at the statement after the procedure or function
call. When used within a function definition them RETurn statement is
used to return the function's value.

syntax:    RETern [expression]

 i. 100 PRINT ack (3,3)
    110  DEFine FuNction ack(m,n)
    120   IF m=0 THEN RETurn n+l
    130   IF n=0 THEN RETurn ack (m-l,l)
    140   RETern a c k (m-l ,a c k (m, n-l ) )
    150 END DEFine

ii. 10  LET  warning_flag  =1
    11 LET error_number = RND(0 TO 10)
    12 warning error_number
    13 DEFine PROCedure warning(n)
    14   IF warning_flag THEN
    15      PRINT "WARNING:";
    16      SELect ON n
    17        ON n =1
    18           PRINT "Microdrive  full"
    19        ON n = 2
    20           PRINT "Data space full"
    21          ON n = REMAINDER
    22           PRINT "Program error"
    23      END SELect
    24   ELSE
    25      RETurn
    26   END IF
    27 END DEFine

It is not compulsory to have a RETurn in a procedure. If processing
reaches the END DEFine of a procedure then the procedure will return

RETurn by itself is used to ieturn from a GOSUB.

RND   maths function
RND generates a random number. Up to two parameters may be specified
for RND. If no parameters are specified then RND returns a pseudo
random floating point number in the exclusive range 0 to 1. If a
single parameter is specified then RND returns an integer in the
inclusive range 0 to the specified parameter. If two parameters are
specified then RND returns an integer in the inclusive range specified
by the two parameters.

syntax:  RND( [numeric_expression] [TO numeric_expression])

example: i. PRINT RND      {floating point number between 0 and 1}
        ii. PRINT RND(10  TO  20) {integer between 10 and 20}
       iii. PRINT RND(1 TO 6)     {integer between 1 and 6}
        iv. PRINT RND(10)        {integer between 0 and 10}

program RUN allows a SuperBASIC program to be started. If a line
number is specified in the RUN command then the program will be
started at that point, otherwise the program will start at the lowest
line number.

syntax:    RUN [numeric_expression]

example:  i. RUN          {run from start}
         ii. RUN 10       {run from line 10}
        iii. RUN 2*20     {run  from  line  40}

Comment:  Although RUN can be used within a program its normal use is
to start program execution by typing it in as a direct command.

SAVE  devices  microdrives
SAVE will save a SuperBASIC program onto any QL device.

syntax:  line:= | numeric_expression TO numeric_expression  (1)
                | numeric_expression TO                     (2)
                | TO numeric_expression                     (3)
                | numeric_expression                        (4)
                |                                           (5)

   SAVE device *[,line]*

where (1) will save from the specified line to the specified line
      (2) will save from the specified line to the end
      (3) will save from the start to the specified line
      (4) will save the specified line
      (5) will save the whole program

  i. SAVE mdv1_program,20 TO 70 {save lines 20 to 70 on mdv1_program}
 ii. SAVE mdv2_test_program,10,20,40  {save lines 10,20,40 on
iii. SAVE net3     {save the entire program on the network}
 iv. SAVE ser1     {save the entire program on serial channel }

SBYTES   devices microdrives
SBYTES allows areas of the QL memory to be saved on a QL device

syntax:  start_address:= numeric_expression
                length:= numeric_expression

   SBYTES device, start_address, length

example:  i. SBYTES mdv1_screendata,131072,32768
    {save memory 50000 length 10000 bytes on mdv1_test_program}
         ii. SBYTES mdv1_test_program,50000,10000
    {save memory 50000 length 1000 bytes on mdvl_test_program}
        iii. SBYTES neto_3,32768,32678
    {save memory 32768 length 32768 bytes on the network}
         iv. SBYTES ser1,0,32768
    {save memory 0 length 32768 bytes on serial channel 1}

