The ST-LOG #33 diskette contains 28 magazine files. They are listed below. JULY 1989 · DISK LISTINGS FILENAME.EXT FILE TYPE COMMENTS ------------ --------- -------- CMANSHIP. ARC contains: C33 .PRG RUN FILE C- MANSHIP COMPILED C33 .C C C-MANSHIP LISTING ANIMINPT.ARC contains: ANIMINPT.BAS GFA BASIC ANIMATED INPUT ANIMINPT.LST GFA BASIC ANIMATED INPUT, ASCII DRAWITCO.ARC contains: DRAW_IT .PRG RUN FILE DRAW IT! COLOR VER. DRAW_IT .LST GFA BASIC SOURCE CODE, ASCII SHOW_IT .PRG RUN FILE SHOW IT! COLOR VER. SHOW_IT .PRG GFA BASIC SOURCE CODE, ASCII DRAWITMO .ARC contains: MDRAW_IT .PRG RUN FILE DRAW IT! MONO. VER. MSHOW_IT .PRG RUN FILE SHOW IT! MONO. VER. GAMECUPB.ARC contains: CUPBOARD.PRG RUN FILE ST GAME CUPBOARD CUPBOARD.PIl DEGAS PICTURE FILE CUPBOARD.PIl DEGAS PICTURE FILE EIGHT .PIl DEGAS PICTURE FILE NOUGHT .PIl DEGAS PICTURE FILE REPEAT .PIl DEGAS PICTURE FILE ANSWERS .EIT DATA GAME DATA FILE GUESSKH.ARC contains: GUESS .PRG RUN FILE GUESS-A-SKETCH HOWTOPLA.DOC TEXT GAME INSTRUCTIONS (OTHER FILES IN THIS ARC ARE DATA FILES REQUIRED BY THE GAME.) MICROCHK.ARC contains: MICROCHK.PRG RUN FILE MICROCHECK ST MICROCHK.RSC RESOURCE RESOURCE FILE MICROCHK.C C SOURCE CODE MICROCHK.H C HEADER FILE MICROCHK.DEN DATA RCS DATA FILE TIMER. ARC contains TIMERS .PRG RUN FILE MILLISECOND TIMER TIMERS .C C SOURCE CODE TIMERS .S ASSEMBLY SOURCE CODE INTR .S ASSEMBLY SOURCE CODE BI2 .BAT TEXT BATCH FILE BINT .BAT TEXT BATCH FILE README .DOC TEXT Disk instructions UNARCHIV .DOC TEXT Unarchiving instructions Disk instructions: Only those files with .PRG, .TOS, or .TTP extensions may be run from the GEM desktop. Other programs may require additional software as shown below. The files on this disk have been archived (compressed) into .ARC files. To restore the programs to their runnable form, follow the instructions found in the UNARCHIV.DOC file. NOTE: due to space limitations, the source code for Game Cupboard and for the high res version of Draw It! are not on this disk. If you wish to obtain these files, send your original July '89 disk (after making a copy; the original will be erased), along with a postage-paid mailer to: ST-LOG JULY SOURCE CODE WARNING: Be sure to read the appropriate magazine article before attempting to run magazine files. Failure to do may yield confusing results. .EXT DESCRIPTION ----- ------------- .BAS Requires GFA BASIC .LST Requires GFA BASIC .C Requires C compiler .S Requires 68000 assembler .PAS Requires Pascal compiler |