DOS Days

Railroad Tycoon

Released: 1990
Published by: MicroProse Software
Developed by: MPS Labs
Author(s): Sid Meier, Bruce Campbell Shelley, Max D. Remington III, Michael Haire, Ken Lagace, Jim McConkey, Jeffery L. Briggs

System Requirements

System Requirements Intel 8088 or 8086 CPU. 512 KB RAM required (640 KB for VGA).
Graphics support for CGA, EGA, MCGA, Tandy/PCjr or VGA graphics.
Audio support for PC speaker, Ad Lib, Tandy DAC, Tandy/PCjr or Roland MT-32.
Keyboard and Mouse supported.
Original Media Three 5.25" 360 KB (DS/DD) or Two 3.5" 720 KB (DS/DD) floppy disks.
Installed Size 986 KB

From where can it be run?

The game can be played from floppy, but is recommended to be installed to your hard disk. If you have a high-density 3.5" floppy drive and no hard disk you may copy the disks to one floppy.

2.7 MB of free space is required for hard disk installation. The first disk comes with 2 batch files called INSTALLC.BAT and INSTALLD.BAT which can be used to copy the product to either your C: or D: drive. The default folder will be \MPS\RAILS on the drive you choose.

Copy Protection

Railroad Tycoon has manual copy protection. After the game intro, you will be asked to identify a locomotive that is shown. These images are found in the game manual.

How to Setup

To configure the game for your hardware, simply run civ.bat. You will be presented with setup options before the game is started:

1) Choose video:

Note: VGA and MCGA options are *not* in 256 colours in this game - they are the same as EGA, in 16 colours.

2) Choose audio:

3) Choose input device:




Symptom: ?
Cause: ?
Resolution: ?


To Quit the Game


Supporting Documents


Save Games


Versions of the game known to exist

Version Date Comments
455.00 1990 Initial public release.

Original Floppy Disk Contents

The floppy disks have volume labels that denote the minor version of the game.

Disk 1 of 3 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD): "Disk A"

.              <DIR>            06-05-2021 11:50
..             <DIR>            06-05-2021  8:11



Disk 2 of 3 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD): "Disk B"

.              <DIR>            06-05-2021 11:50
..             <DIR>            06-05-2021  8:11



Disk 3 of 3 (5.25" 360 KB DS/DD): "Disk C"

.              <DIR>            06-05-2021 11:50
..             <DIR>            06-05-2021  8:11



Disk 1 of 2 (3.5" 720 KB DS/DD): "Disk A"

.              <DIR>            06-05-2021 11:50
..             <DIR>            06-05-2021  8:11

Disk 2 of 2 (3.5" 720 KB DS/DD): "Disk B"

.              <DIR>            06-05-2021 11:50
..             <DIR>            06-05-2021  8:11

Installed Directory Contents

Once installed, the following directory structure exists in the game directory.

Game version 474.03.

