Musical Atari Keyboard
Paul N. Havey
This program makes your Atari into a musical instrument. The sound of bells, piano, organ, etc. – it's all in your computer's keyboard.
"Music Keyboard 3" makes the Atari typewriter keyboard a music keyboard.
You can play the keyboard much like playing an organ. Strike a key, the note plays; release the key, the note stops. You can also change the decay of a note to sound like a piano, organ, or bells, and you can change registers to bass or treble with the SHIFT key.
- Variable decay of a note
- Preset attack and release
- Five octave range (Cl to C6)
- Two-tier keyboard
- Keyboard display on the screen
- Monotonic (one note at a time)
- Fast action
When you run this program, a picture of the Atari keyboard appears on the screen. The keys that are outlined only are not usable as notes. The white and black keys represent the same keys on a keyboard instrument.
Here's how to use the program:
• Starting-up
- Insert the Atari BASIC cartridge.
- Load or type into RAM memory Music Keyboard.
- Type RUN, then press RETURN.
- When the prompt "INPUT DECAY (0-1)" appears in the lower left section of the screen, type in a decimal number between zero and one (example: 0.89) and then press the RETURN key.
- When the word "PLAY" appears, begin playing.
• Changing the decay of a note after starting up:
- Press the space bar.
- Press the BREAK key.
- Type GOTO 1000, then press the RETURN key.
- When "INPUT DECAY (0-1)" appears, type in the decay value, then press RETURN.
- When the word "PLAY" appears, begin playing.
• Changing registers
- Press the SHIFT key.
Fast Keyboard Action
The Serial Port Control register, SKCTL, changes whenever a key is pressed or released. By reading SKCTL and using the value it contains as an expression in a GOTO statement, the program can decide what to do. SKCTL detects one of four possible keyboard conditions: the SHIFT and one of the character keys pressed together; the SHIFT key pressed by itself; a character key pressed by itself; or no key pressed at all.
Here are a few tricks used to get fast keyboard action. First, the value in SKCTL is used in the GOTO statements to direct the flow of control. Second, placing the logic for note playing at the beginning of the program increases speed since a GOTO target is found by searching a program from beginning to end. Third, removing the REM statements at the beginning leaves fewer statements to search to find the referenced line number. Fourth, using GRAPHICS 2 increases speed over GRAPHICS 0 by 20 percent. The display exists for reasons other than just showing the keyboard. Fifth, converting audio frequency codes to notes on the keyboard by table look-up avoids time-consuming computation. The keyboard code is used as an index to an array containing the frequency for that note. Sixth, POKEs are used instead of the SOUND statement.
Program Description
This program has three major sections. Lines 243-256 will cause a note to play when you press a key. Table 3 lists the SKCTL keyboard condition codes. Lines 400-1530 set up the display, the redefined characters, and the variables for the play section. Lines 1560-4000 contain data for the note and character tables.
Line 240 directs the program to the setup section. After setup is complete, control goes to the play section.
Lines 243-244 contain the action the program takes with both the SHIFT and a character key pressed. A note decays while the register changes. The register cannot change again until the SHIFT key is released. Lines 247-248 are accessed only if the SHIFT key alone is pressed. A register change – from bass to treble or from treble to bass – occurs, but no decay or release action is necessary.
Lines 251-253 direct the program to play a note if a character key only is pressed. The note does not change unless it is different from the last note played. The register changes from bass to treble or vice versa when a key on the keyboard is first pressed. The note decays as long as the same key is held down. Lines 255-256 take effect if no key is pressed. The sound stops and remains that way until another key is pressed.
The setup logic begins on line 520. Program variables are initialized on lines 520-530. Lines 540-570 select the screen mode and colors and print the title to the screen. Lines 600-630 transfer the treble and bass register notes into an array.
The table on page 58 of the Atari BASIC Reference Manual gives the hardware frequency codes with musical note values for the treble register. The bass register table, not found in any Atari manual, is in Table 4 of this article.
Lines 710-750 read the redefined character set data and place the entire character set in a new location. Lines 760-820 display the redefined characters as a picture of the keyboard. Table 5 gives the color factor to add to the character code. Lines 1000-1020 prompt the user to input the decay value and play. Lines 1520-1530 wait until no key is pressed to start the play logic.
