独り言集 令和三年八月版
50MHzカウンタ FC-842 買い [2021/08/26]
![図1:欲しかった汎用カウンタ(右側) [click]→図2:「PC110」のクロック発振端子を汎用カウンタで測る](fig/msl0826a.jpg)
+++ 汎用カウンタ FC-842 +++
欲しかった"小型の汎用カウンタ"が、やっと手に入った。(SOAR製 FC-842¥3,650送料込み)
![図3:充電バッテリ3.7Vを2段重ねで [click]→図4:DC端子はショート状態だ!](fig/msl0826c.jpg)
+++ 恐るべきDC端子(ショート状態)! +++
![図5:入力端子付近 [click]→図6:主基板の部品側全体](fig/msl0826e.jpg)
+++ プリ・スケーラは内蔵出来るか? +++
「PC110」では、上限50MHzのカウンタでも対応可能だが、"SDR:Software Design Radio"などでは、"数GHz"帯まで必要らしい。
組込用カウンタ 買い to [(English) builtin-counter] [2021/08/21]
![図1:コマンド表示[quit]は、正常!(偶々、立体的な文字に!?) [click]→図2:入力は、カウントされず(0表示のまま)](fig/msl0821a.jpg)
+++ 壊れてしまったようだ?! +++
![図3:周波数変換器の発振周波数を確認する実験中 [click]→図4:このカウンタへの入力信号波形(=前に置いたプリスケーラの出力)](fig/msl0821c.jpg)
+++ 入力は、正しいはずだが!? +++
M-SMA変換コネクタ 沢山 to [(English) M-SMA Conversion Connectors] [2021/08/19]
![図1:最近、買い足したM-SMA変換コネクタ類とケーブル [click]→図2:沢山溜まっているM、BNCコネクタ類](fig/msl0819a.jpg)
+++ 「M(接栓)」の正式名称は、「UHF」だとか?! +++
この解説を拝見するまで、私は(恥ずかしながら)「UHFコネクタ」のことを「M接栓」だ、とばかり思っていた。[RS 同軸コネクタガイド]感謝!
なので、別途、「AliExpress」で、安価な"4種4個"を注文して、買って、待った。(図1円内 $6.46 ¥743送料・手数料込み)
まぁ、実際には、これら1組だけでは不足するだろうから、もう一組追加で注文しておいた。($6.55 ¥754送料・手数料込み)
![図3:左:Fコネクタ、右:SMAコネクタ だそうな [click]→図4:旧型のドングルは、Fコネクタ系だった](fig/msl0819c.jpg)
+++ 「F」と「SMA」とは違う +++
Old Dynabook復活? 不能 to [(English) Cann't revive] [2021/08/04]
![図1:修理は、主基板交換しかない!? [click]→図2:4台も買ってしまったDynabookSS 6000CT (PAP600JA)](fig/msl0804a.jpg)
+++ 低速PCが欲しかったわけ +++
+++ DynaBookSSジャンク4台、全滅! +++
それで、ネットで漁ったら、「DynaBookSS PORTEGE 6000CT」ジャンクが、(値段・特性面で)手頃そうなので、買ってみた。(4台¥3,300送料込み)
+++ 故障の原因は +++
+++ TP535は +++
![図3:Ni-MHバッテリの電解液が元凶、広域に蔓延 [click]→図4:主基板の裏面も、浸食が酷い](fig/msl0804c.jpg)
+++ 電解液の浸出と緑青発生 +++
+++ 部分修復は無理、主基板交換のみ +++
![図5:電源は入るし、バッテリも充電できるが、動作せず!? [click]→図6:電源スイッチは、ロックが掛かる?!](fig/msl0804e.jpg)
+++ LED点灯?一瞬の勘違い +++
安物MP3 Player 電池 to [(English) Replace Battery for MP3 Player] [2021/08/02]
![図1:遂に、バッテリが命尽きた! [click]→図2:愛聴している動画Miya Kuttiさん](fig/msl0802a.jpg)
+++ ITube動画から +++
「Miya Kutti」嬢の歌と、大人の評者との会話。その会話の様子が面白い。
![図3:分解は簡単 [click]→図4:簡易充電端子](fig/msl0802c.jpg)
+++ 増強バッテリ +++
と、思ったが、分解している間(図3)に、ふと、多数の眠っているジャンクの"スマホ用バッテリ"を思い出した。(電池パック NEBAB1 3.8V, 1000mA 3.8Wh ソフトバンク用)
[English Notes]
Built-in counter Buy [2021/08/21]
+++ It looks like it's broken! +++
I bought a "frequency counter kit" (which seems to be for built-in). (With prescaler \ 1,340 including shipping)
Because I thought it might be possible to use it easily as a "general-purpose frequency counter", but it seems that it cannot be used as a general-purpose one as it is (without an input amplifier).
