In Education
The Oryx Press announces
publication of Microcomputers in
Education: A Handbook of
Resources. The book, edited by Katherine Clay, is a guide to the
literature, materials, and resources on the use of microcomputers in
Microcomputers in
Education covers materials published from the beginning of the
microcomputer revolution in 1976 to March 1982. The major portion of
the book is an annotated bibliography of books, journal articles, and
microfiche covering the state of the art, from Philosophy and
Futures/Trends to Computer Literacy, Classroom Applications,
Teacher/Administrator Education, and more. Included is a section on
references and resources, including bibliographies, glossaries, sources
of funding, and book reviews. In addition, there is an appendix
covering sources of information and assistance such as computer
journals, user groups, associations, microcomputer centers, and
software vendors.
The price is $18.50, and there is no charge for
postage and handling on prepaid orders.
Microcomputers in Education:
A Handbook of Resources
The Oryx Press
2214 North Central
Phoenix, AZ 85004