Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi
Released: 1991
Published by: Origin Systems, Inc.
Developed by: Origin Systems, Inc.
Author(s): Chris Roberts, Ken Demarest III, Paul C. Isaac, Steve Muchow, John Miles, Herman Miller, Steve Beeman, Erin Roberts, Daniel Bourbonnais, Denis Loubet, Glen Johnson, George A. Sanger, Dave Govett, Marc Schaefgen, Warren Spector
MCGA/VGA (320x200 in 256 colours)
EGA (320x200 in 16 colours)
System Requirements
System Requirements | Intel 80286 12 MHz minimum (80386 16 MHz recommended and required for speech), 640 KB RAM (768 KB for Tandy) - 2 MB RAM recommended. Graphics support for EGA, VGA, MCGA. - Best graphics mode is MCGA/VGA, 320x200 in 256 colours. - Worst graphics mode is EGA, 320x200 in 16 colours. Audio support for Ad Lib, Game Blaster/Creative Music System, Sound Blaster and Roland MT-32/LAPC-I Keyboard, mouse and joystick supported. |
Original Media | Original Game: Eight 5.25" 1.2 MB floppy disks or
Seven 3.5" 1.44 MB floppy disks or
Fourteen 3.5" 720 KB floppy disks Special Operations Expansion: Two 3.5" 1.44 MB floppy disks. Special Operations 2 Expansion: Two 3.5" 1.44 MB floppy disks. Speech Accessory Pack Expansion: Three 3.5" 1.44 MB floppy disks. |
Installed Size | "Save Time" option: 13.77 MB (MCGA/VGA) or 9.96 MB (EGA) "Save Space" option: 9.63 MB (MCGA/VGA) or 9.96 MB (EGA) Special Operations 1 expansion adds between 2.3 MB and 3 MB. |
The second in the Wing Commander series arrived in 1991. Using the same game engine as the original game, it continues the story with the destruction of the Tigers Claw in the intro sequence, and you are blamed for its loss. With all-new spaceships on both sides (you're now in a different sector of the galaxy), WC2 is an excellent extension to the original.
It uses the same graphics engine, however WC2 also got a 'Speech Accessory Pack' in 1992 which further enhanced the game with both Kilrathi and Confederate voice acting. Without this, the only speech in the game was in the intro sequence.
Like the original, several expansion packs were also released, including Special Operations 1 and 2. Both of these add 20 new missions each, with a full storyline to the main game.
Game Audio/Video
To listen to the game's audio samples, you have two choices. (1) Just click the 'Play' button on any of the samples, or (2) enable 'Sync Play' which allows you to compare audio from the various sound cards, keeping the time in sync between samples.
Sync Play
Audio loading, please wait...
Audio Samples from Intro
Game Introduction (VGA, Sound Blaster)
Game Introduction (EGA, MT-32) Special Operations 1 Introduction (VGA, MT-32/SB) Special Operations 1 Introduction (EGA, MT-32/SB) Special Operations 2 Introduction (VGA, MT-32/SB) |
From where can it be run?
It must be installed to a hard disk with a minimum of 14 MB of available space. The game comes on seven 3.5" high-density floppy disks (or eight 5.25 ones), or fourteen(!) low-density 3.5" disks. In all cases, run INSTALL.EXE from Disk 1 to begin the process.
If INSTALL shows a red screen for a split second then dumps you back to DOS with the message "error: #1, installation aborted by user", this is because the program scans your system for a sound card. If it finds one that is using an IRQ above 7 it will not continue - be sure your sound card configuration is using an IRQ 7 or below.
Note: If you are installing to a CF card using a CF-to-IDE adapter, installation and the 'converting files' process can take almost 30 minutes if you choose the 'Save Time' option with MCGA/VGA compared to around 8 minutes if you choose the 'Save Space' option.
1) Specify the drive to install the game to, followed by the directory:
2) Choose whether you want to save time or save space. Saving time unpacks all the files which takes up more hard disk space, but means the game elements will load more quickly during gameplay. Saving space keeps the files in their 'packed' form until the game needs to unpack them, which it then does dynamically during gameplay. Note that when installing the EGA version there is almost no difference in the hard disk usage between the two options.
