=============================================================================== FaxRouter/2 ImagePlus MVS/ESA Integration Feature Maintenance Requires Base Level at CSD FR00203 or greater FaxRouter/2 README-I file Product ID 5622-342 Feature 0403 P/N 87G7551 CSD FR00214 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1993-1998. All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =============================================================================== INSTALLATION ------------ First download the FR214I0x.EXE file(s) as binary. (x corresponds to the number in the file name) You can either create diskette(s) or install from your hard disk. TO CREATE/INSTALL FROM DISKETTE(s) 1) Extract the disk files for the Program Product onto the diskette by entering: FR214I0x A: (where x corresponds to the number in the file name) 2) From an OS/2 command line, ENTER: A:\INSTALL (press ENTER and follow the screens) TO INSTALL FROM HARDDISK 1) Create a temporary subdirectory on your hard disk MD TEMP 2) Extract the fixed files into that temporary directory: FR214I0x C:\TEMP -o (where x corresponds to the number in file name) 3) From an OS/2 command line, ENTER: C:\TEMP\INSTALL (press ENTER and follow the screens) NOTES: This corrective service diskette requires base level FaxRouter at CSD FR00203 or greater. Please issue the SYSLEVEL command on your SERVER to verify that the installed level of FaxRouter is at the required level before you begin installation of this service. This service is for the FaxRouter/2 ImagePlus MVS/ESA Integration Feature server software. The Server service must be installed first. This service does not modify the user-created files such as the receive list, the log files or the user list. =============================================================================== FaxRouter/2 Maintenance List APAR # PROBLEM DESCRIPTION =============================================================================== CSD 214: IC17582 - FX02 Transaction Comments for the Second Recipient replaces the comment for the first recipient CSD 213: IC17518 - AFTER A SERVER DOWN ERROR THE FAIL FAX IS SENT TO THE WRONG CSD 212: IC16843 - FIF2 TRAPS WHILE PROCESSING COVERSHEETS. CSD 211: IC16119 - FXSIPMST NOT DELETEING FILES IC15642 - FXW0059E. FILE OPEN ERROR FILE <> CANNOT BE OPENED FOR REA CSD 209: IC11192 - QUALITY OF JPEG DOCUMENTS SENT FROM IMAGEPLUS SYSTEM TO FR/2 USING FIF/2 IS POOR. QUALITY OF JPEG DOCS IS GOOD WITHOUT FR/2. IC11586 - STORE-TO-HOST OF FAX AND CTRL-ESC, FAXIT.MST IS NOT IN THE LIST DRIVE LETTER IS MISSING IC11759 - FAXIPHIP LENGTH ERROR FROM DB2 DEFOBJ CALL CAUSED BY WRONG DATE/TIME FIELD BEING PASSED TO HOST IC13212 - FIFSRET PARAMETERS ARE MISSING THE FIRST CHARACTER CSD 208, CSD 207, CSD 206, and CSD 205: IC07516 - SWAPPER GROWS ON CLIENT MACHINE JUST RUNNING FR/2 2.0 NOTE01 - If the modules FIF2.EXE and FIF2CONF.EXE are included | in this CSD, please copy them to the correct directory. | This can be found by invoking the Communcation Manager | Configuration Utility. The "Transaction Program Name" | FIFO should be pointing to the path from where FIF2.EXE | will be executed. This directory is typically the | directory where EVN.EXE resides. IC09223 - FAXIPQRC FAILS WITH RC 2 DURING STARTUP IC09464 - FIF2.EXE Revisions The following fixes have been applied to the enclosed FIF2.EXE - *.BMP files are no longer left behind in the \PRODUCTS\FXSRTR2\FAXT directory - custom cover sheets will fax out properly if the FIF2 tracing is on or off. - defer flag in Fr2SendServer API is set to '0' or '1' - priority in Fr2SendServer API is set to '1', '2', or '3' - custom cover sheets operate properly for multiple recipients. - host notify function is supported (This module is safe for SYSCOM Inc. Host Notify V2.0 and later) This program MUST be copied into the directory that is pointed to by Communications Manager/2 TPName definition for FIFO. FIF2CONF.EXE Revisions - Inbound and Outbound configuration parameters are given default values if the INI data cannot be found. - The configuration item that was previously available to skip the call to Fr2SendServer API by FIF2.exe is now always set so that FR/2 will be called. - Added FIFSRET configuration panel. IC10641 - FIF2 NOT SENDING DOCUMENTS TO FR/2 AFTER IWPM/2 CREATES EXPORT.OUT FILE. OS2.INI FLAG IS NOT PROPERLY SET. IC11348 - FIF2.EXE Revisions - Correction of another error in the removal of MVS*.BMP files that were left behind in the FR/2 FAXT directory. - Corrected removal of MVS*.BMP files that may were left behind when certain errors occurred during FIF2.exe processing. - Support for SYSCOM Host Notify is part of base code. - Trace is now written continually instead of being rewritten for each request. IC11348 - MVS BITMAPS ARE NOT GETTING DELETED FROM FAXT SUBDIRECTORY BMPS ARE FILLING UP THE DRIVE AND BRINGING SERVER DOWN IC11583 - STORE TO HOST OF A PARSED DOCUMENT IS LIMITED TO 27 PAGES. FAXING A PARSED DOCUMENT IS NOT LIMITED TO 27 PAGES. =============================================================================