Musical Atari Keyboard
240 GOTO 500 243 POKE 53761, T + L : L = L * DECAY * (L>0.5) : IF S<3 THEN R = R = 0 244 S = 4 : GOTO PEEK(53775) 247 POKE 53761, T + L : L = L * 0.5 * (L>0.5) : IF S<3 THEN R = R = 0 248 S = 3 : GOTO PEEK (53775) 251 NP = PEEK(53769) : IF NP-P OR S-2 THEN P = NP : POKE 53768, R : REG = 64 * R : L= LOUD : POKE 53760, P(REG + P) 252 POKE 53761, T + L : L = L * DECAY * (L>0.5) 253 S = 2 : GOTO PEEK(53775) 255 POKE 53761, T + L : L = L * 0.5 * (L>0.5) 256 S = 1 : GOTO PEEK(53775) 400 REM *** SET-UP SECTION *** 500 REM REDEF. CHARS. - DISPLAY 520 LOUD = 15 : T = 160 : SOUND 0, 0, 0, 0 530 REG = 0 : R = 0 540 GRAPHICS 2 : SETCOLOR 1, 0, 12 550 SETCOLOR 2, 15, 6 : SETCOLOR 3, 0, 4 560 SETCOLOR 4, 15, 6 : SETCOLOR 0, 0, 0 570 ? #6;" MUSIC KEYBOARD 2.0" : POKE 752, 1 : ? "PLEASE WAIT" 600 DIM P(255) 610 FOR I = 0 TO 127 620 READ P : P(I) = P : P(1 + 128) = P 630 NEXT I 710 CHSET = (PEEK(106) - 8) * 256 720 CHORG = 57344 730 FOR I = 0 TO 511 : POKE CHSET + I, PEEK (CHORG + I) : NEXT I 740 FOR I = 8 TO 11 * 8 + 7 : READ A : POKE CHSET + I, A : NEXT I 750 POKE 756, CHSET/256 : XREF = 1 : YREF = 2760 FOR Y = 1 TO 5 : X = 1 770 READ CHR, REP : IF CHR + REP = 0 THEN 820 780 COLOR CHR 790 PLOT XREF + X, YREF + Y : X = X + 1 800 REP = REP - 1 : IF REP THEN 790 810 GOTO 770 820 ? #6 : NEXT Y 1000 POSITION 13, 9:? #6; "{4 SPACES}" 1010 POKE 752, 0:? "{CLEAR}INPUT DECAY [0-1]" : INPUT DECAY : POKE 752, 1 : ? 1020 POSITION 13, 9:? #6; "PLAY" 1520 IF PEEK(53775)-255 THEN 1520 1530 GOTO 255 1560 REM TREBLE REGISTER DATA 1600 DATA 114,136,102,0,0,0,0,85 1610 DATA 35,0,31,45,0,40,30,0 1620 DATA 182,0,193,0,0,162,217,243 1630 DATA 0,0,68,50,0,57,76,85 1640 DATA 121,0,108,144,0,128,96,91 1650 DATA 60,0,64,47,91,53,72,81 1660 DATA 37,0,33,0,0,42,0,0 1670 DATA 0,153,204,0,0,172,230,0 1674 REM BASS REGISTER DATA 1680 DATA 112,134,100,0,0,0,0,84 1690 DATA 35,0,31,44,0,39,29,0 1700 DATA 179,0,190,0,0,159,213,239 1710 DATA 0,0,66,49,0,56,75,84 1720 DATA 119,0,106,142,0,126,94,89 1730 DATA 59,0,63,47,89,52,70,79 1740 DATA 37,0,33,0,0,41,0,0 1750 DATA 0,150,201,0,0,169,226,0 1790 REM NEW CHARACTERS 1800 DATA 0,60,66,66,66,66,60,0 1810 DATA 0,3,4,4,4,4,3,0 1820 DATA 0,195,36,36,36,36,195,0 1830 DATA 0,60,126,126,126,126,60,0 1840 DATA 0,3,7,7,7,7,3,0 1850 DATA 0,195,231,231,231,231,195,0 1860 DATA 0,255,255,255,255,255,255,0 1870 DATA 0,252,2,2,2,2,252,0 1880 DATA 0,252,254,254,254,254,252,0 1890 DATA 0,63,127,127,127,127,63,0 1900 DATA 0,195,228,228,228,228,195,0 2000 REM CHARACTER DISPLAY DATA 2020 DATA 129,1,36,3,129,1,36,2 2030 DATA 129,1,36,3,129,4,0,0 2040 DATA 10,1,6,11,11,1,3,1 2050 DATA 8,1,0,0 2060 DATA 37,1,41,1,129,1,36,2 2070 DATA 129,1,36,3,129,1,36,2 2080 DATA 129,1,36,1,129,1,0,0 2090 DATA 5,1,7,1,6,12,9,1,0,0 3000 DATA 160,3,138,1,135,7,137,1 3010 DATA 160,3,0,0 4000 END