News & Products
New Tools For Amiga
Brown-Wagh Publishing has released three new productivity tools for the Amiga, designed by Micro-Systems Software Inc. of Florida.
Analyze! is a spreadsheet program that can be used for financial analysis and planning, bookkeeping, home budgets, check registers, and professionalsized spreadsheets.
Using OnLine!, a telecommunications program, you can link up with commercial information services, send Telex messages and electronic mail, and exchange data with other computers. This program comes equipped with user-defined macrokeys to transmit frequently used commands and script files for automated operation.
The electronic bulletin board system, BBS-PC, interfaces to a hard disk and a 2400 bps modem. It enables other users to call your Amiga and read messages, leave you messages, send you a file, or take a file you have left for them. BBS-PC works in the background so the Amiga can answer the phone while other users are working on their projects.
Analyze! and BBS-PC retail for $99.95, and OnLine! retails for $69.95.
Brawn-Wagh Publishing, 100 Verona Ct., Los Gatos, CA 95030.
Circle Reader Service Number 219.