Banish Atari INPUT Statements
Jim Faryar
If you use BASIC's INPUT statement, you relinquish control to the computer. Here is a subroutine that lets you avoid INPUT by using the Atari's string-handling.
Here's an enhanced No-INPUT-Statement Input subroutine for the Atari. It is a useful application of Atari's string-handling method. We use POS to keep track of the relative position of the cursor within the string INP$. Then, we assign the character typed in by the user, CHR$(KEY), to the input string INP$ at position (POS,POS), replacing anything in that position (line 47).
Cursor right and left keys result in a change in POS, but no character assigned to INP$. The BACK-S key results in a change in POS, as well as a space assigned to replace the character in the new position INP$(POS,POS). Additional control is provided by keeping POS within the space ("mask") allowed for input, and by allowing characters of only type T$ (see below) to be typed in.
The subroutine:
- Supports the insert, delete, and right and left cursor keys, as well as the BACK-S key.
- Inhibits cursor movement outside the input "mask" to protect the screen display.
- Controls the length of the user's input.
- Controls the range of characters the user may input.
- Beeps when the user attempts an unauthorized keystroke.
Type in the program.
Lines 10-17 | support the use of the INSERT key. |
Lines 18-27 | support the use of the DELETE key. |
Lines 28-33 | support the use of the CURSOR-RIGHT key. |
Lines 34-42 | support the use of the CURSOR-LEFT and BACK-S keys. |
Lines 43-49 | restrict the characters that may be input. |
Lines 100-300 | are a demonstration. |
Be careful to include the semicolon that ends most of the PRINT statements. Run the program: try any keystrokes you wish and see the result. I could not disable the BREAK or the SYSTEM RESET keys (can anyone show me how?).
To use the subroutine in your own programs, simply:
- Start your program at line 100.
- PRINT your input prompt, ending it with a semicolon.
- LET L1 = length you will allow for input.
- LET T$ = type of characters you will allow:
"A" - converts all lowercase letters input to uppercase.
"9" - allows numbers only.
"X" - allows all characters.
(You can add to and modify these categories, by altering lines 44-45.)
- GOSUB 5.
- INP$ will contain the value input. You can set it equal to your own variable, for example:
Note that, for numeric variables, I do not take VAL(INP$), but VAL of an intermediate variable NUM$: because VAL(INP$) adversely affects the use of INP$ in subsequent calls to the subroutine. I don't know why this happens.
- Remember not to use the variables II, LI, T$, KEY, INP$, and POS anywhere else in your program.
1 REM INPUT MASK 2 OPEN #1, 4, 0, "K:" 3 DIM INP$ (37), T$ (1) 4 GOTO 100 5 POS = 1 6 INP$ = "" : IF T$; = "9" THEN INP$ = "0" 7 GET #1, KEY 8 IF KEY = 155 THEN RETURN 9 IF (KEY > 31) AND (KEY < 125) THEN 43 10 IF KEY <> 255 THEN 18 11 IF LEN(INP$) = L1 THEN 50 12 PRINT CHR$ (255); 13 FOR I1 = LEN (INP$) + 1 TO POS + 1 STEP -1 14 INP$ (I1, I1) = INP$ (I1 - 1, I1 - 1) 15 NEXT I1 16 INP$ (POS, POS) = "" 17 GOTO 7 18 IF KEY <> 254 THEN 28 19 IF POS > LEN (INP$) THEN 50 20 PRINT CHR$ (254); 21 IF LEN (INP$) = 1 THEN 5 22 IF POS = LEN (INP$) THEN INP$ = INP$ (1, POS - 1) : GOTO 7 23 FOR I1 = POS TO LEN (INP$) - 1 24 INP$ (I1, I1) = INP$ (I1 + 1, I1 + 1) 25 NEXT I1 26 INP$ = INP$ (1, I1 - 1) 27 GOTO 728 IF (KEY = 30) OR (KEY=126) THEN 34 29 IF KEY <> 31 THEN 50 30 IF POS > = L1 THEN 50 31 PRINT CHR$ (31) ; :POS = POS + 1 32 IF POS - LEN (INP$) > 1 THEN INP$ (POS - 1, POS -1) = " " 33 GOTO 7 34 IF POS < = 1 THEN 50 35 IF POS = LEN (INP$) THEN IF INP$ (POS, POS) = "" THEN INP$ = INP$ (1, POS - 1) 36 POS = POS - 1 37 IF KEY = 30 THEN PRINT CHR$ (30) ; : GOTO 7 38 PRINT CHR$ (126) ; 39 IF LEN (INP$) = 1 THEN 5 40 IF POS = LEN (INP$) THEN INP$ = INP$ (1, POS - 1) : GOTO 7 41 INP$ (POS, POS) = "" 42 GOTO 7 43 IF POS > L1 THEN 50 44 IF (T$ = "A") AND (KEY > 96) THEN KEY = KEY - 32 45 IF (T$ = "9") AND ((KEY < 48) OR (KEY > 57)) THEN 50 46 PRINT CHR$ (KEY); 47 INP$ (POS, POS) = CHR$ (KEY) 48 POS = POS + 1 49 GOTO 7 50 PRINT CHR$ (253) ; : GOTO 7 60 REM 70 REM 100 DIM NAME$ (20), NUM$ (12) 110 PRINT CHR$ (125) 120 POSITION 4, 2 130 PRINT "NAME: "; 140 L1 = 20 : T$ = "A" : GOSUB 5 150 NAME$ = INP$ 160 POSITION 4, 4 170 PRINT "NUMBER : " ; 180 L1 = 4 : T$ = "9" : GOSUB 5 190 NUM$ = INP$ : NUM = VAL (NUM$) 200 POSITION 4, 6 210 PRINT "Is ALL the above correct?"; 220 L1 = 3 : T$ = "A" : GOSUB 5 230 IF ASC (INP$) <> 89 THEN 110 240 POSITION 4, 12 250 PRINT NAME$, LEN(NAME$), NUM, ASC(INP$) 300 END