Dmsound is a sound file player for DeskMate. It plays a variety of sound file formats on: Tandy DAC SoundBlaster 1.x SoundBlaster 2.x SoundBlaster Pro SoundBlaster 16 PC speaker (not good - requires 286) Dumb (parallel-port) DAC (requires 286) Tandy 1000/PCjr 3-voice chip (requires 286) It also supports conversion to 8- or 16-bit mono or stereo .wav and Tandy .snd. The SB-family drivers have clicks and still need work. To run Dmsound under DeskMate, get and read DMSOUND.DOC for installation and usage instructions. To run Dmsound under bare DOS, get both and Read the README.DOS file in for installation instructions for DOS. Do *not* install the DOS version if you have DeskMate. This program is not really finished yet but what's there works. jlh (