Pyramid Power For The Amiga
Mike Lightstone
This colorful action game, originally written for the IBM PC/PCjr, runs on any Amiga computer with 512K memory. A joystick is required.
The object of "Pyramid Power" is to fill in all the cubes that make up the pyramid by jumping onto each one—while evading some hazardous pursuers. The pyramid is 6 cubes wide by 6 cubes high. If you succeed in filling all 21 cubes, you advance to a new level.
Your pursuers consist of a bouncing rock and a pesky buglike creature. The rock comes bouncing down randomly from the top of the screen, starting over again every time it reaches the bottom of the pyramid. The creature is a little smarter. It constantly follows your every move as you jump from cube to cube. If your player collides with either one, the game ends.
You can also lose the game by jumping in the wrong direction and falling off the edge of the pyramid. This happens frequently when you're fleeing in panic from the tumbling rock or nasty creature.
Type in the program and save a copy before you run it. The small ← character indicates where each program line ends. Don't try to type this character—we deliberately chose one that's not on the Amiga keyboard. The ← character merely shows where you should press RETURN (or move the cursor off the line) to enter one program line and start another. The joystick controls your movement. Plug the joystick into the port next to the mouse port (do not unplug the mouse).
Two Escape Routes
To make things a little easier, there are two special ways you can avoid your pursuers. A pair of elevators flanking the base of the pyramio stand ready to transport you at any time to the apex. To get on the elevator, you have to jump upward from the cubes at the bottom corners of the pyramid. Just get on the elevator and ride to the top. You can use an elevator as often as you like. But be careful not to miss when you jump, or you'll fall off the edge and lose the game.
The scoring system is pretty simple. Jumping on an empty cube is worth 100 points times the number of the level you're on, and elevator rides subtract 100 points times your level number. In other words, cubes are worth 100 points on level 1, 200 points on level 2, and so on. Elevator rides subtract 100 points on level 1, 200 points on level 2, and so on. Advancing to a new level earns a bonus of 1000 points. The program keeps track of your current score and high score, but the high score may reflect the points you gained before your last elevator ride. Finally, Pyramid Power gets harder at the third level and again at the eighth.
Pyramid Power
setup : CLEAR ,25000 CLEAR ,65536& SCREEN 1, 320, 200, 2, 1 WINDOW 1, " ", (0, 0) - (311, 25), 16, 1 WINDOW 2, " ", (0, 0) - (311, 185), 16, 1 WINDOW OUTPUT 2 CLS PALETTE 0, 0, 0, 0 PALETTE 3, 1, 1, 1, PALETTE 2, .8, 0, .93 PALETTE 1, 0, .93, .87 DIM b(12, 7), c(80), f(80) sp = .25 : lev = 1 : hs = 0 : RANDOMIZE TIMER CLS : LOCATE 4, 8 : COLOR 2, 0 PRINT "P Y R A M I D - P O W E R" COLOR 3, 0 : LOCATE 10, 1 : GOSUB player PRINT "The object of the game is to change the" PRINT "color of all the cubes while avoiding" PRINT "the bouncing rocks and creatures. Use" PRINT "joystick #2 to move. For a fast trip" PRINT "up, take the elevators. Be careful not" PRINT "to fall off the edges." GOSUB creatureshape GOSUB button restart: CLS : LOCATE 4, 10 : PRINT"Player:" : P UT(150, 20), a LOCATE 8, 10 : PRINT"Creature:" : PUT (155, 50), q LOCATE 12, 10 : PRINT"Rock:" : CIRCLE (158, 92), 5, 3 PAINT (158, 92), 3, 3 : LOCATE 16, 10 PRINT "Elevator:" : LINE(165, 123) - (185, 112), 3 LINE - (205, 123), 3 : LINE - (185, 134), 3: LINE - (165, 123), 3 GET(151, 87) - (164, 97),c : GET(164, 111) - (206, 