Trackstar E (250-1038) Features Faxback Doc. # 5540 The Trackstar E is a 65C02 Parallel Processor board. It may be installed into any IBM PC, XT, AT, 386 or compatible, and will provide you with the ability to run Apple software on those machines. The Trackstar E supports most Apple features and contains enhancements not present on the original Apple systems. Your Trackstar E comes standard with the following features: * 65C02 Microprocessor * 128K Main Memory * 40 & 80 column Text * Apple LoRes, HiRes, and Double High Res Graphics * Supports up to four disk drives * Supports a hard disk drive * Supports standard Serial and Parallel ports * Apple compatible 5.25" disk drive port * Apple IIc compatible game port * Thunderclock compatible Apple clock. (SMM/jlc-03/28/94)