3) Choose your graphics mode (note that you cannot change the graphics mode after installing the game!) and sound system:
4) Choose whether or not to hear speech and confirm your choices:
6) Based on your setup choice, the game then converts the installed files and finishes:
Expansion Pack InstallationsWC2 got three expansion packs: Special Operations 1, Special Operations 2, and the Speech Accessory Pack.
To install the SO1 add-on, insert Disk 1 and run INSTALL1.EXE.
To install the SO2 add-on, insert Disk 1 and run INSTALL2.EXE.
To install the SAP add-on, insert Disk 1 and run SPEECH.EXE.The installation process is similar for both SO expansions. The SAP is also similar but has no graphics options or 'Save Time/Space' option.
1) Select the location where your existing WC2 directory exists. If it cannot find the main game, you get an error:
2) Audio and graphics options (note that you *MUST* choose the same graphics mode for the expansion packs as what the main game is using!), and choose to save time (unpack files) or save space (keep files in their packed form):
4) Select speech installation or not, and confirm choices:
5) Installation then begins:
Once installed, you can run Special Operations 1 by running the file SO1.EXE. Unlike later games that seamlessly integrate the expansion pack into the main game, WC2 runs these separately.
Copy Protection
Wing Commander II does not have any copy protection.
How to Setup
As mentioned earlier, unlike most DOS games, WCII does not allow you to change the video adapter configuration after installation. However, you can change your audio configuration. To do so, run INSTALL.EXE after installing the game from the original disks:
1) Initial screen
2) Audio options and speech selection:
3) Confirm Selections and return to DOS:
The game's configuration is stored in a file called WC2.CFG. This is text-readable, and comprises just three settings which are [graphics choice] [sound/music choice] [intro speech]. Here are some examples:-
v = VGA, no sounde = EGA, no sound
v p = VGA, PC speaker
v a904 = VGA, Ad Lib or Sound Blaster music
v r = VGA, Roland MT-32 music
v a904 c25 = VGA, Ad Lib/Sound Blaster music, intro Speech (must have Sound Blaster or compatible for this)
v r c25 = VGA, Roland music, intro Speech (must have Sound Blaster or compatible for this)
If you attempt to change the 'v' to an 'e' to get into EGA mode when you have previously chosen MCGA/VGA during installation (or vice versa), you will get a message like 'Sorry, an error has occurred while allocating memory.', followed by ERR 6 PS-1 LB264142 FL0.
The main executable file, WC2.EXE has no command-line arguments - it reads the WC2.CFG file for its configuration settings.
Symptom: The game runs too fast (or too slow)!
Cause: Unfortunately, Wing Commander 1 and 2 are both very speed-sensitive, so they don't run well on systems they were not designed for. At the time of WC2's release in 1991, the fastest system was a 486-25, but many users were still running 286 and 386 systems. The game is ideal for a fast 386, such as a 386DX-33. Despite the game box stating minimum system requirements of a 286 12+ MHz, this is not a nice way to play the game, nor is running it on a 486 unless you slow it down.
Resolution: Slow down your PC either by pressing the Turbo button on the front, or try going into the BIOS and disable your external L2 cache or internal L1 cache (486 CPUs only). You can also change the number of "frame delays" in-game using the Ctrl + and Ctrl - keys. This has a profound effect on the speed of the game, but is less than ideal as the game is basically dropping frames.
Symptom: I do not hear any sound, or I get music but no speech during the intro sequence.
Cause: The only speech in the standard game is when the Kilrathi speak in the intro sequence - after that point, it's all subtitled. Also, this speech will only be heard if you have chosen "Sound Blaster" as your audio option. Check your sound card's DIAGNOSE or other test utility and confirm you are hearing audio with your current Base Address, IRQ and DMA settings. If this is all good, verify you have sufficient memory for the game configuration you have chosen: the game can run with as little as 640 KB of memory in your system (with no sound), or make use of up to 2 MB of expanded memory. It is the base (conventional) memory that is important when it comes to sound.
Resolution: The original game came with a warning pamphlet. On the back of this was a memory requirements chart:
Run the DOS "mem" command to see how much free conventional memory you have. If it is not enough for your configuration, change your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to ensure you do have enough. For speech, also confirm you are running an Expanded Memory Manager such as EMM386, QEMM, 386Max or other, and ensure it is configuring your high memory to be EMS, not XMS. Again, "mem" will tell you whether your high memory is being treated as XMS or EMS.
