The Project Gutenberg EBook of The American Missionary - Volume 52, No. 1, March, 1898, by Various This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: The American Missionary - Volume 52, No. 1, March, 1898 Author: Various Release Date: June 14, 2008 [EBook #25782] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK AMERICAN MISSIONARY - MARCH 1898 *** Produced by Joshua Hutchinson and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by Cornell University Digital Collections) The American Missionary MARCH, 1898. VOL. LII. No. 1. CONTENTS EDITORIAL. REMOVAL--THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY, NOW A QUARTERLY--LIST OF FIELD WORKERS, 1 OUR INDUSTRIAL WORK, 2 BOTH ARE RIGHT, 3 FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES--CHINA AND THE CHINESE--ALASKA, 4 THE FIELD. OUR FIELD WORKERS, 5 TEACHERS' RESIDENCES, 27 THE SOUTH. BLESSED SEASON--ORANGE PARK, FLA., 32 CONG'L CHURCH, ATLANTA, GA., 33 COLORED MINISTERS OF BLACK BELT, ALA., 35 OBITUARY. DEA. SAMUEL HOLMES, 38 MISS MARY E. McLANE, 39 MISS ANNA COFFIN, 39 RECEIPTS, 40 JUBILEE SHARES, 54 WOMAN'S STATE ORGANIZATIONS, 55 NEW YORK: PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION, THE CONGREGATIONAL ROOMS, FOURTH AVENUE AND TWENTY-SECOND STREET, NEW YORK. Price, 50 Cents a Year in advance. Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as Second-Class mail matter. American Missionary Association. CONGREGATIONAL ROOMS, Fourth Avenue and Twenty-second Street, New York City. * * * * * PRESIDENT, MERRILL E. GATES, LL.D., MASS. _Vice-Presidents._ Rev. F. A. NOBLE, D.D., Ill. Rev. ALEX. McKENZIE, D.D., Mass. Rev. HENRY HOPKINS, D.D., Mo. Rev. HENRY A. STIMSON, D.D., N. Y. Rev. WASHINGTON GLADDEN, D.D., Ohio. _Honorary Secretary and Editor._ Rev. M. E. STRIEBY, D.D. _Corresponding Secretaries._ Rev. A. F. BEARD, D.D. Rev. F. P. WOODBURY, D.D. Rev. C. J. RYDER, D.D. _Recording Secretary._ Rev. M. E. STRIEBY, D.D. _Treasurer._ H. W. HUBBARD, Esq. _Auditors._ D. C. TIEBOUT. CHARLES NEWTON SCHENCK. _Executive Committee._ CHARLES L. MEAD, Chairman. CHARLES A. HULL, Secretary. _For Three Years._ WILLIAM HAYES WARD, JAMES W. COOPER, LUCIEN C. WARNER, CHARLES P. PEIRCE, LEWELLYN PRATT, _For Two Years._ CHARLES A. HULL, ALBERT J. LYMAN, NEHEMIAH BOYNTON, A. J. F. BEHRENDS, EDWARD S. TEAD, _For One Year._ SAMUEL S. MARPLES, CHARLES L. MEAD, ELIJAH HORR, FRANK M. BROOKS, CHARLES S. OLCUTT. _District Secretaries._ Rev. GEO. H. GUTTERSON, _21 Cong'l House, Boston, Mass._ Rev. JOS. E. ROY, D.D., _153 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill._ _Secretary of Woman's Bureau._ MISS D. E. EMERSON. COMMUNICATIONS Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; letters for "THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY," to the Editor, at the New York Office; letters relating to the finances, to the Treasurer; letters relating to woman's work, to the Secretary of the Woman's Bureau. DONATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS In drafts, checks, registered letters, or post-office orders, may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, Fourth Avenue and Twenty-second Street, New York; or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., or 153 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill. A payment of thirty dollars constitutes a Life Member. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS.--The date on the "address label" indicates the time to which the subscription is paid. Changes are made in date on label to the tenth of the month. If payment of subscription be made afterward the change on the label will appear on the next number. Please send early notice of change in post-office address, giving the former address and the new address, in order that our periodicals and occasional papers may be correctly mailed. FORM OF A BEQUEST. "I GIVE AND BEQUEATH the sum of ---- dollars to the 'American Missionary Association,' incorporated by act of the Legislature of the State of New York." The will should be attested by three witnesses. * * * * * THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. VOL. LII. MARCH, 1898. NO. 1. * * * * * REMOVAL. The office of the American Missionary Association has been removed from the Bible House to the Congregational Rooms, Fourth Avenue and Twenty-second Street, New York City. * * * * * THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY, NOW A QUARTERLY. Some of our friends write us, saying that they do not receive the "American Missionary" regularly. Perhaps these friends have not noticed the announcement that our magazine is now a quarterly and not a monthly. The last number was issued December, 1897, and this number will appear March, 1898. * * * * * LIST OF FIELD WORKERS. We publish in this number of the magazine the annual list of our Field Workers. We take pleasure in presenting this list, believing that it will be valued, not only by the friends of these faithful workers, but by many others who will be glad to trace their names and locations. Our workers have been epoch makers. They entered upon the work during the first year of the war and followed the advance of the Union armies, and when at length the slaves became freemen, these teachers and preachers were their guides in the paths of industry, knowledge and piety. The work was opportune, for it needed a strong influence to direct their uncertain steps in the new life that broke so strangely upon them. Many of these workers have devoted well-nigh their active life to this work, and gray hairs are adorning the temples of some who entered the service in their early and vigorous youth. Their achievements are the ample reward for their self-denying and useful labors and are found in neat homes, family purity, skilled industry in shop and on farm, in well-prepared teachers and in educated and pious ministers of the gospel. Their work is multiplied by the successful toil of hundreds and perhaps thousands who have been trained by them. May God bless these workers and the peoples among whom they toil--the Emancipated Slaves, the Indians on our Western border, the Highlanders on our Southern mountains, the Chinese on the Pacific Coast, and the heroic family in far-off Alaska. * * * * * OUR INDUSTRIAL WORK. The American Missionary Association was a pioneer in introducing industrial training and work among the freedmen of the South. In May, 1867, the Association purchased a tract of land on which the buildings at Hampton, Va., are now located, and agricultural and industrial pursuits were immediately inaugurated. In 1872 a charter was obtained and the property was turned over by the Association to a Board of Trustees, and Gen. Armstrong, with his remarkable enthusiasm and administrative skill, pushed the institution forward in its marvelous career. At Talladega, Ala., in 1867, the Association purchased a large building, with forty acres of land attached, and the young men were set to tilling the soil under systematic training. In 1877 the Winsted Farm, of 160 acres, was secured, and ten years later the Newton Farm was added, the whole tract now containing 270 acres. On this large farm is carried forward every variety of agricultural industry in the preparation of the soil, in drainage and irrigation, rotation of crops and the raising of stock. An institute for farmers of the county is statedly held under the College auspices, and annual meetings of several days' length are conducted in three or four of the counties of the State. The varied industries of the shop are kept up with the home industries of cooking, laundry, sewing and nursing. A printing office publishes a little monthly which is very creditably printed. Similar periodicals are published in nearly all our large institutions. At Tougaloo, Miss., the Association purchased 500 acres of land in 1869 and subsequently added another tract, until now the whole domain embraces 650 acres. A great feature of the institution is its industrial work. Here has been developed the full range of farming industries, stock raising and the cultivation of the various crops adapted to the soil, together with shops for mechanical work, embracing carpentry, blacksmithing, wheelwrighting, steam-sawing, sewing and other branches of domestic economy. Strawberries are raised and shipped to the Chicago market. Our normal schools at Memphis, Tenn., Macon, Ga., and Williamsburg, Ky., have carpentry, printing and other industrial training for young men, and training in the various arts of home life for the young women. At Wilmington, Savannah, Thomasville, Athens, Marion, Mobile, Pleasant Hill and other normal, graded and common schools, the young women are trained in all things needed in making comfortable and pleasant homes. In our Indian schools industries are taught and practiced. At the Santee Agency a tract of nearly 500 acres gives room that is well used for farming and stock-raising, and well-arranged shops give employment in carpentry, blacksmithing and printing and other avocations. The "Word Carrier," a monthly publication, is not surpassed in neatness of printing by any paper that comes to this office. In other Indian schools various industries are taught, especially those that relate to the care and improvement of homes. As evidence that this industrial work is pushed forward, we may mention that in our most recently established school in the South, that at Enfield, N. C., the farm of more than a thousand acres of land (the gift of a generous Christian lady of Brooklyn, N. Y.), a large portion of which is under cultivation, gives ample employment to the student. Cotton, corn, potatoes, and the products of the field, the garden and the orchard are cultivated, while in the shops the boys are taught in blacksmithing and in carpentry, and the girls in the various kinds of domestic work, sewing, cooking and housework. * * * * * BOTH ARE RIGHT. Mr. Booker T. Washington has written two very able articles in _The Independent_, setting forth the supreme importance of industrial training and work among the colored people of the South. On the other hand, Dr. T. J. Morgan, Secretary of the Baptist Home Missionary Society, has published in the same paper a carefully prepared article, emphasizing the absolute necessity of the higher education of the leaders of that people. Both these writers are correct. No people can rise unless they have the guidance and inspiration of highly educated ministers, teachers, thinkers and writers, and no people can rise if its masses are idle and unthrifty. The American Missionary Association aims, in its great work, to give due and impartial importance to both aspects of this great problem. * * * * * THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. A peculiar history is that of the five civilized tribes of Indians. It was supposed for a time that they had given the brightest example of the success of the Indian on his reservation. These tribes had forms of government modeled after that of the States. They had governors, legislators, and judges, schools and churches. Many of the members were highly educated. But the outcome has been a failure. The laws are inadequately administered, and crime has been rampant and unpunished. But now the general Government has taken the one decisive and initial step in the matter by directing that the United States courts should have civil and criminal jurisdiction over all cases arising in the Indian Territory, irrespective of race. Thus the wedge has entered, and the reservation system and the dream of Indian autonomy--an empire within an empire--will happily soon be a thing of the past. * * * * * CHINA AND THE CHINESE IN AMERICA. China, with her vast population, has stood almost unmoved for thousands of years. But now disintegration threatens, and the nations of Europe may yet divide that great country among themselves, and a new world may arise. In such a change, the influence of Christianity must be a vital force, to guide and strengthen. The coming of the children of China to our Western coast may be a providential element in this change and the importance of the work of the Association among these peoples on our Pacific Coast, so ready to learn, and many of them so ready to return to their native land as missionaries, may be a very significant factor in the future. * * * * * ALASKA. In 1847, California was almost as little known and valued as Alaska was last year. But the discovery of gold in Sutton's mill-race changed the whole aspect of affairs in California, and it is now a State with a large and thrifty population, and its western shore is connected with the Atlantic seaboard by railroads, towns and cities. The discovery of gold made the change. The recent discoveries on the Yukon River in Alaska are sending hundreds and thousands of people thither, and while Alaska may never become a California in population, yet a wonderful change is taking place, the end of which no one can predict. But the native population of that distant land must not be neglected nor crushed under the pressure of hordes of gold hunters. The work at our mission station at Cape Prince of Wales should be enlarged and made more effective. * * * * * American Missionary Association, CONGREGATIONAL ROOMS, Fourth Avenue and Twenty-second Street, New York. * * * * * THE FIELD. 1897-1898. The following list gives the names of those who are in the work of the Churches, Institutions and Schools of the American Missionary Association. THE SOUTH. REV. GEO. W. MOORE, Field Missionary. MR. O. R. BROWN, Builder. MR. GILBERT WALTON, General Mountain Missionary. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WASHINGTON. THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, HOWARD UNIVERSITY. Rev. J. E. Rankin, D.D., LL.D. " John L. Ewell, D.D., " Isaac Clark, D.D., " S. N. Brown, A.M., B.D., " George O. Little, D.D., " George S. Duncan, Ph.D., " W. H. Brooks, D.D., Rev. J. G. Butler, D.D., " T. S. Hamlin, D.D., " S. M. Newman, D.D., Right Rev. H. Y. Satterlee, D.D., Prof. R. B. Warder, A.M., B.S., Prof. William J. Stephens., Rev. Charles H. Butler, A.M., Prof. George J. Cummings, A.M. LINCOLN MEMORIAL CHURCH. _Minister_, Rev. Albert P. Miller, Washington, D. C. PLYMOUTH CHURCH. _Minister_, Rev. A. C. Garner, Washington, D. C. PEOPLE'S CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. _Minister_, Rev. J. H. Dailey, Washington, D. C. TEMPLE PARK CHURCH. _Minister_, Rev. S. N. Brown, Washington, D. C. VIRGINIA. CAPPAHOSIC. GLOUCESTER HIGH AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. _Principal_, Prof. W. B. Weaver, Cappahosic, Va. _Teachers_, Mr. W. G. Price, Priddy's, Va. Mr. D. D. Weaver, Cappahosic, Va. Mrs. E. Sprague Weaver, Cappahosic, Va. Miss Carrie E. Steele, Charleston, S. C. Mr. R. L. White, Cappahosic, Va. Miss Ada Baytop, Ark, Va. KENTUCKY. LEXINGTON. _Minister_, Rev. J. S. Jackson, Lexington, Ky. CHANDLER NORMAL SCHOOL (351 North Broadway). _Principal_, Miss Fanny J. Webster, Pasadena, Cal. _Teachers_, Miss Mary J. Kuhn, New Wilm'gton, Pa. " Nellie D. Sheldon, Seattle, Wash. " Clara Phillips, Oswego, N.Y. Miss Mary H. Ewans, Bellefontaine, O. " Eva D. Bowles, Columbus, Miss. " Clara E. Noble, Coburg, Ind. Miss Mary S. Larkin, Tougaloo, Miss. LOUISVILLE. _Minister_, Rev. E. G. Harris, Washington, D. C. KENTUCKY MOUNTAIN WORK. WILLIAMSBURG. _Minister_, Rev. W. G. Olinger, Williamsburg, Ky. WILLIAMSBURG ACADEMY. _Principal_, Prof. Chas. M. Stevens, Williamsburg, Ky. _Teachers_, Mr. C. C. Greene, Williamsburg, Ky. Miss Ella M. Andrews, Frankfort, Mich. " Amelia Packard, Brooklyn, N. Y. " Ulellah N. Smith, Chicago, Ill. Mrs. C. M. Stevens, Williamsburg, Ky. Miss Julia B. Glines, Horsehead, N. Y. " Minnie Ferree, Harriman, Tenn. " Amelia L. Ferris, Oneida, Ill. ROCKHOLD, CORBIN, WOODBINE AND PLEASANT VIEW. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. C. W. Greene, Corbin, Ky. CLOVER BOTTOM, GRAY-HAWK, COMBS AND MIDDLE FORK. _Minister_, Rev. Mason Jones, Combs, Ky. CARPENTER, MARSH CREEK, LICK CREEK AND SANDERS CREEK. _Minister_, Rev. Samuel Sutton, Williamsburg, Ky. RED ASH. _Minister_, ---- ---- MORGAN AND WOLFE COUNTY MISSIONS. CAMPTON, TOLIVER AND SPRADLING. _Minister_, Rev. J. W. Doane, Campton, Ky. BLACK MOUNTAIN (P. O., EVARTS). _Minister_, Mr. E. Frank Dizney, Evarts, Ky. BLACK MOUNTAIN ACADEMY. _Principal_, Prof. E. Frank Dizney, Evarts, Ky. _Teachers_, Mrs. E. F. Dizney, Evarts, Ky. Mr. William Turner, Evarts, Ky. TENNESSEE. NASHVILLE. _Minister_, Rev. Charles W. Dunn, A.M., B.D., Nashville, Tenn. FISK UNIVERSITY. _President_, Rev. E. M. Cravath, D.D., Nashville, Tenn. _Teachers_, Rev. A. K. Spence, A.M., Nashville. Prof. F. A. Chase, A.M., " Rev. E. C. Stickel, A.M., " " E. Harris, A.M., B.D., " Miss Anna T. Ballantine, " " Mary A. Bye, B.S., Minneapolis. " J. Beard, B.A., Andover, Mass. Mrs. L. D. Pinney, N. Bloomfield, O. Miss Nellie F. Comings, B.S., St. Paul. " Anna N. Carey, Oberlin, O. " Jennie A. Robinson, Nashville. Mrs. Luretta C. Stickel, B.L., " Miss M. Chapman, Independence, Iowa. Mrs. Kate J. Crane, Danville, Ill. Prof. Helen C. Morgan, A.M., Nashville. " H. H. Wright, A.M., " " O. W. Dunn, A.M., B.D., " W. G. Waterman, B.A., Southport, Ct. Miss D. A. Scribner, B.A., Gossville, N. H. " A. M. Garsden, Westmoreland, N.Y. " D. M. Jones, B.S., Sp'g Valley, Minn. " M. B. Koehler, B.L., Penn Yan, N. Y. " Carrie B. Chamberlin, Sharon, Vt. Mrs. Lucy R. Greene, Amherst, Mass. Miss Mary E. Chamberlin, Nashville. " Alice M. Grass, Bryan, O. " Frances L. Yeomans, Danville, Ill. " E.L. Parsons, A.B., Le Roy, N.Y. Miss Susan A. Cooley, Bavaria, Kan. NASHVILLE (HOWARD CHURCH). _Minister_, Rev. James Bond, Nashville, Tenn. NASHVILLE (THIRD CHURCH, JACKSON STREET). _Minister_, Rev. A. K. Spence, Nashville, Tenn. GOODLETTSVILLE. _Minister_, (Supplied from Fisk Theological Seminary.) MEMPHIS. _Minister_, Rev. Geo. M. McClelland,[A] Memphis, Tenn. LE MOYNE INSTITUTE (294 Orleans St.). _Principal_, Prof. Andrew J. Steele, A.M., Whitewater, Wis. _Teachers_, Miss Mary E. Brereton, Acorn, Wis. Miss L. Waring, Kalamazoo, Mich. Miss C. S. Goldsmith, Chester, N. H. Miss Margaret E. Reed, Princeton, Ill. Mrs. M. L. Jenkins, Chautauqua, N. Y. Miss C. E. Lewis, Memphis, Tenn. Miss Charlotte Rivers, Memphis, Tenn. Miss M. L. Townsend, Cedar Falls, Ia. Miss M. Mitchell, Breckenridge, Mich. Miss L. A. G. Forbes, Chicopee F., Mass. Miss Louise Stone, Le Roy, N. Y. Miss Flora E. Persons, Oberlin, O. Miss Mary E. Johnson, Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Will C. Scott, Birmingham, Ala. KNOXVILLE. _Minister_, Rev. R. D. Jennings, Knoxville, Tenn. SLATER TRAINING SCHOOL (606 Payne St.). _Principal_, Miss Ida F. Hubbard, Ascutneyville, Vt. _Teachers_, Mrs. M. L. Crosthwait, Knoxville, Tenn. Miss Belle S. Burr, Goderich, Ont., Can. Miss Minnie M. Gates, Phoenix, N. Y. Miss Belle A. Murphy, Knoxville, Tenn. Miss Lena H. Kalbfleisch, Gettysburg, Pa. JONESBORO. _Minister_, ---- ---- CHATTANOOGA. _Minister_, Rev. J. E. Smith,[A] Chattanooga, Tenn. TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN WORK. GRAND VIEW. _Minister and Instructor in Biblical Department_, Rev. G. W. Wright, Oberlin, O. GRAND VIEW NORMAL INSTITUTE. _Principal_, Rev. G. W. Wright, A.M., B.D., Oberlin, O. _Teachers_, Miss L. J. Franklin, Grandview, Tenn. Miss Mary E. Taylor, " " Miss Mary L. Jewett, Grandview, Tenn. Miss Mabel Franklin, " " Miss Florence E. Hunnewell, Olivet, Mich. PLEASANT HILL. _Minister_, Rev. Warren E. Wheeler, Richfield, Ohio. PLEASANT HILL ACADEMY. _Principal_, Rev. Warren E. Wheeler, Richfield, Ohio. _Teachers_, Mrs. Kate L. Wheeler, Richfield, O. Miss F. A. Jackson, Hudsonburg, Tenn. " E. F. Dodge, Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Miss Flora M. Crane, Middlebury, Vt. " E. Josephine Orton, Berrycreek, Cal. " F. M. Russell, Union City, Mich. Mr. Charles R. Blanks, Pine Bluff, Tenn. BIG CREEK GAP. _Minister_, Rev. W. G. Olinger, Williamsburg, Ky. _Teachers_, Miss Kate C. La Grange, Albany. N. Y. Mr. C. Rutherford, La Folette, Tenn. Miss J. B. Olinger, Williamsburg, Ky. Mr. John Deloss, Jacksboro, Tenn. Miss Attie Denny, La Folette, Tenn. Mr. R. B. Winkler, " " JELLICO AND PROCTOR. _Minister_, Rev. George H. Post, Jellico, Tenn. PINE MOUNTAIN. _Minister_, ---- ---- POMONA, CROSSVILLE AND LANTANA. _Minister_, Rev. H. E. Partridge, Pomona, Tenn. CUMBERLAND GAP. _Minister_, Rev. A. A. Myers, Cumberland Gap, Tenn. TRACY CITY AND MONT EAGLE. _Minister_, Mrs. M. J. Smith, Tracy City, Tenn. HEATHERLY CHAPEL AND STRUNK'S LANE. _Minister_, Rev. Samuel Sutton, Williamsburg, Ky. DEER LODGE, RUGBY AND PIONEER. _Minister_, Rev. George Lusty, Deer Lodge, Tenn. GLEN MARY, HELENWOOD, ROBBINS, MILL CREEK, MOSSY GROVE AND WOLF CREEK. _Minister_, Rev. M. N. Sumner, Mill Creek, Tenn. MILL CREEK SCHOOL. _Teacher_, Mr. M. Hawn, Lansing, Tenn. BON AIR AND ROCK HOUSE. _Minister_, Rev. E. N. Goff, Bon Air, Tenn. KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL. _Teacher_, ---- ---- SAND MOUNTAIN. _Minister_, Rev. A. K. Spence, Nashville, Tenn. HARRIMAN. _Minister_, ---- ---- NORTH CAROLINA. ENFIELD. JOS. K. BRICK AGRICULTURAL, INDUSTRIAL AND NORMAL SCHOOL. _Principal_, Prof. T. S. Inborden, A.B., Oberlin, O. _Teachers_, Mr. L. J. Watkins, A.B., Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. Alice L. Davis, Oberlin, O. Miss K. C. Dowdell, Nashville, Tenn. " Jennetta N. Keeble, " " Mr. Isadore Martin, Charleston, S. C. ALL HEALING (KING'S MOUNTAIN P. O.). LINCOLN ACADEMY. _Principal_, Miss Lillian S. Cathcart, Minneapolis, Minn. _Teachers_, Miss May E. Newton, Springfield, Mo. " Susie T. Cathcart, Tangerine, Fla. " I. M. Caughey, N. Kingsville, O. Miss L. A. Dickinson, A.B., North Amherst, Mass. " Carrie W. Parrott, Orange Park, Fla. Miss Bertha W. Keyes, Oberlin, O. LINCOLN ACADEMY CHURCH. _Lay Pastor_, Miss L. S. Cathcart, Minneapolis, Minn. WILMINGTON. _Minister_, Rev. F. G. Ragland, Wilmington, N. C. GREGORY NORMAL INSTITUTE (613 Nun Street). _Principal_, Prof. Geo. A. Woodard, Southern Pines, N. C. _Teachers_, Miss Susan M. Marsh, Springfield, Mass. " Cora L. Moore, Northfield, " " Julia P. Seymour, Rootstown, O. " Alice J. Slanker, Stanton, Mich. " G. M. Houghton, Syracuse, N. Y. Miss Minnie T. Strout, Salem, Mass. " Katherine E. Hoag, Saginaw, Mich. " Lena Walbridge, Mystic, Que., Can. " Hester A. Washburn, Delevan, Wis. Mrs. Lucy M. Mellen, Oberlin, O. BEAUFORT. _Minister_, Rev. W. D. Newkirk, Beaufort, N. C. WASHBURN SEMINARY. _Principal_, Prof. B. D. Rowlee, East Woodstock, Ct. _Teachers_, Mrs. Julia Rowlee, E. Woodstock, Ct. Mrs. Emma C. Newkirk, Beaufort, N. C. Mr. Fernie B. Whittington, Beaufort, N. C. CHAPEL HILL. _Minister and Teachers_, Rev. Paul L. LaCour, Chapel Hill, N. C. Mrs. Paul L. LaCour, Chapel Hill, N. C. HILLSBORO. _Teachers_, Miss Bessie O. Bechan, Toronto, Can. Miss Julia H. Curtis, Syracuse, N. Y. RALEIGH. _Minister and General Missionary_, Rev. A. W. Curtis, D.D., Raleigh, N. C. OAKS, CEDAR CLIFF AND MELVILLE. _Minister and Missionary_, Rev. Anthony Peden, Oaks, N. C. _Teacher at Cedar Cliff_, Mr. Wm. R. Hall, Raleigh, N. C. McLEANSVILLE. _Minister_, Rev. M. L. Baldwin (1st and 2d Churches.), McLeansville, N. C. _Teacher at McLeansville (1st Church)_, Mrs. M. L. Baldwin, McLeansville, N. C. _Teacher at McLeansville (2d Church)_, Miss Dulcina Torrence, McLeansville, N. C. GREENSBORO AND BROWN'S SUMMIT. _Minister_, Rev. S. S. Sevier, Greensboro, N. C. _Teacher at Brown's Summit_, Miss Maud M. Washburn, Brown's Summit, N. C. HIGH POINT AND ASHBORO. _Minister_, Rev. J. P. Sims, High Point, N. C. STRIEBY AND SALEM. _Minister_, Rev. H. Dillard, Strieby, N. C. NAVASSA. _Teacher_, Mr. J. J. Clemmons, Jr., Navassa, N. C. DUDLEY. