Desert Viper (600-4132) Care and Maintenance Faxback Doc. # 6803 For maximum battery life, rest the vehicle for 20 minutes after every 15 minutes of continuous use. If the vehicle moves slowly or does not move at all, replace the vehicle's batteries or recharge the battery pack. If the motor runs but the vehicle does not respond to the transmitter, replace the transmitter's batteries. If the vehicle moves slowly and you have installed fresh batteries, check the wheel mechanisms for lint, thread, hair, or dust. If someone uses a CB nearby, it might interfere with control of the vehicle. If this happens, move the vehicle away from the CB. You cannot operate your vehicle near devices with transmitters of the the same frequency. Do not store the vehicle or transmitter in direct sunlight or near a heater. Do not leave the vehicle or transmitter outside overnight. Night dampness can damage them. (LB/all-08/17/94)