Besides, it doesn't count even if I enter the prescribed normal level input.
When I lifted it during operation, I had touched the wiring surface with my fingers, so it had broken about the count circuit at early.
There was an abnormal moment only "Segment E group" was lit brightly, then I thought that it had might broke the "PIC".
Currently, there is no such abnormality in the display, but it might have been the cause of the broken counter circuit.
Currently, no matter how long I wait, but zero display only. ( Fig.2 [click] )
But "command display" (quit) etc. are strange because they are displayed correctly. (Fig.1)
(The photo was blurred by chance, but it's interesting that the characters are three-dimensional. z(^^;;)
Initially, it was inconvenient to have both the "display" and "circuit" on one board, so I cut it with a jigsaw and divided it into two parts with no parts attached.
Reconnecting the two split boards was a hassle, but not difficult.
However, it is still inconvenient to experiment in the two-part state. I had should put it in the case immediately, but now it was non sense anymore, because it had "broken".
+++ Input should be correct!? +++
The attached document say that the input should be at the + 2.5V center and the amplitude should be ± 2.5V.
(It's completely like a logic level signal, and it's still an "embedded part" that should be used in a chassis where the oscillator circuit is nearby.)
Experimentally, I cut DC with a capacitor and attached the upper and lower 3.3KΩ resistors, and the output of the "prescaler" gave to input (Fig.3), so the input was just specified. (Fig.4 [click])
But not counted! (Why?)
The explanatory material mentions "input amplifier" as an option (only one line), but there is no redundant place to put it on the board.
(Maybe the designer of this might have not need it when designing the board.)
I haven't seen much yet, but I think there is probably a lot of information posted online.
In any case, I don't think it makes sense to repair this broken board (probably the "PIC16F268A" broken) any further.
So I have to dispose of this and think about what to do next.
There are many unsolved problems with "new parts", so it's fun to assemble them while compensating for them, but it seems to be not so usefull for easily achieve the purpose.
M-SMA conversion connector Much [2021/08/19]
+++ Is the official name of "M (plugging)" "UHF"?! +++
Until I saw this commentary, I (not ashamedly) thought that the "UHF connector" was an "M plug". [ RS Coaxial Connector Guide] Thanks!
Well, it's already difficult to call this "UHF". (Bitter smile)
Anyways, what is in need of this "Garakutaen" is the "conversion connector" for "SMA".
The "M" connector and "BNC" connector that I bought each time so far are now quite accumulated (Fig.2 [click] ), but are these obsolete anymore?
From now on, we may have to switch to types such as "SMA" and "F".
The "NanoVNA" and "RTL-SDR dongle" that I bought recently cann't already be connected to the "M plug" of the antenna system as it is, I was in trouble!
I bought a conversion connector with a cable (or a conversion cable with a connector?) at " Yahoo! Auctions!". But this was a little expensive. (1 line \ 1,310 including shipping)
It's so harsh for me now that I can't afford to buy a lot of this.
So, I ordered a cheap "4 types, 4 pieces" from "AliExpress", and waited. (Fig.1 $ 6.46 in yen \ 743 Shipping and handling included)
Well, in reality, these one pair will not be enough, so I ordered another pair. ($ 6.55 \ 754 including shipping and handling)
(But I still don't know if this is enough. Lol)
+++ Different from "F" and "SMA" +++
Nowadays, there are many "online purchases" that are just judged by photos, so if they look the same at first glance, it is easy to make a mistake with just the photos.
The "F" connector and the "SMA" connector are similar in shape, so I was disappointed.
(Now, I have more knowledge, so I don't think I'll make a mistake anymore.) (Fig.3)
Previously, when I bought the "SDR dongle", it was mostly the "F" type. ( Fig.4 [click])
Will that be enough for a while? I thought, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
It can't be helped even if it's blurred now, but after all, I have a feeling that the number of "SMA" types will increase in the future.
However, I think that the "Ham antenna system" might keep to be of the "M" type? no, the "UHF" type!, because others may be weak in terms of strength and difficult to use.
Of course, it is mixed using?!
(... Thus, my narrow world gradually expands ...)
Old Dynabook revival? Impossible [2021/08/04]
+++ Why a low-speed PC is required +++
In "PC110", the CPU (clock frequency:33MHz/40MHz) is low, and (Ham's) SSTV reception processing is difficult/impossible.
Then, how many clocks (100MHz? 200MHz?) Is possible for a machine? That made me (strange) interested.
(Sometimes used "LW43H/2" shows that the CPU speed can be reduced to 12.5% (?) in the BIOS settings. So I tried it variously, but in reality, it did not go below 431MHz!)