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. R. B. Johns, Dudley, N. C. Mrs. R. B. Johns, Dudley, N. C. TROY, CANDOR AND DRY CREEK. _Minister_, Rev. O. Faduma, Troy, N. C. _Teachers at Troy_, Mrs. O. Faduma, Troy, N. C. Mrs. J. H. Artopé, Troy, N. C. _Teacher at Candor_, Mrs. J. H. Artopé, Troy, N. C. _Teacher at Nalls_, Mr. J. W. Baldwin, Nalls, N. C. LITTLE'S MILLS, MALEE AND PEKIN. _Minister_, Rev. Z. Simmons, Malee, N. C. HAYWOOD, DOUGLASS, BROADWAY, EGYPT, LOCKVILLE, MORVAL, AND CEDAR CREEK. _Minister_, Rev. J. E. McNeill, Moncure, N. C. LOWELL. _Minister_, Rev. Calvin Lane, Lowell, N. C. SANFORD AND CARTER'S MILLS. _Minister_, Rev. E. W. Stratton, Sanford, N. C. CHARLOTTE AND INDIAN TRAIL. _Minister_, Rev. Geo. H. Haines, Charlotte, N. C. RED SPRINGS. _Minister_, Rev. S. A. McKay, Red Springs, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAIN WORK. BLOWING ROCK. SKYLAND INSTITUTE. _Principal_, Mrs. E. R. Dorsett, Oak Park, Ill. _Teachers_, Mrs. Eva F. Leonard, Dunstable, Mass. Miss M. L. Douglas, Church, Mich. Mrs. Ellen M. Fisher, Sinclairville, N. Y. SALUDA. _Pioneer Evangelist_, Rev. E. W. Hollies, Topeka, Kan. SALUDA SEMINARY. _Principal_, Miss Fidelia Sheldon, Beverly, Mass. _Teachers_, Miss Maude Summers, Cleveland, O. Miss Minnie A. Hollies, Topeka, Kan. Mrs. Sarah Hollies, Topeka, Kan. WHITTIER. _Minister_, Mr. M. E. Meriam, Whittier, N. C. _Teachers_, Mr. M. E. Meriam, Whittier, N. C. Mr. J. Ulrich Gibbs, Whittier, N. C. SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON. _Minister_, Rev. Geo. V. Clark, Charleston, S. C. AVERY NORMAL INSTITUTE (57, 59 Bull Street). _Principal_, Prof. Morrison A. Holmes, Lee, Mass. _Teachers_, Miss Mattie M. Marsh, A.B., Bryan, O. " M. W. Bryant, A.B., Rogers, Ark. " E. W. Blake, B.L., Westf'd, Mass. Mr. L. G. Gregory, A.B., Charleston. Miss Mary L. Deas, Charleston, S. C. " Naomi P. Barnett, " " " Monomia R. Scott, " " Mrs. M. A. Holmes, Lee, Mass. GREENWOOD. BREWER NORMAL SCHOOL. _Principal_, Rev. J. M. Robinson, Detroit, Mich. _Teachers_, Mrs. J. M. Robinson, Detroit, Mich. Miss Fannie E. Curtiss, Nevada, Ia. " Irene Sheldon, New Britain, Ct. " Emily R. Bishop, Keene, N. H. Miss Clara S. Boyd, Greenfield, O. " Helena C. Spees, Norfolk, Neb. " L. Mabel Grimes, Wayland, Mich. " L. C. Holman, Vincennes, Iowa. COLUMBIA AND ARTHURS. _Minister_, Rev. E. H. Wilson, Columbia, S. C. LYKESLAND. _Lay Preacher_, Mr. Jefferson Myles, Lykesland, S. C. NEWBERRY AND POMARIA. _Minister_, Rev. John D. Moates, Newberry, S. C. WINNSBORO. _Minister_, Rev. S. L. Jones, Winnsboro, S. C. GEORGIA. MACON. _Minister_, Rev. J. R. McLean, Macon, Ga. BALLARD NORMAL SCHOOL (806 Pine Street) _Principal_, Prof. George C. Burrage, Ph.B., Weston, Mass. _Teachers_, Miss Alma C. Childs, Ann Arbor, Mich; " W. E. Graffam, A.B., Andover, Mass. " Ellen B. Scobie, Everett, Ohio. " Alice M. Gage, Boxford, Mass. " Mary E. Van Deusen, Ashley Falls, Mass. " A. L. Thomson, New Haven, Ct. Miss Ella L. Cheney, Oberlin, Ohio. " G. Eugenie Pfeiffer, Hightst'n, N. J. " Leila H. Farlin, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mrs. Harriet N. Bye, Minneapolis, Minn. " Emma Obenaner, Detroit, Mich. Miss Priscilla Martin, Macon, Ga. Mrs. George C. Burrage, Weston, Mass. THOMASVILLE. _Minister and Missionary_, Rev. T. M. Nixon, Thomasville, Ga. ALLEN NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. _Principal_, Miss Amelia Merriam, Westboro, Mass. _Teachers_, Miss M. B. Nicholson, Kalamazoo, Mich. " A. M. Slothower, Norfolk, Neb. Miss Clara Nesbit, Utica, Pa. " B. R. Parmenter, Rockford, Ia. Miss M. A. Kinney, Whitewater, Wis. McINTOSH. _Minister_, Rev. A. L. DeMond, McIntosh, Ga. DORCHESTER ACADEMY. _Principal_, Prof. Fred. W. Foster, Castine, Me. _Teachers_, Miss C. J. Knowlton, Creston, Ohio. " J. Curtis, Great Barr'gton, Mass. " Mary C. Parker, S. W. Harbor. Me. " Sara Carpenter, Buckingham, Pa. " M. A. Shepherd, Stanton, Mich. Miss Lizette Harger, Oberlin, Ohio. " Mary E. Miller, Elkhart, Ind. " Jessie M. Knowlton, Creston, Ohio. Mr. Richard Clemens, Standford, Ga. Miss S. Josephine Scott, Hamilton, Ohio. Mrs. Mary W. Foster, Castine, Me. SAVANNAH. _Minister_, Rev. L. B. Maxwell,[A] Savannah, Ga. BEACH INSTITUTE (516 Harris Street, East). _Principal_, Miss Mertie L. Graham, A.B., E. St. Johnsbury, Vt. _Teachers_, Miss Julia A. Condict, Adrian, Mich. " Anna R. Miner, Lyme, Conn. " Lucy E. Fairbanks, Woodstock, Vt. Miss Frances M. Carrier, Beloit, Wis. " Leone F. Lockwood, Utica, Mich. " Alice A. Chandler, Vineland, N. J. ATLANTA. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.[B] _Minister_, Rev. H. H. Proctor, Atlanta, Ga. STORRS SCHOOL (120 Houston Street). _Principal_, Miss Ella E. Roper, Worcester, Mass. _Teachers_, Miss C. M. Dox, Kalamazoo, Mich. " Laura Humphries, Marathon, Ia. " A. A. Clark, N. Hannibal, N.Y. Miss H. D. Gordon, New Ipswich, N. H. " Elsie M. Tade, Washington, D. C. Mrs. A. S. Webber, Worcester, Mass. ALBANY. ALBANY NORMAL SCHOOL. _Principal_, Prof. James L. Murray, Nashville, Tenn. _Teachers_, Mr. B. F. Cox, B.S., Columbus, Miss. Mrs. Ida B. Murray, Nashville, Tenn. Miss Julia J. Blount, Haddock, Ga. " A. B. Williams, Jacksonville, Ala. Miss Annie E. Black, Oberlin, Ohio. ATHENS. _Minister_, Rev. C. S. Haynes, M.D., Athens, Ga. KNOX INSTITUTE. _Principal_, Prof. L. S. Clark, A.M., Athens, Ga. _Teachers_, Mr. J. Ira Elder, Athens, Ga. Mrs. C. S. Haynes, Athens, Ga. Miss Susie F. Morton, Athens, Ga. Miss Mattie L. Turner, Covington, Ga. MARSHALLVILLE. LAMSON SCHOOL. _Principal_, Mrs. A. W. Richardson, Marshallville, Ga. _Teachers_, Mrs. M. E. White, Chicago, Ill. Miss Minnie V. Jenkins, Oberlin, Ohio. Miss Olivia S. Braswell, Macon, Ga. ANDERSONVILLE. _Minister_, Rev. J. R. McLean, Macon, Ga. _Principal_, Miss M. E. Wilcox, Benson, Minn. _Teacher_, Miss Clara R. Boynton, Andover, Mass. CYPRESS SLASH (P. O., McIntosh) AND TAYLOR'S CREEK. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. J. A. Jones, Cypress Slash, Ga. Mrs. J. A. Jones, Cypress Slash, Ga. WOODVILLE (P. O., Savannah) AND WHEATHILL. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. J. H. H. Sengstacke, Savannah, Ga. MARIETTA. _Minister_, Rev. S. A. Paris, Marietta, Ga CUTHBERT. _Teachers_, Mr. F. H. Henderson, Cuthbert, Ga. Mrs. F. H. Henderson, Cuthbert, Ga. BAINBRIDGE. WHITTIER SCHOOL. _Teacher_, Mr. A. W. Bowman, Bainbridge, Ga. RUTLAND AND BYRON. _Minister_, Rev. H. T. Johnson, Tobesofkee, Ga. _Teacher at Rutland_, Mrs. E. L. Johnson, Tobesofkee, Ga. EUREKA. _Minister_, Rev. W. K. Kennedy, Hagan, Ga. PIERSON GROVE AND SHADY GROVE. _Minister_, Rev. J. S. Shuman, Hagan, Ga. McLOUD. _Minister_, Rev. A. W. Williams, Kemp, Ga. ALFORDS AND SWAINSBORO. _Minister_, Rev. J. B. Fletcher, Hagan, Ga. MACEDONIA AND GREEN. _Minister_, Rev. J. A. Murphy, Bartow, Ga. BRINSON HILL. _Minister_, Rev. W. L. Brown, Brinson Hill, Ga. PRINGLE AND LAMAR. _Minister_, Rev. J. J. Curry, Lamar, Ga. PILGRIM AND PILGRIM REST. _Minister_, Rev. H. H. Williams, Garfield, Ga. REGISTER AND STONY HILL. _Minister_, Rev. G. W. Montgomery, Portal, Ga. WADLEY. _Minister_, Rev. David Lottahaw, Wadley, Ga, ALPHA. _Minister_, Rev. J. F. Byrd, Alpha, Ga. HAGAN AND POWELL GROVE. _Minister_, Rev. R. B. Brooks, Hagan, Ga. PLEASANT HILL AND PORTAL. _Minister_, Rev. R. L. Payson, Endicott, Ga. MANASSAS. _Minister_, Rev. W. D. Hausley, Dean, Ga. LYONS AND VIDALIA MISSIONS. _Minister_, Rev. J. W. McIntosh, Hagan, Ga. ELLIS AND OHOOPEE MISSIONS. _Minister_, Rev. M. C. Smith, Hagan, Ga. BRYANT COUNTY MISSION. _Minister_, Rev. J. J. Harris, Groveland, Ga. BRINSON ACADEMY AND YEOMAN MISSIONS. _Minister_, Rev. C. H. McLoud, Swainsboro, Ga. CLITO MISSION. Rev. J. B. Chance, Clito, Ga. STILLMAN AND PROMISE LAND MISSIONS. _Minister_, Rev. A. L. Coleman, Swainsboro, Ga. FLORIDA. ORANGE PARK. _Minister_, Rev. Ernest R. Latham, Huntsburg, Ohio. NORMAL SCHOOL. _Principal_, Rev. Ernest R. Latham, A.B., Huntsburg, Ohio. _Teachers_, Mrs. O. O. Latham, A.B., Huntsb'g, O. Miss A. E. E. Patton, Waupun, Wis. " J. I. Goodrich, A.B., Sp'gf'd, Mass. Mr. A. P. Laughlin, A.B., Oberlin, Ohio. Mrs. M. A. C. Downs, New Haven, Ct. Miss H. Rosa Burwell, " " MARTIN. UNION SCHOOL. _Principal_, Prof. J. C. McAdams, A.B., Shelbyville, Tenn. _Teachers_, Miss C. E. Baldwin, Marshville, Fla. Miss D. L. Wilkerson, Flemington, Fla. POMONA. _Teacher_, Miss Carrie G. Crawford, Nashville, Tenn. ALABAMA. TALLADEGA. _Minister_, Rev. Spencer Snell, Talladega, Ala. TALLADEGA COLLEGE. _Acting President_, Rev. G. W. Andrews, D.D., Talladega, Ala. _Teachers_, Rev. J. M. P. Metcalf, A.M., Elyria, O. Prof. W. E. Hutchison, Talladega, Ala. " W. S. Goss, A.B., " " Mr. Edwin C. Silsby, " " " E. A. Bishop, B.S., " " Miss M. P. Roberts, B.L., Jacksonville, Ill. Miss M. E. Landfear, New Haven, Ct. " Estelle Bloodgood, Huron, S. Dak. " C. E. Parkhurst, Manchester, N. H. " Florence A. Frew, Cleveland, Ohio. " Louie Savery, Talladega, Ala. " Margaret F. Nichol, Neligh, Neb. " Susan Sands, A.B., Belmond, Ia. Miss Esther A. Barnes, Tallmadge, O. " Mary K. Humphrey, B.L., Amherst, Mass. " Emma F. King, Elmhurst, Ill. Miss Lena A. Tucker, Springboro, Pa. " Caroline Wandell, Phoenix, Ohio. Mrs. W. S. Goss, Talladega, Ala. " A. E. Foote, Omaha, Neb. MOBILE. _Minister_, Rev. W. L. Johnson, Mobile, Ala. EMERSON INSTITUTE. _Principal_, Prof. Francis T. Waters, A.M., Oberlin, Ohio. _Teachers_, Miss C. P. Lewis, St. Paul, Minn. " A. M. Armstrong, Sunderl'd, Mass. " G. A. Willett, Stanton, Mich. Miss M. Elizabeth Messick, Marietta, O. Mrs. Emma K. Johnson, Mobile, Ala. [C]Miss Mary E. McLane, New Haven, Ct. MARION. _Minister_, ---- ---- LINCOLN NORMAL SCHOOL. _Principal_, Miss M. L. Phillips, Canonsburg, Pa. _Teachers_, Miss Ella C. Abbott, Winchester, Mass. " Florence E. Althen, Lyons, N. Y. " A. M. Woodruff, Roseview, " Miss Mary D. Hyde, Mazeppa, Minn. " Amelia Knapp, Greenwich, Conn. " Mattie F. Childs, Marion, Ala. SELMA. _Minister_, Rev. T. J. Bell, Selma, Ala. BURRELL SCHOOL (366 Selma Street). _Principal_, Rev. A. T. Burnell, A.M., Ph.D., Denver, Col. _Teachers_, Mrs. M. A. Burnell, B.L., Denver, Col. Miss Mabel M. Jones, Oberlin, Ohio. " Julia E Jones, " " Miss Rosa K. Schwarz, Belden, Ohio. " Frances M. Hatch, Danbury, Conn. Prof. James A. Merriman, Selma, Ala. Mrs. Mary A. Dillard, Selma, Ala. ATHENS. _Minister_, Rev. M. S. Jones, Athens, Ala. TRINITY SCHOOL. _Principal_, Miss Ada Louise Wilcox, Monroe, Mich. _Teachers_, Miss Mary E. Perkins, Norwich, Conn. " Lillian J. Beecroft, Madison, Wis. Miss M. H. Loveland, Newark Valley, N. Y. Miss Myrta A. Parsons, Hiram, Ohio. COTTON VALLEY (P.O., Fort Davis). COTTON VALLEY SCHOOL. _Principal_, Miss Corrie N. Johnson, Oberlin, O. _Teachers_, Mrs. Georgia F. Stewart, Boston, Mass. Miss M. Nettie Crump, Chicago, Ill. MONTGOMERY. _Minister_, Rev. J. J. Scott, Montgomery, Ala. BREWTON. _Minister_, Rev. R. W. Jackson, Talladega, Ala. LA PINE. _Minister_, Rev. L. L. Wilson, Talladega, Ala. KYMULGA. _Minister (Summer Supply)_, Rev. H. W. Porter, Talladega, Ala. LAWSON AND COVE. _Minister (Summer Supply)_, From Talladega College. JENIFER AND IRONATON. _Minister_, Rev. J. B. Grant, Talladega, Ala. SHELBY. _Minister_, Rev. E. E. Scott, Shelby, Ala. CHILDERSBURG. _Minister_, Rev. W. P. Hamilton, Talladega, Ala. ANNISTON. _Minister_, Rev. James Brown, Anniston, Ala. GADSDEN AND FORT PAYNE. _Minister_, Rev. J. R. Sims, Talladega, Ala. BIRMINGHAM AND PRATT CITY. _Minister_, Rev. A. Simmons, Birmingham, Ala. FLORENCE. _Minister_, Rev. R. J. McCann, Florence, Ala. CARPENTER HIGH SCHOOL. _Teacher_, Miss Mary Lucy Corpier, Florence, Ala. BLOCTON AND BELLE SUMPTER. _Minister_, Rev. D. M. Lewis, Blocton, Ala. ALABAMA MOUNTAIN WORK. NAT (BENDING OAKS). GREEN ACADEMY. _Principal_, Prof. A. D. Luethi, Chicago, Ill. _Teachers_, Mrs. A. D. Luethi, Chicago, Ill. Miss Lida M. Steele, Oberlin, Ohio. Miss Jessie M. House, Chicago, Ill. JOPPA. NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. _Principal_, Rev John C. Campbell, Stevens Point, Wis. _Teachers_, Miss Bertha N. Brintnall, Medina, O. Miss Carrie A. Hook, Grantham, N. H. NEW DECATUR. _Minister_, Rev. Ira G. Hambleton, New Decatur, Ala. MISSISSIPPI. TOUGALOO. _Minister_, Rev. Frank G. Woodworth, D.D., Eggemoggin, Me. TOUGALOO UNIVERSITY. _President_, Rev. Frank G. Woodworth, D.D., Eggemoggin, Me. _Teachers_, Mrs. E. E. Woodworth, Eggemoggin, Me. Rev. C. Hamlin, D.D., Tougaloo, Miss. Mrs. Lydia H. Hamlin, " " Miss May Lime, Port Carbon, Pa. " Alice Whitsey, Dover, Ohio. Mrs. Lucy M. Sisson, Windsor, Vt. Miss Mary L. Nichol, Neligh, Neb. " Ellen L. Case, Owatonna, Minn. " Emma C. Redick, Mansfield, O. " Jeanette Fullerton, Rockford, Ia. Miss Annie G. Knox, Oberlin, Ohio. " Myra L. Boynton, Lawrence, Mass. " Anna M. Littlefield, Olivet, Mich. " J. A. Ainsworth, Hyde Park, Mass. " Florence H. Gough, Sheffield, O. " M. F. Armstrong, S. Amh'st, Mass. " Cora B. Mead, A.M., Burton, O. Mrs. Sophia Larkin, Tougaloo, Miss. Rev. William J. Larkin, " " Mr. F. S. Hitchcock, Boston, Mass. MERIDIAN. _Minister_, Rev. C. L. Harris, Meridian, Miss. LINCOLN SCHOOL (2703 11th Street). _Principal_, Mrs. H. I. Miller, Topeka, Kan. _Teachers_, Miss Marie Myers, Brookfield, Mo. " Sadie Stimpson, Mittineague, Mass. Miss Jeannette Price, Oberlin, Ohio. " Nellie J. Arnott, Nashua, Ia. Miss Carrie E. Kendall, Dunstable, Mass. MOORHEAD. ALMEDA GARDNER SCHOOL. _Principal_, Miss S. L. Emerson, Hallowell, Me. _Teachers_, Miss S. J. Lime, Port Carbon, Pa. Miss Eva Morse Rogers, Eureka, Kan. Miss E. Maude Merrill, Cleveland, Ohio. JACKSON. _Minister_, ---- ---- _Teachers_, Miss Mary Jane Gibson, Jackson, Miss. Miss Sarah J. Thomas, Summit, Miss. MOUND BAYOU. NORMAL INSTITUTE. _Teachers_, Mr. I. T. Montgomery, Mound Bayou. Miss M. V. Montgomery, Mound Bayou. Miss Sarah Ballard, Montgomery, Ala. ARKANSAS. LITTLE ROCK. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. Y. B. Sims, Talladega, Ala. OKLAHOMA. GUTHRIE. _Minister_, Rev. Thomas J. Austin, Jackson, Tenn. LOUISIANA. NEW ORLEANS. _Minister (University Church)._ Rev. George W. Henderson, D.D., North Craftsbury, Vt. STRAIGHT UNIVERSITY (2420 Canal Street). _President_, Prof. Oscar Atwood, A.M., Johnson, Vt. _Teachers_, Rev. G. W. Henderson, D.D., Vermont. Mr. B. C. Miner, B.S., N. Haven, Vt. Miss E. W. Nichols, Clinton, N. Y. " M. W. Culver, Los Angeles, Cal. " M. J. Oertel, B.S., Prairie du Sac, Wis. Mrs. L. St. J. Hitchcock, Simsbury, Ct. Miss Kate L. Snow, Freeport, Ill. Miss M. L. Rogers, W. Newbury, Mass. Mr. George L. Dewey, Norwich, Conn. " E. C. Rose, Hyannis Port, Mass. " James D. Gordon, New Orleans, La. Mrs. George L. Dewey, Norwich, Conn. Miss M. L. Thompson, Rouse's Pt., N. Y. " Jennie Fyfe, Lansing, Mich. " Jeanne Forney, Madison, Neb. Miss Carrie E. Hodgman, Princeton, Ill. DANIEL HAND PREPARATORY SCHOOL. Miss Lorena A. Lyon, Oberlin, O. " Bertha D. Hodges, Randolph, Vt. Miss Belle M. Whelpley, Painesville, O. " Sarah M. Estill, Mansfield, Ohio. Miss Helen B. de Spelder, Greenville, Mich. NEW ORLEANS (CENTRAL CHURCH INSTITUTIONAL). _Minister_, Rev. John W. Whittaker, New Orleans, La. NEW ORLEANS (SPAIN ST. CHURCH) AND ST. SOPHIE. _Minister_, Rev. L. A. Planving, New Orleans, La. NEW ORLEANS (MORRIS BROWN CHURCH) AND CHACAHOULA. _Minister_, Rev. I. H. Hall, New Orleans, La. NEW IBERIA. _Minister_, Rev. S. J. Wood, New Orleans, La. THIBODEAUX, BAYOU BEAUF AND GRAND BAYOU. _Minister_, Rev. J. E. Smith, New Orleans, La. HAMMOND. _Minister_, Rev. Ebenezer Herbert, Rosemond, Ill. ROSELAND. _Minister_, Rev. Herman A. Shearer, Hobart, Ind. BELLE PLACE. _Minister_, Rev. M. W. Whitt, Belle Place, La. ABBEVILLE. _Minister_, Rev. J. A. Herod, Abbeville, La. SCHRIEVER. (MORNING STAR AND ST. MARK'S CHURCHES). _Minister_, Rev. William Brown, Schriever, La. LOCKPORT. _Minister_, Rev. Charles Sands, Lockport, La. TEXAS. AUSTIN. TILLOTSON INSTITUTE. _President_, Prof. Marshall R. Gaines, Austin, Texas. _Teachers_, Miss C. N. Estabrook, W. Leban'n, N. H. " Julia M. Adams, Perrysburgh, O. " A. M. Richardson, Francest'n, N. H. " Edith E. Taylor, N. Wilm'gt'n, Pa. " Emma Hicks, Kalida, Ohio. " Susan I. Estabrook, Olivet, Mich. Miss Phebe B. Parsons, Marcellus, N. Y. " Marjorie Avery, Ledyard, Conn. " Edith F. Conk, Montclair, N. J. " Anna G. Parker, Rock Falls, Ill. Mr. Jas. Stuart Bingham, Winsted, Ot. " Fred. R. Bush, Upton Works, Mich. CORPUS CHRISTI. _Minister_, Rev. C. H. Claiborne, New Iberia, La. HELENA AND GOLIAD. _Minister_, Rev. Mitchell Thompson, Helena, Tex. DODD AND BODOC. _Minister and Teacher_, Rev. G. H. Smith, Paris, Tex. DALLAS. _Minister_, Rev. G. B. M. Turner, Dallas, Tex. PARIS. _Minister_, Rev. J. I. Donaldson, Paris, Tex. DAVIS (NEW HOPE CHURCH). _Minister_, Rev. R. H. Henson, Davis, Tex. INDIAN MISSIONS. SANTEE AGENCY, NEB. NORMAL TRAINING SCHOOL. _Superintendent and Minister_, Rev. A. L. Riggs, D.D., Santee Agency, Neb. _Teachers_, Prof. F. B. Riggs, A.M., S. Ag., Neb. Miss E. Leonard, Rochester, Mass. Miss Olive Saunders, B.A., Aten, Neb. " C. H. Harwood, Los Angeles, Cal. _Native Teachers_, Rev. J. Garvie, Santee Ag'cy, Neb. Mr. Eli Abraham, Santee Agency, Neb. Miss Alice C. Conger, Greenwood, S. D. _Matrons_, Miss S. Lizzie Voorhees, (Boys' Cottage) Rocky Hill, N. J. " E. Jean Kennedy, (Whitney Hall) Montrose, Iowa. " Harriet A. Brown, (Bird's Nest) Rocky Point, N. Y. " Margaret R. Spence, (Dakota Home) Snow Hill, Md. Mrs. E. J. Black, (Davis Hall) Santee Agency, Neb. _Missionaries_, Mrs. A. L. Riggs, Santee Ag'cy, Neb. " C. R. Lawson, " " " Mrs. W. H. Hamlin, " " Mrs. R. Y. Gray, Santee Agency, Neb. " H. L. Stone, " " " Miss M. T. Morris, Porcupine, S. D. _Industrial Department_, Charles R. Lawson, Printing, Santee Agency, Neb. Robert Y. Gray, Carpentry and Blacksmithing, Santee Agency, Neb. William H. Hamlin, Farm Superintendent, Santee Agency, Neb. Homer L. Stone, Bakery, Santee Agency, Neb. _Native Pastor_, Rev. Artemas Ehnamani, Santee Agency, Neb. BAZILLE CREEK. _Native Missionary_, Albert Frazier, Santee Agency, Neb. PONCA AGENCY, NEB. _Native Missionary_, Rev. James Garvie, Santee Agency, Neb. CHEYENNE RIVER AGENCY, S. D, Rev. T. L. Riggs, _General Missionary_, CENTRAL STATION, OAHE, SOUTH DAKOTA. Rev. Thomas L. Riggs, _Missionary and Superintendent_, Oahe, S. D. Mrs. Louisa Irvine Riggs, _Missionary_, " " OAHE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. _Teachers_, Mrs. T. L. Riggs, Oahe, S. D. Miss Jennie Lind, Yankton, S. D. Miss Stella B. Nordvold, Pierre, S. D. OUT-STATIONS. BAD RIVER (P. O. FORT PIERRE, S. D.). _Native Teachers_, Mr. Stephen Yellow-Hawk, Oahe, S. D. Mrs. Yellow-Hawk, Oahe, S. D. CHEYENNE RIVER STATIONS. TOUCH THE CLOUDS (P. O. LESLIE, S. D.). _Native Teachers_, Mr. J. Black-Eagle, Cherry Creek, S. D. Mrs. Black-Eagle, Cherry Creek, S. D. POOR ELK. _Native Teachers_, Mr. Eli Spotted-Bear, Oahe, S. D. Mrs. Ellen Spotted-Bear, Oahe, S. D. CHERRY CREEK (P. O. LESLIE, S. D.). _Native Teachers_, Mr. Clarence Ward, Cherry Creek, S. D. Mrs. Estelle Ward, Cherry Creek, S. D. [D]PLUM CREEK BOARDING SCHOOL (P. O. LESLIE, S. D.). _Principal_, Mr. William M. Griffiths, Pioneer, Tenn. _Matrons_, Mrs. Martha G. Griffiths, Ross, O. Miss Arlie B. Pond, Pierre. S. D. ELIZABETH WINYAN MEMORIAL STATION (P. O. COLLAMER, S. D.). _Native Teachers_, Rev. E. Phelps, Sisseton Agency, S. D. Mrs. Ellen Phelps, Sisseton Ag'cy, S. D. MOREAU RIVER STATIONS. THUNDER BUTTE (P. O. CHEYENNE R. AGENCY, S. D.). _Native Teachers_, Mr. Daniel Yawa, Thunder Butte, S. D. Mrs. Mary Yawa, Thunder Butte, S. D. REMINGTON STATION (P. O. CHEYENNE R. AGENCY, S. D.). _Native Teachers_, Mr. J. Bluecloud, Sisseton Ag'cy, S. D. Mrs. N. Bluecloud, Sisseton Ag'cy, S. D. HOPE STATION-BEAR CREEK (P. O. CHEYENNE R. AGENCY, S. D.). _Missionary_, Miss Dora B. Dodge, Brooklyn, N. Y. [A]LITTLE MOBEAU (P. O. CHEYENNE R. AGENCY, S. D.). _Native Teachers_, Mr. B. Zimmerman, Santee Ag'cy, Neb. Mrs. Zimmerman, Santee Agency, Neb. STANDING ROCK AGENCY, NORTH DAKOTA. CENTRAL STATION. Rev. Geo. W. Reed, Springfield, Mass. Mrs. C. M. Reed, Springfield, Mass. FORT YATES HOSPITAL. ---- ---- ELKHORN STATION. Miss Mary C. Collins, Keokuk, Ia. Mr. H. Wakutemani, Grand River, S.D. Mrs. Louisa Wakutemani, Grand River, S. D. LONG HILL STATION. Miss Mary P. Lord, Wellesley, Mass. OAK CREEK STATION. Mr. Garfield Driver, Grand River, S. D. Mrs. Frances Driver, Grand River, S. D. ROCK CREEK STATION. Mr. Simon Kirk, Sisseton Agency, S. D. Mrs. Julia Kirk, Sisseton Agency, S. D. THUNDER HAWK STATION. Mr. J. Whiteshield, Grand River, S. D. Mrs. L. Whiteshield, Grand River, S. D. MISSOURI RIVER STATION. [E]Mr. Arthur Tibbetts, Cannon Ball, N. D. CANNON BALL STATION. Rev. Elias Gilbert, Sisseton, S. D. Mrs. Mary Gilbert, Sisseton, S. D. ROSEBUD RESERVATION, SOUTH DAKOTA. ROSEBUD AGENCY. Rev. J. F. Cross, Rosebud Ag'cy, S. D. Mrs. Stella P. Cross, Rosebud Ag'cy, S. D. BURRELL STATION (P. O. BASIN, NEB.). Rev. F. Frazier, Santee Ag'cy, Neb. Mrs. Maggie Frazier, Santee Ag'cy, Neb. PARK STREET CHURCH STATION (WHITE RIVER, P. O. STEARNS). Mr. Lot Frazier, Rosebud Ag'cy, S. D. Mrs. R. Frazier, Rosebud Ag'cy, S. D. BLACK PIPE BRANCH. Mr. S. B. Yellow-Hawk, Ft. Pierre, S. D. Mrs. J. Yellow-Hawk, Ft. Pierre, S. D. FT. BERTHOLD MISSION. _Superintendent and Missionary_, Rev. C. L. Hall, Elbowoods, N. D. ELBOWOODS STATION. Mrs. S. W. Hall, Elbowoods, N. D. Miss H. B. Isley, Elbowoods, N. D. MISSION HOME SCHOOL (FT. BERTHOLD, N. D.). Miss A. Z. Powell, Templeton, S. D. " A. P. Brickett, Haverhill, Mass. Mr. C. A. Duncanson, Stew'tville, Minn. Miss M. E. Field, Conway, Mass. FT. BERTHOLD STATION. _Missionary_, Mrs. M. V. Duncanson, Stewartville, Minn. INDEPENDENCE STATION. _Missionary_, Miss Elizabeth Kehoe, Independence, N. D. (Self supporting.) WASHINGTON. S'KOKOMISH AGENCY AND NEAH BAY. _Missionary_, Rev. Myron Eells, D.D., Union City, Wash. MONTANA. CROW AGENCY. Rev. J. G. Burgess, Crow Ag'cy, Mont. Mrs. J. G. Burgess, Crow Agency, Mont. ALASKA. CAPE PRINCE OF WALES. Rev. W. T. Lopp, Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska. Mrs. W. T. Lopp, " " " " CHINESE MISSIONS. _Superintendent_, Rev. W. C. Pond, D.D., San Francisco, Cal. CALIFORNIA. FRESNO. _Teachers_, Mrs. Janet B. Thomson, Fresno, Cal. Joe Dun, Fresno, Cal. LOS ANGELES. _Teachers_, Mrs. J. J. Findley, Los Angeles, Cal. Loo Ying, Los Angeles, Cal. MARYSVILLE. _Teachers_, Miss M. A. Flint, Marysville, Cal. Fong Won, Marysville, Cal. OAKLAND. _Teachers_, Mrs. E. H. Hibbard, Oakland, Cal. Chin Quong, Oakland, Cal. OROVILLE. _Teachers_, Miss Estella Chase, Oroville, Cal. Mrs. Healy, Oroville, Cal. Quong Leong, Oroville, Cal. PASADENA. Volunteers, ---- PETALUMA. _Teacher_, Mrs. Ellen H. Button, Petaluma, Cal. RIVERSIDE. _Teacher_, Mrs. Grace P. Srack, Riverside, Cal. SACRAMENTO. _Teachers_, Mrs. S. E. Carrington, Sacramento, Cal. Fong Ling, Sacramento, Cal. SAN BERNARDINO. _Teacher_, Miss Amanda Palmer, San Bernardino, Cal. SAN DIEGO. _Teacher_, Mrs. C. M. Stetson, San Diego, Cal. SAN FRANCISCO (CENTRAL). _Teachers_, Mrs. M. A. Green, San Francisco, Cal. Miss J. G. Morrison, " " " Miss S. Caughey, San Francisco, Cal. Rev. Jee Gam, " " " SAN FRANCISCO (WEST). _Teachers_, Miss N. W. Lamont, San Francisco, Cal. Chin Quong, San Francisco, Cal. SANTA BARBARA. _Teachers_, Mrs. C. E. Forbes, Santa Barbara, Cal. Gin Foo King, Santa Barbara, Cal. SANTA CRUZ. _Teachers_, Mrs. J. F. Reading, Santa Cruz, Cal. Pon G. Fang, Santa Cruz, Cal. SANTA CRUZ (JAPANESE). _Teacher_, Mrs. Kate V. Hall, Santa Cruz, Cal. VENTURA. _Teacher_, Miss Alma Bradley, Ventura, Cal. VERNONDALE. _Teacher_, Miss Ella Thomson, Vernondale, Cal. WATSONVILLE. _Teacher_, Mrs. Martha Ellis, Watsonville, Cal. UTAH. SALT LAKE CITY. _Teacher_, Mrs. Marcus E. Jones, Salt Lake City, Utah. FOOTNOTES: [A] Self-supporting. [B] Self-supporting. [C] Deceased. [D] Salary provided by Society for Propagating the Gospel, and other Gifts. [E] Supported by the Native Missionary Society. * * * * * Teachers' Residences. The figures refer to the pages in the List of Field Workers on which the names and locations will be found. ALABAMA. Andrews, Rev. G. W., D.D., Talladega. 17. Ballard, Miss Sarah, Montgomery. 21. Bell, Rev. T. J., Selma. 18. Bishop, Mr. Edgar A., B.S., Talladega. 17. Brown, Rev. James, Anniston. 19. Childs, Miss Mattie F., Marion. 18. Corpier, Miss Mary L., Florence. 19. Dillard, Mrs. Mary A., Selma. 18. Goss, Prof. Winfield, S., A.B. 17. Goss, Mrs. W. S., Talladega. 18. Grant, Rev. J. B. Talladega. 19. Hambleton, Rev. Ira G., New Decatur. 20. Hamilton, Rev. W. P., Talladega. 19. Hutchison, Prof. Wm. E., Talladega. 17. Jackson, Rev. R. W., Talladega. 19. Johnson, Rev. W. L.; Johnson, Mrs. Emma K., Mobile. 18 Jones, Rev. M. S., Athens. 18. Lewis, Rev. D. M., Blocton. 20. McCann, Rev. R. C., Florence. 19. Merriman, Prof. James A., Selma. 18. Porter, Rev. H. W., Talladega. 19. Savery, Miss Louie, Talladega. 17. Scott, Rev. E. E., Shelby. 19. Scott, Rev. J. J., Montgomery. 19. Scott, Mr. Will C., Birmingham. 8. Silsby, Mr. Edwin C., Talladega. 17. Simmons, Rev. A., Birmingham. 19. Simms, Rev. J. R., Talladega. 19. Simms, Rev. Y. B., Talladega. 21. Snell, Rev. Spencer, Talladega. 17. Williams, Miss Annie B., Jacksonville. 14. Wilson, Rev. L. L., Talladega. 19. ALASKA. Lopp, Rev. W. T.; Lopp, Mrs. W. T., Cape Prince of Wales. 26. ARKANSAS. Bryant, Miss M. Winifred, A.M., Rogers. 13. CALIFORNIA. Bradley, Miss Alma, Ventura. 27. Button, Mrs. E. H., Petaluma. 26. Carrington, Mrs. S. E., Sacramento. 26. Caughey, Miss Sarah, San Francisco. 26. Chase, Miss Estella, Oroville. 26. Culver, Miss Mary W., Los Angeles. 21. Dun, Mr. Joe, Fresno. 26. Ellis, Mrs. Martha, Watsonville. 27. Fang, Mr. Pon G., Santa Cruz. 27. Findley, Mrs. J. J., Los Angeles. 26. Flint, Miss M. A., Marysville. 26. Forbes, Mrs. Cora E., Santa Barbara. 27. Gam, Rev. Jee, San Francisco. 26. Green, Mrs. M. A., San Francisco. 26. Hall, Mrs. Kate V., Santa Cruz. 27. Harwood, Miss Clara H., Los Angeles. 23. Healy, Mrs., Oroville. 26. Hibbard, Mrs. H. E., Oakland. 26. King, Mr. Gin Foo, Santa Barbara. 27. Lamont, Miss N. W., San Francisco. 27. Leong, Mr. Quong, Oroville. 26. Ling, Mr. Fong, Sacramento. 26. Morrison, Miss J. G., San Francisco. 26. Orton, Miss E. Josephine, Berrycreek. 9. Palmer, Mrs. Amanda, San Bernardino. 26. Pond, Rev. W. C., D.D., San Francisco. 26. Quong, Mr. Chin, Oakland. 26. 27. Reading, Mrs. Jennie F., Santa Cruz. 27. Srack, Mrs. Grace P., Riverside. 26. Stetson, Mrs. C. M., San Diego. 26. Thomson, Miss Ella. Vernondale. 27. Thomson, Mrs. Janet B., Fresno. 26. Webster, Miss Fanny J., Pasadena. 