SENSATION! (250-1651) Desktop and Backdrop Files Faxback Doc. # 2877 The doors on the WinMate desktop use the file extension .DTP for desktop pictures. These files are on the DATA CD. The path to these files is: D:\ORIGINAL\WINMATE\PICTURES\DESKTOP On the hard drive, the path to these files is: C:\WINMATE\PICTURES\DESKTOP Should these files be damaged or deleted, they can be replaced by placing the DATA CD in the CD-ROM drive, and typing: XCOPY D:\ORIGINAL\WINMATE\PICTURES\DESKTOP\*.DTP C:\WINMATE\PICTURES\DESKTOP This will copy all of the desktop picture files to their proper place on the hard drive. When a door is selected from the WinMate desktop (for example, "In Play"), the "In Play" backdrop screen appears with that group's program icons. These backdrop files are .BMP files and are also on the DATA CD. The path to the files is: D:\ORIGINAL\WINMATE\PICTURES\BACKDROP On the hard drive, the path to these files is: C:\WINMATE\PICTURES\BACKDROP As above, if one of these files is damaged or deleted, it can be copied from the DATA CD. (sm/rl-5/26/94)