Symptom: The intro sequence's speech stops soon after it begins.
Cause: This is usually caused by an IRQ conflict on your sound card.
Resolution: Check your sound card's configuration and try setting it to use a different IRQ (must be 7 or lower). If you have the original drivers for your sound card, run the test or diagnose utility to be sure you are getting audio output as expected. Then go back to WC2 and try again.
Symptom: The game aborts with message "MUSIC.MID #27 (PS-5853 LB-????????)".
Cause: This is usually caused by an IRQ conflict on your sound card. It can also be caused when running EMS on a machine with only 1 MB total memory.
Resolution: Check your sound card's configuration and try setting it to use a different IRQ (must be 7 or lower). 2 MB of memory are required to get the full audio and speech benefits from the game.
To Quit the Game
Press Alt-X at any time to return to the DOS prompt.
Supporting Documents
WARNING Pamphlet - Front Inside Rear - a quick guide to memory and startup files configuration.
Joan's Fighting Spacecraft 2664.128 - a publication included in the game box, listing all of the spacecraft you may come across in the Wing Commander universe, both Terran and Kilrathi.
Save Games
All save games are stored in a single file in the gamedata directory, called SAVEGAME.WC2.
Player characters, including their kill scores, can be transferred between the original game and Special Operations 1 or 2, so you don't have to lose your records when you complete the main game and move to the expansion packs.
Wing Commander 2 automatically saves your progress as you go through the game, and reloads it when you choose the 'Resume Current Game' option when you re-run the game. You can also manually save games by going to the barracks, clicking on the computer console and pressing 'S'. Click on an empty slot and enter a name up to 32 characters long to describe it). Then click on the On/Off button to return to the barracks.
To reload a game, do the same thing but press 'L' for load and then choose one of the slots to reload.
To delete a save game slot, do the same thing but press 'D' for delete, then choose the slot you wish to free up.
Additional Files, Drivers & Utilities
WINGHARD | Modifies WC1&2 ship damage values in order to allow players to customize the difficulty just to their liking. Rather than making yourself invulnerable or killing enemy ships with the push of a button, you can carefully tweak everyone's armor values to balance the right amount of challenge and fun. As an extra bonus, you can adjust the radius of impact and increase or decrease how deadly the asteroids are. Created by Sheppard. |
Editing Info | Editing information for WC1, WC2 and Privateer. |
Versions of the game known to exist
Version | Date | Comments |
Demo | 1991 | A playable demo of Wing Commander II. |
1.0 | 1991 | Initial public release. |
WC2 Patch | 1991 | Revised executable for the game. Unsure what it fixes. |
Expansion | 1991 | Special Operations 1 - Following the victory at K'Tithrak Mang, some Kilrathi-occupied planets rebel. You are assigned to support them. Adds 20 new missions and 2 ships. |
SO1 Patch | 1991 | Patch for Special Operations 1. Corrects problems with the Auto-Pilot function with lengthy program delays. |
Expansion | 1991 | Special Operations 2 - The Kilrathi plot to steal the latest Confederate prototype fighter, the Morningstar. Adds 20 new missions. |
Expansion | 1991 | Speech Accessory Pack - adds speech to all in-flight communications, both with Terran and Kilrathi, as well as several key cut scenes in the original game. |
Wing Commander II Deluxe Edition | 1992 | A CD-ROM release which includes all expansion packs: Special Operations 1 & 2, and the Speech Accessory Pack. |
4 Games in 1 | A CD-ROM compilation comprising Strike Commander, Syndicate Plus, Ultima VIII - Pagan, and Wing Commander II |
Original Floppy Disk Contents
All the main game's floppy disks have the same volume label, such as 'WC2 VF4_00'. I presume this denotes the game language and version.