6. Won, Mr. Fong, Marysville. 26. Ying, Mr. Loo, Los Angeles. 26. COLORADO. Burnell, Rev. A. T., Ph.D.; Burnell, Mrs. Mary A., B.L., Denver. 18. CONNECTICUT. Avery, Miss Marjorie, Ledyard. 22. Bingham, Mr. Jas. S., Winsted. 22. Burwell, Miss H. Rosa, New Haven. 17. Dewey, Mr. Geo. L.; Dewey, Mrs. Geo. L., Norwich. 21. Downs, Mrs. M. A. C., New Haven. 17. Hatch, Miss Frances M., Danbury. 18. Hitchcock, Mrs. L. St. J. Simsbury. 21. Knapp, Miss Amelia, Greenwich. 18. Landfear, Miss Mary E., New Haven. 17. [F]McLane, Miss Mary E., New Haven. 18. Miner, Miss Anna R., Lyme. 14. Perkins, Miss Mary E., Norwich. 18. Rowlee, Prof. B. D.; Rowlee, Mrs. Julia, East Woodstock. 10. Sheldon, Miss Irene, New Britain. 13. Thomson, Miss Annie L., New Haven. 13. Waterman, Mr. W. G., B.A., Southport. 7. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Brooks, Rev. W. H., D.D., Washington. 5. Brown, Rev. Sterling, N., A.M., B.D., Washington. 5. Butler, Rev. Chas. H., A.M., Washington. 5. Butler, Rev. J. G., D.D., Washington. 5. Clark, Rev. Isaac, D.D., Washington. 5. Cummings, Prof. Geo. J., A.M., Washington. 5. Dailey, Rev. J. H., Washington. 5. Duncan, Rev. Geo. S., Ph.D., Washington. 5. Ewell, Rev. John L., D.D., Washington. 5. Garner, Rev. A. C., Washington. 5. Hamlin, Rev. T. S., D.D., Washington. 5. Harris, Rev. E. G., Washington. 6. Little, Rev. Geo. O., D.D., Washington. 5. Miller, Rev. Albert P., Washington. 5. Newman, Rev. S. M., D.D., Washington. 5. Rankin, Rev. J. E., D.D., LL.D., Washington. 5. Satterlee, Rt. Rev. H. Y., D.D., Washington. 5. Stephens, Prof. Wm. J., Washington. 5. Tade, Miss Elsie M., Washington. 14. Warder, Prof. R. B., A.M., B.S., Washington. 5. FLORIDA. Baldwin, Miss Christina E., Marshville. 17. Cathcart, Miss Susie T., Tangerine. 10. Parrott, Miss Carrie W., Orange Park. 10. Wilkerson, Miss Daisy L., Flemington. 17. GEORGIA. Blount, Miss Julia J., Haddock. 4. Bowman, Mr. A. W., Bainbridge. 15. Braswell, Miss Olivia S., Macon. 15. Brooks, Rev. R. B., Hagan. 16. Brown, Rev. W. L., Brinson Hill. 16. Byrd, Rev. J. F., Alpha. 16. Chance, Rev. J. B., Clito. 17. Clark, Prof. L. S., A.M., Athens. 15. Clemens, Mr. Richard, Standford. 14. Coleman, Rev. A. L., Swainsboro. 17. Curry, Rev. J. J., Lamar. 16. De Mond, Rev. A. L., McIntosh. 14. Elder, Mr. J. Ira, Athens. 15. Fletcher, Rev. J. B., Hagan. 16. Harris, Rev. J. J., Groveland. 17. Hausley, Rev. W. D., Dean. 16. Haynes, Rev. C. S., M.D.; Haynes, Mrs. C. S., Athens. 15. Henderson, Mr. F. H.; Henderson, Mrs. F. H., Cuthbert. 15. Johnson, Rev. H. T.; Johnson, Mrs. E. L., Tobosofkee. 15. Jones, Rev. J. A.; Jones, Mrs. J. A., Cypress Slash. 15. Kennedy, Rev. W. K., Hagan. 15. Lottahaw, Rev. David, Wadley. 16. Martin, Miss Priscilla, Macon. 13. Maxwell, Rev. L. B., Savannah. 14. McIntosh, Rev. J. W., Hagan. 16. McLean, Rev. J. R., Macon. 13. 15. McLoud, Rev. C. H., Swainsboro. 17. Montgomery, Rev. G. W., Portal. 16. Morton, Miss Susie F., Athens. 15. Murphy, Rev. J. A., Bartow. 16. Nixon, Rev. T. M., Thomasville. 13. Paris, Rev. S. A., Marietta. 15. Payson, Rev. R. L., Endicott. 16. Proctor, Rev. H. H., Atlanta. 14. Richardson, Mrs. A. W., Marshallville. 15. Sengstacke, Rev. J. H. H., Savannah. 15. Shuman, Rev. J. S., Hagan. 16. Smith, Rev. M. C., Hagan. 16. Turner, Miss Mattie L., Covington. 15. Williams, Rev. A. W., Kemp. 16. Williams, Rev. H. H., Garfield. 16. ILLINOIS. Crane, Mrs. Kate J., Danville. 7. Crump, Miss M. Nettie, Chicago. 19. Dorsett. Mrs. E. R., Oak Park. 12. Ferris, Miss Amelia L., Oneida. 6. Herbert, Rev. Ebenezer, Rosemond. 22. Hodgman, Miss Carrie E., Princeton. 21. House, Miss Jessie M., Chicago. 20. King, Miss Emma F., Elmhurst. 18. Luethi, Prof. A. D.; Luethi, Mrs. A. D., Chicago. 20. Parker, Miss Anna G., Rock Falls. 22. Reed, Miss Margaret E., Princeton. 8. Roberts, Miss Mary P., B.L., Jacksonville. 17. Smith, Miss Ulellah N., Chicago. 6. Snow, Miss Kate L., Freeport. 21. White, Mrs. M. E., Chicago. 15. Yeomans, Miss Frances L., Danville. 7. INDIANA. Shearer, Rev. Herman A., Hobart. 22. Miller, Miss Mary E., Elkhart. 14. Noble, Miss Clara E., Coburg. 6. IOWA. Arnott, Miss Nellie J., Nashua. 20. Chapman, Miss Marian, Independence. 7. Collins, Miss Mary C., Keokuk. 24. Curtiss, Miss Fannie E., Nevada. 13. Fullerton, Miss Jeanette, Rockford. 20. Holman, Miss L. C., Vincennes. 13. Humphries, Miss Laura, Marathon. 14. Kennedy, Miss E. Jean, Montrose. 23. Parmenter, Miss B. R., Rockford. 14. Sands, Miss Susan, A. B., Belmond. 17. Townsend, Miss Mary L., Cedar Falls. 8. KANSAS. Cooley, Miss Susan A., Bavaria. 7. Hollies, Rev. E. W.; Hollies, Mrs. Sarah. Topeka. 12. Hollies, Miss Minnie A. Topeka. 12. Miller, Mrs. H. I., Topeka. 20. Rogers, Miss Eva M., Eureka. 21. KENTUCKY. Dizney, Prof. E. Frank; Dizney, Mrs. E. F., Evarts. 7. Doane, Rev. J. W., Campton. 7. Green, Mr. C. C., Williamsburg. 6. Greene, Rev. C. W., Corbin. 6. Jackson, Rev. J. S., Lexington. 6. Jones, Rev. Mason, Combs. 6. Olinger, Miss Jean B., Williamsburg. 9. Olinger, Rev. W. G., Williamsburg. 6, 9. Stevens, Prof. Chas. M.; Stevens, Mrs. Chas. M., Williamsburg. 6. Sutton, Rev. Samuel, Williamsburg. 6, 9. Turner, Mr. William, Evarts. 7. LOUISIANA. Brown, Rev. Wm., Schriever. 22. Claiborne, Rev. C. H., New Iberia. 23. Gordon, Mr. Jas. D., New Orleans. 21. Hall, Rev. I. H., New Orleans. 22. Herod, Rev J. A., Abbeville. 22. Planving, Rev. L. A., New Orleans. 22. Sands, Rev. Charles, Lockport. 22. Smith. Rev. J. E., New Orleans. 22. Whitt, Rev. M. W., Belle Place. 22. Whittaker, Rev. John W., New Orleans. 22. Wood, Rev. S. J., New Orleans. 22. MAINE. Emerson, Miss S. L., Hallowell. 21. Foster, Prof. Fred. W.; Foster, Mrs. Mary W., Castine. 14. Parker, Miss Mary C., Southwest Harbor. 14. Woodworth, Rev. Frank G., D.D.; Woodworth, Mrs. Ellen E., Eggemoggin. 20. MARYLAND. Spence, Miss Margaret R., Snow Hill. 23. MASSACHUSETTS. Abbott, Miss Ella C., Winchester. 18. Ainsworth, Miss Jane A., Hyde Park. 20. Armstrong, Miss Agnes M., Sunderland. 18. Armstrong, Miss Mary F., South Amherst. 20. Beard, Miss Josephine, B.A., Andover. 7. Blake, Miss Ethel W., B.L., Westfield. 13. Boynton, Miss Clara R., Andover. 15. Boynton, Miss Myra L., Lawrence. 20. Brickett, Miss A. P., Haverhill. 25. Burrage, Prof. Geo. C., Ph.B.; Burrage, Mrs. Geo. C., Weston. 13. Curtis, Miss Jennie, Great Barrington. 14. Dickinson, Miss Laura A., A.B., N. Amherst. 10. Field, Miss M. E., Conway. 25. Forbes, Miss Lillian A. G., Chicopee Falls. 8. Gage, Miss Alice M., Boxford. 13. Goodrich, Miss Julia L., A.B., Springfield. 17. Graffam, Miss Winona E., A.B., Andover. 13. Greene, Mrs. Lucy R., Amherst. 7. Hitchcock, Mr. F. S., Boston. 20. Holmes, Prof. Morrison A.; Holmes, Mrs. M. A., Lee. 13. Humphrey, Miss Mary K., B.L., Amherst. 18. Kendall, Miss Carrie E., Dunstable. 20. Leonard, Miss Edith, Rochester. 23. Leonard, Mrs. Eva F., Dunstable. 12. Lord, Miss Mary P., Wellesley. 25. Marsh, Miss Susan M., Springfield. 10. Merriam, Miss Amelia, Westboro. 14. Moore, Miss Cora L., Northfield. 10. Reed, Rev. Geo. W.; Reed, Mrs. Charlotte M., Springfield. 25. Rogers, Miss Mary L., West Newbury. 21. Roper, Miss Ella E., Worcester. 14. Rose, Mr. Emerson C., Hyannis Port. 21. Shelden, Miss Fidelia, Beverly. 12. Stewart, Mrs. Georgia F., Boston. 19. Stimpson, Miss Sadie, Mittineague. 20. Strout, Miss Minnie T., Salem. 10. Van Deusen, Miss Mary E., Ashley Falls. 13. Webber, Mrs. A. S., Worcester. 14. MICHIGAN. Andrews, Miss Ella M., Frankfort. 6. Bush, Mr. Fred Roys, Upton Works. 22. Childs, Miss Alma C., Ann Arbor. 13. Condict, Miss Julia A., Adriau. 14. De Spelder, Miss Helen B., Greenville. 21. Douglas, Miss Minnie L., Church. 12. Dox, Miss C. M., Kalamazoo. 14. Estabrook, Miss Susan I., Olivet. 22. Farlin, Miss Leila H., Ann Arbor. 13. Fyfe, Miss Jennie, Lansing. 21. Grimes, Miss L. Mabel, Wayland. 13. Hoag, Miss Katharine E., Saginaw. 10. Hunnewell, Miss Florence E., Olivet. 8. Littlefield, Miss Anna M., Olivet. 20. Lockwood, Miss Leone F., Utica. 15. Mitchell, Miss Margaret, Breckenridge. 8. Nicholson, Miss M. B., Kalamazoo. 14. Obenauer, Miss Emma, Detroit. 13. Robinson, Rev. J. M.; Robinson, Mrs. J. M., Detroit. 13. Russell, Miss Frances M., Union City. 9. Shepherd, Miss Maud A., Stanton. 14. Slanker, Miss Alice J., Stanton. 10. Waring, Miss Luella, Kalamazoo. 8. Wilcox, Miss Ada Louise, Monroe. 18. Willett, Miss Genevra A., Stanton. 18. MINNESOTA. Bye, Mrs. Harriet N., Minneapolis. 13. Bye, Miss Mary A., B.S., Minneapolis. 7. Case, Miss Ellen L., Owatonna. 20. Cathcart, Miss Lillian S., Minneapolis. 10. Comings, Miss Nellie F., B.S., St. Paul. 7. Duncanson, Mr. C. A.; Duncanson, Mrs. M. V., Stewartville. 25. Hyde, Miss Mary D., Mazeppa. 18. Jones, Miss Dora M., B.S., Spring Valley. 7. Lewis, Miss Cornelia P., St. Paul. 18. Wilcox, Miss M. E., Benson. 15. MISSISSIPPI. Bowles, Miss Eva D., Columbus. 6. Cox, Mr. B. F., B.S., Columbus. 14. Gibson, Miss Mary J. Jackson. 21. Hamlin, Rev. Cyrus, D.D.; Hamlin, Mrs. Lydia H., Tougaloo. 20. Harris, Rev. C. L., Meridian. 20. Larkin, Miss Mary S., Tougaloo. 6. Larkin, Rev. Wm. J.; Larkin, Mrs. Sophia, Tougaloo. 20. Montgomery, Mr. Isaiah T., Mound Bayou. 21. Montgomery, Miss Mary V., Mound Bayou. 21. Thomas, Miss Sarah J., Summit. 21. MISSOURI. Myers, Miss Marie, Brookfield. 20. Newton, Miss May E., Springfield. 10. MONTANA. Burgess, Rev. J. G.; Burgess, Mrs. J. G., Crow Agency. 26. NEBRASKA. Abraham, Mr. Eli, Santee Agency. 23. Black, Mrs. E. J., Santee Agency. 23. Ehnamani, Rev. Artemas, Santee Agency. 23. Foote, Mrs. A. E., Omaha. 18. Forney, Miss Jeanne, Madison. 21. Frazier, Mr. Albert, Santee Agency. 24. Frazier, Rev. Francis; Frazier, Mrs. Maggie, Santee Agency. 25. Garvie, Rev. James, Santee Agency. 23. 24. Gray, Mr. Robert Y.; Gray, Mrs. Robert Y., Santee Agency. 23. Hamlin, Mr. Wm. H.; Hamlin, Mrs. Wm. H., Santee Agency. 23. Lawson, Mr. Chas. R.; Lawson, Mrs. Chas. R., Santee Agency. 23. Nichol, Miss Margaret F., Neligh. 17. Nichol. Miss Mary L., Neligh. 17. Riggs, Rev. A. L., D.D.; Riggs, Mrs. A. L., Santee Agency. 23. Riggs, Prof. F. B., A.M., Santee Agency. 23. Saunders, Miss Olive, B.A., Aten. 23. Slothower, Miss A. M., Norfolk. 14. Spees, Miss Helena C., Norfolk. 13. Stone, Mr. Homer L.; Stone, Mrs. H. L., Santee Agency. 23. Zimmerman, Mr. Ben.; Zimmerman, Mrs. Ben, Santee Agency. 25. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Bishop, Miss Emily R., Keene. 13. Estabrook, Miss Charlotte N., West Lebanon. 22. Goldsmith. Miss Celestia S., Chester. 8. Gordon, Miss Harriet D., New Ipswich. 14. Hook, Miss Carrie A., Grantham. 20. Parkhurst, Miss Carrie E., Manchester. 17. Richardson, Miss Abby M., Francestown. 22. Scribner, Miss Dora A., B.A., Gossville. 7. NEW JERSEY. Chandler, Miss Alice A., Vineland. 14. Conk, Miss Edith F., Montclair. 22. Pfeiffer, Miss G. Eugenie, Hightstown. 13. Voorhees, Miss S. Lizzie, Rocky Hill. 23. NEW YORK. Althen, Miss Florence E., Lyons. 18. Brown, Miss Harriet A., Rocky Point. 23. Clark, Miss A. A., North Hannibal. 14. Curtis, Miss Julia H., Syracuse. 11. Dodge, Miss Dora B., Brooklyn. 25. Fisher, Mrs. Ellen M., Sinclairville. 12. Garsden, Miss Alice M., Westmoreland. 7. Gates, Miss Minnie M., Phoenix. 8. Glines, Miss Julia B., Horsehead. 6. Houghton, Miss Grace M., Syracuse. 10. Jenkins, Mrs. M. L., Chautauqua. 8. Koehler, Miss Margaret B., B.L., Penn Yan. 7. La Grange, Miss Kate C., Albany. 9. Loveland, Miss M. H., Newark Valley. 18. Nichols, Miss Emily W., Clinton. 21. Packard, Miss M. Amelia, Brooklyn. 6. Parsons, Miss Emma L., A.B., Le Roy. 7. Parsons, Miss Phebe B., Marcellus. 22. Phillips, Miss Clara, Oswego. 6. Stone, Miss Louise, Le Roy. 8. Thompson Miss Mary L., Rouse's Point. 21. Woodruff, Miss Anna M., Roseview. 18. NORTH CAROLINA. Artopé, Mrs. J. H., Troy. 11. Baldwin, Mr. J. W., Nalls. 12. Baldwin, Rev. M. L.; Baldwin, Mrs. M. L., McLeansville. 11. Clemmons, Mr. J. J., Jr., Navassa. 11. Curtis, Rev. A. W., D.D., Raleigh. 11. Dillard, Rev. H., Strieby. 11. Faduma, Rev. O.; Faduma, Mrs. O., Troy. 11. Gibbs, Mr. J. Ulrich, Whittier. 12. Haines, Rev. Geo. H., Charlotte. 12. Hall, Mr. Wm. R., Raleigh. 11. Johns, Rev. R. B.; Johns, Mrs. R. B., Dudley. 11. La Cour, Rev. Paul L.; La Cour, Mrs. Paul L., Chapel Hill. 11. Lane, Rev. Calvin, Lowell. 12. McKay, Rev. S. A., Red Springs. 12. McNeill, Rev. J. E., Moncure. 12. Meriam, Mr. Morrison E., Whittier. 12. Newkirk, Rev. W. D.; Newkirk, Mrs. Emma C., Beaufort. 10. Peden, Rev. Anthony, Oaks. 11. Ragland, Rev. F. G., Wilmington. 10. Sevier, Rev. S. S., Greensboro. 11. Simmons, Rev. Z., Malee. 12. Sims, Rev. J. P., High Point. 11. Stratton, Rev. E. W., Sanford. 12. Torrence, Miss Dulcina, McLeansville. 11. Washburn, Miss Maud M., Brown's Summit. 11. Whittington, Mr. Fernie, Beaufort. 10. Woodard, Prof. Geo. A., Southern Pines. 10. NORTH DAKOTA. Hall, Rev. Chas. L.; Hall, Mrs. S. W., Elbowoods. 25. Ilsley, Miss H. B., Elbowoods. 25. Kehoe, Miss Elizabeth, Independence. 26. Tibbetts, Mr. Arthur, Cannon Ball. 25. OHIO. Adams, Miss Julia May, Perrysburgh. 22. Barnes, Miss Esther A., Tallmadge. 18. Black, Miss Annie E., Oberlin. 14. Boyd, Miss Clara S., Greenfield. 13. Brintnall, Miss Bertha N., Medina. 20. Carey, Miss Anna N., Oberlin. 7. Caughey, Miss Isadore M., N. Kingsville. 10. Cheney, Miss Ella L., Oberlin. 13. Davis, Mrs. Alice L., Oberlin. 10. Estill, Miss Sarah M., Mansfield. 21. Evans, Miss Mary H., Bellefontaine. 6. Frew, Miss Florence A., Cleveland. 17. Gough, Miss Florence H., Sheffield. 20. Grass, Miss Alice M., Bryan. 7. Griffiths, Mrs. Martha Gorbold, Ross. 24. Harger, Miss Lizette, Oberlin. 14. Hicks, Miss Emma, Kalida. 22. Inborden, Prof. T. S., A.B., Oberlin. 10. Jenkins, Miss Minnie V., Oberlin. 15. Johnson, Miss Corrie N., Oberlin. 19. Jones, Miss Julie E., Oberlin. 18. Jones, Miss Mabel M., Oberlin. 18. Keyes, Miss Bertha W., Oberlin. 10. Knowlton, Miss Charlotte J., Creston. 14. Knowlton, Miss Jessie M., Creston. 14. Latham, Prof. Ernest R., A.B.; Latham, Mrs. Olga O., A.B., Huntsburg. 17. Laughlin, Arthur P., A.B., Oberlin. 17. Lyon, Miss Lorena A., Oberlin. 21. Marsh, Miss Mattie M., A.B., Bryan. 13. Mead, Miss Cora B., A.M., Burton. 20. Mellen, Mrs. Lucy M., Oberlin. 10. Merrill, Miss E. Maude, Cleveland. 21. Messick, Miss Elizabeth M., Marietta. 18. Metcalf, Rev. John M. P., A.M., Elyria. 17. Parsons, Miss Myrta A., Hyram. 18. Persons, Miss Flora E., Oberlin. 8. Pinney, Mrs. Lucy D., N. Bloomfield. 7. Price, Miss Jeannette, Oberlin. 20. Redick, Miss Emma C., Mansfield. 20. Schwarz, Miss Rosa K., Belden. 18. Scobie, Miss Ellen B., Everett. 13. Scott, Miss S. Josephine, Hamilton. 14. Seymour, Miss Julia P., Rootstown. 10. Steele, Miss Lida M., Oberlin. 20. Summers, Miss Maude, Cleveland. 12. Wandell, Miss Caroline, Phoenix. 18. Waters, Prof. Francis T., A.M., Oberlin. 18. Wheeler, Rev. W. E.; Wheeler, Mrs. Kate L., Richfield. 8. Whelpley, Miss Belle M., Painesville. 21. Whitsey, Miss Alice, Dover. 20. Wright, Rev. G. W., B.D., Oberlin. 8. PENNSYLVANIA. Carpenter, Miss Sara, Buckingham. 14. Kalbfleisch, Miss Lena H., Gettysburg. 8. Kuhn, Miss Mary J., New Wilmington. 6. Lime, Miss May, Port Carbon. 20. Lime, Miss S. J., Port Carbon. 21. Nesbit, Miss Clara, Utica. 14. Phillips, Miss M. L., Canonsburg. 18. Taylor, Miss Edith E., New Wilmington. 22. Tucker, Miss Lena A., Springboro. 18. SOUTH CAROLINA. Barrett, Miss Naomi P., Charleston. 13. Clark, Rev. Geo. V., Charleston. 12. Deas, Miss Mary L., Charleston. 13. Gregory, Lewis G., A.B., Charleston. 13. Jones, Rev. S. L., Winnsboro. 13. Martin, Mr. Isadore, Charleston. 10. Moates, Rev. John D., Newberry. 13. Myles, Mr. Jefferson, Lykesland. 13. Scott, Miss Monomia R., Charleston. 13. Steele, Miss Carrie E., Charleston. 6. Wilson, Rev. E. H., Columbia. 13. SOUTH DAKOTA. Black-Eagle, Mr. Justin; Black-Eagle, Mrs. Justin, Cherry Creek. 24. Bloodgood, Miss Estelle, Huron. 17. Bluecloud, Mr. John; Bluecloud, Mrs. Nora, Sisseton Agency. 24. Conger, Miss Alice C., Greenwood. 23. Cross, Rev. James F.; Cross, Mrs. Stella P., Rosebud Agency. 25. Driver, Mr. Garfield; Driver, Mrs. Rebecca, Grand River. 25. Frazier, Mr. Lot; Frazier, Mrs. Rebecca, Rosebud Agency. 25. Gilbert. Rev. Elias; Gilbert, Mrs. Mary, Sisseton. 25. Kirk, Mr. Simon; Kirk, Mrs. Julia, Sisseton Agency. 25. Lind, Miss Jennie, Yankton. 24. Morris, Miss Mary T., Porcupine. 23. Nordvold, Miss Stella B., Pierre. 24. Phelps, Rev. Edwin; Phelps, Mrs. Ellen, Sisseton Agency. 24. Pond, Miss Arlie B., Pierre. 24. Riggs, Rev. Thomas L.; Riggs, Mrs. Thomas L., Oahe. 24. Spotted-Bear, Mr. Eli; Spotted-Bear, Mrs. Ellen, Oahe. 24. Wakutemani, Mr. Huntington; Wakutemani, Mrs. Louisa, Grand River. 25. Ward, Mr. Clarence; Ward, Mrs. Estelle, Cherry Creek. 24. Whiteshield, Mr. John; Whiteshield, Mrs. Lottie, Grand River. 25. Yawa, Mr. David; Yawa, Mrs. Mary, Thunder Butte. 24. Yellow-Hawk, Mr. Solomon B.; Yellow-Hawk, Mrs. Josephine, Pierre. 25. Yellow-Hawk. Mr. Stephen; Yellow-Hawk, Mrs. Stephen, Oahe. 24. TENNESSEE. Austin, Rev. Thos. J., Jackson. 21. Ballantine, Miss Anna T., Nashville. 7. Blanks, Mr. Chas. R., Pine Bluff. 9. Bond, Rev. James, Nashville. 7. Chamberlin, Miss Mary E., Nashville. 7. Chase, Prof. F. A., A.M., Nashville. 7. Cravath, Rev. E. M., D.D., Nashville. 7. Crawford, Miss Carrie G., Nashville. 17. Crosthwait, Miss Minnie, Knoxville. 8. Deloss, Mr. John, Jacksboro. 9. Denny, Miss Attie, La Follette. 9. Dodge, Miss Emma F., Pleasant Hill. 9. Dowdell, Miss Katherine C., Nashville. 10. Dunn, Rev. Chas. W., A.M., B.D., Nashville. 7. Ferree, Miss Minnie, Harriman. 6. Franklin, Miss Lydia J., Grand View. 8. Franklin, Miss Mabel, Grand View. 8. Goff, Rev. E. N., Bon Air. 9. Griffiths, Mr. Wm., M., Pioneer. 24. Harris, Rev. Eugene, A.M., B.D., Nashville. 7. Hawn, Mr. M., Lansing. 9. Jackson, Miss F. Annette, Hudsonburg. 9. Jennings, Rev. R. D., Knoxville. 8. Jewett, Miss Mary L., Grand View. 8. Johnson, Miss Mary E., Memphis. 8. Keeble, Miss Janetta N., Nashville. 10. Lewis, Miss Cornelia E., Memphis. 8. Lusty, Rev. Geo., Deer Lodge. 9. McAdams, Prof. J. C., A.B., Shelbyville. 17. McClelland, Rev. Geo. M., Memphis. 8. Myers, Rev. A. A., Cumberland Gap. 9. Moore, Rev. Geo. W., Nashville. 5. Morgan, Prof. Helen C., A.M., Nashville. 7. Murphy, Miss Belle A., Knoxville. 8. Murray, Prof. Jas. L.; Murray, Mrs. Ida B. Nashville. 14. Partridge, Rev. H. F., Pomona. 9. Post, Rev. Geo. H., Jellico. 9. Rivers, Miss Charlotte, Memphis. 8. Robinson, Miss Jennie A., Nashville. 7. Rutherford, Mr. Calvin, La Follette. 9. Smith, Rev. Joseph E., Chattanooga. 8. Smith, Mrs. M. J., Tracy City. 9. Spence, Rev. A. K., A.M., Nashville. 7. Stickel, Rev. E. C., A.M.; Stickel, Mrs. Luretta C., B.L., Nashville. 7. Sumner, Rev. M. N., Mill Creek. 9. Taylor, Miss Mary E., Grand View. 8. Walton, Mr. Gilbert, Harriman. 5. Watkins, Mr. L. J., A.B., Nashville. 10. Winkler, Mr. R. B., La Follette. 9. Wright, Prof. H. H., A.M., Nashville. 7. TEXAS. Donaldson, Rev. J. I., Paris. 23. Gaines, Prof. Marshall R., Austin. 22. Henson, Rev. R. H., Davis. 23. Smith, Rev. G. H., Paris. 23. Thompson, Rev. Mitchell, Helena. 23. Turner, Rev. G. B. M., Dallas. 23. UTAH. Jones, Mrs. Marcus E., Salt Lake City. 27. VIRGINIA. Baytop, Miss Ada, Ark. 6. Price, Mr. W. G., Priddy's. 6. Weaver, Mr. D. D., Cappahosic. 6. Weaver, Mrs. E. Sprague, Cappahosic. 6. Weaver, Prof. W. B., Cappahosic. 6. White, Mr. R. L., Cappahosic. 6. VERMONT. Atwood, Prof. Oscar, A.M., Johnson. 21. Chamberlin, Miss Carrie B., Sharon. 7. Crane, Miss Flora M., Middlebury. 9. Fairbanks, Miss Lucy E., Woodstock. 14. Graham, Miss Mertie L., E. St. Johnsbury. 14. Henderson, Rev. Geo. W., D.D., No. Craftsbury. 21. Hodges, Miss Bertha D., Randolph. 21. Hubbard, Miss Ida F., Ascutneyville. 8. Miner, Mr. Benj. C., New Haven. 21. Sisson, Mrs. Lucy M., Windsor. 20. WASHINGTON. Eells, Rev. Myron, D.D., Union City. 26. Sheldon, Miss Nellie D., Seattle. 6. WISCONSIN. Beecroft, Miss Lillian J., Madison. 18. Brereton, Miss Mary K., Acorn. 8. Campbell, Rev. John C., Steven's Point. 20. Carrier, Miss Frances M., Beloit. 14. Kinney, Miss M. A., Whitewater. 14. Oertel, Miss Mary J., B.S., Prairie du Sac. 21. Patton, Miss Aura E. E., Waupun. 17. Steele, Prof. Andrew J., A.M., Whitewater. 8. Washburn, Miss Hester A., Delevan. 10. CANADA. Bechan, Miss Bessie C., Toronto. 11. Burr, Miss Belle S., Goderich, Ont. 8. Walbridge, Miss Lena, Mystic, Que. 10. FOOTNOTE: [F] Deceased. * * * * * The South. * * * * * A BLESSED SEASON. BY PROF. L. S. CLARK. This has been a blessed season spiritually for Knox Institute, Athens, Ga. We observed the "week of prayer." We exerted ourselves in every way to lead our pupils to Christ. God heard our prayers and he is still hearing and blessing us. We have had many a hopeful conversion. About fifteen took a stand for Jesus on the last day of the "week of prayer;" two on the following Monday; thirty-nine asked for our prayers on the following Friday; seven more gave themselves to Jesus last Friday, and we expect that more will come forward, for the spirit of God is with us. The work moves on smoothly. * * * * * ORANGE PARK, FLA.--A WONDERFUL DAY--CONVERSIONS. BY REV. ERNEST R. LATHAM. Yesterday was a wonderful day for us. We observed the day of prayer for schools and colleges, devoting the whole time to religious services. In the forenoon I preached from Eccl. 12:1, "Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth," urging upon the students the importance of accepting Christ at the beginning of life. After the sermon we had a prayer and testimony meeting, in which a large number took part with great earnestness and deep feeling. At the close all but two of our boarding students rose either to indicate a desire to be given up more fully to Christ's service or to say that they wished to become Christians at once. In the afternoon a meeting for the girls was held in the Girls' Hall, conducted by the lady teachers. The boys had two meetings in their own rooms. All these meetings were very helpful. In the evening in the chapel I preached on the "Rich Young Ruler" and urged immediate decision and full surrender to Christ. The meeting for testimony following the sermon was one of the most remarkable I have ever attended. Several of our brightest students came out clearly for Christ and nearly every one of those who were not Christians spoke voluntarily of their desire to enter the new life. The meeting was very quiet, but many were weeping, and there seemed to be a deep sense of sin. Every student above the eighth grade is now a Christian, I believe, with possibly one exception, and that one is a young man of fine promise, who said publicly last night that his supreme desire was to be a Christian, and that a great burden had been upon him, night and day, for many weeks. We think that his only difficulty is that he desires the experience he has seen in others and does not see that faith is the door by which he must enter that experience. I know that you will rejoice with us in this great blessing. * * * * * SELF-SUPPORTING CHURCH. THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF ATLANTA, GA. BY REV. H. H. PROCTOR. The first Congregational Church of Atlanta was founded in 1867 by Rev. Frederick Ayer and wife, of Wisconsin, the former of whom has entered into his rest, but the latter is still living at a ripe old age in her native State. The church grew out of the Storrs School, the pioneer educational institution of Georgia for the colored race, and was a response to the conscious need of a more enlightened Christianity. The chapel of the Storrs School was its first place of worship, but there was soon felt a need for a regular meeting house. By the aid of the American Missionary Association and of the C. C. B. S., a handsome and substantial structure was built at the corner of Courtland avenue and Houston street. The $2,000 contributed by the people for this building represented no little sacrifice. All of the work on the building was done by colored men, and the neat, slate-covered brick structure, most appropriate in architectural design, is an ornament to that elegant portion of the city in which it is prominently located. A well-appointed eight-room parsonage stands hard by the church, built by students of Atlanta University. The funds for the erection of the parsonage came in part from a benevolent Northern lady, but the greater part was contributed in pennies and nickels and dimes by the people themselves. The church building and parsonage are located in a community settled chiefly by white people. Once they made vigorous protest, but since they found it is not a "shouting" church, no complaint is heard. They often listen to the services from their verandas, and not a few worship with us from time to time, and express themselves highly pleased. The church has been blessed in having such an excellent line of pastors from New England. The first was Rev. C. W. Francis, now a pastor in Connecticut. Then came Revs. E. E. Rogers, C. W. Southgate, S. S. Ashley, C. W. Hawley, Evarts Kent, and S. H. Robinson. All of these brethren are remembered for their sterling character and their faithful labors. The present pastor