POKE 16,64:POKE 53774,112 will disable the [BREAK] key. To
keep the key disabled, you must use these POKEs after every PRINT, OPEN
and GRAPHICS statement.
PEEK (53770) will produce a random number between zero and 255.
If you need to enter DOS, but you don't want to lose your program and you don't have a MEM.SAV file-Create a MEM.SAVE file from BASIC by typing X=USR(5947) NOTE: To return to BASIC, XL owners must press the [RESET] key after the disk stops turning. The 400 and 800 will generate an ERROR 9 message when the MEM.SAV file has been created.
These instructions let you use filenames with numbers, punctuation marks
and lowercase letters with DOS 2.0S. To make the changes permanent,
type {H} to WRITE NEW DOS FILES when the DOS menu appears.
POKE 3818,33:POKE 3822,123:DOS
Typing X=USR(3352) will format your disk from BASIC.
This routine uses the Atari's realtime clocks to keep track of elapsed
10 POKE 18,0:POKE 19,0:POKE 20,0
20 TIMER=INT((PEEK(18)*65536+PEEK(19)*256 + PEEK(20))/60+0.5)