+++ 4 DynaBookSS junks, annihilated! +++
So, when I caught it on the net, I bought the "DynaBookSS PORTEGE 6000CT" junk because it seems to be reasonable (in terms of price and characteristics). (4 units \ 3,300 including shipping)
I imagined that if I got four, about one would work. (Fig.2 [click])
All are powered on and the battery can be charged. But it didn't work.
+++ The cause of the failure is +++
... I was surprised to open the inside! The area around the LSI is full of patina! (Fig.1)
It is "corrosion of wiring patterns, etc." due to electrolyte leaching of the gourd battery (Ni-MH battery), which is also familiar in "PC110".
The erosion range is quite wide. What's more, all four are the same location, though space are not same. (I can't make even one from four.)
The result is miserable! ... "Power on, but none of them started".
If anyone want to "repair" these, one can only "replace the main board".
In other words, the old model with a gourd battery has already reached the end of its life!
That's what it means. (It doesn't start even if the power is turned on!)
+++ TP535 is +++
... At after, when I searched for "SSTV" in this "GarakutaEn", I found a record that ThinkPad 535 (133MHz) was able to receive and made images properly! Moreover, I had operated with the "MMSSTV"!
That's TP535! But the (gifted) "TP535E junk" I have is unfortunately now "electrolyte exudate disease".
It's completely ill and can no longer boot up.
(This TP535E used to go to the BIOS setting screen when the power was turned on at past, but now it is no longer responsive.)
+++ Electrolyte leaching and patina generation +++
I tried disassembling all the junk, but after seeing these situations, I realized again the "dreadfulness of the leachate" of the "Ni-MH battery". (Fig.3)
First, the length of the lead wire from the battery to the connector was about 15 cm, but the leached "electrolyte" passed through inner of the wire of this length without difficulty (although it would have taken long time).
Then, it seems that the through holes and the like were sequentially corroded through the layers of the multilayer board.
The back side of the board is just as terrible. ( Fig.4 [click] )
+++ Partial repair is impossible, only main board replacement +++
I don't know what this place is doing, but I'm sure it's causing some fatal glitches.
Since it is not possible to partially cut and replace it, the only way to operate the main unit normally is to replace the entire main board.
That means that it is impossible to revive as it is.
The rest is "use of parts" for "external display" of "LCD panel", but now I have no need or motivation.
The "housing" is not attractive enough to be placed as a "decoration", so it must be disposed of as "large trash".
+++ LED turn on? A momentary misunderstanding +++
As an aside,
When I started the confirmation work, the power indicator LED turned on, so I was excited for a moment. ( Fig.5 )
... However, when I press the power switch, there is no response.
It has a weird lock switch, and the switch head is worn out.
And, all of which are unresponsive for my pushing. (Fig.6 [click])
Many times, I was forced to visually check the switch. In other words, I had to move my neck and look into it.
In fact, is there a place where the voltage changes while "pressing and releasing" this switch? I looked over there, but I couldn't find it.
So, I was worried about the "difficulty to press" of this switch.
Cheap MP3 Player Battery replace [2021/08/02]
+++ From ITube video +++
Apparently, the battery of the cheap MP3 player I bought the other day seems has run out.
I have charged it, but the power turns off immediately.
This is no good! Is this something I can't enjoy slowly and longly?!
Should I throw this away!? (Fig.1)
But wait! Actually, there is a "YouTube video" that I fit in right now. ( Fig.2 [click] )
A conversation between the song of Miss "Miya Kutti" and an adult reviewers. The state of the conversation is interesting.
I have no idea what I'm talking about (it's Malayalam?), But the facial expressions and behaviors when answering and answering are very attractive and I can't wait to see them.
However, I can't stay on the screen forever.
So, I just downloaded the "songs" to MP3 and listened to it, but it would be a problem if the (cheap) MP3 player that plays it disappeared!
Besides, this "Player" and "Volume control" are not working well, and when the power is turned on, it starts with Maximum volume.
So hurry up, I have to adjust the volume with the push button.
Moreover, there was a problem that the push button did not respond correctly and the "volume" could not be changed, but rather the "songs" changed. z(-.-;)
As a bonus, the battery has reached the end of its life, so I want to throw it away if I can. ...
+++ Enhanced Battery +++
I thought, but while disassembling (Fig.3), I suddenly remembered sleeping junk of many "smartphone Batteries". (Battery pack NEBAB1 3.8V, 1000mA 3.8Wh for Softbank)
So, I was curious about how much it could be used with it.
Make a small hole in the case, pass the lead wire, and solder (manner violation) to the terminal of the "Li-ion battery" so that it can be charged and discharged. I tried it. (Fig.4 [click])
The battery was almost completely discharged, so it took about 1.5 hours with about 1A for charging.
However, the result is good, and it seems that this "Player" can be played firmly.
(As usual, the "maximum volume" when the power is turned on remains yet.)
Let's overcome this for a while! (It's a little while before I buy a new one!)