finds living monuments to the toil of every one of them. They have written their names individually on the hearts of the people. This church has not had an easy road to travel. At first it was despised by the whites and misunderstood by the blacks--despised because of its doctrine of equality; misunderstood because of its newness in these parts. But it was not to be kept back by hatred on the one hand, nor by ignorance on the other. True and tried spirits rallied to its standard, and to-day, in a large measure, it has overcome these things. It bravely stood out for an enlightened Christianity, and its Sunday-school supplied workers for every other school in the city. It espoused the cause of temperance, and has been always an uncompromising foe to strong drink. It held up the standard of Christian citizenship and has stood for an upright Christian life and has been rigid yet loving in its discipline. Its members make themselves felt in the practical occupations of the community. A sociological investigation reveals some interesting facts. They are engaged in about fifty different occupations; 85 are housewives, 85 are in the schools studying, 31 are household servants, 28 are teachers, 19 are porters, 9 are waiters, 4 are grocerymen, 5 are postmen, 7 are professional nurses, 4 are shoemakers, 2 are blacksmiths, 2 are politicians, 3 are seamstresses, 4 are washerwomen, 4 are postal clerks, 3 are Government clerks at Washington, 12 are tailors, 3 are janitors, 2 are draymen, 2 are carpenters, 3 are barbers, 3 are carriage drivers, 3 are carriagemakers, 2 are cotton samplers, 2 are professional cooks, while the following occupations are represented by one each: upholster, elevator conductor, stonemason, piano tuner, sleeping car porter, dairyman, dentist, bricklayer, restaurant proprietor, photographer, ice cream maker, insurance agent, coal dealer, baker, jewelry clerk, bridge builder, packer, hackman, editor and postmaster (of South Atlanta). May they not say, as Paul: "These hands ministered unto my necessities"? This church has furnished not a few excellent men who are doing conspicuous service. Among these are Prof. R. R. Wright, president State College, Savannah, Ga.; Rev. J. E. Smith, pastor First Congregational Church, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Rev. George V. Clark, pastor Congregational Church, Charleston, S. C.; Rev. John W. Whittaker, pastor Central Congregational Church, New Orleans, La.; Mr. Butler R. Wilson, attorney at law, Boston, Mass.; Rev. E. J. Penny, chaplain Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, Tuskegee, Ala., and others. The present pastor is the first of his race to be honored with the pastorate of this church. He is a product of the American Missionary Association, having received his college training at Fisk University. He began his labors here immediately upon the completion of his theological course at the Yale Divinity School, in 1894. With his coming the church entered upon a distinct era of its life. Not without some misgivings on the part of many, the church bravely launched out to assume self-support. For some time it had been without a regular pastor, and the flock was divided and scattered. After three years the membership has been doubled and the contributions trebled. Last year it contributed a share of the "Jubilee Fund" of the American Missionary Association. The church is now united and progressive. There is a growing Christian Endeavor Society, a Working Men's Club for financial aid, a Woman's Aid Society for general church work, a Young Men's League for increasing the attendance at the Sunday evening services (printed bulletins of the services being distributed weekly). The church issues the Parish Visitor, a monthly church paper which forms a bond of interest by unifying the various forces of the church. The prayer meetings are well attended and the Sunday-school is thriving. New members are received at every communion. The week of prayer is followed by a large number of conversions. The membership now numbers 403, making this the largest Congregational Church in the South. Great stress is laid on the quality of the membership, but quantity is not despised, and within the next seven years it is the aspiration of the church to enroll a thousand members. With a continuance of the spirit of unity and work, why, under God, should not this end be realized? The possibilities of a thoroughly organized Congregational Church of a thousand members in a community like this are untold. * * * * * COLORED MINISTERS OF THE BLACK BELT OF ALABAMA--EVIDENCE OF PROGRESS. BY REV. GEORGE W. ANDREWS, D.D. The so-called Black Belt of Alabama is a wide tract of land extending across the central portion of the State, from east to west, embracing twenty counties, more or less. In general it is level, differing widely in this respect from the hilly and mountainous region lying directly north of it. It is the great cotton producing section of the State. The soil is either sandy or a black loam, and some of it is exceedingly fertile. Here you will find the canebrakes and cypress swamps, as well as the prairies and the vast fertile regions. Here also are cities and towns of importance, such as Montgomery, Selma, Marion, Greensboro, Demopolis, Tuskegee, Eufala and the like. In the rural sections of the belt are the vast plantations and imposing mansions of ante-bellum days. Here slavery was at its best and its worst. This part of Alabama came to be called the Black Belt because into it were gathered so many people of African descent--about 400,000--to till the soil and harvest the crops. Some say the name originated from the character of the soil. At the present time the ratio of colored people to white people varies in the different counties from two to six of the former to one of the latter. Averaging the twenty counties, the ratio is about three colored to one white, while the ratio in the State, as a whole, is about one to one. It is thus seen that the Black Belt has an interest and a character of its own, and problems somewhat more pronounced than similar problems in other parts of the State. This was far more the case thirty or even twenty years ago than now. It is doubtful whether any other section of Alabama has made more rapid progress along intellectual and moral lines the past twenty-five years than the Black Belt. Here multiplied schools and colleges and missionary efforts have been doing their utmost, and great has been the result. Just about twenty-seven years ago the writer came from New England into this Black Belt, curious to see and to hear. One Sabbath afternoon it was noised abroad that a famous colored preacher was to speak in one of the large town churches. His text was, "And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels." Rev. 12:7. A very difficult text. The sermon, however, was almost wholly about John the "revelator," and not on the text at all. The preacher began by informing his hearers that John was a very wonderful man, and the Romans wanted to kill him, so they put him into a kettle of oil and boiled him and boiled him, but could not kill him. Hence they determined to banish him to Patmos, so they put him on board a ship and sailed for three months over the great ocean, and then they got out the telescope and looked for three thousand miles further over the mighty waters, and there they saw the tip of a great mountain coming up out of the sea, and the great serpents were coiled around the top and were sliding down the sides into the waters, and there was not a cracker there for John. And so, with scarcely a grammatical sentence and with most unfitting words, he went on for an hour with a discourse full of wildness and weirdness, and full of untruth, while the people looked on with amazement at the wonderful knowledge and power of the man. Twenty or thirty years ago you might hear many similar sermons. But now, were you to go into the churches in the cities and larger towns of the Black Belt, you would find no place for the old-time preacher or the old-time sermon, but instead you would find in the pulpit a man of considerable education and refinement, preaching good gospel truth to an attentive audience. Some of the causes and evidences of progress in the Black Belt, both of preachers and people, may well pass in review at this point. In the first place, at the close of the war there were no schools for colored people; now you will find at least twelve hundred common schools for them in the Black Belt alone, besides a goodly number of select and higher schools of different denominations, while just up out of the Belt, in a most beautiful and healthful region, is Talladega College, well patronized by the people of the lower and less healthful parts of the State. These many schools could not fail to set in motion great changes affecting the homes, heads and hearts of the people. The ministers have powerfully felt their influence and in large numbers have been drawn into them or have been driven from the public leadership which they once had. The American Missionary Association schools and churches are at the foundation of all that has been accomplished. Others have patterned after these. Again, previous to the time when the Christian missionary work began in the South, I cannot learn that there was more than one regularly ordained colored minister in the region under consideration, or that there were any regularly organized churches among them. At the present time there are at least sixteen hundred such churches in the twenty counties, and probably nearly as many ordained ministers--not to mention the five thousand licensed preachers, many of whom are hoping for ordination. These ministers and churches are working out a great problem. It is true that much of the work is of a low grade, but it is equally true that much of it is intelligent, earnest and effective. There are only a few college and theological graduates among them--perhaps not more than half a dozen. There are many more who have had normal and theological training, and a still larger number who have had a partial course of Bible study and who can manage a church fairly well. Of the more than six thousand ministers and preachers of the Black Belt, perhaps it would be a generous estimate to say that one hundred are in a measure educated. These are the leaders of the unschooled thousands counted among the preachers of the gospel. Other evidences of progress in learning and piety are such as these: All over the State, as well as in the Black Belt, the churches are calling loudly for a more intelligent ministry. Not a few churches have been rent asunder by this issue, the more progressive part going out to organize a new church and secure a more acceptable minister. Scarcely an important church can be found where the subject of a competent ministry has not been agitated. There have also been erected within the past ten years a surprising number of new and greatly improved church edifices. Those whose "care of all the churches" has led them up and down through the Black Belt declare with emphasis that the quality of the preaching has greatly improved; that more books are bought and read; that the churches are better organized; that the conferences, associations and conventions of the ministers and churches are immeasurably in advance of what they were even ten years ago; that the subjects discussed in these gatherings are of a higher order and more intelligently and spiritually handled, and that there is a growing sense of responsibility and an earnest desire to meet it. I have been in many of these gatherings, especially among our American Missionary Association people, where the sermons and papers were excellent. Also, it should be noted as a hopeful sign that the preachers and many of the pastors are greatly desirous of a more complete literary and theological education. Those who seek such an education are numerous. We sometimes have at Talladega applications from fifty such in a single year. It is often pitiful to hear their appeals to be admitted to school, when denial is forced upon them, since there is neither room nor money. Still, there are many who secure books, seek help, and blindly plod on. Let no one suppose the work in the Black Belt or the State is finished. It is only gloriously begun. The Black Belt is probably better provided with schools, churches and ministers than any other part of the State. The mining regions about Birmingham and in North Alabama are more destitute and the condition of the people quite as deplorable. There are hundreds of preachers and not a few ordained ministers who cannot read or write, and many more who know very little of God's Word. One such recently sought ordination, and when asked to find the book of Jude, he replied, after a fruitless search, "That book is torn out of my Bible and I can't find it." He was ordained just the same. Our friends may be sure, however, that the leaven has been cast into the meal, and in due time will leaven the mass. But, oh, the darkness, the moral corruption, the sorrow and ruin that comes from the long delay. Where we can put one good minister into the field we need a score, and where one boy or girl is in school there should be a dozen. May the dear Father open our eyes to see His work and to know the joy of self-denying service for Him! * * * * * Obituary. * * * * * DEACON SAMUEL HOLMES. The death of Deacon Samuel Holmes takes from active career in life one who has been prominent and useful in many forms of Christian work in the local church and in broader efforts for the extension of the Redeemer's kingdom. He was for many years a member and officer in the Broadway Tabernacle, New York city, and on his removal thirty years ago to Montclair, N. J., he was one of the charter members of the growing Congregational Church organized there. He was the first man elected as its deacon, and to the day of his death was its senior deacon. At the time of his death, Dec. 9, 1897, he was a member of the Executive Committee of the American Missionary Association and the oldest in age and in date of appointment, having held that position for the third of a century. He was a corporate member of the American Board and a vice-president of the Congregational Education Society. He was an officer in the National Congregational Council held in Boston in 1865, and was one of the committee which convened the National Congregational Council in Oberlin in 1871. He was also a delegate to the International Congregational Council held in London in 1891. His memory will be warmly cherished in the many circles of Christian service in which he was actively engaged. * * * * * MISS MARY E. McLANE. The painful intelligence of the death of a most useful and highly esteemed teacher, Miss Mary E. McLane, of New Haven, Conn., which is received by us, will be seriously felt in our missionary work. Miss McLane died at Mobile, Ala., on the 2d of February. Appointed in the year 1887 to St. Augustine, Fla., Miss McLane had taught in Fisk University, Tennessee, had been principal of a school at Anniston, Ala., for four years; was then transferred at her own request to Athens, Ala., where she was principal, and after three years service there was appointed as matron in the Teachers' Home of Emerson Institute, at Mobile, Ala. In a missionary service of more than ten years Miss McLane obtained a good report as a most faithful and earnest teacher, thoroughly imbued with the missionary spirit and always actuated by a missionary purpose. * * * * * MISS ANNA COFFIN. The death of Miss Anna Coffin occurred at her home in Haverhill, Mass. At the age of 18 she was graduated from the Salem Normal School. Having a desire to serve the needy colored people, she accepted a commission from the American Missionary Association to teach in Burrell School, at Selma, Ala. She threw herself into the work with all the ardor and enthusiasm so natural to her, and for the two years of her stay proved a devoted teacher and faithful servant of Christ. Later, for four years, she was connected with Tougaloo University, at Tougaloo, Miss., where her unselfish, consecrated life was powerful for good. With grief softened by joy, we count her among the "happy saints that dwell in light, and walk with Jesus in white." * * * * * RECEIPTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1897. * * * * * THE DANIEL HAND FUND For the Education of Colored People. Income for November $15,000.00 Previously acknowledged 2,350.00 ---------- $17,350.00 ========== NOTE.--Where no name follows that of the town, the contribution is from the church and society of that place. Where a name follows, it is that of the contributing church or individual. S. means Sunday-school; C. means Church; C. E., the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor; S. A. means Student Aid. CURRENT RECEIPTS. MAINE, $233.49. Brownville, 13. Castine, C., 8.77; Misses Richardson and Russell, 4; Mrs. D. W. Webster, 4; W. G. Sargent, New Goods, val. 100. _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga._ Eastport, Miss Bibber's S. Class, _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga._ 4. Ellsworth, 33.66. Ellsworth Falls, Miss C. A. Whitaker, _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga._, 5. Gilead, Mrs. H. A. Southworth, _for Indian M._, 50. Gray. 6.65. Houlton, 2. Little Deer Island, Lander's Mem., _for Tougaloo U._, 1.39. Machias, Centre St., 10.02. Norridgewock, 22. North Yarmouth, "A Friend," 10. Portland, Second Parish, 10: "A Thank Offering," 10. Portland, High St., Clothing, _for Andersonville, Ga._ Searsport, C. Ladies, _for Freight to McIntosh, Ga._, 3. South Gardiner, 9.50. Wells, First, 8.20. York, First, 3.30. Friends in Maine, _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga._ 10. "A Friend," _for Sch. Moorhead, Miss._, 5 NEW HAMPSHIRE, $153.37--of which from Estate, $5.60. Boscawen, 7.71. Colebrook, E. C. Wilder, Clothing, val. 31, _for Talledega C._ East Concord, "A Friend," 5. Epsom, 14.28. Goffstown, C. E., _for Meridian, Miss._, 13.50. Hollis, C. E., _for Santee Indian Sch._, 3.44. Jaffrey, 4. Lancaster, Ladies' Soc., Clothing, etc., _for Greenwood, S. C._ Lebanon, Mrs. Brown's Class, _for Knoxville, Tenn._, 2. Lyme Center, Mrs. Amos Bailey, 1. Manchester, First, to const. MRS. FRANK PRESTON and M. IVAN DOW L. M's, 64.27; S., _for S. A., Lincoln Acad., All Healing, N. C._, 16.89. West Concord, West, 14.18. West Lebanon, "Friends," _for Knoxville, Tenn._, 1.50. Wilton, Mrs. Willson, Papers, _for Meridian, Miss._ ESTATE. Exeter, Estate of Mrs. Anna W. Chadwick, 5.60. VERMONT, $149.87. Brattleboro, Mrs. Mary L. Hadley, 25. Franklin, Ladies, Clothing, val., 24. Rev. Levi Wild, _for Freight_, 1.65, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Hardwick, "C. E. C. Ch.," 2.50. Middletown Springs, 16. Orwell, 30.90. Shoreham, 11.27. Springfield, 26.09. Stowe, Ladies, _for Freight to McIntosh, Ga._, 2. Thetford, First, 7.80. Westminster West, 15.50. West Rutland, 5.16. Windham, S., 6. MASSACHUSETTS, $3,837.24--of which from Estate, $30. Amesbury Main St., 4.99. Amherst, L. H. M. S., by Mrs. Marshall Henshaw, _for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 70. Andover, West, 5: South, Jr. C. E., _for S. A., Beach Inst., Ga._, 5. Barre, "A Thank Offering," 2. Becket, North, (7.61 from Miss Church's S. Class, _for S. A., Williamsburg, Acad._) 19.46. Berlin, Mrs. Henry F. Markham, Sewing Material, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Boston, Shawmut, (25 of which _for Indian M., Oahe, S. D._, 100 _for Oahe Indian Sch._, 5 _for Indian M._; 1 _for Alaska M._) 229.83; J. W. Davis, 50. B. F. Redfern, 25, Dr. Hubbell, 5, _for Indian Sch., Oahe, S. D._; Union, 195.73; Union, C. E., 50. Union, S., _for S. A., Williamsburg, Ky._, 25; "A Friend," _for L. M._, 30; "C. H. P.," 30; Rev. H. A. Bridgman, 25; Edw. R. Eager, 25. Charlestown, Mrs. C. M. Nute, 1. Dorchester, Second, "Extra Cent-a-Day Band," _for Indian M., Standing Rock Agency, N. D._, 25; Mrs. H. Houston, _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga._, Neponset, Trinity. 20. Roxbury, Immanuel, 132.88. Boxford, First, S., _for Indian M._, 25. Brookline, Harvard, 137.15. Campello, South, S., 12.95. Chelsea, First "A Friend," _for Mountain Work_, 25. Cliftondale, First, 10. Dalton, First, S., _for Lincoln Normal School, Marion, Ala._, 30; C. E., _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga._, 10; C. E., _for Teachers' Home, Lexington, Ky._, 10. Danvers, Maple St., ad'l, 3. Dracut, First, 1.14. Dunstable, Clothing, _for Meridian, Miss._ East Charlemont, 13.33. Easthampton, First, 34.93; S., _for Tougaloo U._, 12.31. Easton, Benev. Soc., Clothing and Bedding, _for Marshallville, Ga._ Easton, Evan., 30, incorrectly ack. in Sept. receipts from Canton. East Wareham, "Two Friends," 7. Enfield, W. M. S., ad'l, 10. Fitchburg, Calvanistic, 52.27; Rollstone, 11.74. Gilbertville. W. M. S., through W. H. M. A., 5. Great Barrington, Mayflower Guild, 5; C. E., 5; Men's Bible Class, 2; Women's Bible Class, 1; Mrs. Carr's S. Class, 80c. _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., McIntosh Ga._; C. E., Literature, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Greenfield, Miss Helen L. Mann and sister, _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 12. Groton, Mrs. M. M. Spaulding, 10. Halifax, W. M. Union, _for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 1.55. Hardwick, 4,50. Harvard, 9.50. Hatfield, 49.82. Haverhill, West, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 54.50; West, S., 20. Holbrook, Winthrop, 14.06. Holliston, Mrs. Geo. B. Fiske, Clothing and 1, _for freight for Enfield, N. C._ Housatonic, S. _for McIntosh, Ga._, 20. Hyde Park, First, 20.68. Lakeville, W. H. M. S., by Mrs. A. C. Southworth, Sec., _for S. A., Santee Indian Sch., Neb._, 7. Lawrence, Samuel White, 50. Lawrence St., _for S. A. Fisk, U._, 50. Leicester, C. E., Books, Papers and Clothing, Freight paid, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Lenox, Geo. Higginson, _for McIntosh, Ga._, 10. Lynnfield Center, 37.63. Malden, First, 97.77. Mansfield, 11.62. Mattapoisett, 8.05. Maynard, 100. Melrose Highlands, 38.74. Melrose, First. Sew. Cir. Clothing, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Merrimac, 44.96. Milford, First, C. E., _for Big Creek Gap_, bal. _pledge_, 20. Mittineague, Southworth Paper Co., Paper, _for All Healing, N. C._ Monson, Mrs. Esther Holmes, 40; Primary Dept., S. 5, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Nantucket, C. E., _for S. A., Skyland Inst., N. C._, 10. Newburyport, North, 25. Newton, First, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 30.23. Newtonville, Central, S., _for S. A., Fisk U._, 50. North Woburn, Jr. C. E., 5, _for S. A., Skyland Inst., N. C._; L. B. Soc., 10, by Mrs F. C. P. Wheeler, bal. share, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Norwood, S., Primary Dept., _for McIntosh, Ga._, 5. Pittsfield, First, S., _for Tougaloo U._, 5.87. Plymton, C. E., 1.25. Richmond, C., _for Sewing Class_, 4.68; K. D., _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga._, 5. Salem Tabernacle C., ad'l, 4. Shelburne Falls, 20.30. Sherborn, Pilgrim, 12. Shrewsbury, 19. South Hadley Falls, 8.58. South Weymouth, Mrs. Wm. Dyer, _for S. A., Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 20. Springfield, Park, 27.05. Springfield, Kings' Daughters, Clothing, _for Storrs Sch., Atlanta, Ga._ Stockbridge, "Friends," _for Indian Sch., Oahe, S. D._, 528.35. Stoneham, 15. Stoneham, Sunshine M. C., _for McIntosh, Ga._, 9. Uxbridge, 19.28. Ware, Miss S. R. Sage, _for Meridian, Miss._, 10. Wayland, C. E., _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 4. Wellesley, 100. Wellesley, Miss A. B. Scoville, _for Indian Sch., Oahe, S. D._, 20. West Boylston, 25. West Brookfield, "A Friend," 36. West Newton, Henry B. Day, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 25. Whitinsville, S., 130.32. Williamstown, ---- 3. Wilmington, 22.56. Winchester, First S., 20; Isabella B. Tenney, 10; Mrs. Stone, 1, _for Lincoln Normal Sch., Marion, Ala._; Ladies, Clothing, _for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss._ Worthington, First, 18. ----, Mrs. Caroline L. Smith, 10. ----, "A Friend," Milage, 1.66. ----, "A Friend," Milage, 2.22. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION OF MASS. AND R. I., Miss Annie C. Bridgman, Treas., $405: _For Rock Creek Ch., Indian M., N. D._ (of which 5 from Aux. Eliot C., Newton, Mass.), 405. ESTATE. Northampton, Estate, Numan Clark, 30. RHODE ISLAND, $36.47. Bristol, First, 21.40. Providence, Plymouth, 14. Plymouth, Clothing, _for Macon, Ga._; North, C. E., 1.07. CONNECTICUT, $2.629.42--of which from Estate, $1,316.05. Berlin, Second, 40. Bridgeport, West End, W. M. S., 5. Bristol, First, S., 20.38; Jr. C. E., _for Indian M._, 5. Chaplin, C. (1.65 of which balance to const. MARY J. WALCOTT, L. M.), 20. Danbury Ladies' Aid Soc., by Mrs. W.W. Jacobs, _for Williamsburg Ky._, 6.50. Derby, "Four Friends," 45. East Canaan, S., _for Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 7. East Hartford, L. M. S. _for Freight on Clothing to Greenwood, S. C._, 1.16. Enfield, L. M. S., by Mrs. Frank H. Abbe, Sec., Household Supplies, val. 25, _for Tillotson Inst._ Greenwich, Mrs. Russell T. Hall, _for S. A., Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 3. Guilford, S. Class, from Jubilee Bell Bank, 50c.; First, to const. SUSAN M. BURR, L. M., 30. Hartford, Center, S., 20; Mrs. George Kellogg, 15; Mrs. George Langdon, 5; Windsor Av., L. Aux., Clothing _for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._ Hebron, C. E., by Mrs. Jennie L. Robinson, _for Indian M., Fort Berthold, N. D._, 20. Kent, First, 16.67. Lebanon, Exeter, 11.08. Liberty Hill, C. E., 9.50. Lisbon, The Sunbeam M. C., _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 5. Madison, First, 3.07. Manchester C. E., _for Tougaloo U._, 10. Middlefield, S. Class, Miss A. G. Birdsey, teacher _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 8.25. Milford, Allen S. Clark, 3. New Britain, D. M. Rogers, to const. ALBIN A. JOHNSON, L. M., 30; South, C. E., _for Indian M._, 3.58. New Haven, United "Members," _for Ballard Inst., Macon, Ga._, 35; Dwight Place, Bible Sch., _for S. A._, 25. Newington, S., 68; Mrs. S. E. Parker, Clothing, _for Marshallville, Ga._ Newington, 23.75. Noank, M. H. Giddings, 9. Norwalk, Jr. C. E., Papers, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Norwich, Anna E. Pierce, 100; Miss M. F. Norton, 100; Miss E. M. Norton, 100, _for Indian Sch., Oahe, S. D._; Second, C. E., _for S. A., Athens, Ala._, 24; "Friends," through W. R. Burnham, Piano; W. R. Burnham, 5, for cartage of Piano, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Pequonock, 32.73. Redding, 6.84. Rockville, Union, 189.10. Seymour, C. E., 5 _for Freedmen_, 5 _for Mountain Work_, by Mrs. Ernest Taylor. Stamford, Clara Barton and Friends, Bedding and Clothing, _for All Healing, N. C._ Terryville, Pequahuck, C. E., _for Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 1.75. Thomaston, First, 7.81. Vernon, 6.07. Vernon Center, 10. Wallingford, L. Alles, Books and Papers _for Williamsburg, Ky._ Waterbury, Second C. E., _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 25; Second, W. B. S., _for Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, by Mrs. Frederick Wilcox, Treas., 25: Mrs. G. C. Hill, _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 8. West Hartford, S., _for Tougaloo, U._, 33; First, 10. Winsted, O. S. Rexford, 1. Willimantic, First, C. E., _for Mountain Work_, 10. Winchester, 13.47. Windsor, First, 53.25; S., _for Mountain Work_, 5.90. Winstead, "Junior Workers," _for S. A., Fisk U._, 10.51. WOMAN'S CONGREGATIONAL HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF CONN., Mrs W. W. Jacobs, Treas. $8.50: Huntington, 8.50. ESTATES. Hebron, Estate of Benj. A. Bissell, J. H. Jaggar, Executor, 16.05. Norwich, Estate of Mrs. Betsey P. McEwen, by. B. P. Learned, Executor, 1,000. Putnam, Estate of Emily W. Spaulding, by John A. Carpenter, Executor, 300. NEW YORK, $886.68. Albany, A. N. Husted, 10. Angola, Miss A. H. Ames, _for Mountain Work_, 5. Batavia, Miss Frances Rice, _for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 5.16. Brooklyn, Tompkins Av., _for Oahe Indian Sch., So. Dak._, 58; Clinton Av., S., _for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 50; Willoughby Av., S., Branch of Clinton Av., 25; South, S., _for McIntosh, Ga._, 25; L. M. Chapin, _for Indian Sch., Oahe, S. D._, 20; Mrs. Julia E. Brick, carriage, extra set of wheels, three boxes of effects, four carpets, freight prepaid, _for Joseph K. Brick, Ag. Ind'l and Normal Sch., Enfield, N. C._; Tompkins Av., C. E., Clothing, _for Williamsburg, Ky._ Clifton Springs. "Two Friends," 5. Cortland, First, 43.70. Currytown, Mrs. H. V. Quick, _for S. A., Lincoln Acad., All Healing, N. C._, 17.70. Fairport, A. M. Loomis, 10. Franklin, Miss A. E. Barnes, _for Gloucester Sch., Va._, 2.50. Gasport, 4.71. Homer, C. (5 of which from Mrs. Louisa A. Schermerhorn, _for Freedmen_), 14.50. Jamestown, First, 136. Lake Mononk, "A Guest," _for Indian Sch., Oahe. S. D._, 10. McGrawville, H. D. Corey, 1. New York, Edward F. Browning, 100; Mrs. Frances F. Lord, 25; W. B. Lent, 25; Miss Lent, 10; The Misses Cummings, 5; _for Indian Sch., Oahe, S. D._; J. G. Miner, 20; Miss D. E. Emerson, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead Miss._, 10. North Pitcher, 3.71. Norwood, Kings' Daughters, Bedding, _for All Healing, N. C._ Ogdensburg, Bedding, _for All Healing, N. C._ Perry Center, 10.05. Peterboro, Tracy Calkins, Clothing, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Pitcher, 10. Port Richmond, Capt. S. Squires, 5. Rodman, 26.50. Saugerties, _for Big Creek Gap, Tenn._, 7. Spenceport, First and S. 15.67. Warsaw, 7.89. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF N. Y., by Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, Treas., $162.59: Binghamton, First, "Helpers," _for Sch., Williamsburg Acad., Ky._, 10. Bridgewater, 10. Brooklyn Park, 3. Evans, 5. Homer, Aux., 1; Mrs. B. W. Payne, 5. Paris, 15. Phoenix, _for S. A., Pleasant Hill Acad., Tenn._, 50. Phoenix, 15.42. Riverhead, 18.17. Rochester, South, 10. Sinclairville, 5. Utica, Bethesda, 10. Warsaw, 5. Woodhaven 2. NEW JERSEY, $395.65. East Orange, Trinity, 143; First, S., 25. Westfield, 227.65. PENNSYLVANIA, $197.56. Germantown, Mrs. E. B. Stork, 10; Dr. Chas. Wood, 5; _for Gloucester Sch., Va._; First, 5.81. Harford 4.75. Newton Square, Chas. E. Stevens, 5. Philadelphia, Thomas Scattergood, 100; W. N. Lambert, 50; G. B. Warder, 5; _for Indian Sch., Oahe, S. D._ Philadelphia, R. S. Dorsett, _for S. A., Skyland Inst., N. C._, 10. Philadelphia, Wm. Allmond, 1; Wm. Nichols, 1; _for Gloucester Sch., Va._ OHIO, $388.06. Amherst, Miss Jannette E. Shepard, _for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 20. Ashfield, 35.87. Cincinnati, Mrs. Powell, _for Tougaloo U._, 2. Claridon, C. (10 of which bal. to const. H. W. TAYLOR, L.M.), 23.60; Pilgrim, quarterly, 72; Judge J. E. Ingersoll, _for S. A., Tougaloo U._, 25. Defiance, Mrs. G. A. Armbruster, _for Fisk U._, 5. Geneva, First, S., _for Cumberland Gap, Tenn._, 10; First, Jr. C. E., _for Cumberland Gap, Tenn._, 6. Greenwich, C., _for Sch., Selma, Ala._, 8.40. Jefferson, 15. Kirtland, 2.20. Mallet Creek, York C., 8. Newark, 9. North Benton, Simon Hartzell, 10. North Ridgeville, 8.63. Oberlin, First, Jr. C. E., _for Skyland Inst., N. C._, 50c. Oberlin, "Friends," _for Alaska M._, 5. Sandusky, First, 36.02. Unionville, C., _for Hospital, Fort Yates, N. D._, 10 Unionville, 2.84. Whittlesey, 13. Youngstown, Plymouth, 10. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF OHIO, by Mrs. G. B. Brown, Treas., $50: Belpre, 3. Cleveland, Plymouth, 10; Hough Av., C. E., 3; Franklin, 2. Columbus, Mayflower, C. E., 3. Dayton 2; C. E., 1. Ellsworth, Mrs. B. W. Allen, 5. Lyme, 3. Norwalk, C. E., 2.50. Oberlin, Second, C. E., 8. Ravenna, 2. Sandusky, Plymouth, C. E., 5.50. INDIANA, $18.00. Kokoma, H. W. Vrooman, _for Indian Sch., Oahe, S. D._, 15. Sparta, John Hawkswell, 3. ILLINOIS, $513.02. Blue Island, Jr. C. E., _for Student Aid, Skyland Inst., N. C._, 5. Buda, 34.68. Byron, 6.50. Canton, C. (5 of which _for Straight U._), 20.54. Chicago, Union Park, 96.03; Robert W. Patton, 50; Millard Av., Coral Workers M. B., 16; Waveland Av., C. E., 92c. Danville, Mrs. C. M. Young and Mrs. P. J. Walker, _for Fisk U._, 20. Dover, 12.55. Galena, Miss A. Chamberlain, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 1. Hinsdale, 23. Lamoille, C., 8.30; C. E., 5. Melville, 1.83. Oak Park, Second C., C. E., _for S. A., Skyland Inst., N. C._, 10; Forest Av., C. E., _for Crow Indian M., Montana_, 3. Pecatonica, R. E. Short, 50. Peru, Mrs. J. B. Marks, Papers and Books, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Shabbona, "An Endeavorer," _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 5. Sterling, 16.95. Wheaton, First, 13.85; "College C. of Christ," 13.62. Wheaton, Clothing, _for Athens, Ala._ Wyanet, First, 18. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF ILLINOIS, Mrs. L. A. Field, Treas., $81.25: Chicago, N. E., 26.25; Warren Av., 25.50, Lincoln Park, 2; C. E., 1. Godfrey, 2. Illini, 2. Oak Park, First C., 10.50. La Salle, _Jubilee Off._, 5. Rogers Park, 1. Waukegan, 6. MICHIGAN, $111.53. Detroit, First, C. E., _for S. A., Tougaloo, U._, 25; Woodward Av., S., _for S. A., Brewer N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C._, 10. Owosso, First, 19.12. Romeo, 6.41. Saint Joseph, First, C. E., 10. South Haven, Miss Delamere, _for Lincoln Normal Sch., Marion, Ala._, 6. South Haven, Clothing, _for Athens, Ala._ Whittaker, 1. Wyandotte, Clothing, _for Athens, Ala._ WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF MICHIGAN, by Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas., $34.00. Calumet, 20. Ellsworth, 1. Grand Rapids Park, W.W., _for S. A._, 2.40. Salem, Second, 1. Three Oaks, 5.35. Tipton, _for S. A._, 75c. Wheatland, 3.50. IOWA, $440.03. Algona, Kings' Daughters, by Miss Clara Zahlton, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 5. Anamoso, C. H. Byerly, 18.10. Charles City, Mrs. C. D. Ellis, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 10. Corning, L. M. Band, through Mrs. F. M. Munns, _for S. A., Beach Inst., Ga._, 8. Des Moines, Plymouth, to const. P. H. METCALF, W. B. BENTLEY and J. M. GRAHAM, L. M's'S, 101.89. Dubuque, Summit, 8.38. Grinnell, 80.99. Grinnell, Miss M. N. Darnell, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 2. Magnolia, C., 4.65; S., 5. Manchester, Little Mary E. Nelson, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 40c. Marshalltown, Mrs. Kate B. Rogers, _for S. A., Skyland Inst., N. C._, 10. Riceville, Zaccheus Banks, 5. Rock Rapids, C. (10 of which from J. B. P. Thompson, _for Negro Work_), 31.28. Sioux City, C., 31.36; S., 2. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF IOWA, Miss Belle L. Bentley, Treas., $115.98: Council Bluff, 5. Decorah, 6.44. Des Moines, Plymouth, 4.35. Dubuque, First 5.50. Grinnell, 25.54. Hartwick, 5. Humboldt, 10. Independence, W.M.S., 10; C. E., 2.50; Grace Potwin's S. Class, 3; Maude Chapman's S. Class, 1; Mrs. Morse's S. Class, 2.25. McGregor, 9.20. Mason City, 6.20. Red Oak, 15. Sloan, 5. WISCONSIN, $88.78. Beloit, First, S., 5. Birnamwood, 3. Bristol and Paris, 18.05. Burlington, Jr. C. E., _for Athens, Ala._, 50c. Clintonville, 12.82. Delavan, Boys' S. Class, 5. Emerald Grove, 8.31. Johnstown, 1. Madison, Jr. C. E., _for Athens, Ala._, 50c.; Clothing, _for Athens, Ala._ Oak Centre, Mrs. S. B. Howard, _for Indian M._, 5. Roberts, First, 13. Trevor, Liberty, 3.60. West Salem, _for Alaska M._, 5. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF WISCONSIN, by Mrs. L. E. Smith, Treas., $8.00: Beloit, Jr. C. E., _for S. A., Trinity Sch., Athens, Ala._, 3. Viroqua, 5. MINNESOTA, $355.80. Alexander, C. E., 10. Beaver Creek, C. E., _for S. A., Skyland Inst., N. C._, 5. Hutchinson, 1. Lake City, First, 7.95. Litchfield, Mrs. De Costa, 7.50; Mrs. M. Weeks, 2.50; _for Meridian, Miss._ Minneapolis, Plymouth, (25 of which _for Fisk U._), 172.05; "The Sister Churches of Minneapolis," 77.30; Lowry Hill, C. E., _for S. A., Skyland Inst., N. C._, 10; Fifth Av., 10.57; T. H. Colwell, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 5. Princeton, 2. Red Wing, D. C. Hill, 10. Rochester, 19.06. Saint Anthony, Park, 12.51. Worthington, 3.36. MISSOURI, $9.45. Old Orchard, S., 1.45. Peirce City, First, 8. KANSAS, $31.60. Eureka, Miss Edith Nye, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 1. Manhattan, Wm. E. Castle, 30. Wabannsee, Mrs. S. St. John's S. Class, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 60c. NEBRASKA, $51.77. Albion, 12. Curtis, 4. Hastings, First, 8.77. Lincoln, First, 23.10. Manitou, First, 3.90. SOUTH DAKOTA, $4.65. Columbia, Jr. C. E., Sewing Material, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Keystone, First, 65c. Mission Hill, 4. WYOMING, $12.00. Cheyenne, First, 12. UTAH, $4.00 Salt Lake City, Phillips, C. E., Mildred Tibbals, Treas., 4. OKLAHOMA, $3.00. Alva, Middletown, 1. Auburn, 1. White Horse, 1. CALIFORNIA, $26.20. Niles, C., Ladies' Guild, 8. Pasadena, Y. L. M. S., _for S. A., Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 4.20. Saratoga, C., 11.60; S., 1.25; C. E., 1.15. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, $62.95. Washington, Mount Pleasant, 40.55; People's, 5; Miss Emily S. Cook, _for Fisk U._, 12; "A Friend," _for Storrs Sch., Atlanta, Ga._, 5.40. VIRGINIA, $75.00. ----, The Gloucester Educational Club, _for Gloucester Sch._, 75. KENTUCKY, $25.13. Burgonia, 4.40. Frankfort, 5. Travers City, 2.73. Williamsburg, R. D. Hill, _for Acad._, 13. TENNESSEE, $122.32. Big Creek Gap, Wm. Johnson, 20; "A Friend," 34.32; "A Friend," 17.50, _for Big Creek Gap._ Memphis, B. Johnson, _for Meridian, Miss._, 15; Le Moyne Literary Soc., _for Memphis, Tenn._, 5. Nashville, "A Friend," 10; Fisk U., C. E., 5; Rev. C. W. Dunn, 2.50. Shelby County, Teachers' Inst., _for Memphis, Tenn._, 13. NORTH CAROLINA, $8.71. Enfield, Jos. K. Brick Ag. Ind'l and Normal Sch., 2.71. Lowell, C. (5 of which _toward Share Jubilee Fund_), 6. SOUTH CAROLINA, $10.00. Charleston, Prof. M. A. Holmes, 10, and 2 bbls. apples, _for Charleston, S. C._ GEORGIA, $55.00. Atlanta, Pledges, by G. W. White, _for Storrs Sch._, 55. Marshallville, Books, from unknown source. McIntosh, Mrs. Fred W. Foster, _for House Furnishings, val._, 1.50. ALABAMA, $114.81. Joppa, S., _for Sch., Joppa, Ala._, 1.37. Marion, Lincoln Normal Sch., 108.44. Marion, South Lyons Miss. Soc., _for Lincoln Normal Sch._, 5. MISSISSIPPI, $7.00. Meridian, "Two Lincoln Graduates," 2. Moorhead, Miss Frannie A. Gardner, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 5. TEXAS, $25.00. San Antonio, Matthias Marty, 25. INCOME, $720.26. Avery Fund, _for African M._, 289.01. Graves Sch. Fund, _for Talladega C._, 125. Hastings Sch. Fund, _for Atlanta U._, 18.75. Le Moyne Fund, _for Memphis, Tenn._, 37.50. Howard Theo. Fund, _for Howard U._, 212.50. Tuthill King Endowment Fund, _for Berea C._, 37.50. TUITION, $3,648.47. Cappahosic, Va., 30.50; Lexington, Ky., 99.90; Williamsburg, Ky., 123.55; All Healing, N. C., 14; Beaufort, N. C., 13.88; Blowing Rock, N. C., 9.25; Chapel Hill, N. C., 6; Enfield, N. C., 19; Hillsboro, N. C., 21.80; Saluda, N. C., 24.66; Wilmington, N. C., 150.15; Whittier, N. C., 9.65; Charleston, S. C., 309.30; Greenwood, S. C., 58.63; Big Creek Gap, Tenn., Public Fund, 48.50. Big Creek Gap, Tenn., 33.63; Knoxville, Tenn., 51.80; Memphis, Tenn., 546.80; Nashville, 796.32; Albany, Ga., 138; Andersonville, Ga., 4.15; Atlanta, Ga., Storrs Sch., 266.50; Macon, Ga., 314.97; McIntosh Ga., 10.08; Savannah, Ga., 203.05; Thomasville, Ga., 63.95; Athens, Ala., 49; Florence, Ala., 16.75; Joppa, Ala., 19.10; Marion, Ala., 44.45; Selma, Ala., 69.65; Moorhead, Miss, 75 cts.; Austin, Tex., 80.75. SUMMARY FOR NOVEMBER, 1897. Donations $9,751.91 Estates 1,351.65 ---------- $11,103.56 Income 720.26 Tuition 3,648.47 ---------- Total for November $15,472.29 FOR THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. Subscriptions for November $13.90 Previously acknowledged 7.90 ------- Total $21.80 * * * * * RECEIPTS FOR DECEMBER, 1897. * * * * * THE DANIEL HAND FUND For the Education of Colored People. Income for December $2,000.00 Previously acknowledged 17,350.00 ---------- $19,350.00 ========== CURRENT RECEIPTS. MAINE, $462.42. Bangor, Central C., 53. Bar Mills, 6. Bingham, 10. Brewer, Manly Hardy, _for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 25; First, 8.75; First, S., 15. Brunswick, First, 43.01. Cape Elizabeth, Ligonia, 6. Cumberland Mills, Warren, 95.29; Warren C. E., 15. Fryeburg, First, 5. Groveville, 7. Hallowell, Miss Sylvinia Smith, Clothing, _for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss._ Kennebunkport, Second, 5. Litchfield Corners, Ladies' Society, Clothing and 2, _for Freight to Skyland Inst., N. C._ Mount Desert, W. Kittridge, 10. Patten, 5. Portland, Williston, 51.58; Saint Lawrence, 10. Richmond, 2.48. Scarboro, 20. Searsport, Ladies of C., Clothing, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Skowhegan, Island Av., 17.11. South Bridgton, 1.90. Thomaston, L. Aux. of C., Clothing, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Wells, Second, 8. Westbrook, Mrs. S. R. Adams, Clothing, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ MAINE WOMAN'S AID TO A. M. A., Mrs. Ida V. Woodbury, Treas., $40.30: Hallowell, 5. Fryeburg, 4. Woodfords, L. M. S., "Thank Offering," 10. _For Agnes R. Mitchell, Mem._ Litchfield Corners, 9.30. Scarboro, W. M. Aux., 10. Woodfords, "A Friend," 1; "Friends," 1. NEW HAMPSHIRE, $604.49.--of which from Estate, $16.72. Bennington, 5. Candia, 10. Concord, South, 22.81. Franklin, 13. Gilsum, 2. Greenland, 19.15. Haverhill, 13.45. Jaffrey, Monadnock Bees, Clothing, _for Storrs Sch., Ga._ Keene, First, S., 120; Mrs. H. I. Buckminster, Clothing, _for Enfield, N. C._ Lebanon, Mrs. Davis, _for Knoxville, Tenn._, 1.20. Lisbon, Mrs. A. Betsey Taft, "in memory of her Husband and Children," _for Share Jubilee Fund_, 50. Milford, First (5 of which _for Tougaloo U._) 65. Milton, 5. Nashua, Pilgrim, 54.36; Pilgrim, Jr. C. E. _for S. A., Fort Berthold, N. D._, 30; First, 35. Pelham, 40. Penacook, 8.15. Peterboro, Union, 7.50. Raymond, 12. Seabrook and North Hampton, C., "A Friend," 5; C., 3. Somersworth, 6. Tilton, First, 39.45. Walpole, Mrs. A. A. Gilson, Clothing, _for Enfield, N. C._ Wolfeboro, First, 4.20. NEW HAMPSHIRE F. C. INST. AND HOME MISSIONARY UNION, by Miss Annie A. McFarland, Treas., $16.50. Wilton, 6.50. Concord, South C. E., 10. ESTATE. Cornish, Estate of Sarah W. Westgate, by E. G. Kenyon, Ch. of Trustees, for Cong. Soc., Windsor, Vt., 16.72. VERMONT, $460.58--of which from Estate $50.00. Barre, 19.97. Barton Landing and Brownington, W. H. M. A., Clothing and Freight, 1.50, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Bellows Falls, First, 34.34. Brookfield, First, 5.50; Second, 11.60. Charlotte, L. M. S., _for Freight to Greenwood, S. C._, 2. Chelsea, 7.70. Dorset, 10.01. East Hardwick, W. A. S. _for Marshallville, Ga._, 3. Essex Junction, Opportunity C., _for Freight to McIntosh, Ga._, 2. Fairlee, "A Friend," 2. Hartford, "E. H.", 10; Mrs. Edward Morris, _for Knoxville, Tenn._, 2. Johnson, C., C. E., _for S. A., Straight U._, 20. Newport, W. M. S. of C., Clothing, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Norwich, 15. Rochester, 3.02. Saint Johnsbury, South, 27.26. Salisbury, Mrs. R. J. Barton, _for Burrell School, Selma, Ala._, 7.87. Sheldon, 8.41. South Hero and Grand Isle, 7. South Wardsboro, Rev. Geo. A. Furness and wife, 1. Springfield, Mrs. R. O. Forbush, deceased, to const. REV. WM. B. FORBUSH, HARRY O. FORBUSH and CHARLES H. FORBUSH, L. M's., 100. Stowe, C., to const. G. M. CULVER, L. M., 48.50; Ladies of C., Clothing, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Thetford, Thetford Academy, Miss Mary I. Ward, 2. Underhill, 5. Vergennes, 4. Weston, 5. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF VERMONT, by Mrs. Rebecca P. Fairbanks, Treas, $44.00: Barton, 10; Jr. C. E., 6. Barre, Jr. C. E., 5. Cambridge, 5. Castleton, 3.40. Derby, S., 3.50. Hardwick, East, Jr. C. E., 5. Jonesville, Primary S., 2. Saint Johnsbury, South, Jr. C. E., 5. ESTATE. Tyson, Estate of Mason Moore, by Mrs. Helen Bedortha Wright, 50. MASSACHUSETTS, $17,227.72--of which from Estates, $11,111.10. Amherst C. in Amherst College, 52.60; North, clothing, _for All Healing, N. C._ Andover, West C., ad'l, 28.53; Y. L. S. of Christian Workers, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 20; South, C. E., seven Bibles, _for Macon, Ga._ Ashland, Lillian M. Metcalf, 10 _for Mountain Work_, and 5 _for Alaska, M._, Auburndale, 202.64. Ayers Village, Miss Fannie Kimball, _for S. A. Fisk U._, 3. Beverly, Washington St., L. B. S., clothing, _for Saluda, N. C._ Billerica, Mrs. P. S. Lyler, 2; Ladies' Circle, clothing, _for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss._ Boston, Miss E. S. Fiske, 50; Mrs. Charlotte Fiske, 50; Misses Lydia Coy and Susan Stevens, 5; Mrs. L. H. Kendall and "Friends", 35; and clothing; Miss M. L. Thompson, clothing, books, etc. _for Marshallville, Ga._; Mrs. Harriett F. Wolcott, 50 _for Hospital, Ft. Yates, N. D._; "A Friend", 5; "A Friend", 5; Mrs. M. A. Jones, 1.50; Silver, Burdett & Co., books and charts, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._; L. B. S. of Tab. Bapt. C., clothing, _for Saluda, N. C._ South Boston, Phillips, 39.78. Brighton, Miss Keene's S. Class, _for Williamsburg Academy, Ky._, 5. Charleston, Miss E. H. Flint, Christmas Gifts, _for A. G. School Moorhead, Miss._; Dorchester Village C., 10.50. Roxbury, Highland, 13; Int. Dept. S., 12, West Roxbury, C. M. Band, _for Allen Sch. Thomasville, Ga._, 4. Braintree, First, 5.07. Brockton, Evangelical, 100; "A Friend", 5. Brookfield, 2.25. Brookline, Harvard, S., _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 25. Cambridge, Hope, _for Mountain Work_, 5.25. A Friend in Shepard Guild, 1. Cambridgeport, Pilgrim, 32.46; Y. L. M. C. of Pilgrim C., clothing, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Campello, South, 73.01. Centreville, South, 8.50. Chelsea, First, 27.28; First, "A Friend," _for Mountain Work_, 25. Chicopee, Third, S., 25. Danvers, Maple St. Primary S., _for Alaska M._, 10. Dunstable, C. E. of C., 5. Easthampton, Payson, S., _for Fort Berthold, N. D., Indian M._, 25; First, ad'l, 1. Easton, James Rankin, 5. Enfield, 43.20. Essex S., _for Tougaloo U._, 15; C., 9.61. Everett, S. R. S., 3. Fall River, Central, 303.44; C. E. of Central, _for Student Aid for Fisk U._, 25. Framingham, "A Friend," _for Indian Schp., Santee, Neb._, 17.50; Plymouth, 15; "A Friend," _for Oahe Indian Sch._, 5. Gardner, First, 41.96. Granby, C., (4.25 of which _toward Share Jubilee Fund_), 7.25. Greenfield, Second, 59.26. Greenwich, L. H. M. Soc., clothing, _for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss._ Groveland, 18. Hadley, First, 11.16. Hardwick "Friends in C.", 12. Hanover, Second, 2. Haverhill, West, C. E., 1.56. Hingham Center, Evan., 10. Holyoke, First, C. E., 5. First, Clothing, _for Straight U._ Hatfield, C. E. of C., _for S. A. Fisk U._, 6.70. Huntington, Second, 17.72. Ipswich, First, 25. Lenox, 25.25. Leominster, W. A. Whitten, Jr., _for Talladega C._, 7; Orthodox, 5. Lexington, Hancock, 92.82; S., _for S. children, Lexington, Ky., Christmas_, 5. Lowell, First Trin., 28.33; Solomon, Robstscheek, 2. Ludlow, "A Grateful Christian", 10. Lynn, Central, 30. Malden, Jr. C. E., _for Indian M., Fort Yates, N. D._, through W. H. M. A., 5. Manchester, First, S., 24.64. Mansfield, Ladies' M. S., 10. Maynard, Grace T. Chamberlain, 2. Methuen, First Parish, 14.15. Middleboro', 14.67. Middlefield, 3. Middleton, 2.08. Millbury, Second, 14.27. Millis, 5. Mill River, Frances H. Karner, 1. Mittineague, Southworth Co., case of paper, _for Tillotson Inst._, and case paper, _for Marion, Ala._ Montague, First, 18. Newburyport, Prospect St., 28.37; J. B. Goodrich, 10. Newburyport, Clothing, _for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss._; Belleville, Mission Bankers, clothing _for Saluda, N. C._ Newton, Miss Covington, magazines, etc. _for Marshallville, Ga._ Newton Highlands, Five Ladies in C., _for Schp. Fisk U._, 50. Newton Center, L. A. Soc., _for Freight to Williamsburg Academy, Ky._, 1.35. Northampton, Payson, to const. WILLIAM FREIDAY, MRS. ALBIN RISDEL and OSCAR WARD, L. M's, 108.83; Miss Mary E. Byrd, 10; "Friends", 1.50; Ladies of Edward's C., Clothing, Freight paid, _for McIntosh, Ga._ North Blandford, Second, 2. Northboro', by Miss A. A. Adams, Treas., 14.75; C., ad'l, 25 cts. North Brookfield, First, 19.62. Norwich, 5. Oakham, Mrs. M. T. F. Rugg, 15; Miss S. F. Fairbank, 5. Oxford, 45. Pepperell, 23.60. Phillipston, Mrs. Mary P. Estey in memory of her father, 5. Pittsfield, First, to const. FRANK A. ROBBINS, FRANK A. WHITTLESEY and WILLIAM C. STEVENSON, L. M's, 177.61; Mary E. Sears, 5. Plainfield, 7.79. Plympton, 2.45. Randolph, First, 46.53. Revere, First, 12.03. Rockland, Miss Josie Gray, _for Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 4. Salem, Crombie St., 88.37; Tabernacle, ad'l, 11; Tab., "A Friend," _for House, Chinese M._, 20; Miss Jennie H. Wilson, _for Central C., New Orleans, La._, 2. Saxonville, Edwards, 5.70. Sharon, 13.35. Sheffield, C. E., 5. Somerville, Winter Hill, 40; Howard Dawson "Teachers' Helps," _for Straight U._ South Amherst, South. 