Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 19 / DECEMBER 1981 / PAGE 174

CAPUTE!: Corrections And Amplifications

—COMPUTE! #14, pg. 106, "The Apple Hi-Res Shape Writer." The following routine was missing (Program 2):

Program 2.

10 D$ = CHR$ (4) : INC = 10 : S = 16384
90 LINE = 5000 : B = 16500
100 PRINT LINE "FORI = 16384 TO "B"
120 FOR I = S TO B : IF (I - S) / 10 = INT ( (I - S) / 10) THEN PRINT : LINE = LINE + INC : PRINT
   LINE"DATA" PEEK (I); : GOTO 140
130 PRINT "," PEEK (I);

—COMPUTE! #16, pg. 66: Line 62005 should read: FOR I = LO TO HI

—COMPUTE! #16, pg. 118: "The = sign does concatenation…". No it doesn't! The + sign does concatenation. Who wrote that? Who is this guy Butterfield anyway? He deserves thirty lashes with a wet noodle.

Unless, of course, he wrote it correctly and somebody goofed it up down there. In which case, transfer the lashes (and the noodle) to the appropriate culprit. Heck, I have enough trouble spelling concatenation without worrying about how to do it…

The whole thing is bristling with = signs that shouldn't be there. M$ = A$ = B$ = C$ should be M$ = A$ + B$ + C$; PRINT J$ = "" = M$ should be PRINT J$ = " " + M$. However, to make up for it, you've changed a character the opposite way in your last paragraph: Z$ = Z$ + " + " should read Z$ = Z$ + "=".

Try typing in this line:

FOR J = 1 TO 10 : PRINT"TSK." : NEXT J

[Our thanks to Jim for his corrections. The typos (and the noodle) belong here.]

—COMPUTE! #16, pg. 134: line 9010 should read FOR I = 4 TO 35 * PV STEP 5 * PV. The value POKEd in line 9520 should be 43.

COMPUTE! #16, pg. 124: To permit the program to also work on the 8050 drive, change line 290 to PRINT# 15, "M–E" CHR$(180) CHR$(255)

COMPUTE! #16, pg. 10: Many readers suggested modifications to David Thornburg's excellent 20-questions program to permit more random responses and to prevent the same response if the questions always began: "is it animal," "is it vegetable," "is it mineral." One of Mr. Thornburg's points was the brevity of the program in contrast to the "intelligence" it seemed to evidence. There are indeed a variety of ways to make the program even more remarkable for Turing tests on the unsuspecting.

COMPUTE! #10, pg. 112: To allow the disk program to work with the 4044 CBM disk drives (or 2040s with upgraded ROM), change line 5012 to:

IF P(0) < 25 THEN SM = 18