Installed Directory Contents
Once installed, the following directory structure exists in the game directory (main game only - no expansion packs installed):
Directory of D:\GAMES\WING2 . <DIR> 11-09-21 4:54p .. <DIR> 11-09-21 4:54p GAMEDAT <DIR> 10-16-20 12:29p INSTALL DAT 3,720 12-25-96 12:32a INSTALL EXE 67,178 12-25-96 12:32a INSTALL1 DAT 1,260 12-25-96 12:32a INSTALL1 EXE 70,800 12-25-96 12:32a INSTALL2 DAT 1,400 12-25-96 12:32a INSTALL2 EXE 134,504 12-25-96 12:32a PLAY-SO1 COM 2,585 12-25-96 12:32a PLAY-SO2 COM 2,585 12-25-96 12:32a PLAY-WC2 COM 3,389 12-25-96 12:32a README EXE 21,280 12-25-96 12:32a SO1 EXE 363,600 12-25-96 12:32a SO2 EXE 354,400 12-25-96 12:32a WC2 CFG 12 11-06-21 3:09p WC2 EXE 363,696 12-25-96 12:32a WINSTALL EXE 69,504 12-25-96 12:32a 18 file(s) 1,459,913 bytes Directory of D:\GAMES\WING2\GAMEDAT .<DIR> 10-16-20 12:29p .. <DIR> 10-16-20 12:29p ALTINT 001 105 12-25-96 12:32a ALTSHIPS 000 1,490 12-25-96 12:32a ALTSHIPS 001 3,219 12-25-96 12:32a ALTSHIPS 002 4,701 12-25-96 12:32a ARROW VGA 513 12-25-96 12:32a ARTDATA V00 493,538 12-25-96 12:32a ARTDATA V02 6,712 12-25-96 12:32a BLOWBY V00 16,523 12-25-96 12:32a BRIEF PAL 670 12-25-96 12:32a BRIEFING V00 82,922 12-25-96 12:32a BUTTONS V00 7,260 12-25-96 12:32a CAMP 000 1,706 12-25-96 12:32a CAMPAIGN S00 20,768 12-25-96 12:32a CAMPAIGN S01 11,037 12-25-96 12:32a CAMPAIGN S02 19,832 12-25-96 12:32a CLOSEUP V00 605,276 12-25-96 12:32a CLOSEUP V01 53,673 12-25-96 12:32a CLOSEUP V02 55,225 12-25-96 12:32a COCKPIT VGA 26,101 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S01 210,683 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S03 195,983 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S04 238,583 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S06 384,149 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S08 82,002 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S09 357,083 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S11 179,182 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S12 150,734 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S14 166,583 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S15 126,403 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S16 123,103 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S17 131,203 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S18 139,605 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S19 163,005 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S20 198,711 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S21 205,790 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S22 151,935 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S23 184,635 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S24 192,135 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S25 178,035 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S26 108,133 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S27 112,933 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S28 116,054 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S29 82,376 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S36 276,764 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC S37 129,237 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T01 465 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T03 449 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T04 537 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T06 773 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T08 490 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T09 545 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T11 519 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T12 342 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T14 468 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T15 570 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T16 602 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T17 579 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T18 496 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T19 511 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T20 654 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T21 655 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T22 341 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T23 349 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T24 348 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T25 337 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T26 284 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T27 271 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T28 271 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T29 233 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T36 613 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC T37 426 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC YOU 609 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC YU2 609 12-25-96 12:32a COMMUNIC YU3 609 12-25-96 12:32a CONTINUE VGA 12,172 12-25-96 12:32a DESPAIR V00 73,087 12-25-96 12:32a DIFFLEVL 000 112 12-25-96 12:32a DOCK V00 7,161 12-25-96 12:32a DOORS V00 184,545 12-25-96 