Classic Computer Magazine Archive HI-RES VOL. 1, NO. 4 / MAY/JUNE 1984 / PAGE 6

From the Editor


I subscribed with the understanding HI-RES was to be Atari only. Now you are adding Commodore. Don't bother sending a subscription renewal.

- R. B. Gordon,
Everett, Wash.

Dear R.B. Gordon:

While I am sincerely sorry we have lost a bit of your respect, I must say we continue to forge ahead with great pride and excitement over the addition of Commodore to the HI-RES formula.

But this is not to say we intend to slight Atari in the least.

I am sure you will agree the past few months have shown a staggering evolution in the home computer arena. Once prominent software and hardware giants can't even meet their bills; others have found a happy road to prosperity.

Enter Atari and Commodore.

Commodore enjoys success unmatched in the industry while Atari's future is best described as debatable. One thing certainly is apparent to us at HI-RES Magazine -- Atari is, and will continue to be, a powerful force in the microcomputer industry.

The competition between these two is fierce. Commodore's 64 beyond a doubt is a wonder machine selling like--well--like Atari is selling the 800.

Atari's XL series is "selling well," according to industry analysts, and the company's new 1450XLD is due for release very soon. Commodore's answer? The 264 series.

The yet-to-be-released 264 certainly will hail one of the biggest changes to the microcomputer field. The aim of this new machine is not the video game junkie, but word processing and home/small business finance, along with a multitude of other duties.

About our editorial direction:

HI-RES will be highlighting Atari and Commodore line listings while we evolve from game orientation to applications, software and hardware reviews, and how the home computer touches all of us in everyday life.

Granted, the emphasis of the $500 and under computer market is on game software. So we won't abandon coverage entirely -- but we will cater to a more mature audience and seek to increase our page count accordingly.

We will not, however, allow our magazine to be diluted to the point of "general interest."


John Babinchak II