SCALE  graphics
SCALE allows the scale factor used by the graphics procedures to be
altered. A scale of 'x' implies that a vertical line of length 'x'
will fill the vertical axis of the window in which the figure is
drawn. A scale of 100 is the default. SCALE also allows the origin of
the coordinate system to be specified. This effectively allows the
window being used for the graphics to be moved around a much larger
graphics space.

syntax:   x:=numeric_expression
     origin:= x,y
      scale:= numeric_expression

   SCALE [channel,] scale, origin

  i. SCALE 0.5,0.1,0.1  {set scale to 0.5 with the origin at 0.1,0.l}
 ii. SCALE 10,0,0       {set scale to 10 with the origin at 0,0}
iii. SCALE 100,50,50    {set scale to 100 with the origin at 50,50}

SCROLL  windows
SCROLL scrolls the window attached to the specified or default channel
up or down by the given number of pixels. Paper is scrolled in at the
top or the bottom to fill the clear space.

An optional third parameter can be specifiedto obtain a part screen

syntax:      part:= numeric_expression
         distance:= numeric_expression

where part = 0 - whole screen (default is no parameter)
      part = 1 - top excluding the cursor line
      part = 2 - bottom excluding the cursor line

   SCROLL [channel,] distance [, part]

If the distance is positive then the contents of the screen will be
shifted down.

example:  i. SCROLL 10      {scroll down 10 pixels}
         ii. SCROLL -70     {scroll up 70 pixels}
        iii. SCROLL -10,2   {scroll the lower part of the window up 10

SDATE   clock
The SDATE command allows the QCs clock to be reset.

syntax:       year:= numeric_expression
             month:= numeric_expression
               day:= numeric_expression
             hours:= numenc_express,on
           minutes:= numeric_expression
           seconds:= numeric_expression

   SDATE year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds

example:  i. SDATE 1984,4,2,0,0,0
         ii. SDATE 1984,1,12,9,30,0
        iii. SDATE 1984,3,21,0,0,0

END SELect   conditions
SELect allows various courses of action to be taken depending on the
value of a variable.

define:    select_variable:= numeric_variable
               select_item:=    | expression
                                | expression TO expression
               select_list:=    | select_item *[, select_item]*
LONG:  Allows multiple actions to be selected depending on the value
of a selectvariable. The select variable is the last item on the
logical line. A series of SuperBASIC statements follows, which is
terminated by the next ON statement or by the END SELect statement. If
the select item  is an expression then a check is made within
approximately  1  part in 10-', otherwise for expression TO expression
the range is tested exactly and is inclusive. The ON REMAINDER
statement allows a, "catch-all" which will respond if no other select
conditions are satisfied.

syntax:  SELect ON select_variable
            *[[ON select_variable] = select_list
               statements] *
            [ON selectvariable] = REMAINDER
         END SELect

  100 LET error number = RND(1 TO 10)
  110 SELect ON error_number
  120   ON error_number =1
  130     PRINT "Divide by zero"
  140     LET error_number = 0
  150   ON error_number = 2
  160      PRINT "File not found"
  170      LET error_number = 0
  180   ON error_number = 3 TO 5
  190      PRINT "Microdrive file not found"
  200      LET error_number = 0
  210   ON error_number = REMAINDER
  220     PRINT "Unknown error"
  230 END SELect

If the select variable is used in the body of the SELect statement
then it must match the select variable given in the select header.

SHORT:  The short form of the SELect statement allows simple single
line selections to be made. A sequence of SuperBASIC statements
follows on the same logical line as the SELect statement. If the
condition defined in the select statement is satisfied then the
sequence of SuperBASIC statements is processed.

syntax:   SELect ON select_variable = select_list : statement *[:
statement] *

  i. SELect ON test data =1 TO 10 :
       PRINT "Answer within range"

  ii. SELect ON answer = 0.00001 TO 0.00005 : PRINT "Accuracy OK"
 iii. SELect ON a =1 TO 10 : PRINT a ! "in  range"

Comment:  The short form of the SELect statement allows ranges to be
tested more easily than with an IF statement. Compare example ii.
above with the corresponding IF statement.