12:32a EJECT V00 227,287 12-25-96 12:32a EST V20 7,594 12-25-96 12:32a EST V21 18,994 12-25-96 12:32a EST V22 17,002 12-25-96 12:32a FF V00 5,283 12-25-96 12:32a FIELD V00 18,865 12-25-96 12:32a FIELD V02 42,406 12-25-96 12:32a FONTS FNT 23,949 12-25-96 12:32a FUNER V00 39,881 12-25-96 12:32a FX 000 448 12-25-96 12:32a GAMEFLOW S00 4,144 12-25-96 12:32a GAMEFLOW S01 2,632 12-25-96 12:32a GAMEFLOW S02 4,580 12-25-96 12:32a HELMET V00 47,460 12-25-96 12:32a HELMET V20 2,125 12-25-96 12:32a HITDEMO V00 178,739 12-25-96 12:32a INCIDENT S00 190,086 12-25-96 12:32a INCIDENT S01 38,691 12-25-96 12:32a INCIDENT S02 54,672 12-25-96 12:32a INSULT EXE 31,350 12-25-96 12:32a INSULT2 EXE 32,794 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 001 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 003 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 004 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 006 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 009 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 011 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 012 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 014 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 022 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 023 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 024 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 025 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 028 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 029 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTEL 036 105 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 000 89 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 002 89 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 003 89 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 004 89 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 005 89 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 006 89 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 007 89 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 008 89 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 009 89 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 015 89 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 036 89 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 041 89 12-25-96 12:32a INTELSHP 050 89 12-25-96 12:32a JAZZRESC V00 134,976 12-25-96 12:32a KAMGOBYE V00 3,113 12-25-96 12:32a KISS V20 155,017 12-25-96 12:32a LAND V30 11,292 12-25-96 12:32a LAND V39 7,686 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V00 263,033 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V01 94,289 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V02 116,738 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V03 133,572 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V04 186,447 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V05 58,226 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V06 114,479 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V10 10,090 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V11 17,836 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V12 23,858 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V20 191,112 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V21 170,391 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V22 16,430 12-25-96 12:32a LANDGAME V29 12,587 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNCH V00 510,063 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNCH V20 4,415 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNCH V21 22,143 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNCH V30 7,269 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNCH V31 13,671 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNCH V32 13,671 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNCH V39 3,043 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V00 88,034 12-25-96 12:32a | LAUNGAME V01 29,500 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V02 28,509 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V03 46,541 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V04 47,732 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V05 9,617 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V06 16,615 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V07 42,021 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V08 18,565 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V11 13,229 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V12 10,632 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V20 29,956 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V21 15,003 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V22 26,956 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V23 30,316 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V24 12,866 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V29 12,587 12-25-96 12:32a LAUNGAME V39 12,552 12-25-96 12:32a LOGFILE TXT 139 12-25-96 12:32a LOGO V00 21,213 12-25-96 12:32a LOGO V01 4,982 12-25-96 12:32a LOGO V02 10,981 12-25-96 12:32a LOVE V00 165,240 12-25-96 12:32a MCSPARK V00 