Directory of C:\GAMES\RAILS
.            <DIR>         03/05/21   16:04
..           <DIR>         03/05/21   16:04
ADVERT   PIC         8,905 25/12/96    0:32   <== Other MicroProse games advert pic
ASOUND   RR         11,494 25/12/96    0:32   <== Ad Lib sound file
BRITAIN  PIC         6,640 25/12/96    0:32   <== Britain map pic
CITIES0  DTA         2,000 25/12/96    0:32
CITIES1  DTA         2,000 25/12/96    0:32
CITIES2  DTA         2,000 25/12/96    0:32
CITIES3  DTA         2,000 25/12/96    0:32
CGRAPHIC EXE         9,428 25/12/96    0:32   ===|
CLOCOS   DTA           420 25/12/96    0:32      |
CLOCOS   PIC         9,233 25/12/96    0:32      |
CLOCOSM  PIC         9,527 25/12/96    0:32      |== CGA graphic files
CSPCGA   PIC        11,085 25/12/96    0:32      |
CSPRITES PIC        13,282 25/12/96    0:32   ===|
COUNCIL  PIC         8,425 25/12/96    0:32
CREDITS2 PIC         7,022 25/12/96    0:32
DIFFS    PIC        10,544 25/12/96    0:32
DIFFSP   PIC         9,031 25/12/96    0:32
EASTUS   PIC         8,722 25/12/96    0:32   <== Eastern United States map pic
EGRAPHIC EXE        10,390 25/12/96    0:32   ===|
ELOCOS   DTA           420 25/12/96    0:32      |
ELOCOS   PIC         9,560 25/12/96    0:32      |
ELOCOS0  PIC         3,862 25/12/96    0:32      |
ELOCOS1  PIC         5,263 25/12/96    0:32      |
ELOCOS2  PIC         5,240 25/12/96    0:32      |== EGA graphic files
ELOCOS3  PIC         4,625 25/12/96    0:32      |
ELOCOSM  PIC         9,972 25/12/96    0:32      |
ESPCGA   PIC        10,909 25/12/96    0:32      |
ESPRITES PIC        12,934 25/12/96    0:32      |
ESTATION PIC         6,643 25/12/96    0:32   ===|
ENGFLDM  PAN        41,824 25/12/96    0:32
ENGINES  TXT         4,074 25/12/96    0:32
EUROPE   PIC        10,983 25/12/96    0:32   <== Europe map pic
FACES    PIC         8,332 25/12/96    0:32
FAME     DTA           408 25/12/96    0:32
FLOODM   PAN        38,408 25/12/96    0:32
FONTS    RR         10,137 25/12/96    0:32   <== Fonts file for in-game text
GAME     EXE       197,182 25/12/96    0:32   <== Main game executable
INSTALLC BAT         1,203 25/12/96    0:32   <== Installation batch file for C:
INSTALLD BAT         1,213 25/12/96    0:32   <== Installation batch file for D:
IRONM    PAN        25,390 25/12/96    0:32   <== Iron bridge pic
ISOUND   RR4           273 25/12/96    0:32   <== PC Speaker sound file
LABS     PIC         2,263 25/12/96    0:32   <== "MPS Labs" pic
LOCOS    PIC        10,796 25/12/96    0:32
LOCOS0   PIC         4,330 25/12/96    0:32
LOCOS1   PIC         6,317 25/12/96    0:32
LOCOS2   PIC         5,659 25/12/96    0:32
LOCOSM   PIC        11,132 25/12/96    0:32
LOGO     PIC         1,712 25/12/96    0:32   <== "MicroProse" pic
MGRAPHIC EXE         6,756 25/12/96    0:32   <== MCGA graphic file
MISC     EXE           980 25/12/96    0:32
PAGE0    PIC         9,782 25/12/96    0:32
PAGE1    PIC        10,353 25/12/96    0:32
PAGE2    PIC        10,880 25/12/96    0:32
PAGE3    PIC        12,368 25/12/96    0:32
PAGE4    PIC        10,709 25/12/96    0:32
PAGE5    PIC        10,383 25/12/96    0:32
PAGE6    PIC         7,791 25/12/96    0:32
PAGE7    PIC         8,904 25/12/96    0:32
PAGE8    PIC         8,223 25/12/96    0:32
PAGE9    PIC        10,462 25/12/96    0:32
RAILS    BAT            26 25/12/96    0:32   <== Run the game with this batch file
RAILSC   BAT            47 25/12/96    0:32   <== Installation batch file for C:
RAILSD   BAT            47 25/12/96    0:32   <== Installation batch file for D:
RAILTYC  DOX        30,910 25/12/96    0:32
README   DOC         2,362 25/12/96    0:32
RR0      MAP        13,022 25/12/96    0:32   ===|
RR1      MAP        15,056 25/12/96    0:32      |
RR2      MAP        14,924 25/12/96    0:32      |== Game maps (Europe, W.USA, etc)
RR3      MAP        14,939 25/12/96    0:32      |
RR4      MAP        13,035 25/12/96    0:32   ===|
RSOUND   RR         12,489 25/12/96    0:32   <== Roland sound file
SPCGA    PIC        11,495 25/12/96    0:32
SPRITES  PIC        13,579 25/12/96    0:32
STATION  PIC         7,069 25/12/96    0:32
TGRAPHIC EXE         8,852 25/12/96    0:32   <== Tandy graphic file
TITLE    PIC         8,100 25/12/96    0:32
TITLEM   PAN        37,626 25/12/96    0:32
TRACKS   PIC         6,034 25/12/96    0:32
TRACKSC  PIC         5,691 25/12/96    0:32
TSOUND   RR8           120 25/12/96    0:32   <== Tandy sound file
WESTUS   PIC         9,531 25/12/96    0:32   <== Western United States map pic
WOOD2    PAN        27,502 25/12/96    0:32   <== Wooden bridge pic
WRECKM   PAN        40,462 25/12/96    0:32
XSOUND   RR          4,273 25/12/96    0:32   <== Sound Blaster sound file
    87 file(s)      1,009,994 bytes