Will save an area of memory in a form which is suitable for loading
and executing with the EXEC command.

The data saved should constitute a machine code program.

Syntax:  start_address:= numeric_expression  {start of area}
                length:= numeric_expression  {length of area}
        {length of data area which will be required by the program}

   SEXEC device, start_address, length, data_space

example:   SEXEC mdv1_program,262144,3000,500

The Qdos system documentation should be read before attempting to use
this command.

SIN   maths function
SIN will compute the sine of the specified parameter.

syntax:  angle:= numeric_expression {range -10000..10000 in radians}


example:   i.  PRINT SIN(3)
          ii.  PRINT  SIN(3.141592654/2)

SQRT   maths function
will compute the square root of the specified argument. The argument
must be greater  maths functions than or equal to zero.

syntax:  SORT (numeric_expression)    {range >= 0}

example:  i. PRINT SQRT(3)         {print square root of 3}
         ii. LET C = SQRT(a^2+b^2)
        {let c become equal to the square root of a^2 + b^2}

STOP will terminate execution of a program and will return SuperBASIC
to the command  BASIC interpreter.

syntax:    STOP

example:  i. STOP
         ii. IF  n  =100  THEN  STOP

You may CONTINUE after STOP.  The last executable line of a program
will act as an automatic stop.

STRIP windows
STRIP will set the current strip colour in the window attached to the
specified or default channel. The strip colour is the background
colour which is used when OVER 1 is selected. Setting PAPER will
automatically set the strip colour to the new PAPER colour.

syntax:    STRIP [channel,] colour

example:  i. STRIP 7       {set a white strip}
         ii. STRIP 0,4,2   {set a black and green stipple strip}

Comment:  The effect of STRIP is rather like using a highlighting pen.

TAN  maths functions
TAN will compute the tangent of the specified argument. The argument
must be in the range -30000 to 30000 and must be specified in radians.

syntax:  TAN (numeric_expression)  {range -30000..30000}

example:  i.  TAN(3)                {print tan 3}
         ii.  TAN(3.141592654/2)    {print tan PI/2}

TURNTO   turtle graphics
TURN allows the heading of the 'turtle' to be turned through a
specified angle while TURNTO allows the turtle to be turned to a
specific heading.

The turtle is turned in the window attached to the specified or
default channel.

The angle is specified in degrees. A positive number of degrees will
turn the turtle anti-clockwise and a negative number will turn it

Initially the turtle is point at 09 that is to the right hand side of
the window.

syntax:   angle:= numeric_expression  {angle in degrees}

   TURN [channel,] angle
   TURNTO [channel,] angle

example:  i. TURN 90         {turn through 90 degrees}
         ii. TURNTO  0       {turn to heading 0 degrees}

UNDER   windows
Turns underline either on or off for subsequent output lines.
Underlining is in the current INK colour in the window attached to the
specified oi default channel.

syntax:  switch:= numeric_expression  {range 0..1}

   UNDER [channel,] switch

example:  i. UNDER 1       {underlining on}
         ii. UNDER 0       {underlining off}

WINDOW  windows
WIDTH allows the default width for non-console based devices to be
specified, for example printers.

syntax:    line_width:= numeric_expression

   WIDTH [channel,] line_width

example: i. WIDTH 80     {set the device width to 80}
        ii. WIDTH #6,72  {set the width of the device attached to
channel 6 to 72}

WINDOW   windows
Allows the user to change the position and size of the window attached
to the specified or default channel. Any borders are removed when the
window is redefined. Coordinates are specified using the pixel system
relative to the screen origin.

syntax:    width:= numeric_expression
           depth:= numeric_expression

   WINDOW [channel,] width, depth, x, y

example:  WINDOW 30, 40, 10, 10 {window 30x40 pixels at 10,10}

    Source: geocities.com/svenqhj