159,097 12-25-96 12:32a MEDIUM V00 336,657 12-25-96 12:32a MEDIUM V01 23,094 12-25-96 12:32a MEDIUM V02 31,997 12-25-96 12:32a MEM $$$ 954 11-06-21 3:10p MESSAGE V00 122 12-25-96 12:32a MIDBACK V00 61,322 12-25-96 12:32a MIDBACK V01 9,465 12-25-96 12:32a MIDBACK V02 12,415 12-25-96 12:32a MIDFACE V00 83,811 12-25-96 12:32a MIDFACE V01 19,224 12-25-96 12:32a MIDFACE V02 35,048 12-25-96 12:32a MIDGAME V00 339,560 12-25-96 12:32a MIDGAME V02 90,264 12-25-96 12:32a MIDGAME V03 87,113 12-25-96 12:32a MIDGAME V08 206,276 12-25-96 12:32a MIDXFACE V00 18,604 12-25-96 12:32a MISSILE V00 11,637 12-25-96 12:32a MISSILE V01 10,660 12-25-96 12:32a MODULE 000 177,824 12-25-96 12:32a MODULE 001 45,295 12-25-96 12:32a MODULE 002 177,824 12-25-96 12:32a MURDER V00 236,266 12-25-96 12:32a MUSIC A00 262,797 12-25-96 12:32a MUSIC A01 8,652 12-25-96 12:32a MUSIC A02 12,779 12-25-96 12:32a MUSIC R00 351,037 12-25-96 12:32a MUSIC R01 10,404 12-25-96 12:32a MUSIC R02 15,377 12-25-96 12:32a NIVL V00 82,834 12-25-96 12:32a NUKE VGA 36,611 12-25-96 12:32a OBJECTS VGA 235,858 12-25-96 12:32a OPTIONS V00 159,736 12-25-96 12:32a PALCOMM S08 14,874 12-25-96 12:32a PALCOMM S28 14,874 12-25-96 12:32a PALCOMM T08 188 12-25-96 12:32a PCSHIP V00 114,089 12-25-96 12:32a PCSHIP V01 103,366 12-25-96 12:32a PCSHIP V02 125,901 12-25-96 12:32a PCSHIP V03 109,256 12-25-96 12:32a PCSHIP V04 118,473 12-25-96 12:32a PCSHIP V15 114,282 12-25-96 12:32a PCSHIP V41 101,551 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V00 48,195 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V01 33,577 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V02 44,418 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V03 70,707 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V04 38,033 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V05 38,873 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V06 46,262 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V07 27,963 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V08 45,486 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V09 38,214 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V10 35,437 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V11 33,003 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V12 54,577 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V13 56,507 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V14 40,005 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V15 34,930 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V16 64,511 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V17 45,924 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V20 8,286 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V21 15,460 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V22 48,206 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V30 38,741 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V31 44,674 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V32 40,391 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V33 40,836 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V38 15,460 12-25-96 12:32a PEOPLE V39 8,286 12-25-96 12:32a PICKUP V00 158,265 12-25-96 12:32a PILOTANM VGA 89,230 12-25-96 12:32a PLANETS V00 20,493 12-25-96 12:32a PLANETS V01 20,493 12-25-96 12:32a PLANETS V02 20,493 12-25-96 12:32a POKER V00 89,915 12-25-96 12:32a POWERDN V00 111,927 12-25-96 12:32a README DOC 2,227 12-25-96 12:32a REPBAY V00 70,838 12-25-96 12:32a REPBAY V01 22,721 12-25-96 12:32a RUN_ANIM V00 42,247 12-25-96 12:32a SCREENS V00 10,421 12-25-96 12:32a SCREENS V01 3,227 12-25-96 12:32a SCREENS V02 2,441 12-25-96 12:32a SECTOR 000 6 12-25-96 12:32a SECTOR 002 5 12-25-96 12:32a SERIES S00 361,808 12-25-96 12:32a SERIES S01 156,568 12-25-96 12:32a SERIES S02 147,124 12-25-96 12:32a SHIP V00 78,820 12-25-96 12:32a SHIP V01 81,656 12-25-96 12:32a SHIP V02 90,059 12-25-96 12:32a SHIP V03 74,657 12-25-96 12:32a SHIP V04 77,046 12-25-96 12:32a SHIP V05 80,105 12-25-96 12:32a SHIP V06 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273,904 12-25-96 12:32a SPEECH S21 133,685 12-25-96 12:32a SPEECH S22 24,456 12-25-96 12:32a STARS 000 520 12-25-96 12:32a STARTGLB 000 1,538 12-25-96 12:32a STARTGLB 001 1,538 12-25-96 12:32a STARTGLB 002 1,538 12-25-96 12:32a STATIC V30 2,073 12-25-96 12:32a STRAIGHT V00 52,589 12-25-96 12:32a STRAX DRV 6,462 12-25-96 12:32a SUPERTM DRV 87,198 12-25-96 12:32a TEMPGLOB 000 1,538 11-06-21 3:12p TEMPGLOB 002 1,538 12-25-96 12:32a TIGER V00 507,501 12-25-96 12:32a TITLE VGA 122,793 12-25-96 12:32a TITLES V00 11,000 12-25-96 12:32a TM DRV 28,337 12-25-96 12:32a TOAST V99 214,069 12-25-96 12:32a TOSS V20 6,607 12-25-96 12:32a TRESC V00 133,746 12-25-96 12:32a VDU V00 194,550 12-25-96 12:32a VDU V01 32,780 12-25-96 12:32a VDU V02 38,068 12-25-96 12:32a WC2LOGO VGA 71,719 12-25-96 12:32a WC2PAL 1,024 12-25-96 12:32a WING2 TIM 21,865 12-25-96 12:32a WINGMAN V00 34,522 12-25-96 12:32a WORMHOLE V01 12,632 12-25-96 12:32a XHT V00 9,814 12-25-96 12:32a YAHOO V00 377,984 12-25-96 12:32a 334 file(s) 25,810,285 bytes Total files listed: 352 file(s) 27,270,198 bytes |