Ferret's Warped Web Page

This site is under construction (as if you hadn't already guessed that!).... Someday it will contain all sorts of information about my favorite subjects: JESUS! Electronics Hobby Robotics Toy Inventing SCUBA Diving Exploring Volcanoes Political ranting and raving and of course PICTURES OF FERRETS!
This will eventually have numerous discussion groups and other interesting stuff. I'll have to put together a graphic with my e-mail address (so SpamBots can't find me), so until I can get that up here, think about what you might like to see on this page concerning the topics listed above! Thanks for visitting, come back soon (it'll get better as time goes by)! This page last updated really early in the morrning of 12 AUG 2003. And yes, I AM a military man as you might expect from that date...