135),f GOSUB button readdata: RESTORE : FOR z = 1 TO 7 : FOR z1 = 0 TO 12 READ b(z1, z): NEXT z1, z start: CLS : z1 = 0 : FOR z = 190 TO 40 STEP -26 FOR z3 = 70 + z1 * 15 TO 220 - z1 * 15 STEP 30 LINE (z3, z) - (z3, z - 18), 3 : LINE - (z3 + 15, z - 27), 3 LINE (z3, z - 36), 3: LINE - (z3 - 15, z - 27), 3 : LINE - (z3, z - 18), 3 LINE - (z3, z), 3 : LINE - (z3 + 15, z - 9), 3 : LINE-(z3 + 15, z - 27), 3 LINE (z3, z) - (z3 - 15, z - 9), 3 : LINE - (z3 - 15, z - 27), 3 PAINT(z3 + 7, z - 9), 1, 3 : PAINT(z3 - 7, z - 9), 2, 3 NEXT : z1 = z1 + 1 : NEXT x = 6 : y = 1 GOSUB playerxy j = 7 : k = 2 : j1 = .5 : k1 = -.5 : k2 = 1.5 PUT(49 + j * 15, 23 + (k - 1) * 26), c g = 6 : h = 5 : g1 = 0 : h1 = 0 PUT(50 + g * 15, 13 + (h - 1) * 26), q f1 = 11 : f2 = 5 PUT(f1 * 15 + 56, 5 * 26 - 3), f PUT(27, 5 * 26 - 3), f checksquares: IF x <>INT(x) OR y<>INT(y) THEN GOSUB move IF k1 = 1 THEN gameover END IF IF sq = 21 THEN finished IF x<>INT(x) OR y<>INT (y) THEN rock LOCATE 1, 1 : PRINT "Score:" score LOCATE 1, 32 : PRINT "Level:" lev IF STICK (2) <> 0 AND STICK (3) <> 0 THEN GOSUB move IF k1 = 1 THEN gameover END IF rock: PUT(49 + j * 15, 23 + (k - 1) * 26), c IF k = INT(k) AND k1 = 1.5 AND j = INT(j) THEN j1 = INT(3 * RND (1)) - 1 : j1 = j1/2 k1 = - .5 : k2 = k - .5 : SOUND 126, 2 END IF IF jl = 0 THEN jl = -.5 IF j = x AND k = y THEN GOSUB creaturerock IF kl = l THEN gameover END IF j = j + jl : k = k + kl : IF k = k2 THEN kl = l.5 IF k = 8 THEN k = 1 : J = 6 : k2 = .5 PUT(49 + j * 15, 23 + (k-1) * 26), c creature: PUT(50 + g * 15, 13 + (h-1) * 26), q IF g<>INT(g) OR h<>INT(h) THEN creaturecont IF g<x THEN gl = sp IF g>x THEN gl = -sp IF h>y THEN hl = -sp IF h<y THEN hl = sp IF h = y OR g = x THEN g1 = 0 : h1 = 0 IF g = x AND h<y THEN h1 = sp : gl = (INT(3 * RND(1)-)*sp IF gl = 0 THEN g1 = sp END IF IF g = x AND h>y THEN h1 = -sp : gl = (INT(3 * RND(1))-1) * sp IF gl = 0 THEN gl = -sp END IF IF h = y AND g<x THEN gl = sp : hl = (INT(3 * RND(1))-1) * sp IF hl = 0 OR h + hl>6 THEN h1 = -sp END IF IF h = y AND g>x THEN gl = -sp : hl = (INT(3 * RND(1))-1) * sp IF hl = 0 OR h + hl>6 THEN h1 = -sp END IF creaturecont: g = g + gl : h = h + hl PUT(50 + g * 15, 13 + (h-1) * 26),q IF x = g AND y = h THEN GOSUB creaturerock IF kl = l THEN gameover END IF GOTO checksquqres move: GOSUB playerxy IF x<>INT(x) OF y<>INT(y) THEN movecont IF STICK (2) = 1 AND STICK(3) = 1 THEN xl = .5 : yl = .5 IF STICK (2) = -1 AND STICK(3) = 1 THEN xl = -.5 : yl = .5 IF STICK (2) = 1 AND STICK(3) = -1 THEN xl = .5 : yl = -.5 IF STICK (2) = -1 AND STICK(3) = -1 THEN xl = -.5 : yl = -.5 movecont: x = x + xl : y = y + yl IF x = INT(x) OR y = INT(y) THEN xl = 0 : yl = 0 IF x = INT(x) THEN SOUND 880, 1 ELSE SOUND 440, 2 IF x = INT(x) AND b(x, y) = 1 THEN GOSUB rocky : PAINT(47 + x * 15,30 + (y-1) * 27), 3, 3 sq = sq + 1 : b(x, y) = 0 : GOSUB rocky nn = 1 : GOSUB scorecalc END IF IF sq = 2l THEN RETURN IF x = INT(x) AND y = INT(y) AND b(x, y) = 4 THEN GOSUB rightelevator : nn = -1 : GOSUB scorecalc END IF IF x = INT(x) AND y = INT(y) AND b(x, y) = 5 THEN GOSUB leftelevator : nn = -1 : GOSUB scorecalc END IF IF x = INT(x) AND y = INT(y) AND b(x, y) = 3 THEN GOSUB edge : IF kl = l THEN RETURN END IF IF (j = x AND k = y) OR (g = x AND h = y) THEN GOSUB creaturerock : IF kl = l THEN RETURN END IF IF y<1 THEN Y = 1 : x = 6 : xl = 0 : yl = 0 GOSUB playerxy RETURN rocky : PUT(49 + j * 15, 23 + (k-1) * 26), c PUT(50 + g * 15, 13 + (h-1) * 26), q RETURN rightelevator : PUT(fl * 15 + 56, 5 * 26-3), f zl = 5 : FOR z = 11 TO 7 STEP-.25 GOSUB playerzzl PUT(z * 15 + 56, zl * 26-3), f z3 = 6-z1 SOUND z3 * 200, 1 GOSUB playerzzl PUT(2 * 15 + 56, z1 * 26-3), f zl = zl-.25 : NEXT PUT(f1 * 15 + 56, 5 * 26-3), f