Race for OD V1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a NeoGeo Pocket emulator for Open Dingux. To use this emulator, you must have compatibles ROMS with .NGP & .NGC extension. Do not ask me about ROMS, I don't have them. A search with Google will certainly help you. Features : ---------- Most things you should expect from an emulator. Missing : --------- Just tell me :). Check updates on my web site : http://www.portabledev.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of emulated games -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots of the NeoGeo POcket games ;), except Metal Slug2 yet :( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V1.1 : Add .ngc file extension Fix bug with uppercase/lowercase names Fix bug with skin if automatic launch of game Save current rom directory Zip support Clean up makefile V1.0 : 17/10/2012 Initiale release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to use ProSystem : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Put race-od.dge to "emulator" folder of inner flash-memory of your handheld. Put your .NGC & .NGP games where you want. Controls : * Direction pad : Neogeo Pocket pad * A is button #1 * B is button #2 * START is the same that the OPTION button * SELECT is the same that the OPTION button * X is button #1 * Y is button #2 * R is button #1 * L is button #2 Use START + SELECT to enter menu. During menu browsing, R and L can go through pages of available games. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to : Judge_ for Race source code (http://www.personal.triticom.com/~erm/GP2X/). d_smargin for handy_a320 gui, which i used some part of code for race-od gui. qbertaddict for test. Without the help of the infos from these people, this emulator can't be here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alekmaul alekmaul@portabledev.com http://www.portabledev.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------