Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 41 / OCTOBER 1983 / PAGE 315


Modifications Or Corrections To Previous Articles

Atari Retirement Planning

In Craig Cole's suggested improvements to the Atari version of Retirement Planner (COMPUTE!, April 1983) which appeared in the July "Readers' Feedback" section (p. 16), line 70 should have read:

70 Y = Y + 1

TI Goblin

As this game from the July issue (p. 72) was presented, your goblin could not reach the faces in the rightmost column of the screen. This can be corrected by changing line 760 to read:

760 COL = COL + SGN(31-COL)

To make the game display the proper high score, delete lines 270, 280, and 290, and add the following line:

1125 IF S>HS THEN 1130 ELSE 1140

Thanks to Canadian reader Luc Cousineau and others who pointed out this problem.

Fortress Of Adnil

In the program for this Timex/Sinclair game (July 1983, p. 92), the GOTO statements were missing from the following two lines:

8040 IF INKEY$ = " " THEN GOTO 8020
8209 IF INKEY$ = " " THEN GOTO 8207


Readers who have had trouble typing in this long machine language program for the Atari may want to add the following lines to the BASIC loader (July 1983, p. 108) to help check for typing errors in their DATA statements:

15 LN = 1010
20 FOR L = 0 TO 16
25 FOR C = 0 TO 69
30 D = PEEK (L*70 + 13824 + C) : IF D>15010 THEN 40
35 T = T + D : NEXT C
45 PRINT "LINES "; LN; "-"; LN + 90; " OK"
50 T = 0 : LN = LN + 100 : NEXT L
55 A = USR(14788)
3000 DATA 3797, 8372, 7521, 6620, 6660, 8073
3010 DATA 7319, 7083, 6853, 6626, 6631, 8059
3020 Data 7685, 7702, 7951, 7720, 7014


For the machine language circle-drawing routine presented in this Atari graphics article from the July issue to work properly, the following lines must be added to Program 7 (p. 168), the BASIC loader for the routine:

28004 RESTORE 29500
28005 FOR I = 1577 TO 1584 : READ A : POKE I, A : NEXT I
29500 DATA 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1

Timex/Sinclair Screenscrolls

Reader Daniel Froats notes that the screen scrolling programs from the July issue (p. 216) will work with the basic 2K of memory if the following two lines are entered before running the program:

POKE 16389, n

Replace n with any number greater than 90.

Commodore 64 Video Tour

Jim Butterfield writes that readers whose 64s have the newer ROM sets may experience problems with the BASIC programs from Parts VI (July 1983 p. 218) and VII (August 1983, p. 182) of his series on the 64's video capabilities. This is because the ROM routines leave the raster interrupt in a non-standard state. To make the programs work, add the following line:

90 POKE 53265,27

VIC Bitmapping

Line 100 of Program 1 from this article on VIC high resolution graphics (July 1983, p. 248) should read:

100 POKEV + 15, 17 * T - 9 : FORI = .TO255 : POKEW + I, I : POKER + I, C-l : NEXT : FORI =. TOL*2*STEPB

The "shifted up-arrow" key combination on the VIC gives the symbol for pi, which acts as a constant with the value of pi when used in calculations.

First Math

A bug in the VIC, 64, and Apple versions of this educational game from the August issue (p. 92) sometimes causes a "division by zero" error when playing in the addition, subtraction, or multiplication modes. To prevent this, add the following line:

VIC or 64 Version (Programs 1 or 2)

123 IF A$< >CHR$(47) THEN 140

Apple Version (Program 5)

395 IF A$ < > ("/") THEN 430