Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 42 / NOVEMBER 1983 / PAGE 251


Dan Carmichael Assistant Editor

The character chart on the following pages contains all the character information you will need while programming your VIC-20 or your Commodore 64. Keep it by your computer for handy reference.

Here's a handy and essential chart, including information on decimal, hexadecimal, BASIC, 6502, ASCII, and screen POKE codes. Please note the following conventions:

BASIC – lists the BASIC (language) keyword tokens.

6502 – contains the numeric representation of the 6502 instruction set. Zero page operations are listed with ZZ. Immediate operations are listed with II. Others are listed with NNNN.

ASCII – contains the Commodore ASCII control and character codes.

Screen Display – lists the character codes for POKEing to the screen. Set 1 and Set 2 correspond to uppercase and lowercase, respectively. Both sets cannot be displayed on the screen at the same time. Switch to Set 2 by simultaneously holding down the SHIFT and COMMODORE keys or POKEing 53272,23. To return to uppercase again, press the SHIFT/COMMODORE keys or POKE 53272, 21.

Screen display characters may also be displayed in reverse character mode by adding 128 to the values that are listed.

Standard ASCII – gives values for standard ASCII codes. These codes can be used for controlling printers or when standard ASCII values are needed, as in telecommunications applications.


  1. start of heading
  2. start of text
  3. end of text
  4. end of transmission
  5. enquiry
  6. acknowledge
  7. bell
  8. backspace
  9. horizontal tabulation
  10. line feed
  11. vertical tabulation
  12. form feed
  13. carriage return
  14. shift out
  15. shift in
  16. data link escape
  17. device control 1 (X-on)
  18. device control 2
  19. device control 3 (X-off)
  20. device control 4
  21. negative acknowledge
  22. synchronous idle
  23. end of transmission block
  24. cancel
  25. end of medium
  26. substitute
  27. escape
  28. file separator
  29. group separator
  30. record separator
  31. unit operator