Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 64 / SEPTEMBER 1985 / PAGE 128

Modifications or Corrections To Previous Articles

Animator For Apple And IBM
In the August issue, eleven program lines were inadvertently omitted from the Apple version of this graphics utility (BASIC portion, Program 6, p. 58). The missing lines are as follows:

06 1030 E%(J,I) = O: FOR Q = 0 T
       O 6:T = INT (O / 2): PRI
       NT CHR$ (46 + 13 * (O -
       T * 2));:O = T: NEXT : N
       EXT : IF I < 23 THEN PRI
C7 1050 POKE 242,0: CALL 32777,0
       : GOSUB 1010: CALL 32768
       ,0,206,12: RETURN
DC 1060 CALL 32768,A,206,12
1070 VTAB 1: HTAB 27: PRINT "
DF 1080 CALL 32774, A: FOR I = 0
       TO 23: FOR J = 0 TO 2: I
       NPUT "";E%(J,I): NEXT :
       NEXT : CALL 32780
7E 1090 HOME : FOR I = 0 TO 23:
       FOR J = 0 TO 2:O = E%(J,
92 1100 FOR Q = 0 TO 6:1 = INT (
       O / 2): PRINT CHR$ (46 +
        13 * (O - T * 2));:O =
       T: NEXT : NEXT : IF I <
       23 THEN PRINT
DC 1110 NEXT : HTAB 27: VTAB 1:
       PRINT SPC( 10): RETURN
86 1120 GOSUB 560: GOSUB 700: VT
       AB 19: HTAB 10: PRINT "I
       NSERT BOX ";A;: GOSUB 11
       60: IF C = 206 THEN 1150

    The last line of the IBM version (Program 1, p. 52) was partially obscured. It should read as follows:

CM 25040 A$=INKEY$:IF A$<>" " TH
         EN 25040 ELSE RETURN

Atari List Scroller
This utility program in the July issue (p. 68) will crash because of a line numbering problem. Line 32702 should be revised as follows:

      +1)*256:IF LNUM>=32
      700 THEN 32704

Thanks to William Webb and others who pointed this out.

IBM Proofreader
A bug was uncovered in our IBM "Automatic Proofreader," published in "COMPUTE!'s Guide to Typing In Programs" since October 1984. It has been hidden until now because it appears only when the first characters following the line number in a program line are either D or E followed by a number, as is the case in lines 110 and 120 of Program 3 from "Viewports in IBM BASIC" (July issue, p. 71). In these cases, the VAL function in line 190 interprets the characters as indicating exponential notation, leading to an incorrect line number. The solution, suggested by reader Daniel Norling, is to make the following additions and changes to the Proofreader:

AG 190 REM
JB 205 BL=INSTR(L$," "):IF BL=0
       THEN BL$=L$:GOTO 206 ELSE
       UT #1,L$:BL=INSTR(L$," ")

Apple Universal INPUT
There is an error in the machine language for this INPUT enhancement routine from the June issue (p. 91), although you can use the routine with no problems most of the time. As reader Don Andrews discovered, the bug becomes apparent only when you attempt to input a string more than 76 characters long. (An LDY $00 instruction was used where an LDY #$00 was required.) The routine can be fixed by changing the 164 in line 280 to a 160:

280 DATA 30,3,160,0,204,3

A review of HomePak in the July issue mentioned a free upgrade for those who bought the first version. (The upgraded telecommunications portion of the program now dials most Commodore modems.) However, the upgrade does require a $10 shipping and handling fee and the return of the original disk. Write to Batteries Included at 30 Mural Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4B 1135, Canada, or 17875 Sky Park North, Suite P, Irvine, CA 92714.