Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 50 / JULY 1984 / PAGE 6

VIC Animation

I am 11 years old and I own a VIC-20. My friend owns a Commodore 64. We both make graphics on them. He has the advantage of sprites, but I have figured out a way for the VIC-20 to have a form of sprites. The VIC-20's graphics are made from top to bottom, which allows vertical sprites. Here's a demonstration program.

Bryan D. Stanton

5 DIM A (8) : K = 7167
10 PRINT "{CLR}"
15 POKE36869, 255
20 FOR M = 7168 TO 7311 : POKEM, 0 : NEXTM
30 FOR X = 1 TO 18 : PRINT TAB (9); CHR$ (63 + X) : NEXT
40 FOR N = 1 TO 8 : READ A (N) : POKE K + N, A (N) : NEXT N
50 FOR R = 1 TO 137
55 FOR L = 1 TO 8 : POKE K + L, A(L) : NEXT L : POKE K + 1, 0
   : K = K + 1
65 PRINT "{CLR}" : POKE 36869, 240 : END
70 DATA 60, 24, 24, 24, 255, 126, 24, 24