6.12. South Braintree, 16. South Dennis, Cong. C. E., 1.85. South Framingham, Girls' M. Soc., Clothing, Table Linen, etc., _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ South Sudbury, Memorial, 8.50. South Walpole, "P. O. Box," 2. South Weymouth, Mrs. Wm. Dyer, _for S. A. Jos. K. Brick, A. I. N. School, Enfield, N. C._, 25.25, and _for S. A. Fisk U._, 10; Old South, 10. Springfield, "A Friend," 400; South, 72.65; Memorial, 62.89. Topsfield, L. A. Soc., _for Williamsburg Acad., Ky._, 10. Ware, Miss Clark's S. Class, _for Indian Schp., Fort Berthold, N. D._, 2.60. Warren, C. E., _for S. A., Dorchester Acad._, 2; C., Clothing, Freight paid, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Webster, First, 29.82; Anna L. Perry, Clothing, _for Andersonville, Ga._ Wellesley Hills, 15. Weymouth Heights, First, 12.30. Westboro Y. L. B. Soc., by Mrs. John W. Brittain, _for "Share," Saluda, N. C._, 25. West Brookfield, 25.92. West Medford, 37. West Medway, Dorcas Soc. of C., _for Williamsburg Acad., Ky._, 7.20. West Newton, Second, 51.62. Whitinsville, C., 1,007.77; Estate of Wm. H. Whitin, 200, by Edward Whitin, Treas., Whitman, "A Friend," 2. Williamstown, First, 84.07; White Oaks C. of Christ, _for Indian M., Santee, Neb._, 8. Winchester, W. M. U., _for Marion, Ala._, 25; Winchester, 7.57. Worcester, Plymouth, 28.45; ----, "T. G.," 30. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION OF MASS. AND R. I., Miss Annie C. Bridgman, Treas., $1,080.00. W. H. M. A., _for Salaries_, $1,000. Boston, Old South, Aux., _for Tougaloo U._, 75. West Newbury, First, 5. ESTATES. Greenfield, Estate of Roswell W. Cook, 91.10. Groveland, Estate of Mrs. Laura A. Atwood, by Aphia T. Spofford, Executor, _for Indian Work_, 1,000. Lawrence, Estate of Maria T. Benson, by Miss Ada T. Brewster, 20. Wellesley Hills, Estate of Charles T. Wilder, by Alfred S. Hall and Herbert A. Wilder, Executors, 10,000. RHODE ISLAND, $318.70. Central Falls, Hon. E. L. Freeman, 100; C., 77.45. Chepachet, 30.20. Kingston, 60. Newport, E.D.W. Thayer, 20. Providence, North, C. E., 1.05. Seekonk and East Providence, Newman, to const. WILLIS D. CARTER, L. M., 30. CONNECTICUT, $8,171.52--of which from Estates, $5,972.16. Andover, 12. Ansonia, 20.01. Barkhamsted, First, 8.28. Bethlehem, 44.63. Black Rock, 20.18. Bridgeport, L. M. S., Clothing, _for Greenwood, N. C._ Bristol, "A Friend," _for S. A., Tougaloo, U._, 45; Mrs. D. H. Carrington, _for Big Creek Gap, Tenn._, 12. Broad Brook, 4.47. Canterbury, First, 11.65. Clinton, 31.88; Primary, S., _for New Building, Grandview, Tenn._, 2.60. Cornwall Hollow, C. E., _for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 3; J. Sedgewick, _for Marion, Ala._, 5. Danielsonville, Westfield, 37.52. Deep River, 17.76. Derby, First, 16.24. East Canaan, 2.66. Enfield, First, S., _for S. A. Tougaloo U._ 50. Fairfield, S., _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 25. Falls Village, 2.37. Griswold, First, 9.82. Groton, 16.50. Guilford, First, to const. FRANK E. BRISTOL, L. M., 30 and _for Troy, N. C._, 15. Haddam, First, 17. Hadlyme, R. E. Hungerford, 25; J. W. Hungerford, 25; C., 5.64. Hartford, Park, 70.85; Windsor Av., 66.84; Pearl St., 58.42; D. R. Howe, _for S. A. Tougaloo U._, 50; Wethersfield Av., 2. Kensington, S., _for S. A. Tougaloo U._, 35; Miss Francis Robbins, _for Tougaloo U._, 5. Middletown, South, 43.34; First, 32.57; Mrs. N. E. Sears' S. Class, _for A. G. School, Morehead, Miss._, Clothing. Morris, 10. Mt. Carmel, 6.66, of which _for Indian M._, 31.17. Mystic, 16.46. Naugatuck, Bronson B. Tuttle, 100. New Britain, South, S., 24.88. New Canaan, 34.80; W. H. M. S. of C., _for Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 26. New Haven, Humphrey St., 30.30; Howard Av., 23.82; "A Friend," _for S. A. Tougaloo U._, 5. Newington, S., _for S. A. Tougaloo U._, 54.75. New London, First Ch. of Christ, 39.03. North Greenwich, 10.31. Norwalk, First, to const. MISS MARY E. SHEPHERD, L. M., 36.80. Norwich, The Loving Service Mission Circle, Clothing, _for A. G. School, Moorhead_, Miss. Old Saybrook, 15.75. Plymouth, 8. Putnam, Second, 34.75. Salisbury, C. E. Tea, _for Mountain Work_, 17. Sound Beach, Pilgrim, 12.60. South Canaan, 3.85. South Glastonbury, C. and S., 7.27. South Norwalk, 161.33; S., 30. Stratford, 20.21. Suffield, First, 19.87; "Helping Ten, Kings Daughters," Clothing, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Talcottville, 80; C. E., _for S. A. Tougaloo U._, 5; S., _for S. A. Tougaloo U._, 5. Terryville, ad'l, 8. Torrington, First, 10. Washington, First, _for Tougaloo U._, 18.60. Waterbury, Second, 47. Waterbury, Second, Infant Class, S., 15, _for Indian Sch., Fort Berthold, N. Dak._; 15 _for Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga._ Watertown, 32.18; S. Class, by Mrs. R. Pegrum, _for Indian M._, 2.22. Westbrook, 25.63; C. E., 2. Westchester, 15.89. Westford, 2. West Hartford, First Ch. of Christ, 5.36; Henry C. Butler, _for Indian M._, 5. West Haven, First, 18.68. Winchester, C., _for Tougaloo U._, 1.62. Windsor, Miss Olivia Pierson, _for S. A., Tougaloo U._, 75; First, S., _for Mountain Work_, 3. Woodstock, 8.50. WOMAN'S CONG. HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF CONN., Mrs. W. W. Jacobs, Treas., $142.50: Canton Centre, 10. East Haven, 12.50. Fairfield, A. C. Boys, _for S. A., Fort Berthold, N. D._, 5. Kensington, Mr. & Mrs. S. A. Hart, 5. Pomfret Centre, 42. Wallingford, 50. Wauregan, 8. Willimantic, 10. ESTATES. Cornwall, Estate of Silas C. Beers, 1,192.16. Ellington, Estate of Harriet H. Talcott, by John G. Talcott, Admr., 2,780. Winchester, Estate of Miss Eliza A. Fay, by John E. Clarke, Ph.D., Executor, 2,000. NEW YORK, $3,173.82. Albany, First, 9.20. Big Hollow, Nelson Hitchcock, 5. Brooklyn, Tompkins Av., 1,000; South, 82.66; Clinton Av., "M.", 80; Lewis Av., 78; Church of the Pilgrims, S., 25; Miss Lydia Benedict, _for S. A. Tougaloo U._, 20; Bushwick Av., 16.15; New England, C. E., 10; Lewis Av., Mrs. M. C. Barden, 1; Y. L. Guild, Clinton Av. Ch. Table Linen, _for Lexington, Ky._ Buffalo, First, 120; Myrtie A. Hoag, to const. MISS PAULINE FROST, L. M., 30; Niagara Sq., Peoples, 2.46. Canandaigua, First (of which 37.11 from S. and 10.84 from C., _for Santee, Neb., Indian Sch._), 58.87; Bbl. Canned Fruit, _for All Healing, N. C._ Cortlandt, Ladies' and S. Class, Clothing _for All Healing, N. C._ Jamestown, Keeler Bros., pint Cough Syrup, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Jefferson, Mrs. C. Nichols, 4.50. Le Roy, Mrs. Margaret McEwen, 5; Miss D. A. Phillips, 5. Massena Centre, Mrs. C. E. R. Sutton, 5. Middle Island, Mrs. Hannah M. Overton, 10. Mount Vernon, First, 5.66; S., 3.32. Munnsville, 3.30. Napoli, S., 3.32. New York, Broadway Tabernacle, 1,056.16; James Stillman, _for Tougaloo U._, 100; Mrs. M. M. Williams, 2; "A Friend," _for Storrs' Sch., Ga._, 2; Amer. Bible Soc., Grant of Scriptures, val. 150. Owego, First, 10; Poughkeepsie Ladies of C., Bedding and Table Linen, _for All Healing, N. C._ Rennselaer Falls, 5.78. Richford, L. M. Soc., _for freight to Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 1.45. Saratoga Spa, New England, 24.32. Schroon Lake, First, 2.50. Syracuse, Danforth, to const. MRS. HERBERT A. MANCHESTER, L. M., 30. Tioga, Miss. Soc. Bedding, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Watertown, Christinas Bbl., _for All Healing, N. C._ Westmoreland, First, 6; S., 2. West Winfield, 16.07. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF N. Y., by Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, Treas., $332.10: Brooklyn, Lewis Av., 69. C. E., to const. C. A. BARWISE, L. M., 30. Lee Av., 15, East Bloomfield, 24.10. Fairport, 6. Greene, 20. Homer, 18. Honeoye, 12. New York Broadway Tab., S. W. W., 61. Oswego, 30. Utica, Plymouth, 10; C. E., 5; Jr. C. E., 5. Walton, 27. NEW JERSEY, $155.00. Montclair, L. M. S., 1. Newark, First, 21. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF N. J. Assn., by Mrs. J. H. Denison, Treas., $133.00: Montclair, First, C. E. _Special for Tougaloo_, 33. Washington, D. C., First, 100. PENNSYLVANIA, $336.75. Delta, Welsh, S. 5. Philadelphia, Central, 107.25; Snyder Av., 8.50; Mrs. L. M. B. Mitchell, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._, 5; W. L. Underwood, _for Gloucester Sch., Va._, 1; Pittsburg, "Cash," 200; Scranton, Fred K. Tracy, 5. South Bethlehem, Chas. E. Webster, 5. OHIO, $445.09--of which from Estate, $100.00. Bellevue, Jr. C. E., _for Knoxville, Tenn._, 2; Brecksville, First, 10.20; C. E. of C., Clothing _for McIntosh, Ga._ Castalia, First, 7; Cleveland, First, 78.12; By Mary A. Cady, _for Indian School, Santee, Neb._, 36; Hough Av., 25.30; Pilgrim, Jr. C. E., _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 4; D. O. Summers, nine Rugs, _for Saluda, N. C._; Euclid Ave. L. M. Soc., Clothing _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Dover, Mr. & Mrs. R. Hall, 5; Hudson C., bal. to const. MISS M. L. CARTWRIGHT, L. M., 6; Jefferson, 5.50. Lexington, C. E., 3; Madison, "A Friend," 2. Marblehead, 3. Mount Vernon, by Rev. W. J. Turner, 15. Newton Falls, 6. North Kingsville, Mrs. S. C. Kellogg, 5. Oberlin, Second, 38.36; First, C. E., _for S. A. Skyland Inst., N. C._, 10; Miss Rudd, _for S. A. Skyland Inst., N. C._, 10; Miss L. C. Wattles, _for S. A. Fisk U._, 5. Olmsted, Second, 4.14. Portsmouth, First, 1.50. Radnor, Edward D. Jones, 5. Richfield, L. M. Soc. of C., _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 5; Bath Branch, 3.41. Ruggles, C. (5.50 of which _for Indian M._), 21.16. Steubenville, First, 11. Sullivan, 3.65. Vermillion, 2.75. Wellington, Edward West, 10. Wooster, Miss Alice McGinnis, _for Marion, Ala._, 1. ESTATE. Tallmadge, Estate of Daniel Hine, by George M. Wright, Trustee, $100. ILLINOIS, $616.00. Abingdon, 11; Atkinson, 4.28. Belvidere, Mrs. Mary C. Foote, 5. Bowmanville, 12.93. Chicago, New England, 39.79; First, 36.98; Brainerd, 7.51; Plymouth, Jr. C. E., _for Tougaloo U._, 5; Waveland Av., 4.52; Christ Ch., German, 2; Jas. S. Kirk & Co., box Laundry Soap, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Creston, 7.67. Illini, 14.65. Joy Prairie, S., 8.71. Kewanee, 48.60. La Grange, 5. Lombard, First, 7. Mazon, 6.10. Millburn, Alice Dodge and Vera Noden, _for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss._, 2.04. Morgan Park, L. M. S., 5. Morrison, Miss Ellen S. Brown, 1. Naperville, Cong. Ch., 22.75 and S., 10, to const. REV. H. V. TULL, L. M.; "Friends," _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 20. Oak Park, Second, Jr. C. E. 6.; K. D., "Thoughtful Ten," _for S. A., Skyland Inst., N. C._, 5; Second, 1.64. Oneida, S. and C. E., 30.25; C. E., _for S. A. Williamsburg, Ky._, 5; Peoria, Rev. A. A. Stevens, 5; Plainfield, Jr. C. E., _for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss._, 3. Rockford, First, 55.29; W. F. & John Barnes Co., Lot of Tools, _for Ind'l Shop, Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Toulon, C. E., 20; Wheaton, First, S., 2; Winnetka, 25.30. Woodstock, 12.32. Cash, 1. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF ILLINOIS, Mrs. L. A. Field, Treas., $156.67: Amboy, 9.20; Atkinson, 10. Aurora, New Eng. C. E., 5; Chicago, Union Park, 15; New Eng., 12.25; Covenant, 4.15. Jacksonville, 5. Lake Forest, Mrs. C. E. Latimer, 5. McLean, 5. Oak Park, First, 22. Peoria, First, 2. Peru, 10. Port Byron, 6.57. Rockford, Second, 19.50; First, 14.50. Victoria, 6.50. Thawville, 5. MICHIGAN, $472.80--of which from Estate, $250.00. Alamo, Julius Hackley, 40; C., H. & F. M. S., 50 cts.; Agricultural College, Prof. R. C. Kedzie, 10. Belding, 5.14. Clinton, C. E. of C., 12.50. Charlotte, First, 5. Dexter, Dennis Warner, 10. Detroit, C. E. of First, _for Half Schp. Pleasant Hill Acad._, 25; L. M. S. of First, Clothing, _for Greenwood, S. C._ Grand Rapids, Plymouth, 3.80. Greenville, First, 25.77. Greenville, Miss F. H. Spooner, 1; Aged Lady, 1. _for Indian M., Fort Yates, N. D._, 2. Lake Linden, C., 15. Lansing, Pilgrim, 3.20. Manistee, First, 10. Muskegon, Y. L. C., _for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss._, 5. Perry, Jr. C. E., 1. Port Huron, First, 9.05. Tecumseh, James Vincent, 10. White Lake, Robert Garner, 5. Wyandotte, 8.86. Ypsilanti, C. E., _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 5. "A Friend," _for Storrs Sch., Ga._, 3. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF MICH., by Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas., $7.98: Cheboygan, S., _for S. A. Trinity Sch., Athens, Ala._, 3.48; Grape, 50 cts.; South Haven, 4. ESTATE. Ann Arbor, Estate of Dr. C. L. Ford, by Bryant Walker, Adm'r, 250. IOWA, $400.51--of which from Estate $20.00. Algona, King's Daughters, _for S. A. Fisk U._, 7. Ames, C., 20.91. Atlantic, 54.54. Baxter, 2.49. Cedar Rapids, First, _for Tougaloo U._, 17.35; L. H. M. S., Housekeeping Supplies, _for Tillotson Inst._ Cherokee, 17.93. Chester Center, J. W. Fisher, 50 cts. Decorah, E. J. Riley and S. Class, _for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss._, 5. Dubuque, First, 2. Grand View Good Behavior Soc., _for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss._, 1. Grinnell, S., 16.46; Rev. and Mrs. Horace H. Robbins, _for S. A. Fisk U._, 15; "Friends," Clothing, _for All Healing, N. C._ Harmony, 1.60. Ionia, C. E., _for Meridian, Miss._, 5. Little Rock, Hattie B. Reis, _for Indian M., Fort Yates, N. D._, 1. McGregor, 96.74;. Mrs. E. P. Daniels, _for Tougaloo U._, 5; W. M. U. of C., Clothing, etc., _for Straight U._ Monson, 12.44. Newell, 7.46; Sen. C. E., 2; C. E., 1. New York, Nell C. Burton, _for Indian M., Fort Yates, N. D._, 5. Ottumwa, C. E., Clothing, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Sloan, _for Debt_, 10. Spencer, C. E., 15. Tabor, 27.91. Webster City, First, L. M. S., 12.05. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF IOWA, Miss Belle L. Bentley. Treas., $18.13: Cedar Falls, C. E., 5. Clay, 3. Grinnell, 10.13. ESTATE. Prairie City, Estate of Clarence P. Emery, by J. H. Merrill, Trustee, _for Beach Inst., Savannah, Ga._, 20. WISCONSIN, $677.40. Baraboo, First, 10. Beloit, First, ad'l, 4. Cashton, Rev. L. B. Nobis, 10. Clinton, 1. Evansville, 23.30. Fulton, 6. Menasha, E. D., Smith, 500. Menasha C., 30. Rochester, Harold and Harry Kilpatrick, _for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss._, 30 cts. Sturgeon Bay, Hope, 26.45. Wauwatosa, 56.35. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF WISCONSIN, by Mrs. L. E. Smith, Treas., $10.00: Brandon, 10. MINNESOTA, 269.16. Brainerd, First, 1.59. Campbell, Rev. R. F. Paxton and wife, 5. Detroit, 1.05. Elk River, Union, 8.30. Hawley, Union, 5.61. Mankato, 2. Marshall, 44 cts. Minneapolis, First, 49.58; Park Av., 33.20; Como Av., _for Crow Indian M._, 17.24; W. H. Norris, 15; Pilgrim, 14.18; T. H. Colwell, _for S. A. Fisk U._, 10; Lyndale, 6.25. New Ulm, _for Debt_, 8.74. Northfield, 15.70. Raynesville, 2.25. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF MINNESOTA, by Mrs. M. W. Skinner, Treas., $73.03: Minneapolis, Plymouth, to const. MRS. A. H. YOUNG, L. M., 30. Lyndale, 8.62; First, 3.75; Fifth Av., S., 2.86; C. M. Union, _for Chinese Mission House_, 10. Owatonna, Cash, 12. Rochester, 1.30. St. Paul, Park, 4.50. MISSOURI, $138.01. Brookfield, C., _for S. A., Meridian, Miss._, 6.50. Neosho, First, 4.56; C. E. of First, 2. Republic, "Margie and Annie," _for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss._, 50 cts. St. Louis, Compton Hill, to const. G. DOUGLASS BRADLEY, L. M., 56.50; First, S., _for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 25; Fountain Park, 9.95. Sedalia, First, 33. KANSAS, $94.66. Alton, 2.30. Burlingame, Mrs. M. S. Leonard, _for Debt_, 50 cts. Centralia, Mrs. Thoms' S. Class, _for Meridian, Miss._, 4. Council Grove, 15.42. Lawrence, Miss Sarah Holovy, Toys and Clothing, _for Lexington, Ky._ Leavenworth, First, 30. Louisville, 70 cts. Seneca, First, 4.15. Wakefield, 10.15. KANSAS HOME MISSIONARY UNION, by Mrs. F. A. Wilkinson, Treas., $27.44. NEBRASKA, $60.95. Arborville, 3.30. Blair, 4.10. Fremont, C. E. of C., 5. Indianola, First, 10.12. Leigh, 4.37. Virginia, "A Friend," 20. Waverly, 7.75. Weeping Water, W. D. Ambler, 6.31. NORTH DAKOTA, $9.00. Wogansport, Mrs. J. Cooper, 8; Miss M. O. Osgood, 1; _for Marion, Ala._ SOUTH DAKOTA, $60.49. Carthage, 11.35. Heckling, 1.50. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF SOUTH DAKOTA, by Mrs. Adda M. Wilcox, Treas., $47.64: Academy, Jr. C. E., 1. Columbia, 3; Jr. C. E., 4. Buffalo Gap, 1.45. De Smet, 3. Deadwood, 3. Clark, 1.50. Lead, 2.50. Mitchell, 2.25. Oahe, M. B., 1. Pierre, 2.25. Redfield, 2.19. Rosebud, 75 cts. Rapid City, 2.50. Redfield, 5. Vermillion, 2.25; C. E., 5. Wakonda, 2. Yankton, 3. COLORADO, $40.86. Colorado Springs, Second, 10.86. Denver, First, C. E., 5. Idaho Springs, "P. O. Box. 46," 10. Pueblo, First, 5. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF COLORADO, by Mrs. Belle C. Valentine, Treas., $10.00: Highlandlake, 2.55. W. H. M. U. of Colo., 7.45. MONTANA, $2.50. Great Falls, First, 2.50. ARIZONA, $1.00. Nogales, Trinity, Jr. C. E., 1. CALIFORNIA, $1,263.26. Messina, Highland C. of Christ, 3.40. Pacific Grove, Mayflower, 2. Pasadena, Y. W. M. S., _for Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 8.80. Redlands, First, 62.23. San Francisco, Receipts of the California Chinese Mission (see items below), 1,168.83. Tehama, Rev. Lauren M. Foster, 18. WASHINGTON, $20.00. Ritzville, First German Ch., 10; German Zions, 10. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, $4.00. Washington, First, 4. VIRGINIA, $10.00. Hampton, The Fannie Coppin League, by Mrs. Geo. Davis, _for Gloucester Sch., Va._, 5. Sign Pine, Miss S. A. Robinson, _for Gloucester Sch., Va._, 3. Williamsburg, Miss M. Cary, _for Gloucester Sch., Va._, 2. KENTUCKY. Williamsburg, Mrs. J. C. Bateham, cabinet curios, desk, set furniture, buggy and harness, easy chair, set commentaries, val., 280. NORTH CAROLINA, $71.97. Blowing Rock, Skyland Inst. S., _for Alaska M._, 2.41. Enfield, Jos. K. Brick, A. I. and N. Sch., 96 cts. High Point, C., _toward Share Jubilee Fund_, 1.10. ----, "Friends," _for Skyland Inst., N. C._, 2. NORTH CAROLINA CONG'L ASSOCIATION, by Rev. A. W. Curtis, Treas., _toward 2 Shares Jubilee Fund_, $65.50: Cedar Cliff, 2.50. Greensboro, 2. Hawood, 10. Melville, 6. Oaks, 5. Dudley, 5. Kings Mountain, 5. McLeansville, First, 5; Second, 5. Raleigh, 5. Wilmington, Christ C., 15. SOUTH CAROLINA, 60 cts. Charleston, Mattie M. Marsh, _for Freight on Bbl. Potatoes_, 66 cts. TENNESSEE, $56.00. Big Creek Gap, Mrs. J. Olinger, 15; "A Friend," 10, _for Big Creek Gap, Tenn._, 25. Deer Lodge, Rev. Geo. Lusty, 5. Knoxville, Rev. and Mrs. R. D. Jennings, Special Thank Offering, 5. Memphis, D. F. A. Chase, _for Debt_, 10; Mrs. M. M. Somers, _for S. A. Fisk U._, 5; Mrs. J. P. Moore, _for Gloucester Sch., Va._, 1. GEORGIA, $5.25. Macon, Miss Annie Thompson, _for Macon, Ga._, 2.25. McIntosh, Mrs. Mary W. Foster, _for S. A. Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 2. Marshallville, Miss Nettie Crump, 3 Hanging Lamps, _for Marshallville._ Woodville, Rev. J. H. H. Sengstacke, 1. ALABAMA, $2.57. Joppa, S., 1.57; Selma, Mrs. Burnell, _for Burnell Sch._, 1. FLORIDA, $9.00. Avon Park, C. and C. E., 5. Sanford, Mrs. Sarah R. Walker, _for Fisk U._, 4. LOUISIANA, $5.35. Hammond, 5.35. TEXAS, $2.00. Paris, First, 2. HAWAII ISLAND, $200.00. Kohala, Rev. E. Bond, deceased, by Trustees, 200. INCOME, $2,830.00. Avery Fund, _for African M._, 1,042.50; E. A. Brown Schp. Fund, _for Talladega C._, 15.75; Howard Carter Theo. Endowment Fund, 6.25; De Forest Fund, _for President's Chair, Talladega C._, 370.62; Gen'l C. B. Fisk Fund, _for Fisk U._, 11.25; Rev. B. Foltz Endowment Fund, 6.25; Graves Library Fund, _for Atlanta U._, 112.50; Haley Schp. Fund, _for Fisk U._, 47.50; Hammond Fund, _for New Orleans, La._, 93.75; Hasting Schp. Fund, _for Atlanta U._, 6.25; Howard Theo. Fund, _for Howard U._, 625.63; Le Moyne Fund, _for Memphis, Tenn._, 137.50; Lincoln Schp. Fund, _for Talladega C._, 22.50; Luke Memorial Fund, _for Talladega C._, 10; Rice Memorial Schp. Fund, _for Talladega C._, 5.63; Schp. Fund, _for Fisk U._, 1.12; Stone Schp. Fund, _for Talladega C._, 25; Straight U. Schp. Fund, 60; Tuthil King Fund, _for Atlanta U._, 95; Tuthil King Fund, _for Berea C._, 87.50; S. Wadhams Theo. Fund, _for Talladega C._, 22.50; J. & L. H. Wood Fund, _for Schp., Talladega, Ala._, 25. TUITION, $3,714.32. Cappahosic, Va., 19.25; Lexington, Ky., 94.85; Williamsburg, Ky., 86.45; All Healing, N. C., 32.25; Beaufort, N. C., 21.75; Blowing Rock, N. C., 18.01; Chapel Hill, N. C., 5.50; Enfield, N. C., 29.25; Hillsboro', N. C., 21.10; Saluda, N. C., 30.61; Whittier, N. C., 10.45; Charleston, S. C., 359.30; Greenwood, S. C., 116.07; Big Creek Gap, Tenn., 30.77; Knoxville, Tenn., 51.55; Memphis, Tenn., 474.84; Nashville, Tenn., 473.26; Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 201.30; Albany, Ga., 140.25; Andersonville, Ga., 13.45; Atlanta, Ga., Storrs Sch., 257.10; Macon, Ga., 314.52: Marshallville, Ga., 1.50; McIntosh, Ga., 79.94; Savannah, Ga., 182.62; Thomasville, Ga., 68.25; Florence, Ala., 17.25; Joppa, Ala., 26.72; Marion, Ala., 74.59; Selma, Ala., 54.95; Orange Park, Fla., 93.37; New Orleans, La., 61; Meridian, Miss., 65; Moorhead, Miss., 9.65; Tougaloo, Miss., 84.50; Austin, Tex., 93.10. SUMMARY FOR DECEMBER, 1897. Donations $17,977.54 Estates 17,871.95 ---------- $35,849.49 Income 2,830.00 Tuition 3,714.32 ---------- Total for December $42,393.81 FOR THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. Subscriptions for December $53.60 Previously acknowledged 21.80 ------- Total $75.40 RECEIPTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CHINESE MISSION, William Johnstone, Treas., $1,168.83. For expenses of fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 1897, $429.97--of which from Estate, $351.97. FROM LOCAL MISSIONS: Los Angeles, Ann'y Pledges, 7; Marysville, Ann'y Pledges, 17.50; Riverside, Ann'y Pledges, 2.50; Sacramento, Ann'y Pledges, 4; Santa Barbara, Ann'y Pledges, 2.50; Ventura, Ann'y Pledges, 3; Vernondale, Ann'y Pledges, $1.00. EASTERN FRIENDS: Marlboro, Mass., Chinese, S. Teachers and Pupils, 40.50. ESTATE: Oakland, Cal., Estate of Mrs. H. G. Noyes, 351.97. From Aug. 30 to Oct. 21, 1897, on expenses of the last fiscal year, $602.60. LOCAL MISSIONS: Fresno, Chinese M. O., 4.20; Ann'y Pledges, 29.50. Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 4.45; Ann'y Pledges, 15.50. Oakland, Chinese M. O., 6; Ann. M., 2; First Ch., 126. Oroville, Ann'y Pledges, 18. Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 1.50; Ann'y Pledges, 13. Riverside, Chinese M., 5.85; First, C. E., 10.95. Sacramento, Chinese M., 11.45; Ann'y Pledges, 33. San Bernardino, Chinese M., 2.50; Ann'y Pledges, 13.50. San Diego, Chinese M., 7.75; Ann'y Pledges, 16. San Francisco, Central, Chinese M., 6.05; Annual Members, 4; Bethany Ch., A. T. Ruthromff, 3; "W. C. P.", 8. Santa Barbara, Chinese M., 5.95; Annual M. fees, 10. Santa Cruz, Chinese Mission, M., 6; Annual M's, 22.50; Japanese Mission, Annual M's, 22; Mrs. Kate V. Hall, 13.50. Ventura, Chinese M., 3.50; Ann'y Pledges, 16.50. Vernondale, Chinese M., 1; Ann'y Pledges, 3.50. Watsonville, Chinese M., 3.20; Ann'y Pledges, 19.75. PERSONAL GIFTS: Mrs. Delia S. Brownsill, 20; Mrs. James Shinn, 5; San Francisco, Central Sch., Annual M's Fees, 2. FOR CHINESE WOMEN AND GIRLS: Albany, N. Y., Friends of Chinese, by Miss J. McNaughton, 6. California, Woman's Home Miss'y Union, 100. Boston, Mass., "Friend," through W. H. M. A., 5. FROM OCT. 22 TO NOV. 19, 1897, $68.40. FROM LOCAL MISSIONS: Fresno, Chinese, M. O., 3.60. Los Angeles, Chinese, M. O., 2. Marysville, Chinese M. O., 7.15. Oakland, Chinese M. O., 6. Oroville, Chinese, M. O., 2. Petaluma, Chinese, M. O., 2.50. Riverside, Chinese, M. O., 6.95. Sacramento, Chinese M. O., 5. San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 2. San Diego, Chinese M. O., 3.10. San Francisco, Central, Chinese M. O., 5.35; Miss Caughey, Chinese, M. O., 1; West, Chinese M. O., 3. Santa Barbara, Chinese, M. O., 4.65. Santa Cruz, Chinese M. O., 6.25. Ventura, Chinese M. O., 1.50. Vernondale, Chinese M. O., 1.95. Watsonville, Chinese M. O., 4.40. From Sept. 1 to Oct. 22, 1897, for the fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 1898, $67.86. FROM LOCAL MISSIONS: Fresno, Chinese, 2.25. Los Angeles, Chinese, 4.10. Marysville, Chinese, 12.40. Oakland, Chinese, 6. Oroville, Chinese, 2.25. Petaluma, Chinese, 1.75. Riverside, Chinese, 4.15. Sacramento, Chinese, 4.50. San Bernardino, Chinese, 1.50. San Diego, Chinese, 4.86. San Francisco, Central, Chinese, 4.30; West, Chinese, 2.05. Santa Barbara, Chinese, 5.30. Santa Cruz, Chinese, 5.70. Ventura, Chinese, 75 cts. FROM WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF SOUTHERN CAL.: North Pasadena, W. H. M. S., 4. PERSONAL GIFT: Miss Sara Caughey, 2. H.W. HUBBARD, Treas., Bible House, N. Y. * * * * * RECEIPTS FOR JANUARY, 1898. THE DANIEL HAND FUND For the Education of Colored People. Income for January $9,945.00 Previously acknowledged 19,350.00 ---------- $29,295.00 ========== CURRENT RECEIPTS. MAINE, $981.65--of which from Estate, $200.00. Bangor, Hammond St., 100; First, 75; Central, 5. Bar Mills, Mrs. Andrew Berry, 1. Biddeford, Ladies of C., Clothing, _for Andersonville, Ga._ Bingham, 5. Brewer, Jr. C. E., Box Christmas Goods, freight paid, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Cornish, 8.50. Cumberland Center, "Friends," Tools and 12, _for Industrial Shop, Dorchester Acad., Ga._; Mrs. Sleeper's S. Class, _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 1.10; "Busy Hands," Clothing and 1 _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga._; Ladies of C., Clothing, _for Dorchester Acad._ Eastport, Mrs. Bibber's S. Class, _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 1.25. Falmouth, Second, to const., MRS. GRACE W. LUNT, L. M., 31. Farmington, Miss C. N. Bishop, 2. Houlton, Mrs. Carrie A. Burpee, Papers; "A Friend," Cards, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Lewiston, Pine St., W. Aux., _for Marion, Ala._, 25. Limerick, 3.08. Machias, Centre St., S., 5.80; Emily G. Bradbury, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._, 1. New Gloucester, C., to const., REV. HERBERT G. MANK and MRS. GEORGIANA W. MANK, L. M's, 60. Orland, Misses H. T. and S. E. Buck, 20; C. E., 1. Orland, Mrs. H. T. Buck and Friends, Clothing, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Portland. High St., 117.94; High St., "A Friend," 100; State St., 100; Miss Lizzie Weymouth, for S. A., Wilmington, N. C., 8; St. Lawrence St., Infant dept., S., _for S. A., Wilmington, N. C._, 8; High St., Clothing, _for Andersonville, Ga._; St. Lawrence St., Clothing, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Rockland, Y. P. A., _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 13. Saco, First Parish, 11.13. Sandy Point, C. E., Clothing and freight, 1.86, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Skowhegan, Clothing, _for Andersonville, Ga._ South Berwick, Mrs. E. Hodgdon, _for Freight to Troy, N. C._, 1.18. Thomaston, Ladies of C., Clothing and Freight 1.06, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ West Cornville, Addie Bicknell, 50 cts. ----, "A Friend in Maine," 40. MAINE WOMAN'S AID to A. M. A., Mrs. Ida V. Woodbury, Treas., $20.25: Cumberland Center, 18.25. Woolwich, _for A. R. Mitchell Memorial_, 2. ESTATE. Bath, Estate of Harriet N. Haley, by Rev. O. W. Folsom, 200. NEW HAMPSHIRE, $688.46.