Atari Portfolio Software Service

English program description: English or multilingual program, german description: german program. A few programs have descriptions in both languages and therefore are useful in both languages.
Get all software on this page in one convenient package: download 1.2 MByte
Hinweis: Deutsche Programmbeschreibung: Deutsches oder mehrsprachiges Programm, englische Beschreibung: Englisches Programm. Ein paar Programme haben zwei Beschreibungen und somit zwei Sprachen. Alle Programme von dieser Seite in einem praktischen Paket: Download 1,2 MByte
CBASE CUSTOM BASE is a short and sweet way to transform the Atari Portfolio into a versatile data collecting device. It permits Portfolio users to designate a list of questions for others to answer easily. download 16KByte
CHEM The periodic table of elements in 2 ADR files and a TXT file with some general documentation. download 27KByte
HL Hyperlist is kind of an outliner. Nice software for data housekeeping. download 34KByte
ARLINK The A&R-link-utility connects a PC and an Atari Portfolio. It consists of two programs and a cable for the parallel-interface. (The Laplink standard parallel cable is used). Lightning fast transfer! download 13KByte
FT This is the standard FT file transfer utility that came with the parallel interface. You need a special cable to use this, and it is painfully slow. There is a nice menu software FTMENU included, too. download 44KByte
SLAVE Control your portfolio from any computer with a terminal program. Including XModem file transfer. You will need the portfolio serial interface and a "null modem" cable. download 10KByte

The portfolio circuit diagrams in 3 TIFF files. I am sorry for the bad quality but i don't have anything better. Includes a PCX file with the circuit for the joystick adaptor.

Schaltpläne des Portfolio als TIFF-Dateien. Die Qualität ist echt mies, aber was besseres habe ich nicht. Dazu PCX-Datei mit Schaltplan für einen Joystickadapter.

download 221KByte

Nice little golf game with graphics(!). You need the PBASIC interpreter software to run it.

download 14KByte
CRYPT A tiny IDEA encryption program. Supposedly very strong encryption. Run CRYPT /? for help. download 705 Bytes
Dial-It-Dude Press a key - Pofo dials it (or query your answering machine with it) download 431 Bytes

Use a CompactFlash memory card in your portfolio.

Please see the special web page.

GNU GPL software from Peter Faasse.

Eine CompactFlash-Speicherkarte im Portfolio benutzen.

Beachte die zugehörige Netzseite.

GNU GPL-Programm von Peter Faasse.

download 316KBytes
UPDATE + PORTDIV Run these programs in your AUTOEXEC.BAT to fix some bugs in the PoFo ROM chips. This is a must-have!

Starte diese beiden Programme in deiner AUTOEXEC.BAT-Datei um diverse Programmierfehler in den Pofo-ROM-Chips zu entschärfen. Absolutes Muß!

download 2KByte
TSPC0 Check your hardware by running this program. Please back up your data first. download 11KBytes
STAYON Run this to prevent your computer from automatically turning off. Note that it also will increase current consumption when on. download 261 Bytes
ADV Probably the first text adventure that ever existed, here in a DOS version. download 54KByte
Punkman 2 A nice Pacman-like game. download 21KByte
PUZZEL Load a PGC image, it gets mixed up, you slide tiles around until they fit... download 20KByte
SPAINT A simple graphics program, complete with a few fonts for text and some example PGC images. This can load the images from Mandel and Kugel after renaming them to something.PGF download 26KBytes

Erzeugt Mandelbrot-Fraktalbilder. Starte MANDEL <MANDEL.KEY für ein Beispiel. Die erzeugten Dateien sind PGF-Bilder, bei Bedarf umbenennen.

Renders mandelbrot fractal images. Run MANDEL <MANDEL.KEY for a sample. The resulting files are PGF graphics. Rename if you need to. The Program prompts are in german language!

download 9KBytes

Berechnet ein Bild von einer Metallkugel auf einem Schachbrett. Nett. Starte KUGEL <KUGEL.KEY für ein Beispiel. Die erzeugten Bilder sind PGF-Dateien, bei Bedarf umbenennen.

Renders an image of a metallic ball on a chess board. Nice. For a sample run KUGEL <KUGEL.KEY. The resulting files are of PGF format. Rename them if you need to. The program prompts are in german language!

download 18KBytes
Games Package

A lot of games:

Please note that i don't have documentation files for them so you have to figure it out for yourself...

Includes: Blackjack, Chinese Checkers, Crashball, the world-famous Eliza program (!), Two chess programs, Towers of Hanoi, a 3D labyrinth, Mastermind, Minesweeper, Sokoban, Tetris, Snake, Solitaire, the WALLS game and more.

download 221KBytes
Hook files

A few hook files for use in the editor program. Place them in A:\, and press F6 (or was it F5?) in the editor to choose one. They will:

Add an entry from an ADR file.
Count words.
Dial the number the cursor is on.
List a directory.
Insert printer control codes (italics, bold and such) for Epson, HP Deskjet and HP Laserjet printers.
Insert current time / date in the text.
Find the word in the text that is most similar to the search string.
download 34KBytes
PF2PC The Portfolio emulation software for your DOS machine at home.

Start each of the three i... EXE files, they will install some of the portfolio-specific services like menus and such. Then run your favorite portfolio software. Be aware that a lot of portfolio programs directly access the portfolio-specific hardware and therefore will fail on your home PC. The file MA.EXE contains the portfolio's internal applications for use with the emulation software.

download 110KByte
Editor's note:

All available files are in ZIP archive format. If you don't know how to handle that, get Winzip. If you don't use Windows, you probably know how to deal with ZIP files... (if not, ask me).

If you have a file to add to this site, or you want something else appearing here, or you spot errors in programs / program descriptions, contact me here.

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Alle Dateien sind im ZIP-Archivformat. Wenn du damit nicht klarkommst, besorge dir Winzip. Falls du kein Windows verwendest, weißt du wahrscheinlich sowieso, was du mit den ZIP-Dateien machen kannst... (wenn wirklich nicht, frage mich).

Wenn du eine Datei hast, die hier dazu soll, oder du irgendetwas anderes gerne hier hättest, oder du einen Fehler findest, teile es mir bitte mit. (Kontaktformular hier)


edited / aktualisiert 1.2.2004