x = 6 : y = 1 : RETURN leftelevator : PUT (27, 5 * 26-3), f zl = 5 : FOR z = 0 TO 4 STEP .25 PUT(40 + z * 14, 15 + (z1-1) * 26), a PUT(z * 15 + 27, z1 * 26-3), f z3 = 6-z1 SOUND z3-200, 1 PUT(40 + z * 14, 15 + (z1-1) * 26), a PUT(z * 15 + 27, z1 * 26-3), f z1 = z1-.25 : NEXT PUT(27, 5 * 26-3), f x = 6 : y = 1 : RETURN finished : CLS : FOR z2 = 3 TO 0 STEP -1 Z = 13 : z1 = 10 FOR Z3 = 1 TO 11 LINE(155-z, 100-z1)-(155 + z, 100 + z1), z2, b z = z + 13 : z1 = z1 + 8 SOUND z * 10, 2 NEXT : NEXT score = score + lev * 1000 : lev = lev + 1 IF lev>2 THEN sp = .5 IF lev>7 THEN sp = 1 sq = 0 : COLOR 3, 0 : ts = ts + 21 : GOTO readdata creaturerock : GOSUB playerxy : FOR z1 = 1 TO 20 x = x + SIN(z1)/5 : GOSUB playerxy SOUND 255, 1 GOSUB playerxy : x = x-SIN(z1)/5 NEXT : k1 = 1 : RETURN edge : z = y + .4 : y1 = -.2 : IF x<6 THEN x1 = -.1 2 ELSE x1 = .12 edgecont : IF z>6 THEN z = 6 z = z + y1 : x = x + x1 : y1 = y1 + .03 PUT(52 + x * 14, 11 + (z-1) * 26), a SOUND z * 180, 1 PUT(52 + x * 14, 11 + (z-1) * 26), a IF z>6 THEN k1 = 1 : RETURN GOTO edgecont gameover : CLS : IF score>hs THEN hs = score ts = ts + sq : LOCATE 6, 9 : PRINT"High score : "hs LOCATE 10, 9 : PRINT"You scored"score"points." LOCATE 12, 9 : PRINT"You filled"ts"squares." LOCATE 14, 9 : PRINT"You were on level"MID$(STRS(lev), 2)"." LOCATE 20, 4 : PRINT"Do you wish to play again (Y/N)?" key3 : z$ = UCASES(INKEY$) IF z$ = "" OR (z$<>"Y" AND z$<> "N") THEN key3 IF z$ = "Y" THEN score = 0 : lev = 1 : sq = 0 : ts = 0 : sp = .25 : k1 = 0 : GOTO readdata END IF GOTO quit playerxy : PUT(52 + x * 14, 11 + (y-1) * 26), a : RETURN playerzzl : PUT(64 + (z + 1) * 14, 18 + (z1-1) * 26), a : RETURN scorecalc : score = score + nn * 100 * lev : RETURN griddata: DATA 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 DATA 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 0, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 DATA 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3 DATA 3, 3, 3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 3, 3 DATA 5, 3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 4 DATA 3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3 DATA 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 quit : WINDOW CLOSE 2 SCREEN CLOSE 1 WINDOW 1, "Pyramid Power", , 31, -1 CLEAR , 25000 END player : DEFINT a, q : 1 = 87 : DIM a(1) : RESTORE player FOR i = 0 TO 1 : READ a$ : a(i) = VAL("&h" + a$) : NEXT : RETURN DATA 13, 15, 2, 3F8.0.FFE, 0, 1FFF DATA 0, 3FFF, 8000, 7FFF, C000, E3F8, E000, E3F8 DATA E000, FFFF, E000, FFFF, E000, FFBF, E000, FFLF DATA E000, FFFF, E000, FFFF, E000, FC07, E000, FFFF DATA E000, 7FFF, C000, 3FFF, 8000, 404, 0, 404 DATA 0, 404, 0, 3C07, 8000, 0, 0, 0 DATA 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DATA 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DATA 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DATA 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DATA 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 creatureshape : l = 87 : DIM q(1) : RESTORE creatureshape FOR i = 0 TO l : READ a$ : q(i) = VAL)"&h" + a$) : NEXT : RETURN DATA 11, 15, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DATA 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DATA 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 DATA 3800, 0, FE0, 0, FE0, 47C4, 0 DATA 1FF0, 0, 3FF8, 0, 3FF8, 0, 3FFA, 0 DATA 3FFA, 0, 1FE0, 0, 2010, 1C0, 0, 3E0 DATA 0, 7F0, 0, 7F0, 0, 7F0, 0, 3E0 DATA 0, 23E2, 0, 57F5, 0, 8FF8, 8000, 1FFC DATA 0, 1FFC, 0, 1FFC, 0, 3FFE, 0, 5FFD DATA 0, 9FFC, 8000, 9FFC, 8000, 8FF8, 8000, FF8 DATA 0, 13E4, 0, 2002, 0, 2002, 0, 0 button : LOCATE 22, 6 : PRINT "Hit the fire button to play." WHILE STRIG(3) = 0 : WEND RETURN