--of which from Estate, $400.00. Amherst, Mrs. E. Aken, _for Gloucester School, Va._, 7; C. E., 5; Geo. H. Bosworth, 5. Atkinson, 11.66; _for S. A., Fisk U._, 5.35. Chester, 15. Concord, Granite M. Band, 10 and Clothing, _for S. A., Wilmington, N. C._; "A Friend," 5; Y. L. M. Soc., Christmas Box, _for King's Mountain, N. C._; Jr. C. E. Soc., in memory of Agnes R. Mitchell, Clothing, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Dunbarton, 15. East Jaffrey, C. E., 14.25. Francestown, M. C. Willard, 50 cts. Franklin, Y. L. M. Band, _for S. A., Wilmington, N. C._, 8. Greenville, 10; S., 5. Hanover, Mrs. S. J. Kellogg, 10; Mrs. Susan Kellogg, _for Knoxville, Tenn._, 5. Jaffrey, Monadnock Bees, 10, Lilies of the Field, 5, _for Storrs Sch._ Keene, Second, Mrs. DeBevoise's S. Class, _for McIntosh, Ga._, 15; Second, S., 10; First, Clothing, _for Greenwood, S. C._ Laconia, Miss L. H. Mead, Box Cards, _for Saluda, N. C._ Lebanon, Ladies' Soc., Clothing, val. 20, _for Knoxville, Tenn._ Meriden, 5.40. Nashua, First, C. E., 10; King's Daughters, 10 and Clothing, _for Greenwood, S. C._ Newfield, Ladies of C., Clothing, _for Wilmington, N. C._ North Sutton, Martha A. Shepard, 1. New Ipswich, 1.24. Pembroke, S., 12.84. Rochester, First, S., 20.22. Salem, 3. Somersworth, Mrs. M. M. Walker, 2. Webster, House Supplies, _for Greenwood, S. C._ ----, Isaiah Wheeler, 25. NEW HAMPSHIRE FEMALE CENT INST. AND HOME MISSIONARY UNION, by Miss Annie A. McFarland, Treas., $26.00: Concord, South, S. Class, 21. Keene, Second, Prim. S., 5. ESTATE. Meredith, Estate, Mrs. Lovey A. Lang, by J. F. Beede, Executor, 400. VERMONT, $559.89. Ascutneyville, Ladies' Soc., Clothing, val. 6, _for Knoxville, Tenn._ Barnett, 41.36. Barton, Mrs. O. D. Owen, Clothing, _for Marshallville, Ga._ Bennington, Second, 28.55; Ladies of C., Clothing, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Brattleboro, L. B. Soc., Clothing, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Brookfield, Clothing, by Miss Mary M. Woodward, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Burlington, College St., 93.49; Mrs. C. W. Thompson, 5; S. S. Tinkham, 5. Cambridge, W. H. M. S., Clothing, and 1 for freight, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Charlotte, Ladies, Clothing, _for Greenwood, S. C._ Chelsea, Ladies of C., Clothing, Maple Sugar, Household Goods, etc., _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Chester, S., 13.63. East Hardwick, C., 26, S., 9.35, to const. MRS. LENA FAY, L. M. Essex Junction, Opportunity Circle, Clothing, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Fair Haven, Miss Sarah A. Swett, Christmas Goods, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Franklin, Ladies' Circle H. M., Christmas Goods, _for Dorchester Acad._ Georgia, 8. Glover, 14.50. Hartford, Miss Grace Morris, 30; "Friends," Clothing, val. 75, _for Knoxville, Tenn._ Jericho Center, First, 4.63. Londonderry, 1. Manchester, Clothing, and freight 1.25, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Middlebury, Weybridge C. A. Soc., Clothing, and freight, 2, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Montpelier, Bethany, 6.65. New Haven, Ladies' Union, 2 and Clothing, _for Saluda, N. C._ Newport, W. M. S., 1.16, _for freight to Dorchester Acad., Ga._; W. M. S., Clothing, _for Williamsburg, Ky._ North Craftsbury, W. M. S., Clothing, and 2 _for freight to Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Northfield, Mrs. Diantha J. Allen (30 of which to const. GEO. W. LADD, L. M.), 60. North Thetford, 11. Peru, Dea. E. Batchelder, 3. Pomfret, 5.45. Post Mills, 1. Poultney, Joseph Mears, 5. Royalton, First, 5. Rupert, 20. Rutland, S., _for S. A., Fisk U._, 25. Saint Albans, H. M. S., Clothing _and freight to Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Townshend, C. (15 of which _toward Share Jubilee Fund_) 25. Waitsfield, Home Circle, _for freight to Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 2. Waterbury, 14.63. West Brattleboro, 34.41; Mrs. S. E. K. Priest, _for Fisk U._, 5. West Glover, by Mrs. M. T. Lyman, _for freight to Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 2. Westminster, 4.43. West Townshend, 15. Woodstock, 25.20. MASSACHUSETTS, $7,038.66--of which from Estates, $855.03. Agawam, S., 5.50. Amherst, First, 71.50; First, C. E., _for Indian M._, 18.64. Andover, South, 211.34; Miss Philena McKeen, _for Indian M._, 2. Arlington, Ortho., 87.71. Ashburnham, First, 12.55. Attleboro', Second, 82.78. Auburndale, "A Friend," 1. Ayer, First, C. E., _for Grand View, Tenn._, and to const., REV. HORACE FRANKLIN HALLET, L. M., 30. Barnstable, West, 5. Bedford, 7.60. Beverly, Washington St. 26; Washington St., Silver Key Mission Circle, Clothing, _for Saluda, N. C._; Dane St., Ladies, Clothing, _for Saluda, N. C._ Boston, Mount Vernon, 132.93; W. G. Means, 125; "B. F. D.," 50; Shawmut, Profits of Lecture, _for Oahe Sch., So. Dak._, 13.25; K. M. Adams, _for S. A., Marion, Ala._, 5; Rev. Howard A. Bridgman, _for Oahe Sch., So. Dak._, 1; Miss R. M. Adams, Clothing, _for Marion, Ala._; Mabel E. Conellard's S. S. Class of boys, Gifts, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Allston, S., 12.26. Dorchester, Second (11 _for Chinese M._), 158.39; Pilgrim, W. M. S., 10; Mrs. C. B. Potter, _for S. A., Wilmington, N. C._, 8; Second, C. P. Potter, _for Mobile, Ala._, 8; Harvard, Clothing, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Jamaica Plain, Boylston, ad'l 50 cts. Roxbury, Walnut Av., 75; Walnut Av., S., Primary Dept., 5; Walnut Av. C. E., 5. Boxboro, 5. Boylston Center, L. B. S., Clothing, _for Andersonville, Ga._ Braintree, First, C. E., 1. Brockton, Mrs. Thomas C. Perkins, 1.50; Oliver Memorial, Clothing, _for Mobile, Ala._; D. W. Field, New Stoves, _for Mobile, Ala._ Brookfield, Mrs. R. B. Montague, 5. Brookline, Harvard, 106.29. Cambridge, Prospect St., 87.87. Cambridgeport, Y. L. Aux., 25; Jr. C. E., 5; W. M. S., 5, _for S. A. Fisk U._ Carlisle, 5. Chicopee, First, 6; Third, 6.16. Chiltonville, 10.35. Coleraine, 3.11. Dalton, Mrs. A. Marshall Crane, 150; Clara L. Crane, 100; W. Murray Crane, 100; Mrs. James B. Crane, 100; Miss Mollie Crane, 100; Mrs. Ellen J. Crane, 100; W. Murray Crane, i, 100; Crane Paper Co., Box Paper, _for Meridian, Miss._ Dennis, Union, 6. Dover, 3. Dracut Centre, S. Rally, 7.37. Easthampton, First, East St. L. B. Soc., _for Tougaloo U._, 4. East Douglas, 20.06. East Longmeadow, Clothing, _for Williamsburg, Ky._ East Weymouth, 30. Fall River, First, 79.69; Miss Nettie Thompson, _for S. A. Fisk U._, 5; Clothing, _for Williamsburg, Ky._ Fitchburg, Rollstone, 46.43. Foxboro, M. N. Phelps, to const. MRS. THOMAS FOULKES, L. M., 50. Franklin, 32.11. Georgetown, Mrs. G. F. Tenney, 5; Mrs. Spotsford, 1; Miss Lizzie Bateman, 1; Miss Sarah Bateman, 1, _for S. A. Fisk U._ Gilbertville, Trin. S., _for S. A. Fisk U._, 50. Globe Village, Evan. Free, 14.76. Gloucester, Trinity, 96.90. Goshen, 2.62. Great Barrington, First S., 14.39; Ladies' Soc. of C., Clothing, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Groton, "A Friend," 15, _for Mountain Work_, and 15 _for Freedmen, Chinese, and Indian Work_, and to const. MRS. E. P. MILLER, L. M.; Union, 71.60. Haverhill, Algernon P. Nichols, 25; Mrs. Hazen Chase, 20; Mrs. Emerson, 2; Mrs. Foster, 1, _for S. A. Fisk U._; West, S. (of which 3.31 _for Fisk U._), 17.31; West, C., 10; Union, C., 5; Infant Class, 5; W. M. S., 5; Mrs. Clark, 2, _for S. A. Fisk U._ Charles Coffin, 4.50, Central, Ladies, Clothing, _for Fisk U._ Holyoke, Second, Mrs. William Skinner, 25; L. B. Soc., Clothing, and _freight to Mobile, Ala._; Holyoke, 10. Miss Dougherty, 3.30, _for Big Creek Gap, Tenn._ Hyde Park, Clarendon Hills, 4. Ipswich, South Ch., 40; South, _for S. A. Fisk U._, 25. Lancaster, Evan., 9.88; Evan. S., 5. Lawrence, Lawrence St., 30.32; Mrs. Kate F. Kimball, 5; Mrs. M. P. Houghton, 5, _for S. A. Fisk U._; Lawrence St. Ch., Clothing and Bedding, _for Fisk U._ Leicester, First, 20.49. Lowell, Kirk st., 125.95; L. M. S., of Pawtucket C., _for S. A. Fisk U._, 25; Pawtucket, Ladies, Clothing, _for Fisk U._ Lynn, Central, Ladies, Clothing, _for Saluda, N. C._ Malden, First, _for Fisk U._, 50. Marlboro, Mrs. Geo. L. Jones, 10; Medway, Village Ch., ad'l, 17. Melbournce, First, 11.92. Middleboro, First, C. E. _for S. A., Indian M._, 7. Millbury, 29.35. Mittineague, Southworth Paper Co., Case of Paper, val. 15, _for Knoxville, Tenn._ Monson 12.23; Miss Sarah E. Bradford, 5. Natick, Mrs. R. E. Bowers, 5. Newburyport, Miss Martha W. Tilton, 5; Newburyport, Miss F. Bankers, 40; Belleville, L. M. S., Pkg. Christmas Goods, _for Saluda, N. C._ Newton, Eliot, 183.79; First, 122.25; Newton, Primary S. and Mission C., Elliot Ch., Clothing, etc. _for King's Mountain, N. C._ Newton Centre, First, Jr. C. E., 5; First, C. E., 5, _for Fisk U._ Norfolk, 15. North Adams, C., to const. MISS MARION KETCHUM, EDWARD A. BOND and MRS. MARY C. COYLE, L. M's, 116.99. North Amherst, S., 8. Northampton, First, Dorcas Soc., _for S. A., Lexington, Ky._, 25 and Clothing; Miss S. P. Kingsley, 50 cents; Northampton, Christmas Goods, _for Williamsburg, Ky._ Northboro, "A Friend," 15; S., _for Oahe Indian M._, 11. North Wilbraham, Grace Union, 6.54. North Woburn, Jr. C. E., Scrap Books, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Norton, Trinitarian, 16.95. Norwich, L. S., by Mrs. Coit, Clothing and 1.50 freight, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Norwood, First, 71.15; First, S., 10. Oxford, C., to const. MISS ALICE B. CHADWICK, L. M., 40. Peabody, South, S., 10 Bibles, _for Macon, Ga._ Pepperell, Clothing, _for Greenwood, S. C._ Pittsfield, First, _for Oahe Sch., So. Dak._, 50. Plymouth, Pilgrimage, 28.72. Reading, 27. Rehoboth, 8.26. Revere, First, C. E., _for Andersonville, Ga._, 10. Richmond, 4.79. Rockland, First, to const. MARY GROCE, L. M., 30. Salem, Crombie St., S., _for S. A. Wilmington, N. C._, 10. Shelburne, C., to const. MRS. FLORENCE NEWHALL, L. M., 45.64. Somerville, Prospect Hill, Toys and Clothing, _for S., Lexington, Ky._; Mrs. J. R. Putnam, Clothing, _for Saluda, N. C._ South Amherst, 8.15. Southampton, S., 21.89. Southbridge, 13.65. South Dennis, ad'l, 15 cts. South Deerfield, Ladies, Clothing, _for Greenwood, S. C._ South Framingham, Grace, C. E., 5. South Lynnfield, C. E., 5. South Royalston, Amos Blanchard, 5. South Weymouth, Mrs. Wm. Dyer, _for S. A., Thomasville, Ga._, 10. Stoneham, C. E., 3.34; "A Friend," 3. Stoneham, 2. Spencer, First, to const. REV. CHAS. E. SUMNER, L. M., 119.17. Springfield, "First Ch. of Christ," 145.29; First, Ladies, _for S. A., Wilmington, N. C._, 16; Rev. H. C. Meserve, _for Troy, N. C._, 2; Park Ch., Kings Daughters, Clothing, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Swamscott, 8. Templeton, Trinitarian, S., _for McIntosh, Ga._, 5. Tewksbury, S., 5; Henry J. Learned, 10; A Friend, 50 cts., _for S. A. Fisk U._ Truro, First, 8.38. Wakefield, 24.03. Walpole, Second, 13. Waltham, Trin., 12; Waltham, Mrs. E. R. Custer, Christmas Goods, _for Saluda, N. C._ Ware, East, S., 40; Primary Dept., 8.75; Ware, Miss S. R. Sage, _for Mobile, Ala._, 10; Miss L. A. Ricker, Cards, _for Meridian, Miss._ Warren, 150.92; C. E. _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 2. Wellfleet, Mrs. Geo. S. Holbrook, Bed Clothing _for Enfield, N. C._ Wendell, 2.50. Westboro, Evan., 82.72; "Thank Offering," 1. West Boxford, _for S. A. Fisk U._, 53.25. West Boylston, 2.85. Westfield, Second, 41.31; W. H. Whitehall, 1. West Springfield, First, 10; "E. B. D.," 2. Whitinsville, S., Birthday Offerings, _for Alaska M._, 50. Wilbraham, Elijah Munsell, 36. Williamsburg, 12. Williamstown, Clothing, _for Williamsburg, Ky._ Winchester, First, 48.16; Chas. F. Redfern, _for Marion, Ala._, 25. Woburn, First, 132.54; Mrs. S. F. Greenough, 5. Worcester, Union, 138.42; Central, 56.17; Old South, 30; Hope, 5. Yarmouth, First, 20. ----, "A Friend," 10. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION OF MASS. AND R. I., $515. _For Salaries_, $480; _for Chinese Work_, 20. Brighton, C. Bible Class, _for Schp. Oahe Indian Sch._, 15.00. ESTATES. Boston, Estate of Elizabeth Parkhurst, 15. Holliston, Estate of G. Batchelder, by J. M. Batchelder, Agent, 28.98. Hyde Park, Estate of Mary Clarke, by Miss Lousia M. Clarke, Executrix, 300. Uxbridge, Estate of Sarah B. Ellis, by W. W. Thayer, Adm'r. 411.05. West Newbury, Estate of Susan A. Carr, by William H. Merrill, Executor, 100. RHODE ISLAND, $491.69--of which from Estate $200.00. Bristol, Clothing, _for Williamsburg, Ky._ Newport, United, 15.63. Pawtucket, 36.38. Providence, Union, 184.40; Pilgrim, 54.80; North, C. E., 48cts.; ----, Christmas Goods, _for Williamsburg, Ky._ ESTATE. Pawtucket, Estate of Deborah A. Clark, by W. B. Clark, Executor, $200.00. CONNECTICUT, $10,447.47--of which from Estates $5,750.00. Berlin, Golden Ridge, M. C., _for Tougaloo U._, 25. Bethel, First, 39.58. Bloomfield, 3.30. Bridgeport, Park St. (30 of which to const. WILLIAM PAUL, L. M.), 116.30; Second, S., _for Sch'p Santee Indian Sch., Neb._, 50; L. S., _for S. A., Greenwood, S. C._, 7.50. Bristol, First, 65.93. Chaplin, Jr. C. E., Clothing, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Colebrook, 10. Cornwall, First, 55; S., _for Marion, Ala._, 30; First, S., _for Thomasville, Ga._, and _Fort Berthold, N. D._, 29.60; Second, 21; Cornwall, L. B. Soc., Clothing, _for Marion, Ala._ Danbury, First, to const. MRS. CHARLES H. PEIX and J. MARK IVES, L. M's, 71.33; Great Plain District, C. E., Clothing and Lamps, _for Grand View, Tenn._ Darien, C. E., by Miss A. L. Waterbury, _for Thomasville, Ga._, 10. East Hartford, First, 85.56. Ellsworth, C. E., 3. Enfield, First, 23.82; Enfield, _for Tougaloo U._, 1.50; Fairfield, First, 22. Fair Haven, Second, 31.34. Glastonbury, Mrs. Broadhead, 10; Miss Julia Broadhead, 10; Christ C., 8, and Clothing, _for Mobile, Ala._ Greenfield Hill, C. E., 11.08. Groton, S., 15.50, Hartford, Asylum Hill, 236.70; First, _for S. A. Fisk U._, 50; Asylum Hill, _for Tougaloo U._, 50; Fourth, 16.85; Center, _for Tougaloo U._, 10; Warburton Chapel, S. 8.87; First, Ladies, _for S. A., Wilmington, N. C._, 8, and Clothing; Hartford, Mrs. Isabella Beecher Hooker, 115 Vols., including complete set of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe's Works, _for Tillotson Inst., Texas._ Higganum, 13. Jewett City, C., L. M. Soc., Clothing, _for Thomasville, Ga._ Kensington, 15.30. Ledyard, 9.36. Lyme, First, 45. Madison, Elizabeth T. Nash, Clothing, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._; Misses Scranton, Clothing, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Meriden, First, to const. MRS. M. P. BRADLEY, L. M., 48.30. Middletown, First, S., 35. Milford, First, 7.04; First, S., _for S. A., Thomasville, Ga._, 3, and Clothing. New Britain, South, 87.23; New Britain, South, Clothing, _for Greenwood, S. C._; New Britain, First Ch. of Christ, to const. MISS MARY A. BACON and MISS FRANCES WHITTLESEY, L. M's, 80; Nepaug, C. E., 5. Monroe, 12.32. New Canaan, S., _for Sch'p Santee Indian Sch., Neb._, 50. New Haven, Ch. of the Redeemer, Welcome Hall, Mission S., 6.80; F. T. Jarman, 2; New Haven, United Ch., Papers; Miss Annie Thompson, Books and Papers; Miss Jessie Collins, Papers, _for Macon, Ga._ New London, Dorcas Soc., _for S. A., Thomasville, Ga._, 10. Noank, M. H. Giddings, 4. Norfolk, Mrs. E. B. Porter, 10. North Cornwall, M. Soc., 8, and Clothing, _for S. A., Marion, Ala._ Norwich, Park Ch., "In Memory of the late Miss Sarah M. Lee," by H. L. Butts, Treas. 2,000. Norwich, Second, to const. REV. CORNELIUS W. MORROW and EDMUND A. PRENTICE, L. M's, 80.03; First, 55.48; Greenville, 10. Old Lyme, First, 41, Plantsville, 25.05. Pomfret, First, ad'l, 10.51. Preston City, 15. Putnam, Little Sunbeams, Christmas Box, _for Thomasville, Ga._ Redding, C. E., _for Tougaloo U._ 2.20. Riverton, Kings Daughters, Clothing, _for Marion, Ala._ Salisbury, 5.56; Primary S. Class, _for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 5; Mrs. Burrall's S. Class, _for Mountain Work_, 3. Sharon, C. E., by Carrie P. Taylor, 5. Shelton, S., 12.50. South Britain, 11.22. Southington, 18.89. Stafford, Mrs. Thomas H. Thresher, 5. Stamford, First, C. E., _for Mountain Work in Tenn._, 10; H. F. Sherwood, _for Oahe Indian Sch._, 1. Stonington, First, Ladies, Clothing, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Stony Creek, C. E., 1. Suffield, Pierce Family, Clothing, _for Meridian, Miss._ Taftville, 36.16. Thomaston, First, S., Primary C., _for Child's Ward, Indian Hospital, Fort Yates, Neb._, 6.45. Thompson, 21.68. Wallingford, First (12.51 of which special by colored people _for Freedmen_), 137.95. Waterbury, Mrs. J. Mitchell, _for Tougaloo U._, 200; First, 87.57; Second, 2; Second, C. E., 25; Second, Clothing, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Westbrook, S., Christmas Box, _for Thomasville, Ga._ Westfield, Second, 5, _for Avery Home, Charleston, S. C._; South, Linen and Bedding, val. 36.50. Westport Saugatuck, 20.32. West Torrington, C. E., _for Central Ch., New Orleans, La._, 12.63; L. N. M. S., _for Sch'p Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 8. West Winsted, W. M. S., Clothing, _for Hillsboro, N. C._ Wethersfield, L. A. Soc. of C., Supplies _for Tillotson Inst., Texas._ Wilton, 23.05. Winchester, Ladies' Soc. of C., Clothing and Bedding, _for Grand View, Tenn._ Wolcott, 10. Woodbury, First, 10. ----, A Friend, _for Mobile, Ala._, 75. ----, Miss M. F. Norton, _for Mobile, Ala._, 25. WOMAN'S CONG. HOME MISSIONARY UNION, by Mrs. W. W. Jacobs, Treas., $86.11: Canton Centre, _for Sch'p Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 8. Enfield, Mrs. Joseph T. Chapin, 5. Hartford, First, Primary S., 5; First, Mrs. C. A. Jewell, 5; Pearl St., 5. Norwich, Broadway Ch., 2.70. Stratford, Jr. C. E., 4.26. Suffield, 6.15. South Manchester, 22. West Winsted, Second, Mrs. Henry Gay, 23. ESTATES. Hartford, Estate Roland Mather, by Edward W. Hooker, Ex., $5,000. West Hartford, Estate of Nancy S. Gaylord, Francis H. Parker, Executor, $250. Trumbull, Estate of Delana Brinsmade, by C. N. Brinsmade, Trustee, $500. NEW YORK, $6,903.27. Angola, Miss A. H. Ames, 5. Brooklyn, Mrs. Julia E. Brick, _for Jos. K. Brick Agricultural, Industrial, and Normal Sch., Enfield, N. C._, 6,000. Brooklyn, Clinton Av., 300; Lewis Av., S. M. Soc., _for Indian M., Oahe, S. D._, 75; Tompkins Av., C. E., 25; Miss S. E. Strong's S. Class, Christmas Box, _for King's Mountain, N. C._; Clinton Av., Boy's M. Sco., Christmas Box, New England L. M. Soc., Clothing, _for King's Mountain, N. C._; Bedding, _for Big Creek Gap, Tenn._ Buffalo, Niagara Sq. Peoples, Clothing and Table Supplies, _for King's Mountain, N. C._ Canandaigua, S., _for Skyland Inst. N. C._, 41.34; ----, Supplies, _for King's Mountain, N. C._ Candor, Y. L. Guild, Bedding, etc., _for King's Mountain, N. C._ Chataugay, Joseph Shaw, 4.50. Chittenango, Mrs. Amelia L. Brown, 5. Clifton Springs, Mrs. C. C. Thayer, _for King's Mountain, N. C._, 7.50. Deansboro, 7.40. Elmira, Park, Christmas Goods, _for Williamsburg, Ky._ Fairport, Rev. C. E. Reeves, _for Troy, N. C._, 5. Fredonia, Mary F. Lord, 10. Gaines, 3. Irvington, Mrs. John Ferry, Cards, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Jamestown, Jr. C. E., Christmas Box, _for Big Creek Gap, Tenn._ Lockport, Miss. Soc., Fruit and Christmas Gifts, _for Marion, Ala._ Mount Hope, Christ, Mission Band, 8.41. New York, Misses M. & M. Collins, 50, Mrs. E. Grosjeran, 5, _for Gloucester Sch., Va._; Mrs. M. D. Wicker, 10; Mrs. Orange Ferris, _for freight to Skyland Inst., N. C._, 5; Forest Av., S., 5; E. F. Carrington, 2; "A Friend," _for Macon, Ga._, 1; M. L. Van Ingen, Latin Text Books, _for Lexington, Ky._, Mrs. G. S. Hickok, Clothing, _for Greenwood, S. C._ Northfield, C. E., 8.27. Northville, S., 6. Norwich, 2. Oswego, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Hammond, for S. S. Lexington, Ky., 3; C., Clothing and Books, _for Lexington, Ky._ Pawling, Miss M. J. Teale, Clothing, _for Saluda, N. C._ Perry Center, Mrs. E. A. Thompson, 2. River Head, Clothing, _for Williamsburg, Ky._ Rochester, Miss Mary Eastman Grant, 1; South, King's Daughters, Clothing, etc., _for King's Mountain, N. C._ Rocky Point, S., by Annie M. Dickinson, 8. Sayville, 24.10. Sherburne, Mrs. J. C. Harrington, 5. Sidney, Bedding, etc., _for King's Mountain, N. C._ Sinclairville, L. S., Clothing, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Smyrna, S. M. Soc., 4. Syracuse, Plymouth, 17.34; Wm. E. Abbott, 5. Ticonderoga, Clothing, etc., _for King's Mountain, N. C._ Troy, Mrs. T. Tappin, _for Gloucester School, Va._, 4.50. Warsaw, "Friends," 10; Warsaw, C., Clothing, _for Wilmington, N. C._ West Bloomfield, S., 5.55. West Newark, L. M. Soc., Christmas Pkg., _for King's Mountain, N. C._ Williamsbridge, M. M. Snowdon, _for Gloucester School, Va._, 1. Woodhaven, Jr. C. E. Soc., Ozone Park, Clothing, _for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._ WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF N. Y., by Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, Treas., $221.36: Brooklyn, Lewis Av., C. E., to const. LOUIS H. DOWIE, L. M., 30. Buffalo, Pilgrim, 10. Cortland, 25. Honeoye, 5. Northville, 8. Middletown, First, 27. New York, Broadway Tab., 12. New Haven, Aux., 20; Willing Workers, 23.36; C. E., 10. Oxford, 10. Poughkeepsie, 25. Syracuse, Plymouth, C. E., _for S. A., Talladega C._, 5; Syracuse, Geddes, 5. Wadhams Mills, 6. NEW JERSEY, $184.00. Chester, J. H. Cramer, 30. Dunellen, Mary A. Shepard, Framed Pictures, 5.50, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Newark, C. S. Haines, 50. Newfield, "A Friend," 1. Ocean Grove, Mr. Dayton, _for Christmas Gifts for Mobile, Ala._, 5. Upper Montclair, Christian Union, 65. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF N. J. ASSN., by Mrs. J. H. Denison, Treas., $27.50: Newark, First, 21. Philadelphia, Penn., Central, 6.50. PENNSYLVANIA, $146.86. Germantown, Rev. Dwight Marvin, Printing Press and Books, _for Enfield, N. C._ Harford, S., _for Alaska M._, 6. Le Raysville, 4.50. New Britain, Wm. Hawkins, _for Gloucester School, Va._, 100. Newton Square, Chas. E. Stevens, 7. Ogontz, Miss L. M. Barnard, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._, 2. Philadelphia, The Negro League, _for Gloucester School, Va._, 10. Ridgway, Class in C., by C. J. Swift, _for McIntosh, Ga._, 10.36. Shire Oak, Miss Jane Wilson, 2. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF PENN., by Mrs. T. W. Jones, Treas., $5.00. Ridgway, 5. OHIO, $485.72. Aurora, 3.66. Bellevue, 9.40; Bellevue, Jr. C.E., 1, and Clothing, val. 100, _for Knoxville, Tenn._; First, M. Soc., Clothing, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Cincinnati, Walnut Hills, 35.06; Columbia, 1.97; James McFarlan, _for Tougaloo U._, 1. Cleveland, Euclid Av., 99.61; Plymouth, 20.25; First, S., 3.86. Coolville, 3.25. Creston, Miss Mary Cram, _for freight_, 1.50; W. H. M. S. of Jackson Presbyterian C., Clothing, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Cuyahoga Falls, S., 1.94. Ellsworth, Mrs. B. W. Allen, bal. to const. MRS. JESSE F. ALLEN, L. M., 25. Elyria, First S., 20. Huntsburg, 5.35. Kingsville, Miss Ella Richmond, _for S.A., Kings Mountain, N. C._, 5. Kirtland, Cong. Ch. & C. E., 2. Lyme, 8.34. Madison, Central, S., 14 _for Mountain Work_, 14 _for Colored Work_. Mansfield, First, 109.84. Oberlin, First, 36.65; Dr. Dudley Allen, 30; Mrs M. J. Thompson, _for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 2; First, Clothing, _for Mobile, Ala._ Olmstead, C. E. and S. of C., Scrap Books, etc., _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Painesville, Miss Mosher, _for Storrs School_, 1.25. Rootstown, Miss Dunning's S. Class, 1; Miss Parson's S. Class, 3.60, _for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Saybrook, Mission Band, by Alta B. Hough. Treas., 4. South Salem, D. S. Pricer, 5. Springfield, Miss L. A. Waters, 1. Toledo, Alexis, W. Workers, Clothing, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Unionville, C. W. Hardy, 2. Wakeman, 9.59. West Williamsfield, 3.60. INDIANA, $13.25. Elkhart, 13.25; S. M. Cummins, _for Primary Sch., McIntosh, Ga._, 5; Miss Huston, Clothing _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ LaGrange, Miss Elizabeth Brewer, _for Gloucester Sch, Va._, 3. Michigan City, First, 22. ILLINOIS, $708.98. Alto Pass, 1. Aurora, New England, 5.10. Batavia, 38; C. E., 5. Chicago, Mrs. M. A. Keep, 25; Bethel, 20. New England, S., 15; Covenant, 12.32; University, 9; Pilgrim Mayflower, C. E., 2; Chicago, Montgomery, Ward & Co., Packing Case of Clothing, _for Hillsboro, N.C._ Cobden, Union, 7. Decatur, C. E. S., Clothing, _for Meridian, Miss._ Delavan, R. Hoghton, 10. Elgin, First, 25. Evanston, First, 46. Galesburg, Central, ad'l, 32.15. Geneseo, 26.55. Hinsdale, 2.86. Lockport, L. M.S., _for Athens Ala._, 5. Loda, C. E., 1; Marseilles, Pkg. White Aprons, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Millburn, 10.40. Oak Park, First, 87.95; "A Friend," _for Indian M., Fort Yates, N. D._, 10; Second, Clothing, 2.28 for Freight; Jr. C. E., Note Books, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._, Odell, Ladies' Soc., Freight, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._, 1. Peoria, First, 52.74. Polo, Ind. Presb. W. M. Soc., 5. Princeton, First, 18.41. Quincy, Union, C. E., 10. Rockford, Second, C. E., 10; Rockford, K. E. Dickinson, Papers and Games, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Shabbona, "An Endeavorer," _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 5. Springfield, Miss Post, Bedding, _for Big Creek Gap, Tenn._ Sterling, Mrs. Mary E. McKinney, 10. Thawville, 7. Winebago, W. M. S., Clothing, _for Marion, Ala._ Yorkville, S., 3. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF ILLINOIS, Mrs. L. A. Field, Treas., $118.22: Aurora, New England, 3.60. Batavia, 5. Brimfield, 5.10; Mrs. M. J. Jordan, 2.50. Chebanse, 5; C. E., 3.46. Chicago, Union Park, 10; New England, 8.45; Covenant, 3.85; Covenant, C. E., 2.50; Rogers Park, 2. Elgin, First, 10. Geneseo, 13.31; Mrs. P. Huntington, 10. Harvey, 6.50. Jacksonville, C. E., _for S. A., Blowing Rock, N. C._, 10. Ontario, 5. Ravenswood, 20. Rockford, First, 26.20; Second, 34. Wilmette, Jr. C. E., 1.75. MICHIGAN, $294.21. Benzonia, Jr. C. E., _for S. A., Lexington, Ky._, 4. Detroit, Mrs. Louie T. Carson and children, _for S. A., Skyland Inst., N.C._, 10; Mrs. B. B. Hudson, 5; Detroit, Woodward Av., Clothing, _for Greenwood, S. C._ Harrison, By Rev. C. H. Seaver, 1.50. Kalamazoo and Dayton, Ohio, "Friends," 4 and Clothing, _for Storrs School_. Laingsburg, 5.10. Milford, Mrs. Wm. A. Arms, 5, and Christmas Offering at family reunion, 3.50. Portland, H. W. Clark, 4.94. Romeo, E. B. Dickinson. 50. Three Oaks, 30. Union City, Ladies' Miss. Soc., Clothing; Mrs. James Willard, Box Sundries, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Vanderbilt, ad'l, 2.25. Vermontville, Mrs. A. Sprague and Miss A. Sprague, _for Alaska M._, 1.75. Victor, 1.55. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF MICH., by Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas., $165.72: Ann Arbor, C. E., _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 1. Detroit, First, 52.25; First, S., _for Indian S. A., Santee, Neb._, 28.68; Brewster, 50 cents. Freemont, _for S. A., A.G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 25 cts. Grand Rapids, W. H. M. U. (of which 22.50 _for S. A., Santee Indian Sch._), 45; "A Friend," _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 4 cts. Hancock, 20. Harrison, 50 cents. Hart, 3. Port Huron, Mrs. Stockwell's S. Class, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 4.50. Saint Joseph, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 5. Stockbridge, Mrs. E. W. Woodward, 5. IOWA, $1,072.56--of which from Estate $789.92. Alden, 4.34. Atlantic, 1.50. Burlington, Miss Carrie B. Nairn's S. Class, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 10. Cherokee, First, ad'l, 4.08. Clinton, S., _for S. A., Skyland Inst., N. C._, 10. Cromwell, L. A. and C. E., _for Williamsburg, Ky._, 6. Davenport, Edwards, C. E., 13.14. Doon, Rev. W. L. Brandt, 5. Estherville, Mrs. M. Bingham, _for Meridian, Miss._, 5. Garwin, Talmon Dewey, 3.50. Genoa Bluff, 2.85. Goldfield, Chas. Philbrook, 5. Grinnell, C. E., by W. R. Way, Treas., 2. Harlan, 2.19. Litchfield, Col. Oliver Bissell, _for Meridian, Miss._, 10. Manson, 50 cts. McGregor, Bedding, _for Big Creek Gap, Tenn._ Montour, C., to const. G. W. DELONG, L. M., 32. Nashua, First, _for Meridian, Miss._, 10.50; First, 5. Niles, S., Papers, _for Meridian, Miss._ Red Oak, 32. Rockford, C. E., Books, _for Thomasville, Ga._ Salem, S., 2. Waterloo, Rev. M. K. Cross, 10. Waucoma, L. M. Soc., 10. Webster City, W. M. S., 9.84. Wilton Junction, 2. Wittenberg, S., 6. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF IOWA, Miss Belle L. Bentley, Treas., $78.20: Cedar Rapids, First, 3.30. Chester Center, 5.65. Decorah, S., 1.75. Dubuque, First, 5.25. Earlville, 5. Grinnell, H. M. Army, 3. Magnolia, M. Band, 1.25. McGregor, 33. Monticello, C. E., 10. Orient, "Helpers," 1. Receville, 4. Sloan, 5. ESTATE. Bancroft, Estate of Sarah A. Littlefield, 789.92. WISCONSIN, $210.61. Appleton, First, 40.59. Beloit, Second, 14.69. Clintonville, C. E., _for Alaska M._, 5. Delavan, S., 6. Delevan, 4.63. Fulton, S., 4; Rev. A. S. Reid, 2. Janesville, First, 10. La Crosse, First, S., 10. Lake Geneva, First, 13. Madison, G. H. Wells, _for Debt_, 5. Milwaukee, Plymouth, "Member," 1; Milwaukee, Grand Av., Ladies, Clothing and Books, etc., _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._ Nekoosa, 5. Ripon, C., Ladies' Aid, _for furnishing room, Dodge Hall, Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 25. Sturgeon Bay, Hope, C. E., _for Mountain Work_, 5.25. Whitewater, 28.20; Whitewater, Jr. C. E., Christmas Box, _for Thomasville, Ga._ WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF WISCONSIN, by Mrs. L. E. Smith, Treas., $21.25: Arena, 1. Madison, 10. Platteville, 25 cts. Wauwatosa, 10. MINNESOTA, $165.87. Austin, First, 27.25; Austin, W. M. S., Clothing, _for Marion Ala._ Duluth, Pilgrim, 41.51. Faribault, C., bal. to const. MRS. ELIZA J. SPENCER and MRS. EUDORA J. RICKER, L. M's, 35. Minneapolis, T. H. Colwell, 5, _for S. A., Fisk U._; Pilgrim C., Jr., C. E., 2.50; "Rodelmer," 2.50. Montivideo, Lillian L. Goar, thirty Sweeping Caps, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._ Morris, Jr. C. E., _for Macon, Ga._, 50 cts. New Brighton, Mrs. Lewis' S. Class, _for S. A. Skyland Inst., N. C._, 5. Saint Paul, Pacific, 4. Wadena, First S., Birthday offerings, 5. Winona, First, 33.45. Worthington, Union, 3.66. MISSOURI, $143.32. Cameron, Mrs. Hiram Smith, 50. De Soto, First, 2.85. Kansas City, Rev. S. Penfield, 11.50. Saint Joseph, "924 Edmund St.," 2.50. Saint Louis, First, 47.47. Sedalia, Second, 1. Springfield, First, 21.73. Webster Groves, First, 5.27. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF MISSOURI, by Mrs. K. L. Mills, Treas., $1.00: Republic, First, 1. ARKANSAS, $3.00. Little Rock, First, 3. KANSAS, $18.22. Blue Rapids, L. M. S., Clothing, _for Meridian, Miss._ Centralia, Mrs. Thoms' S. Class, _for Meridian, Miss._, 2.75. Dover, S., S. Papers, _for Meridian, Miss._ Lawrence, Second, 1; Lawrence, Plymouth, Christmas Box; Mrs. Emery and Daughter, Christmas Pkg., _for Mission S., Lexington, Ky._ Paxico, L. M. S., 5; Miss L. A. Tucker's S. Class, 5, _for Meridian, Miss._ Smith Center, 3.27. Topeka, First, Merchandise; Mrs. G. D. Wolf, Cards, _for Meridian, Miss._ Wakefield, L. M. S., _for Meridian, Miss._, 1.20. NEBRASKA, $83.23. Amesbury, S., _for Schp., Santee Indian Sch._, 70. Crete, 2.03. Franklin, S., Birthday Coll., 90 cts. Linwood, 2.40. Rogers, Rev. O. D. Crawford, 2. Santee Agency. Neb., Y. W. M. Soc., _for New Dormitory, Tougaloo U._, 3. Steele City, S., 2. NORTH DAKOTA, $7.50. Fargo, Miss Mary Foster's S. Class, _for Mobile, Ala._, 2.50. Oberon, L. M. U., 5. SOUTH DAKOTA, $83.01. Iroquois, S., 61 cts. Springfield, C. E., 1. Yankton, 26. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF SOUTH DAKOTA, by Mrs. Adda M. Wilcox, Treas., $55.40: Academy, 2.50. Badger Lake, 6.75. Huron, 7. Rapid City, 10. Santee, Neb., Pilgrim, 24.65. Webster, 3. Yankton, 1.50. IDAHO, $1.00. Mountain Home, Challis, 1. COLORADO, $24.65. Colorado Springs, First, 15.65; Colorado Springs, Clothing, _for Meridian, Miss._ Grand Junction, 5. Longmont, Miss Alice McNitt, 6 Packages Paper, _for Hillsboro, N. C._ Otis, 4. UTAH, $4.00. Salt Lake City, Plymouth S., 2; Prof. W. H. Tibbals, 2. CALIFORNIA, $284.23. Compton, 3. Los Angeles, First, 44.78. Pomona, "L. H. P.," 12.50. San Diego, Henry Sheldon, 25. San Francisco, Receipts of the California Chinese Mission (see items below), 186.70. Stockton, Rev. J. C. Holbrook, D.D., 5. WOMEN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF SOUTHERN CAL., by Mrs. Mary M. Smith, Treas, $7.25: Compton, L. U. and C. E., 5. Alpine, 2.25. OREGON, $7.46. Astoria, First, 5.46. Prescott, "Two Friends," 2. WASHINGTON, $39.26. Colville, 3.60. Deer Park, 5. Seattle, Plymouth, 30.66. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, $36.00. Washington, "A Friend," _for Central C., New Orleans, La._, 30; Wm. T. Sinclair, _for Gloucester School, Va._, 5; Miss E. A. Vinton, _for S. A., Marion, Ala._, 1. MARYLAND, $43.00. Baltimore, BERNARD C. STEINER, to const. himself L. M., 30; First, 12; Wm. Wood, _for Gloucester School, Va._, 1. VIRGINIA, $7.77. Crab Neck, Public School _for Gloucester School, Va._, 4.57. Herndon, 3.20. KENTUCKY, $14.24. Berea, C. of Christ, 9.24; Mrs. Maria Goodell Frost, 5. Lexington, Friends, 2 dozen Tea-spoons, _for Teachers' Home, Lexington, Ky._ NORTH CAROLINA, $17.25. Enfield, S. Meyer, Merchant, Goods, _for Enfield, N. C._ Beaufort, First S., 2.25. NORTH CAROLINA CONG. ASSOCIATION, by Rev. A. W. Curtis, D.D., toward Share Jubilee Fund, $15.00: Candor, 1.25. Dey Creek, 1.25. Little Mills, 5. Malee, 2.50. Nalls, 1.25. Pekin, 2.50. Troy, 1.25. TENNESSEE, $30.50. Nashville, "A Friend,", _for S. A., Fisk U._, 50 cts. Pleasant Hill, Miss F. A. Jackson, _for Books, Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 10. Robbins, Rev. S. F. Porter, 20. GEORGIA, $99.32. Atlanta, Storrs Sch., Children, 22.22; Mrs. Walls, 18; Mrs. Bass, 10; Mrs. Winbush, 2.15; Mrs. W. Smith, 4.75; Miss McKhee, 5; Mr. Greenwood, 1; Prof. Chase of Atlanta U., 5; _for Storrs Sch._ Macon, G. C. Burrage, _for Macon, Ga._, 19.25. McIntosh, Mrs. Mary W. Foster, 2; Prof. Fred. W. Foster, 5; _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Marietta, 1.25. Savannah, First, S., 3.20. Thomasville, "A Friend," 50 cts. ALABAMA, $23.07. Joppa, S., 68 cts. Marion, Miss A. M. Woodruff, 10; Mrs. W. F. Davis, 5, _for Marion, Ala._ Selma, 2.06. Shelby, First, 5.33. FLORIDA, $4.50. Belleview, C., "A Friend," 2. De Land, Charles R. Howard, 2 Pkgs. Paper, _for Hillsboro, N. C._ Key West, First, Men's M. Soc., 2.50. MISSISSIPPI, $25.00. Tougaloo, T. Bush, _for Student Aid, Tougaloo U._, 25. LOUISIANA, $6.25. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION OF LOUISIANA, by Mary L. Rogers, Treas., $6.25: Hammond, 6. Belle Place, 25 cts. TEXAS, $5.00. Galveston. C. H. Mallory & Co., Agents, Freight on Box Castings to Texas. Palestine, W. M. S., 5. NEW MEXICO, $10.00. Cubero, Mrs. L. A. Collins, 5, _for Debt_, 5 _for Indian M._ AUSTRIA, $11.20. Prague, "Church in Prague," _for Colored Children_, 11.20. TURKEY, $8.00. Bulgaria, "W. W.," 8. INCOME, $515.00. Olivia P. Atterbury Fund, 106.87. Avery Fund, _for African M._, 190.00. De Forest Fund, _for President's Chair, Talladega C._, 16.88. C. F. Dike Fund, _for Straight U._, 50. General Endowment Fund, 50. Hammond Fund, _for Straight U._, 22.50. Howard Theo. Fund, _for Howard U._, 56.25. Le Moyne Fund, _for Memphis, Tenn._, 22.50. TUITION, $3,724.47. Cappahosic, Va., 30. Lexington, Ky., 75.75; Williamsburg, Ky., 162.75; Big Creek Gap, Tenn., 29.13; Knoxville, Tenn., 45.70; Memphis, Tenn., 465.15; Nashville, Tenn., 587.65; Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 13.80; Beaufort, 15; Blowing Rock, N. C., 28.68; Chapel Hill, N. C., 4.55; Enfield, N. C., 23.58, Hillsboro, N. C., 19.60; Kings Mountain, N. C. 33, Saluda, N. C., 22.25; Whittier, N. C., 13.85; Wilmington, N. C., 151.90; Charleston, S. C., 256.60; Greenwood, S. C., 95.11; Albany, Ga., 83.30: Andersonville, Ga., 11.85; Atlanta, Ga., Storrs Sch., 231.95; McIntosh, Ga., 164.36; Macon, Ga., 259.43; Marietta, Ga., 5.75; Marshallville, Ga., 1.50; Thomasville, Ga., 66.92; Athens, Ala., 54.75; Florence, Ala., 16.50; Joppa, Ala., 24.46; Marion, Ala., 85.05; Mobile, Ala., 61.55; Selma, Ala., 43.70; New Orleans, La., 245.95; Orange Park, Fla., 50.25; Meridian, Miss., 101; Moorhead, Miss., 6.75; Tougaloo, Miss., 66.75; Austin, Tex., 68.65. SUMMARY FOR JANUARY, 1898. Donations $23,268.28 Estates 8,194.95 ---------- $31,463.23 Income 515.00 Tuition 3,724.47 ---------- Total for January $35,702.70 FOR THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. Subscriptions for January $62.57 Previously acknowledged 75.40 ------- Total 137.97 SUMMARY. Donations $60,294.99 Estates 33,539.05 ---------- $93,834.04 Income 4,115.26 Tuition 11,539.71 ---------- Total from Oct. 1 to Jan'y 31, 1898 $109,489.01 RECEIPTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CHINESE MISSION, William Johnstone, Treas., from Nov. 19th to Dec. 21st, 1897, $186.70. FROM LOCAL MISSIONS. Fresno, Chinese M. O., 4.40; Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 8.60; Marysville, Chinese M. O., 7.15, Oakland, Chinese M. O., 6; Oroville, Chinese M., 3; Ah Chew, 1, Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 2.25; Riverside, Chinese M., 4.60; Len Ben, 1.10; Sacramento, Chinese M., 4.50 Anni. Pledges, 17.50; San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 2.25; San Diego, Chinese M. O., 3.55; San Francisco, Central Chinese M., 7.70; Miss Sarah Caughey, 1; San Francisco, West, Chinese M., 2.20; Santa Barbara, Chinese M., 3.90; Annual, M., 2; Santa Cruz, Chinese M. O., 6.15; Santa Cruz, Japanese M. O., 3; Ventura, Chinese M. O., 1.25; Vernondale, Chinese M. O., 3.90; Watsonville, M. O., 4.70. FOR CHINESE WOMEN AND GIRLS. Hadley, Mass., "The Real Folks," 25; South Britain, Conn., W. B. M., 5; Farmington, Ill., Mrs. S. B. Newell, 5; Central and North, Cal., W. H. M. U, 50. H. W. HUBBARD, Treas., Congregational Rooms, Fourth Av. and Twenty-Second St., New York. * * * * * Jubilee Year Fund, Additional Shares. CONGREGATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NORTH CAROLINA, Raleigh, N. C., Two Shares. MRS. A. BETSEY TAFT, in memory of her husband, EMMONS TAFT, and children, deceased, Lisbon, N. H. Previously reported 853 Subscriptions reported above 3 ---- Total number of shares reported 856 * * * * * WOMAN'S STATE ORGANIZATIONS. * * * * * MAINE. WOMAN'S AID TO A. M. A. _State Committee_--Mrs. Ida Vose Woodbury, Woodfords; Mrs. L. J. Thomas, 115 So. Main St., Auburn; Mrs. Helen Quimby, Bangor. NEW HAMPSHIRE. FEMALE CENT. INSTITUTION AND HOME MISS. UNION President--Mrs. Cyrus Sargeant, Plymouth. Secretary--Mrs. N. W. Nims, 16 Rumford St. Concord. Treasurer--Miss Annie A. McFarland, Concord. VERMONT. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. W. J. Van Patten, 386 Pearl St., Burlington. Secretary--Mrs. M. K. Paine, Windsor. Treasurer--Mrs. Rebecca P. Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury. MASS. AND R. I. [G]WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. President--Mrs. C. L. Goodell, 9 Shailer St., Brookline, Mass. Secretary--Mrs. Louise A. Kellogg, 32 Congregational House, Boston. Treasurer--Miss Annie C. Bridgman, 32 Congregational House, Boston. CONNECTICUT. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Miss Ellen R. Camp, 9 Camp St., New Britain. Secretary--Mrs. C. T. Millard, 36 Lewis St., Hartford. Treasurer--Mrs. W. W. Jacobs, 530 Farmington Ave., Hartford. NEW YORK. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Wm. Kincaid, 483 Green Ave., Brooklyn. Secretary--Mrs. Wm. Spalding, 511 Orange St., Syracuse. Treasurer--Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, 153 Decatur St., Brooklyn. NEW JERSEY. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF THE N. J. ASSOCIATION. President--Mrs. A. H. Bradford, Montclair. Secretary--Mrs. Frank J. Goodwin, Glen Ridge. Treasurer--Mrs. J. H. Dennison, 150 Belleville Ave., Newark. PENNSYLVANIA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. J. S. Upton, Ridgway. Secretary--Mrs. C. F. Yennie, Ridgway. Treasurer--Mrs. T. W. Jones, 511 Woodland Terrace, Philadelphia. OHIO. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. C. W. Carroll, 48 Brookfield St., Cleveland. Secretary--Mrs. J. W. Moore, 515 The Ellington, Cleveland. Treasurer--Mrs. G. B. Brown, 2116 Warren St., Toledo. INDIANA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. W. A. Bell, 223 Broadway, Indianapolis. Secretary--Mrs. D. F. Coe, Elkhart. Treasurer--Mrs. A. H. Ball, Anderson. ILLINOIS. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Isaac Claffin, Lombard. Secretary--Mrs. A. O. Whitcomb, 463 Irving Ave., Chicago. Treasurer--Mrs. L. A. Field, Wilmette. MISSOURI. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Henry Hopkins, 916 Holmes St., Kansas City. Secretary--Mrs. E. C. Ellis, 2456 Tracy Ave., Kansas City. Treasurer--Mrs. K. L. Mills, 1526 Wabash Ave., Kansas City. IOWA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. L. F. Berry, Ottumwa. Secretary--Mrs. H. H. Robbins, Grinnell. Treasurer--Miss Belle L. Bentley, West Grand Ave., Des Moines. MICHIGAN. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Isaac Platt Powell, 76 Jefferson Ave., Grand Rapids. Secretary--Mrs. E. N. Thorne, 212 S. Union St., Grand Rapids. Treasurer--Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Greenville. WISCONSIN. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. E. G. Updike, Madison. Secretary--Mrs. A. O. Wright, Madison. Treasurer--Mrs. L. E. Smith, 140 Gorham St., Madison. MINNESOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Miss Katherine W. Nichols, 230 East Ninth St., St. Paul. Secretary--Mrs. A. P. Lyon, Minneapolis. Treasurer--Mrs. M. W. Skinner, Northfield. NORTH DAKOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. M. M. Lander, Wahpeton. Secretary--Mrs. Silas Daggett, Harwood. Treasurer--Mrs. J. M. Fisher, Fargo. SOUTH DAKOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. C. E. Corry, Columbia. Secretary--Mrs. B. H. Burtt, Huron. Treasurer--Mrs. F. M. Wilcox, Huron. BLACK HILLS, SOUTH DAKOTA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. J. B. Gossage, Rapid City. Secretary--Mrs. C. W. Brown, Rapid City. Treasurer--Mrs. S. Cushman, Deadwood. NEBRASKA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. D. B. Perry, Crete. Secretary--Mrs. H. Brose, 2904 Q St., Lincoln. Treasurer--Mrs. Charlotte C. Hall, C St., Lincoln. KANSAS. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. F. E. Storrs, Topeka. Secretary--Mrs. J. C. Caldwell, 802 West Twelfth St., Topeka. Treasurer--Mrs. E. C. Read, Parsons. COLORADO. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. E. R. Drake, 2739 Lafayette St., Denver. Secretary--Mrs. Chas. Westley, Box 508, Denver. Treasurer--Mrs. B. C. Valentine, Highlands. WYOMING. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. P. F. Powelson, Cheyenne. Secretary--Mrs. J. A. Riner, Cheyenne. Treasurer--Mrs. J. M. Brown, Wheatland. MONTANA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Victor F. Clark, Livingston. Secretary--Mrs. H. J. Miller, Livingston. Treasurer--Mrs. W. S. Bell, Helena. IDAHO. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. R. B. Wright, Boise. Secretary--Mrs. C. E. Mason, Challis. Treasurer--Mrs. G. L. Cole, Mountain House. WASHINGTON. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. A. J. Bailey, 1614 Second Ave., Seattle. Secretary--Mrs. W. C. Wheeler, 424 South K St., Tacoma. Treasurer--Mrs. J. W. George, 620 Fourth St., Seattle. OREGON. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. F. Eggert, The Hill, Portland. Secretary--Mrs. D. D. Clarke, 447 N. E. Twelfth St., Portland. Treasurer--Mrs. C. F. Clapp, Forest Grove. CALIFORNIA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. E. S. Williams, Saratoga. Secretary--Mrs. F. B. Perkins, 546 24th St., Oakland. Treasurer--Mrs. J. M. Haven, 1329 Harrison St., Oakland. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Warren F. Day, 253 S. Hope St., Los Angeles. Secretary--Mrs. W. J. Washburn, 1900 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles. Treasurer--Mrs. Mary M. Smith, Public Library, Riverside. NEVADA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. L. J. Flint, Reno. Secretary--Miss Margaret N. Magill, Reno. Treasurer--Miss Mary Clow, Reno. UTAH (including Southern Idaho). WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Clarence T. Brown, Salt Lake City, Utah. Secretary--Mrs. W. S. Hawkes, 135 Sixth St., E., Salt Lake City, Utah. Treasurer--Mrs. Dana W. Bartlett, Salt Lake City, Utah. Secretary for Idaho--Mrs. Oscar Sonnenkalb, Pocatello, Idaho. NEW MEXICO. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. E. H. Ashmun, Albuquerque. Secretary--Mrs. F. A. Burlingame, Albuquerque. Treasurer--Mrs. M. McClusky, Albuquerque. OKLAHOMA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. J. H. Parker, Kingfisher. Secretary--Mrs. L. E. Kimball, Guthrie. Treasurer--Mrs. L. S. Childs, Choctaw City. INDIAN TERRITORY. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. John McCarthy, Vinita. Secretary--Mrs. Fayette Hurd, Vinita. Treasurer--Mrs. R. M. Swain, Vinita. NORTH CAROLINA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. S. S. Sevier, Greensboro. Secretary and Treasurer--Miss A. E. Farrington, Oaks. GEORGIA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. H. B. Wey, 253 Forest Ave., Atlanta. Secretary--Mrs. H. A. Kellam, Atlanta. Treasurer--Miss Virginia Holmes, Barnesville. FLORIDA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. S. F. Gale, Jacksonville. Secretary--Mrs. Nathan Barrows, Winter Park. Treasurer--Mrs. W. D. Brown, Interlachen. ALABAMA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. M. A. Dillard, Selma. Secretary--Miss E. M. Landfear, Talladega. Treasurer--Mrs. E. C. Silsby, Talladega. TENNESSEE, KENTUCKY AND ARKANSAS. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION OF THE TENNESSEE ASSOCIATION. President--Mrs. G. W. Moore, Box 8, Fisk Univ., Nashville. Secretary--Miss Mary L. Corpier, Florence, Ala. Treasurer--Mrs. J. C. Napier, 514 Capitol Square, Nashville. MISSISSIPPI. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. Secretary--Miss Edith M. Hall, Tougaloo Univ., Tougaloo. Treasurer--Mrs. L. H. Turner, 3012 12th St., Meridian. LOUISIANA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. L. St. J. Hitchcock, 2436 Canal St., New Orleans. Secretary--Mrs. Matilda W. Cabrère, New Orleans. Treasurer--Miss Mary L. Rogers, Straight Univ., New Orleans. TEXAS. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. J. M. Wendelkin, Dallas. Secretary--Mrs. H. Burt, Lock Box 563, Dallas, Treasurer--Mrs. C. I. Scofield, Dallas. FOOTNOTE: [G] While the W. H. M. A. appears in this list as a state body for Mass. and R. I., it has certain auxiliaries elsewhere. End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The American Missionary - Volume 52, No. 1, March, 1898, by Various *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK AMERICAN MISSIONARY - MARCH 1898 *** ***** This file should be named 25782-8.txt or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by Joshua Hutchinson and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by Cornell University Digital Collections) Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from public domain print editions means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. 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